Tt.Tl.C. Library Serials Dept. Chapel Hlllt C. 8-31-49 Fro Rush Required fernity ing I onight ees emona WEATHER Fair, becoming somewhat -wirm-4r in th afternoon. AD LAI Ha can scat; that's that, says th old ed on page two. , VOL. LVIII NO. 6 Co)iplcte (.tf Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1957 Offices in Graham Memorial FOUR PAGES THIS ISSUE M Meet jr ' w mm nam k h a mm a .- - ;---:--- a ur-4a ar r bd -t s a " c mmwk. bml &r r -war s v - - , t.- . . N -1 f ; - l - - t V f v.. .: . iS '. i- . .' J TTJ l ; i J '.': T41-. .V.- , - V JOIN TAR HEEL STAFF Doug Eisele, above lift, and Bill Cheshire, right, have been added to the Daily Tar Heel staff as managing editor and news editor, respectively. Eisele is a sophomore from Statetvide and Cheshire, a senior from Hillsboro. They will direct the reportorial and front page make up aspects of the paper. (Norman Kantor Photos) Eisele, Of Tar Cheshire Added To Heel; Will Fill Key Staff Posts By DALE WHITFIELD Daily Tar Heel Editor Neil Bass yesterday announced the appoint ments of Din? Eisele a manaRinjj nfitor and Bill Cheshire as news rditor. Concerning the appointment.. Editor Bass said: "I am extreme-1 Jy gratified to have these two re in.v the pu4 scho l year he work- nuiiasdirsR editor of the Summer I'd as a reporter and feature writ- Schorl Weekly, the official UNC tr for the UNC News Bureau. ! summer publication. He Is ma As manasint; editor, Eisele will jorin in Journalism and plans be responsible for the make-up to work on a newspaper upon of the front and runover pages, j graduating. He will write heads for the same; Cheshire stated that he "will and will he in overall charge of J endeavor to provide more effici the news staff. ent coverage of the campus scene, Eisele said that in his new job Redding Will Preside Over 8 PJNA. Event Final plans were made here yes terday for z required fraternity rushee meeting set for 8 o'clock tonight in Memorial Hall. IFC President Bill Redding re minded all potential rushees that failure to attend the meeting would make them ineligible to join any Carolina fraternity this year. Redding will preside over the Thursday night session which is expected to draw some 600 proi -pective rushees to Memorial Hail. Roy Armstrong, director of "ad missions for the University, will be keynote speaker at the meet ing. He is expected to comment on the fraternity's role in Uni vcrsity life. Rush Week, which begins Sun day at 2:30 p.m., along with the fraternity system are expected to be explained. The floor later will be open for discussion. ! Jerry Oppenheimer, chairman of the Interfraternity Court, ech oed Redding's reminder that all potential rushees are required to be present at tonight's meeting.- "Let me emphasize the fact that this meeting is mandatory for all rushees," Oppenheimer said. He said anyone unable to at tend the meeting should contact either Redding (8-9033), Tom Rand (8-9027), or himself (6031). orm itory IT vicsass sen n action H o Yes 1 4v v 5 set- -A - t r w , BDt i . w rl 1 Run -Of i s Fo To Be Held terday mtmm m r lies Frid ay (he will im for more consisten- interesting and objective manner, assuredly a valuable addition. cy JfJ Daiy Tar eeI make.up an1 to strive for greal.r unity -of Last Spifrnj. I promked the cam-( with an cye tQ increas0(i read-! purpose anion the reportorial j,u the be-t stmlrnt pubticatx.n n l anD,.al t the paper's staff." Both Cheshire and Eisele tHsib1. Now ! sincerely feel we millKr()US subscribers" are members of the Zeta Psi ira- sr well on the way to achieve- ( im at the teniity. inent of this promise. 1 look for- Univrrsltv hajU f,,)m 1Iillsbnr0. other chanses in the staff an- ward to sxmdcant contrthutions - a(luat(i(, from Uu Episcopa, 1 nounred by Editor Bass are: Miss It '111 tliiM ' f v ia Efficiency Courses Offered In Reading. - , L . I .1 .... I him' i in .Wimi' it ii siW ftMMMatatoaMi mill n r n i mmwi niii -r(ft r wriwmiriwmiM By DAVIS YOUNG Intra Dormitory Council offi cials were elected throughout the campus yesterday. Tom Walters, I.D.C. Prexy, re ported a fairly good turnout of voters. A lLst of those elected to I.D.C. posts follows: Alexander I.D.C. representa tive Walter Pool, vice president Dave Jones, and secretary-treasur- Governors Ask Troop Removal By The Associated Press Southern governors, worried over states rights because of fed eral troop intervention at Little Rock, Ark., have voted to send a er Jerry Forgan. Aycock I.D.C. representative Roger Foushee, vice president Dick Clark, intra-mural manager Chuck Wyre, and news editor Sid Seymour. Battle - Vance - Pettigrew I.D.C. representative Bart Wells, i vice president unit .ioore, sec retary-treasurer David Munday and University Club representa tive Bill Porter. Cohb I.D.C. representative Ed Miller, Bob Noble, and Avery Thomas. Billy Goldman was elect ed, vice president. Bill Sevmons intra-mural manager and Jim Hea vnen, news editor. Everitt I.D.C. representative Robert Hass, secretary-treasurer Risdv Hill, intra-mural manager Hiuh School in i in 19V). He cntLr.d I'NC in the! Paul Rule, wire editor; Ben Tay ' fall of the same He left the ' lor. feature editor; Avery Thom campu ; in '52 to serve a four-j as. subscription manager; Sid Shu Near hitch in the Coast Guard. In i f rd. circulation manager; and i lf)5f he returned to th Univers-j Dave Wible, assistant sports edi itv. Last summer Cheshire was tor. as r t an entire, larger anu more iinci ent staff." F.i.sele a sophomore from Statesville. He