it FRIALS Br. iT i. ' , WEATHER Partly cloudy and mild with an expected' high of 65. HOHIZO N Thi Editor a cm &n Pg Two. VOL. LVII NO. 160 Complete tP) Wire Servtct CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA. SATURDAY. APRIL 6, 1957 v Offices in Graham liemorial FOUf PACES THIS XZZU A) 1 S i acisrn Hindering ropagahda rig Making progress against Soviet propaganda is rendered all the more difficult for the free world because of the presence of racism, it was" declared here Friday night by Professor George Catlin of Mc- Gill University in Montreal, Cana da. Catlin made the statement in delivering the second 1957 Weil Lectures at 8:30 p.m. in Carroll Hall. His topic was "Can We Co Exist with Colonialism. Imperial ism, Racialism and Sovietism?" Segregation has been called by Bishop Jennard of Louisiana as a "unAmerican. unCatholic and un ChriF.tiio," and Catlin declared he believes that position is the correct one. Comparing the struggle for in dependence in South Africa with struggles for fr?edom and democ racy in other nations, Catlin said it is true imperialism called the tune in many places in Africa. But he added "racism was no bocks, the most prominent of less a test for our civilization." which is "The Science and Meth The west and the free world ods of Politics." f t - H- 1 William Lee Eallenger (right) " . . . the big experiment Theory Said Disproved The Phvsics Dept. Kere conclud ed an experiment yesterday de disprove a ded physic- signed to prove or theory held by self-styled phy ist Lee Ballenger. recent visitor to the UNC campus. Dr. E. D. Palmatier, chairman of the Physics Dept., indicated in an interview yesterday that the Dept. had conclusively disproved Ballenger's theory. "He (Ballenger) violated two major laws of physics," Dr. Pal matier pointed out. "There were (1) the Conservation of Energy and (2) the Conservation of Ang ular Momentum." "Mr. Ballenger claimed as a prediction of his theory that two spherical magnets, constructed so hat the center of each was a cn.ith nnle and the surface of each a north pole, would rotate around one another if brought into close contact. Members of the Physics Dept. Editorship Of Quarterly Open Fcr Applications Qualified students, either grad uate or undergraduate, who are interested in applying for the ed itorship of the Carolina Quarter ly, UNC literary magazine, for the coming year have beertf ask ed to see Miss Jessie Rehder of the English Dept. in 109 Bingham Hall. Those not being able to person ally see Miss Rehder have been asked to send a letter of applica- tion to the Quarterly Advisory Board, in. care of Miss Rehder, be fore April 29. The new editor is not required to come from the present staff, according to ah announcement, but should ba somewhat familiar j with publishing procedure and should be prepared to work on J the last stages of the Spring issue ' for this year. ht must ' be s?lf-eritical because in the "war of ideas" the position of the west must be set forth with clarity and without ambiguity, Catlin said. "No headway can be made against Soviet propaganda in South Africa unless all species of ; the Nazi race theory which dis- j figures South Africa can be dis- j carded and all people are, made to feel that their contributions are a part of a common enterprise of freedom." Catlin will speak tonight ,on ' The C:mmonwealth of Free Na t'ons and Its L?aders." The final lecture will be given at 8:30 p.m. ! in Carroll Hall. An honor graduate of Oxford, Catlin won a fellowship to Corn ell University in 1923-24 and re- l mained there on the faculty until 1935. i He has written a number of .. - suggested he construction of an experiment utilizing a flat, circu- lar. cylindrical magnet to prove or disprove Ballenger's theory. Bal- lenger agreed to the experiment 1 which was conducted yesterday, j The legislature will also dis According to Dr. Palmatier, Bal- cuss sudent government for 1957 lenger's prediction was that these 58, according to Miss Jennie Mar bodies would rotate around a garet Meador, secretary. She urged vertical axis. t all members to be present. ' The Finance Committee of the "No one saw any rotation or . . . iu u u student legislature will meet Mon- movement other than that caused . , by the torsion of the string,!' Dr. Palmatier said. "Newton would have predicted the result," he add ed. in . reply to the results of the