SATURDAY, APRIL .6, 195' Pita two THE DAILY TAR HEEL Uoon i he New Horizo Silhouettes Of Success? A new horizon, good or bad,, has dawned as we assume with grati tude and humility the editorship reins for the coming year. Whether there will be silhouttes of success or failure upon this horizon only time will tell. We can only be optimistic and hope for the best. . Candidates perennially direct an onslaught of promises "against -the electorate during any campaign. Following the tradition, we leveled our promise artillery on the student - 4 body. Our ammunition down to this: boiled We pledged you the best stu dent newspaper possible. We shall keep Our promise. At the same time, we" shall cast our editorial eye upon the other suc cessful candidates and expect them to do likewise. Should President Sonny Evans fill the tremendous shoes be queathed him by outgoing Presi dent Bob Young, we shall have no complaints in that area. Stu dent government will flourish and grow in statue. Should the student Legislature, as in the past assembly, take ac tion on a rexovI-bfeakingii umber of measures, we shall have only Ii'-idetory words, for it. Should the student judiciary branch follow the trail blaed by Student Council Chairman Luth-, er Hodges and Honor Council Chairmen Jim Exum and Miss Pat McQueen, we - shall offer only praises for it. Providing, of course, the two judiciary bodies as is con stitutionally stipulated" report their actions periodically to The Daily Tar Heel. Iiut there placency. is no Toom for conv .The new horizon always has dark shadows of apathy cast upon it, shadows lurking in wait for the unwary and uninterested. " The golden glow of success may dominate the horizon if student leaders assume their just responsi bility, if they assume the necessary initiative, if they fulllill their cam paign promises.' We shall anticipate success; we shall congratulate the successful; we shall not hesitate to criticize, nor shall we condone failure. A h Luucdi jon ror i ne ivtany: Figure Upon The Cross? When installation of the public schools system made education for the many a reality, it assuredly was a milestone toward advancing America's intellectual status. ' . ". Thinking men everywhere "re joiced exhuberantly that the ef fervescent drink learning had been offered to parched lips on a massive basis. - 4 (DM t t m 1 Now this trend have been re versed. It seems some-of"bur edu cators feel the effervescent drink should only be offered .to the in tellegentsia, whatever that, animal is. i The Daily Tar Heel - - '- The official jtudem publication of tbe Publications Board of the University of Korih Carolina, where it ix published 4al except Monday and examinatior nH vacation periods and summer terms Eotered as second class matter in th Boat office in Chapel Hill. N. C. undei the Act of March 8, 1870. Subscription rates: mailed. $4 per year. $2 50 a seme ter: delivered $6 year. S3 50 a me ter Editor - X " NEIL BASS Managing Editor CLARKE JONES Associate Editor nAncy hill Sports Editor BILL KING News Editor ....... WALT SCHRUNTEK Business Manager JOHN C. WHITAKER Advertisiz,-j Manager: FRED KATZIN EDITORIAL STAFF Woody Seart Joey Payne, Stan Shaw. NEWS STAFFGrajlain Snyder, Ed ith MacKinnon, Walteri Scbruntek, Pringle Pipkin, Bob Higiv Jim Purks, Ben Tay lor, JI. Joost Polsc Patsy Miller, Wal ly Kuralt, Bili-KInCurtis Crotty. So in response to the questions, should we' expand our educational facilities or should we make en trance requirements more string ent, educators have answered: Down with the proletariat! (An other vaque term) Let's educate the favored few, of which I am naturally a select member. It's the same - type- . sentiment which is evidenced -when a ,seJi" aniiointed God looks down his nose at "the man in the lower quad." , - So self-annointed Gods, to make themselves feel smug and secure, have assumed the head of the table to serve a Last Supper to mral children whose preparatory edu cation doesn't always put them on an equal plane with other pros pective college entrants, to youth everywhere who don't have the economic advantage of prep school training; The menu for this Last Supper is, inevitably, the coarse bread of ignorance and the purple wine of consolation consolation in the form of "trade schools" and "vo cational guidance." In short, we don't like the idea of stringent entrance requirements. We-don't think them fair. Education for the many, under them, sags prostrate upon the cross. Congrats For A Job Well Done BUSINESS STAFF John Minter, Marian Hobeck, Jane Patten, Johnny Whitaker. SPORTS STAFF: Dave Wible, Stu Bird, Ed Rowland, Jim Cownover. Subscription Manager Circulation Manager Assistant Sports Editor- Staff Photographers Norman Kantor Librarians Sue Gichner, Marilyn Strum Night Editor A young man from Raleigh who entered the portals of this Uni versity only last fall' has set an example which seasoned student leaders would do well to follow. This young man, with no pre vious experience, had chairman ship of the Elections Board thrust upon him abruptly. But Ik? ac cepted the task and did a laudable job. Those who witnessed the "dis crepancies" which occurred dur ing the election last fall, before Ralph Cummings took over, can only offer praises for his work. Congratulations for -a job Well , done to Chairman Cummings -and BUi-Weekes the entire Election Board. . Dale SUij Charlie Holt Bill King Woody Sears, YOU said it: Pi- I George: Laughable, A Hall: S till A