i THS DAILY TAR Hit L PAGE TWO Four Years rnsufance: The Orient ation Program OpjKjrtunity unlimited. This aptly describes, we feel, the chance to serve our University in the orientation program. I.ducators generally agree that the best time to effectively impress matters upon the mind is durng its formulative state. Thus incoming freshmen should certainly be subjected fully and compresensively to the traditions of the Honor System the Camp us and Honor Codes. They should be super-saturated whh the working of this institu tion, both academically and from the standpoint of extra-curricti-lars. To provide this type of orienta tion, a large staff of interested and enthusiastic students must devote their time and effort as orienta tion counselors. ? According to men's orientation Chairman jerry Oppenheimer, he needs 250 applicants. As of Friday, only i5o or so applications had been filed in the student govern ment office in Graham Memorial. Consequently, 100 more Stu dents are needed to devote their invaluable service to the Univer sity. ....... There is hardly any better op portunity available to forward the standards of . honor and academic freedom for which this institution ostensibly stands. And what better insurance of four years success could be afford ed than an initial well planned and well operated week during which a newcomer can get off on the right foot. If you are proud of your Uni versity, serve it.5 Your service as a counselor to befuddled and bewildered fresh men is a service, in its own way, as large as that which the out standing chaches of Frank Mc Guire performed a week ago. WanftiSelfsSatisfaction? Try Ross's Complacency Wc grow or we'die. ' 1 - This is an okLdage which ap propriately fitvjhc present status f our instuuti(ti as we know, and Ioe it. '" The University has grown by leaps and bounds since its found ing in the twilight of the Eigh teenth Century. This growth we attribute pri m.uily to two reasons: (1) The foresight of outstand ing leaders like AVilliam R. Davie, surveyor-trustee for whom the Davie Poplar is named; first Presi- dent Joeph ,Caklvell, for whom Caldw ell Hall . i named; Samuel , K. MtCorkle, 'minister-fund raiser lor ivTioni McGorJcIe Pface, area defined by South, Building north ward to Franklin St., is named. (2) Freedom of ingress, the fact that University instruction was limited to no particular group The Daily Tar fleel The official jtuderit publication of tbe punhcations Board ol the University of North Carolina, where it is published daily except Monday and examination and vacation periods and summer terms Entered as second class matter in th. Dost office in Chape) Hill, N. C, undet the Act of March 1870. Subscription rates: mailed. $4 per", year. $2.50 a seme ter; delivered, $6 a itr, S3 50 a seme ter. ' Editor NEIL BASS Managing Editor w CLARKE JONES Associate Editor NANCY HILL Sports Editor . BILL KING News Editor WALT SCIIRUNTEK Business Manager. JOHN C. WHITAKER Advcrtisi:,' Manager ... FRED KATZIN EDITORIAL STAT Woody Sears, Joey Payne, Stan Shaw. . i4 : NEWS STAFF Graham Snyder, Edith MacKinnon, Pringle Pipkin, Bob High, Ben Taylor, II. Joost Polak, Patsy Mill er, Wally Kuralt, Bill lung, Curtis Crotty.' BUSINESS STAFF John Winter, MariaD Hobeck, Jane Patten, Johnny Whitaker. SPORTS STAFF: Dave Wible, Stu Bird, Ed Rowland, Jim Crowhovcr, Ron Mil-ligan. Subscription Manager Circulation Manager . . Dale St&tey Charlie II oil Statf Photographers Norman Kantor Woody Sears, Librarians Sue GicSner, Marilyn Strum Night Jtews Edito hob High excluding women until the-Twentieth': Century and Negroes until shortly after May, 1954. This second reason for growth -Ave emphasize particularly in light of Rep. L. H. Ross of Beaufort's bill to hike out-of-state tuition by $200. When Sam McCorkle fought for implementation of Article 41 of the North Carolina Constitution which called for establishment ofN a state university, it read this way: "A school or schools shall be established by the legislature for the convenient instruction of youth, with such salaries to the masters, paid by the public, as may enable tliem to instruct at low . prices and -alloueluldearuing shall be encouraged and promoted in one or more universities." No mention, -in any shape, form or fashion, is there listed of "con venient intruction" merely for North Carolina youth. Yet with an attitude of seJf satisfaction and apparent com placency, Rep. Ross of . Beaufort has proposed to push forward the trend toward University educa tion only , for home-grown and dyed-in-tlK. wool North Carolin ians. ' . ' At present, of a- total 6,634 en