experiment, Ballenger said, experiment was, in my opinion, not conclusive. I will continue to believe in it until .another trial is made with spheres." t i 111 III 'V? A, H ( Li Stars of Petite Dramatique Presentation Tha newly-formed Petites Dramatique dramatic organization will stars, Miss Page Williams, graduate student from Ft. Thomas, Ky. and present its. first production, "Caligula," here tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Lloyd Skinner, senior from Burlington. The play is about the story of the main lounge of Graham Memorial. Shown above are the tw main the Roman emperor Caligula. . ! : ; 1 . ' Liber mi Arts- Courses Critics zed; Fleece Tapping To Be Staged Monday At 7 Carolina's highest honorary or ganizations will stage their an nual colorful performance next Monday. Th? Order of the Golden Fleece, highest men's honorary, will tap new members in Memor ial Hall at 7 p.m.. The .Valkyries, coed honorary, will hold its an nual sing immediately afterward. Fleece tappings are held in near uui Rmoo, HUH UlUJf UiC llglll 1IUHI two spotlights sweeping th.e au dience. Two hooded and robed : monsters roam the aisles and 1 neats, snatching up the new init iates. V The Valkyrie Sing is sponsored by the coed organization for all organizations on the campus. Groups enter1 original songs and skits in the contest. Winners will receive trophies. Both organizations will hold their performances on the stage of Memorial Hall. Doors will be locked at 7 p.m. for the Fleece tapping, instead of 7:30 p.m. as anno. teed : elsewhere, according to a spokesman for the Fleece. The ceremony is scheduled to star shortly afterwards, said the j spokesman. ' ... . ,"l'.u' I ' The Fleece taps men from any j Graham Memorial Activities Bard and all phases of University life, for the academic year 1957-1958 regardless of field or year. Alum-; are now available at the Informa nt have been tapped, as well as tion desk of GM, according to Boar, faculty and administrative person-j Chairman Tob Lambeth, nel and students. . 4; , ,.,i f Special Session Of Legislature To Be Tuesday The Student Legislature will meet in a special session Tuesday , at 7:30 p.m. in Phi Hall to discuss. the $100,000 budget for next year day from 2-5 p.m. and Tuesday from 2-4 p.m. in the . Woodhouse Conference Room to consider the proposed student government bud- rrot trr- 1 Q7-ft , chairman, urged all people interest- e"d in the budget to either attend or send representatives to the meetings. r- V Lee 5 ays Ir roar am 1 Iiwust Li IDC Court Chairman Pictured above is Frank Brown, new Interdormirory Council Chairman. He was elected Wednesday night during the Interdorm- itory Council elections. ' . : Positions jNbw Open On GMAB: Lambeth Applications for positions, omjfte j j l IV Allvlld vail uk: arvuicu I yj L ' top offices, committee chairman I ships and committee membership;-, Lambeth said. He urged all inter ested students to pick up the ap plications and return them to the formation desk by Thursday, Ap-, ril 11 OFFICES Positions currently open are in presidential and vice-presidential itions Included among these of Vice president in charge of en- tertainment whose capacity will entail supervising next year's GM AB programming in tne field of Sound and Fury, sponsored plays, petite musicales and dramatiques, concerts, etc. Vice president of recreation who will handle supervision of weekend combos, Mardi Gras Weekend, ping-pong tournaments etc. Vice president in charge of .spe cial projects who will supervise special activities such as polls and f orums Other officers to be filled are those of the treasurer and sec retary. ... v J TV v : :1 . . ' '- .: '. : - .--;-.:'v' .--.:.- 3:' - : .... . . : i ' t v-- i "v l V : i 1: I I f ' I t j t f " t -! in-mint wwif im iiOMiiiiLujaajiL--u.. Comrnittee membership,., and ehatrmanship is-open in the music. dance, recreation, publicity, office , reception, polla-, Forum, Sound and Fury and -film programs, Lambeth indicated. TOP SIX The top six officers will be no minated by a selections board of the GM Board of Directors and el ected by the Board. Individual chairmanships will be decided by the newly elected pre sident of GMAB when he assumes his duties at the start of next month, Lambeth said. . He added all students are eligi ble for any of the-3 positions and (.urged everyone interested to se cure applications before next