C Para ole: enoir rusaoe Editor: Once -there were two islands ec me distance apart, one of which waj xnhabitied by brown monkeys' and the Other by white monkeys. The island of the brown monkeys was half barren dessert and half tropical swamp and there was no fit place to live in the whole of it. Consequently its inhabitants were rather backward and stunted in comparison to the white mon keys wrhose island was a large, fertile land upon which bananas grew in great profusion. As timf passed the white moo keep the brown monkeys in a low caste and to exclude , them from things Vthai were meant for de cent, that is to say white mon keys. :' Despite this, the brown mon keys produced many famous doc tors, artists, statesmen, scientists and athletes. But some of the white? protested that the whole island would be better off if the brown monkeys were granted full equality. It was 'pointed out that poor education, living conditions, moral standards and health had resulted from the supression, of "Who -Me?" V tired of hearing him scream and put him away in a nice safe place with a room full of brown dolls and a bucket of white wash where he could finish out his days in bliss and oblivion. Perhaps this is an odd parable, but then monkeys always were queer little beasts. Tom Parramore Editor: Congratulations to the Daily Tar Heel for printing Dr. George's article in its proper place in the paper along with Pogo and Fear jy'l I J C-rr ? f rr ;- i.- --- s ' . . . II - - .- V ski keys grew prosperous and leisure ly and began to dislike hard work even though their prosperity de pended upon it. At length some one suggested that the business of growing bananas was dirty work and might well be more sui tably delegated to the brown heat hens in the other island. A boat load of browTi monkeys was brought over and. it was found that indeed they worked well and were inexpensive to maintain. But not everyone agreed that they should be slaves and event ually a "war was fought and the slaves set free. But the owners of the banana trees -continued to the brown monkeys. About this time a great patriot, the "Snow-White Ape," clearly a superior being due to (he purity of his hue, arose to the defense of those who prdposed to main tain the status quo and proclaim ed that the brown monkeys were biologically inferior. After . all, were they not brown? He pointed out that if you allowed them all the privileges of the; white mon keys you would, soon have inter marriage and this would lead to a mongrol breed no better than custard colored. 72r less Fosdick. The three provide the same recreation; readable to kill time, light humor and to be read only as such .by. any intelli gent person. In his address Dr. George uses almost all the device? available to sway opinion by oral attempt. He appeals to religion, patriotism, parental protection, quotes out of context and uses incomplete sta tistics, providing the whole with a cloak of respectable scientific evaluation by use of his position with the University of North Carolina. After a time everybody jot The professor contends that through intermarriage and the re sulting offspring that we" will gra dually become a race of negroid 'peoples. Yet in the early-part ol his address he offers the fact that Negroes constitute only 10 per cent of the population. i He has the gall to submit to intelligent people that this 10 per cent will corrupt the blood lines of the other 90 percent and that in the corruption the negroid strain will predominate. It seems that mathematically the converse would be true. Through all the professor's rambling he has failed to offer any factual evidence to support his contention that the Negro is biologically inferior. What he ac tually does is to use the present undisputed shortcomings of the Negro as "proof" of his inferior ity. It is a sorry logic indeed which take- the results of segre gation as a reason for its contin uance. It seems that the professor's action is speaking before a gath ering of students and faculty of another university in such a ridi culous manner would certainly lower the -opinion of the Univer sity of North Carolina in the eyes of everyone hearing or reading the professor's address. AswPogo might say. "I can see how he can do it, but I can't see why he would want to do it." William M. Howell Editor: . On March 29 the following pa ragraph appeared in an article which a Lenoir student worker had written for The Dairy Tar Heel: "This obviously was means to vend icate himself with Len oir Hall management. This dip lomatic error by White could be the dealth knelt for our de mands which are practical and we 1 1 -meif1 ng . Since the publication of this article many people have asked me, "Is this true?" My answer to this question is a most emphatic, "No". It is immaterial if the man ager's opinion of me be unfavor able because I am supporting a movement for the betterment of Lenoir Student Workers. I have in the past expressed a desire for a change in the system of pay ment to Lenoir student workers, and I will nit under any circum stances stop efforts to help reach this gola. It will not be too long before someone will have to give in, and I may assure you that it will not be me nor any worker of Lenoir llalk We were restrained in our efforts ,a short rtime due to the unfavorable pressure -which Len oir Hall managers are so capable of exerting, but we will never stop until the demand? are met Our demands are most practical that the student workers at Len oir Hall receive compensation for their work. To these ends the crusade will continue, not only by Lenoir Hall workers, but -also by other inter ested students. Caleb White iftr I'il Abner By A! Capp DRAG HIM BACK, SO I CAM GET A WHACK AT HIM, BOVS kERCTI . r-7 CAN'T LET 'EM BUST V fOSCs'S MX AN' FOLLY MEL. FEARLESS.? r i 1- i SUNK TO TVE IjOWEST" &:m7fS.?'