rollment, only 1,269 students hail from other states. This scant thousand, among whom are contributors to all phases of campus life, t certainly may be much more scanty next , year if Ross's limitation, in effect, bill passes. As an example of student con tribution from an out-of-stater, we point to Mike Weinman, Uni versity Party chairman who hails from the geographic banana Florida. Other student leaders in every field could be pointed to with pride, students who aren't home grown and dyed-in-the-wool North Carolinians. Some might even puff out their chest a little at. the name Rosen bluth, or QuigS or Brennan or Kcarns or Curringham all New York boys originally. Still Rep. Ross wants the op portunity to attend the University to be finailically available only to students with tarred heels. We're from Eastern North Car olina. But we're ashamed of the . man from Beauford's provincial ism, especially in light of the out-of-state raise which went through 'only two years ago. We wonder what progressive leaders like Davie and Caldwell and McCorkle would have tliotight of Mr.-Ross's complacency even retrogressive attitude. "A school or schools shall be established . . . for the convenient instruction of youth (no geo graphical limitation) 1 to -Instruct at low prices.'' Shame, shame' on 'you. Mr. Ross. Your constitutional slip is showr ,YGU Said It: I he Sllenf IU ; I I U U U U U Editor: r am what is called by the edi tors (see editorial, April 5 issue) a member of the Silent Genera tion, stumbling along these four years of college, silent, faceless, never judging for fear of being judged. But, alas and alack, I have stumbled upon a few obstacles (some would call them articles) in the past few days , that have cot only injured my pride and dignity and withered a part of the in-group feeling associated with :the university and it's con stituents, but have given me the, energy and fire to want to rid myself momentarily of this state of inertia so obviosuly endowed me and my cohorts as members of this faceless generation and pose a question, to the W. C. Georges and Anthony Wolffs who so graciously have taken upon them- selves the indubious positions of Chief Justices and jury to revive in the Court of Reform the task of Segregation or Integration. "If Ye must judge, then let Ye be Judged" or however the saying goes. I say that the segre gation issue "is insignificant rela tive to these issues of sides (which are without doubt valued judgment?) in so far as the degra dation of the human race, physi cally as the George's would have and morally, as the Wolff's would have it (at least in the south). In . choosing sides, I would prefer to remain in the middle Reader Hits Editorial Page Emotionalism Editor: I recently read an article in The Daily Tar Heel complaining about the garbage disposal pro blem in Chapel Hill. In the same issue, I noticed that editors of The Daily Tar Heel are doing their utmost too alleviate thi un healthy situation. They, have hit upon the ingen ious device of installing garbage disposal units in the newspaper. I am referring, of course, to the editorial sheet. I have had the misfortune of watching untold quantities of mental garbage fil ter through that journalistic abor tion this year. ; I believe, however, that The Daily Tar Heel reached unassail able heights of emotionalism in the emi-hysterical attack by Mr. Anthony Wolff upon Dr. W. C. George. This is not to say that I am in complete agreement wih Dr. George's somewhat medieval theories. I believe that the "inferiority" of the Southern Negro stems more from environment than " from heredity. I do believe, how-' ever, in the individual expression of ideas without the risk of journ alistic assassination. Please, gentlemen, give us articles written by men who do their reasoning with something other than their adrenal glands! Charles Reeder . it L'il Abnqr and let these two extreme fac tions "kindle the fire that will eventually drag "them and "some .of their members to Hell." Who are these Wolffs who have "carpetbagged" their way to this University to iudge and condemn their fellow be ings for a situation that was brought about by. forefathers who were southerners and Yan kees? Suffice it to be that many a coin of slavery was pocketted by those "merchants" above the Mason-Dixon Line ... i But let us leave the past and reconnoiter the present I think of the integration movement as analogous to the labor movement since both have bathed infamous ly in the jpools of public sym pathy, "kindling , the fire.' against coercion, segregation and condemnation. Y.et hasn't some trite phrase 'been