SATURDAY SEPTEMBER THE DAILY TAR HEEL FACI FOUR Was Probable Starters With W The little man who st-arted a ! U-'cml here was hack in town. He talking to Carolina football coach .Urn Tatum about prospects for the W7 season. The occasion was the first full scale, name scrim mage of the ear for the Tar Heel arity. Charlie "Choo C1hm" .lustier, tlie ..11 time 'jcreat Tar Heel halfback whose deeds on the gridiron during t- not to mention several stabs up the middle for five yards plus. It was his day to shine and he made the most of it. The play of Jim Schuler is typi cal of the Jim Tatum football mach Definitely a ddrk- horse alter last season's disaster 2-7-1 slate, the Tar Heels will S be counting on several sophomore rookies." just like Schuler. to give i . u if n iton thfif the late -JO s left an everlasting tne learn m-pm. u ,mmory for football fans in these untried gridders advanc e from the j.,irts. was impressed wnn uie i." cvt gri.l edition of his old alma i mater, lie had goKl reason to be j the Tar Heels had just scored 11 touchdowns in a hrillant display! of offensive fireworks that sur- j pn.-ed een Coach Tatum. Justice, who was in town to get, n line on the progress of the l'J37 , Tar HeeU. had nothing but praise1 l,,v the offensive star of the day. ...phomore Jim Schuler "1 never v.n thai good in my first varsity Mi.mmage." Justice remarked. Ihat boy looks like a real grea: ill earlier." Tatun looekd pleased with his now find loo. Schuler. now a High , Point. N. C. resident, transferred t,. North Carolina this year fro n tlie I nUersity ot Wasliing on. His f. :nly " moed east from Santa Monica. Calif., ami ,o hear Jim t .Ik. it was tlie best tiling that ever happened to him. With .!us:ice looking on. the 1WV pound sophomore flash scored three touchdowns for the winning nine team and was the leading ground gainer during the afternoon. He had nun of . 3. 32 and 25 yards. chrysalis stage to full bloom, lauun , will have a sound unit, capable on topping anyone in tin Atlantic j Coast Conference. j As far as -Choo Ch.-V is con cerned, football at Carolina is tin ally returning to post-war brilli ance. Old No. 22 saw shades ot it that day in the running .of Schuler and a great passing a track that clicked to the tune of lfi comple tions despite the absence of first team quarterback Dave Reed. tNC I'OS. NX'S Payne LE Collar Ptll LT DeAngclis Furjanie LG Tokat Koes C Oddo Lineberger KG Keariek Blazer KT Dess Jones E Pepe Reed Q Cackovic Schuler LII Hunter Goff K" Chlisty Hafer FR Shupin Tar Heels Open Today Tim tnn at ends, senior Stu t rated' highly in the national scope. ClUlU U 11H v - - t . PM and iunior Phil Blazer at Offensively, tackles, Furjanie a sophomore and junior Jack Lineberger at guards and junior Ronnie Koes at center. (Continued From Page 1) Experience-wise, State noias u- anything could hap- edge. One of the lar net ut.B- J . . , r v.r. ic that Reed. non rvmittincf thp wpatner eiemeui i cu.u ..F- MV-ll, 1 A A i-v fc 1 the Tar Heels will probably pass more than the Wolfpack. Reed .is TULLAI IMPKKSSEI) WITH MINN. The backfield will be composed of senior Dave Reed at quarter back .senior Daley Goff and sopho more Jim Schuler at the halfs and sophomore Bob Shupin at fullback. .;. .: .. .- : .f University of North Carolina as sistant football, coach Fred Tullai i i. i t : was very impressed wun me j confci ence nest 'a spring football practice. The ; Gophers, w ho are pre-season tav- ; p. to coo tlie Big Ten honors. ' had Tullai as a guest for a week last Spring. Actually, this afemoon's extra vaganaza might be termed a bat tle of the darkhorses. Both clubs have who missed the entire game last season, will be in there pitching to day. A crowd of thirty thousand or more is expected to be on hand for considered a top-notch passer. State has a couple of the best running backs in the country in Dirk Christy and Dick Hunter. How ever, quarterbacks Frank Cackovic j thig ACC and Bjg Four opener. To and Tom Katich are a couple of) university Day and U3J AO " . - ; student bodies of Carolina, State and Woman's College in Greens- fine prospective passers. Thus, it will be ' one of those games when nothing comes as a real surprise. w on the respect of the other Carolina should be able to run with teams but neither is (the Pack if Tatum choses to do so; boro will be in Kenan Stadium to lend color to the occasion. WELCOME MEN To The New CHAPEL HILL BARBERSHOP 113 W. Franklin St. Three Barbers Parking In Rear Air-Conditioned 8:30 - 5:30 k i: PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS ii "r "'TC -- 1 I LAST TIMES TODAY JIM SCHULER . . Justice Likes TICKET NOTICE uith Shulman ( itor of -Harrf.tot Ho'i With Chfrk." tie.) Anyone finding a student hook should return the same ticket office at Woollen C.ym. books are not transferrable. LATE SHOW TONIGHT SUN.-MON. -TUE. PEY THf R" ?N&SWS 1'iDt aAY THE MIXTURE AS BEFORE Tla l-cin my fmirih ar f writing tin- ...lunm aril. a t'.rfoie. 