week. I - J T mite I Uneerieaaer I ryOUTS Frankie Black, newly - elected die Avenue in the south central ized," said Miss Aldridge. head cheerleader, announced Fri-, district. Arrested and booked on From the University Scholar day everyone interested in trying suspicion of murder are Clyde ship Committee will come a $250 out for cheerleader next year is Bates, 36, and Oscar S. Brenhaug, tuition scholarship for the Hun- invited to attend a meeting in Kenan Stadium Thursday at 3 p.m. Instruction will 'be given those interested from that time until after the spring vacation, Black said. -No previous experience is necessary, he added, and no one wm De aroppeu unin anei vacation. v ' - i IT 1 news Brief J5) Poland Gets Offer WASHINGTON (AP) The United States was reported Fri day night to have offered Com munist Poland economic aid amounting to about 75 million dollars. The purpose has been de fined by President Eisenhower as being to encourage a "trend" to independence in eastern Europe. The Chief of the Polish Eco nomic Mission here, Henryk Kot licki, said that an American offer had been made and that "we shall continue negotiations so we can J come to an agreement." Kotlicki would not disclose the size of pro- posed aid program, which would consist of credits for farm and mine machinery and provision for surplus farm commodities. Suez Crisis i WASHINGTON (AP) Is rael was reported Friday to have told the United States that Mid dle East fighting may flare up ; again if any Suez settlement fails ' to life the ban on Israeli shipping through the icarial. , '.', 1 Diplomatic sources disclosed this as bad weather foiled an at tempt by Secretary of State Dul- Ips tn flv tn Maw Vnrlr'fnr' a Mid-' , nsilIt.t,n "ifh ir-J Gefteral Dag Hammarskjold of the United Nations. tiunganan woman reiusee f student may soon come to Caro Human Torches .Jina as a coed, with the aid at the LOS ANGELES (AP) Police student Legislature. ; the corn- Friday staged a massive hunt for bined six women's sororities and two men who, full of hate and the University Scholarship Com booze, made human torches of five mittee. men and a woman quietly enjoy- Miss Jackie Aldridge, Hungarian ing themselves in a neighborhood Refugee Committee Chairman, bar. I said yesterday upon completion of Detectives say four men were thrown out of the bar last night for forcing their attentions on a woman patron. Two of them re- turned in a rage and touched off a flash fire that killed six and hos- pitalized three. The fire occurred at 11:40 p.m. Thursday night in ine -'luo ite-v:, 4uu:i Dorhood C0Cktail bar on Norman- 44, members of a signbord wreck ing crew. Flood Of Money BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (AP) Money literally gushed out of a three - block - long, rain - swollen storm sewer Friday and hundreds Qf persons Uned tne streets snatch ing up the soggy currency. Police Chief Murell Waddle said ; he could offer no explanation, and ! estimated upwards of $1,000 had been picked up. The most popular theory offered by townspeople was that heavy rains which had fallen since the first of the week flush ed out money that had been hid den away in the sewer. Postal Services WASHINGTON (AP) The House Appropriations Committee voted Friday to notify Postmaster General Summerfield he can count Lon at least 17 million dollars more to maintain full postal services through June 30. Summerfield wants 47 million. He had threatened to curtain some services drastically beginning to day unless the full amount was forthcoming from Congress. The House committee agreed yesterday to consider next Friday the extra 30 million dollars the Post Office Department says it has to have this year. But Chairman Cannon (D-Mo.) of the Appropriations Committee accused Summerfield of pulling "an unadultered bluff." "They'll deliver the mail," he told the House in a speech from the floor. 'lana " - . Probe Is Un For Possible Dean. Maurice W. Lee of the lTXC Hmiuess Adu. in ra tion -School Friday night challenged the liberal arts lac allies to "make the libera r.rts more liberal" than they are now. He told members of the ninth graduating class ol iiu Executive Program liberal arts courses "are neither liberal nor capable of giving an appreciation of the arts." Dean Lee said "They are not cultural courses, thev :ue often meaninglesslv repetitive anfl ,r ' they are often more fragmented and diluted than anything within - ' the imagination of earlier day " ' faculty members in business ad- l - ministration." Too much "how-to-do-it" tin . . ..... f A:- 7. 