coined some where along the road of slang and salvation to the effect of "prac tice what you preach?" ... -Senator McClellan has said it to Beck, and I, as representative of my silent partners, say it to the Wolffs and Georges. I am taking the middle to the road. I said, therefore a slap on the hand to the W. C. George; for having the audacity as scien tists with scientific backgrounds of facts and operational defini tions to base such nonsense (my valued judgment) as the biologi cal inferiority of the Negro on subjective impressions. In such a technical society as ours, Messrs. George, with chemistry sets, do-:t-yourself kits, and atomic firecrackers, subjective impressions are not enough. We want the facts, George, pure and simple, to substantiate your conclusions. Gather your evidence, observe it, test its validity, and accept 01 reject your propositions it's plain and simple. They taught it to you and me as we stumbled along silently. Give us, the face less ones, the authenticity, accu racy, and integrity of your opin ions in order that we may make our own conclusions as to the validity of yours. Before I become exhausted and lose momentum, stumbling back amongst my people, I wish to go down saying (and this again is my valued judgment); Why all this furor about seg regation and integregation? Let us net kindle the forest while putting out each others fires. - This issue will get out of hand only if these over-anxious radi cals, heroes, non-conformists, or what-have-yous are .allowed to woo us against our fceffer judgment. It is an accepted fact that the present generation does' not feel as strongly towards segregation as that previous to( it nor did that generation of our fathers feel as opposed to integregation as did thejr fathers. -It seems that time is the best healer of wounds, whether they be physical or emotional, while education is . the best preventer of them. The cave-man as. we? as the foundling found by the edu cation of experience that fire was dangerous out of it's place. To use another expression, "Let us stop' and count to ten" before we let this issue get the best of us maybe ten years, maybe ten generations. Were it. possible to preconceive, we would find in all probabilities the word "segrega tion" a foreign word when ap plied to mankind. Segregation in mores, folkways, and customs would -have disappeared as well as segregation in law. My silent people, here I come. Joseph B. Alala Jr. 'Because I Said So-That's Why' f I'M TrivJ :J WW i Or A.T I ) "f "" " k ' W farm film V m trip , ""USaa Lenoir Takes Unexplained Steps Editor: This is. to inform the manage ment of Lenoir Hall that the stu dent workers will not be intimi dated -or forced into silence by the use of full time employees or the closing of dining rooms. Both of these threats . were made (by implication, of course) at Mr. Prillamani meeting sever al weeks ago, but it was not until last week that any step was made in this , direction. Amazingly enough the full time workers were . hired before the student workers were released, yet the reason for closing the food line (incidently throwing several boys out of work) was the small vol ume of business on that line. Why hire more full time workers then? Shades of Upton Sinclair, when will something be done? William E. Brigman By A! Capp .' . dontt mind hiding L- j OUT IN THIS SEWER.- c j BECAUSE I'M CONVINCED I C-K'fAS' I THE WATCH IS HERE ZJ j OSC 1 J I CAN HEAR IT TICKING , I ALVE S RLA1NLV IT'S cr-aC (M ) J bound to be. rziftE. Ch r I exoK-Er) f , ALONG i S- r ' '' WISH I HAD TH' NOI VE. TO SiMPL-V CLEAVE HlSHEAD : OPEN, AN' GET IT BUT I'M JU6TA P-PCTTY TH-THIEF, OPPOSED T' V-VIOLEMCE.V rz T Pogo By Walt Kelly Night Editor Manley Springs ins. 1 WITH S&Z ITS JUfiT Va &ZCY s v point, ggs:g-Nq s utzszA mArrfL sm rr JVg LOST itiosr ALLAAB in eucH mm. cAZBre Lc&tiiy coh'ts s WHVfl two eg V THI5 WNPA tCJto AmeaM xgtupp.- t-S ' V V ICO BAP- J f i i f m,i i Dr. George's speech, as reprinted m The Dai.y Tar Heel, has prompted mc to write this letter, not as an answer to his comments nor 'as the brief of one of the participants, in some sort of debate. I have such an answer; more, I have , had t'uch an answer. I see little or nothing to be gained by writing it now. . I mtintaio Dr. Cors's views art' wrong. Mere pve.r b host, yei n army of sociologists, psycho logists, educators, political and religious leaders maintain he is, wrong. Their argument has been presented already, entirely too many times. This general question was first raised in this country before 1800, when many Quakers freed their slaves. It has been soundly debated