-fEffMrrAA5 THIS cheap urn-E CWMAJAL 70 SAVE MYAEJL.VJ Q i (3ur, ttusreE l J so V GRATE FUL..'.'-) j HAVE. THAMK VOU, P YGUr EZtO-OUVE FOSDICK.? GOT SOMETHING - PIKE IOJ Pogo ' ' .' r ' uess&eM AN7i&gTU 60.2 pfT "?tty 2J2 ABOUT TWO "TVKU THS OiTo OOOO n&QUO?A ws is ctoWN 60TTA &o ABOUT MY r&?UT -.-6 Mltfd-AT wouup tit- WOUUP 02. iw vsut.e ' rA V WOULD 7 (?) VMwlp By Waif Kelly tfje Tin v VISE AND OTHERWISE: Un Studenv Need New Oriel Whit Whitfield In recent months there has been much agita tion for a new student union building such as the Cow College students enjoy. A committee has worked diligently to this end, and both political parties have pledged their support for thL cause. I should like to state several reasons why we don't need a new union, for the benefit of students, administration, trustees, and members of the State Legislature who might be interested. Graham Memorial Activities Board doesn't need more office space. Mike Strong always doe- his best work on tiie table in the hall. The National Students Association doesn't need an office, because who knows what good they can do anyway. Why should the veep of the. student body have an office? The speaker's chair in Phi Hall should suffice. The Carolina Forum, Publications Board, NSA, Pan-Hellenic,' Valkyries, Grail, etc. are all very cozy in their cubicle, all 200 (?) square feet of it. The Orientation Committee is aL-o content with their 10'xlQ'. The Daily Tar Heel enjoys working in a crowded office. It makes for more intimate relations, con fusion, and errors. Why should we have more space for organization al meetings? The organizations are legion, but they have three Roland Parker Lounges in which to meet. Why have more space? I don't really think that students would enjoy a modern bowling alley, table tennis room, or mod ern pool (excuse me, billiards.) room. Carolina stu-' dent just don't have an interest in such ephemeral pursuits. (Besides that, it's always best to wait in line for a cue, your games means more that way.) Briefly, these are just a few of the many reasons why we don't need a new student union building. You can probably think of many more. Are We Gyped On State Vote The Franklin Press In a bridge game, if all the aces were given one player before the cards were dealth, there'd be an exchange of hard words among the ladies. If it were poker, the exchange probably would be of j-o me thing harder than words. Yet that is exactly trie way a large proportion of North Carolina's citizens are short-changed on their voting, every two years. For though the state senate is supposed to represent 'population alone, 65O,(X)0 North Carolinians elect almost twice as many mem- bers of the senate as another group of nearly a nil lioiu Six hundred fifty 'thousand -can but-votc a million, and by a margin of nearly two to one. The reason that is true is because the General Assembly "shall" re-allot 'senators, after each census, in line with population changes. If it were bridge or poker, there'd be a row. But, since it is merely citizenship rights. North Carolin ians take it with never a camplaint. WC Plans Dance For UNC Men Editor: April 6 should prove to be one of the most en joyable of the year. It is Consolidated University Day at Woman's- College, in Greensboro. The girls under the leadership of Mary Mahoncy, have planned a terrific chain of activities to enter tain ther guests. Each dormitory on W. C.'s campus will hold open house prior to a dance. At the same time, weather permitting, their band will be giving a concert on the lawn in the quad. The dance (in formal) will be held from 8:30-12 in the ballroom of Elliot Hall, at a price of 50 cents. The Consolidated University Student Council will meet at 2 p.m. in Elliot Hall. Ed Roi it TV P review: Baseball Anthony Wolff As a sneak preview of the major league baseball season, two exhibition games are being televLvd oday. On Channel 2 at 2:15 the Cleveland Indians take on the New York Giants; on Channel 5 fifteen minutes later, the Brooklj-n Dodgers meet the Mil waukee Braves. This evening at 8, Jackie Gleason returns to Channel 2 with more of the Kramdens and the Nor tons. Perry Como, on Channel 5 at the same hour, features UNC alumnus Jack PaJance, along with Teresa Brewer and the Stepp Brothers. The choice ij obvious, except to dyed-in-the-wool Cleason ad dicts. Mr. Palance and Miss Brewer need no intro duction; the Stepp Brothers are one of the finest dance teams around. Those interested in art, and particularly in sculp ture, will enjoy Channel 4's "Art and Artists" pres entation at 8 p.m. The subject, this evening is an analysis of Henry Moore and h'u work. 'At 8:30, Channel 4 continues its discussion cf Africa, tonight concentrating on South Africa and its history. The Sid Caesar show, on Channel. 5 at 9 p.m., promises more of the same routines which have carried Sid and crew through the past season. Many of hia programs have been pretty thin of late, but , the star himself is fun to watch. Tomorrow evening, Graham Mem&nal Otiigu-la."

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