9 r id -, DEAN LEE ... liberal arts must change UNC Maf Havo Hungarian Coed Next Fall processing plans at Camp mer, NJ., for acceptance of a wo- man regugee at UNC, she will be- come a student here, probably next fall. rhe Hungarian Refugee Com- mittee has been diligently work- jng toward the goal of settling a Hungarian on xne Carolina camij- us. Now the goal is almost real- garian woman refugee. , Mis Aid ridge said she would live in a dormitory and her room-rent would be paid by the Student Legisla ture. Her board will be provided for by the women's sororities; she will eat for six weeks at each sorority. Miss Aldridge said "The Refugee Committee hopes that . . . our Car olina students will go out of their way to help her learn English . . . and to help her with little prob lems, such as finding her way i around this hiifp ramnns " The Campus Chest, the Chap- wmi ,.,i, on 1 Tlill rv-mmiinitv chiirrhfls. and : vw-n.4 ,ni 4V,Q Hn.i garian refugee with incidental ex penses, clothes allowance, 'and summer and vacation living quar- ters. Tho frrnntinfr nf the tuition scholarship . completed the Refu - ee committee s euoris on Committee's efforts on the project. The conditions of the scholarship are that (1) she can meet the admissions requirements for University entrance and (2) that ali her expenses have been foreseen and provided for. IN THE INFIRMARY Misses Sarah Parker, Roberta Chapin, Lucie Crossland and Ben ton Beard, Roy Cashion, John Tate, Edward Britt, James White, Richard Oresman, Jon Fitchett, Robert Sholze, Wally Kuralt, Jesse Ward, Arthur Schwerzer, Robert Rhoades and James Walker. j KsJJ jj li U t erwav Changes pnasis m tne education o men going into business, he said, is being replaced by insistence up on building a strong background in the arts and sciences as a pre liminary to professional business training. Dean Lee also disclosed a cur rent investigation here on the possibility of changing the educa tion system used for business stu dents. A proposal is now being ex plored with the College of Arts and Sciences to have business stu- Sfre page 3 for story cn pur poses of Executive Pre2rm. dents take three years of pre-f r -fessiona) education instead of t'.su before starting the intensive pro gram lea di n.9 t (he Master of .f;n -incss Administration ('. rtc. I The proposal m still m its ear j ly stages and has not come before the College at this time, accord ' ing to the Arts and Sciences dept. ;, Dean Lee said most schools of ! business administration in the j country are now insisting upon an ' approximate 50-50 division be j tween the two studies. 1 He' listed three things wroni : . i- u '.,..! t 4 wiiu me vocational concept ui business training in collegiate schools of" business: 1. College teaching would al ways be out of date. 2. No two business firms fol low identical methods. 3. The business firms can do a much better jcb than the uni versities can in teaching how to do a particular operation as the firm wants it done. "If the universities have noth ; ing better to offer than this vo cational training it would be well to withdraw their sources of fund. for such education." he said. Thi-s can be done "more cheaply and I better" by business firms. In order to strengthen and make more meaningful the busi nessman's background, he nui.-t ! have more and not less work in 1 the arts and sciences. Dean Lee said. He specified six areas of a 1 able pre-professional training: l. bociai sciences, mcuu.t economics, political sciences, oiuya nu economic ,eoupn. 2- Biological and physical sciences, meaning chemistry. logy and biological sciences. ' 3. Behavioral sciences or i thropology, sociology and psycho ! logy. 1 4. Humanities, including litera- 1 ure- usic. philosophy and th. 5. Quantitative subjects. in cluding mathematics, statistics, ac counting. 6. Communication arts, which means learning to write and speak so they can communicate effective ly their meaning to others. Dean Lee said the number f peopl? majoring in- business ad ministration will double in the next ten years. Graduate enroll ment will be even more spectacu lar, he said. GM'S SLATE Petite Dramatique, p.m., main lounge. 7:53-11

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