since then. Of course, as is usually the case, complete agree ment has not been reached airfcng our countries leaders; but, roughly at the antipodes from Dr. George's. The debate can now be considered more or less closed. "There is only a question of implementation" of the concepts we have decided are correct For these leaders of "the U. S. to pause and engage in this argument again, with Dr. George or anyone else, is unhelpful. They do not have the time, nor should thehaye the inclination to do so. Further, we, thS liberals, are making, it seems to me, a serious mistake by encouraging Dr. George and other proponents of "white suprem acy" to present their views. , Consider an analogy. There is an inactive minori ty -in this country wbb believe that labor unions arc the gift of the Devil, and, in general, that the lower economic clashes which the unions represent are all made -up of worthless "dirty foreigners" and shift less immoral animals. These people had their say in . 1900. Booth Tarkington was one of their many representatives at that time. In what situation would this country be if this point of view were still to be reckoned with? I shudder. Rather instead, it has been becoming a bit em barrassing to admit that one believes "the" poor do it it deserve bathtubs as they would only, store their coal in it," a popular idiom in the days of the sweatshops. This is as it should be, it seems to me. There is a cultural lag, clearly. At different times each of us find himself a reactionary and in disagreement with the majority. When this is the case, we are free to speak. Often, however, we say to ourselves, "Well, I guess I'm wrong,' -or simpler, "I don't see much point in arguing, if everyone is on the other side," or more scientifically, "Well, if I'm right let's try and prove it." Thus, we are temporarily quiet and the world progresses-. am sure that there are many people who regret giving, women the right tovvMe. But they do not make speeches. A year ago, Bridey Murphy was the scientific discovery of the century. Now, who will support Bridey at the next meeting of the American Assn. for the Advancement of Science? Yet rhere are millions of good Americans who, faithfully reading True magazine, wonder why their hero is ignored. Thank Cod, they are not in a position to force our scientists to believe this, hoax; they don't form citizens councils to defend Bridey Murphy. (Not even in Los Angeles.) I believe my point is made clear. It is time for Dr. George to take his views, retire to his living room, reread his Bilbe speeches and his well-thumbed "Mein Kampf," and contemplate the good old days. It is time for Dartmouth not to invite him to speak, and time not to print his ideas. The rest of us have work to do. Robert L. Crain Tuition Increase Will 1 urr Anthony Wolff NIC We grow or wc die. Thij is an open letter to the Legislature of the State of North Carolina, and to the faculty, students, and administration of this University. Sirs: At this moment there is a bill before the state legislature to raiso the tuition fee for out-of-state students at this Universiy by $200 from $500 to i$7do.: . : I wish here to speak against the passage of this bill; in so doing, I hope and believe that i speak for the majority of the students, in their best interest and in the bes- interest of the Con solidated University and the Stat of North Caro lina. The effect the bill will have if it is passed is ob vious: there wTill be a diop in the number of out-oi'--tate students in the Consolidated University. This drop may not be noticeable for four years, for those out-of-state students already - settled at Carolina will be understandably and- hearteningly reluctant to leave. But the loss will become increas ingly apparent. The increase in tuition will not only, hurt tbe students who for one reason or another want to come to Carolina but cannot; it will by the same token hurt the university, and its hurt will be much greater. It has became axiomatic that a university must attract a student body which includes differences in background and interest. In fact the present day university finds its roots in the "studia gener alia" of the Middle Ages, and these first univer sities were established as resorts for scholars from all over Europe. This is still the meaning xf the word university in Europe, and it would be wrong to so sadly revise that .meaning here. , . More than ever before, and more in this univer sity than almost any other, it is important that we keep our doors open to any student who wishes to come..

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