1 wl continue to cxploio tlie i-ue- that (triii the Urn oiuir niitul !' canipiH America J.urmns Hr.f-t'nin lik'"MuuM hUenntliei Iw foned to lelire l -'S'" nil. I "Miouhl :('):5uhs hikI i1m- ! nUoe.l i lu-t-hou. eh-?" aiul "l.ouhl proctor- l.e :"""';"" :,,H hoiiI.J picni.king le pi-miilli'd in the stacks. and "H.oiihl teaclirif l.oe the rank of asMKiate prolessor U empowfml to perform awrriiiKP-s?" nnl "Should cap ital punMinient for plnlges le aUoli-lie!?" V , -l li t there's 5 J FUN !Vt LIKE S JJ cwtilMishmt&rplcJCtt be abolish J? BROADWAY'S BIG SENSATION IS ON THE SCREEN!! Doris Day a 'Babe'--t -J r JohnRaifL-CaroIHaiiay-EddieFjy.-ir: li.;r.. l..n'i- 1 m i.! tn.iMtetl itoiiot- tin- colnnin. nnii' i I UlUf f I .... Ptuhp Mom- Inroi pointed make- I'lnlip .Mnrn- cta u ttf-. Thev al-o m:,kn Mnill.oro cigarettes. Marlboro i hat I am RoinK to talk to you ahout thi year. Hcfoie hefcinning the current .-eiies if cohmitis. 1 ni:o!e an eliausiive -tinlv of Mailhoro advei ti-injr. 'I'hi- took ahnoM four ininiile. The Marlhoro people don't wa-te vnvtU. Thrv niv it to you l';-t : "You fcet a lot to like in a Mnill.oio . . . Filter". . . Flavor . . . Klip-lop l'.ov" Well. -ii. t tir-t thi- appioaih seeinnl to me a little in-.-, a hit t.ake.l. I'erhaps. thoiinht I. I should drape it ttilh a veil of violet pro-e, adorn it with a mantle of ftufU adjectiuM. dandle .-ome participles from the ear . . . t'.ut I hen I thoiifeht. what for? )oen't that tell the ulmlc Matlhoio -ioi v? . . . Kilter . . . Flavor . . . Klip-top l'.o. Msrlhoro t,i Rival. '1 h filter works. Io does the ,lo. What l-e do you need to know? So. with thi- Mailhoro story quickly told, lei us turn imrnliatelv to the chief problem of undergraduate life I he monev problem. Thi lia.- always been a vexing dilemma. Vven in my own col'ege day. I recall, for evimple. a cla.mate named Oliver llazanl Sigabio-. a Rieat fclmppiiiR Wlow Manding 11 hands high, who fell in loir with beautiful Theta named Nikki Spillane, with hair hU Ivalen roUJ and eyebslU like two tablc p)on f loigelfulne-. K.vrry niRhl, Oliver Hazard would take Nikki out to dine and dam e, and then lo dine again, for dancing made Nikki ravenous. Then they would po riding in the -wan Im.bI.-. and then Nikki. her appetite sharpened by the sea air. wouhl bavf 8 or 10 cutlet?, and then Oliver Hazard wouM tile her home, slopping on the way to buy her a pail of oyslem or two. To rai money for lhee enrhanlM evening, Oliver Hazard took on a numfier of part-lime jobs. Between elates heeut hair. Aflf r school he gutted perches. From duk to midnight he vuleani.ed medicine balls. Krom midnight lo dawn he trapped night crawlers. Thi crowded ychednle kwik ala.-. a heavy loll from Oliver Harard. In the upace of a month he dwindled from to 101 poi:nd but thai, furiously enough, proved hi" alvalion. Todav f)liver Hazard a jm-Vey, earning a handsome hving whirh. combined with what he make? as a lymph denor afler hours, i? quite sufficient lo curb Ntkkt tirlnh appetite. Today thev are married and live in I pper Marlboro. Marvland. wilh their two daughters. Kilter and Flavor, and their non, Klip-top txmtn 1 ' Th iniktf of Marlboro lair plnur in bringing you Ihi frr'irhffli"9. uncnntd roluntn rvrry ireek during the nrhoot year . . . ind speaking of pleasure, hare you tried a Marlboro? T Beloved by Brides for over 100 years Wentworth & Sloan JEWELERS 167 W. Franklin St. Since You Went Away . . . A NEW POGO Stop in for the latest news from the Okeefenokee A New Peanuts You'll get a kick out of Good Old Charlie Brown New Books On he Dollar Table gfbtt,vni IP t'htU i.vt.-h J I V- W IV The Same Old Easygoing Atmosphere The Intimate Bookshop 205E. Franklin Street Oppen Till 10 P.M. HEADQUARTERS IN CHAPEUjlLL COIGATE-PAIMOUVE yon YOU' fflBSTr r If umni mm M I . . DESTROYS MOUTH ODOR INSTANTLY. . . ...contains more Chlorophyll than any other leading brand Top Quality Pressurized Shave... 1 r SMOOTH XSl SHAVE 1 far'$x r 9 m ) J J V q, w n l! if Mu'&ur ? J $ & 4ie Ten0Six removes thoss ! ti p $4 harmful impurities that so l f often cause bloclcheadi, T iL''' blemishes and en'arged pores. 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THYLOX9 medicated shampoo contains two times more active ingredients for protection against Dandruff, itchy scalp, Dermatitis, Oily scalp. It is an asy to use, pure, safe medi eated shampoo with a pleasing fragrance. The large 614 ounce bottle costs only . . . en NO "I THYLOX MEDICATED SHAMPOO Pharnitxpiitit nl Dititiim 5111 ETON, INC. -.and tlie FAMILY DRDG'STORE " Your Family Home is one of your mott important investments. Naturally, you check carefully on each detail. But every day you make other important invest mentspurchases that affect the health and welfare of your household. Thus, you should select your Family Drug Store with care. We invite your consideration and will appreciate your patronage. Tar Heel's Drug Store PRESCRIPTIONS Our Specialty COSMETICS it LUNCHEONETTE TOBACCO DEPT. 9 Phone 9-8781 Free Delivery 1 1 f