in a 1054 graduate of the Statesville Senior High School. ' Before entering Carolina last fall he worked for two years on his hometown daily, the States ville Record and Landmark. While on that paper he did re portorial and photographic work. He was also a "stringer" for the Charlotte Observer. The Greens boro Daily News and The Win-' Excitement reigns supreme at Mon-Salem Journal. Graham Memorial now as the GM His past newspaper work in- Activities Board begins its com c hides being the representative j mittee reorganization and its for the United Press in and a-; choosing of this year's committee round the Statesville area. Dur- members. to present this news in both an Plans for this semester's Pea body Read ins? Etffici? have been completed. Applica tions for the courses may be made in room 08 Peabody each day from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. These are three-hour non-credit! courses designed to assist students '; Mexandria. Va., , Mary Alys Vorhees. coed editor;) in reading speed and efficiency ELECTION HELD The registrar in one of UNC's men's dorms is shown above marking off the name of another voter during yes terday's elections to fill dormitory posts. It was the first major campus election of the current school year. (Norman Kantor Photo) committee to "Washington seeking Pai,i Erhardt and news editor Bill withdrawal of the soldiers "at the Abner. earliest possible moment." j Grimes I.D.C. representative The resolution, adopted at the Foy Bradsher and University Southern Governors Conference at ; club representative Bill Frank Sea Island, Ga., grew out of a sug-j lin Lewis I.D.C. representative gestion by Gov. Frank Clement of Buddy Cockrell, vice president Tennessee. 1 Ronnie McNeill, secretary-treasur- A five-man committee headed -lint Rnmim -nri intra-mural World In Brief GMAB Begins Reorganization; Chairmen Seek New Members By MARY MOORE MASON Phi Defeats Bill Giving Schools To Religious Units By FRINGiE PIPKIN The Philanthrop." Literary So ciety defeated a hi!.' to turn the public schools over to the various religious denominations by a vote of 33 2 Tuesday. Introducing the bill. Represen tative Jess Stribbling said that the modern American "knows no moral code save expediency." He blamed this ill and others on the lack of religious training in the American public schools. By encouraging the Church, he i evening bv the official critic. Claiming this -bill would put the public schools under federal con trol, Representative Don Jacobs thought it would be a better al ternative, though not the best, for the government to give scholar ships to train more top quality leaders. He felt that religion could take care of itself and that the relig ions could not work out a plan -kllluiii i:f ail wi 1111111. speech was deemed the best of the Each of the fourteen committee chairmen who make up the Activi ties Board are already looking over student interest cards and scouting the Information Office for applications. However, there are still so many places to be filled, for GMAB is looking for enthusiastic, original people who are interested in thinking up ideas for the Student Union and leading in carrying them out. The '"Sound and Fury" commit tee is scouting for people who are interested in writing, acting in, doing publicity for, painting scenery, or working on any other phase of the student-written and produced musicals. (See GMAB. Page 3) All UNC students are eligible to take these courses. The Peabody courses can be ar Seniors', Med Students' Pix Now Being Made Seniors and fourth-year medi cal students are reminded that today and tomorrow ar the last days their Yack pictures may be taken. Boys should wear dark coats and ties. Drapes will be for furnished senior girl. Other girls should wear dark sweaters. Queen Threatened LONDON W The London Eve ning Standard says Scotland Yard security officers are investigating ranged to fit the individual sched- a report that an attempt may be ( ujes made to assassinate Queen Eliza-, j beth II during her American visit next month. I Officials at the Yard declined comment on the story. "We never ! discuss matters of security," a ! spokesman said. The U. S. Embassy here denied any knowledge of the report. . The newspaper sadi a titled British tourist told Scotland Yard of the plot after overhearing a conversation in Barcelona, Spain. Witness Testifies SOMAGAHARA, Japan (.ft A Japanese scrap collector said a brass cartridge case from William S. Girard's rifle whistled by his leg moments before a second shot killed Mrs. Naka Sakai on the U. S. firing range here last Jan. 30. Hidetsugu Onozeki, testifying in Unions Must Clean Up NEW YORK The AFL-CTO j has ordered two more unions the j teamsters and the bakery workers j to eliminate "corrupt influ- j enccs" and the officers responsi-1 hie for them. The ultimatum gave the unions 30 days to report back to the big labor federation on the clean-up. Its 29-member executive council, top governing body of the merged labor groups, already has issued the same order for reform in the textile workers union. The AFL-CIO has indicated it stands ready, if necessary, to oust the three groups with more than 1,500,000 members f they fail to j take steps to wipe out alleged malpractices. Four Planes Vanish by Gov. Luther Hodges of North Carolina was named to seek a con ference or conferences with Presi- ient Eisenhower and Gov. Orval Faubus of Arkansas as soon as they can be arranged. The resolution was adopted by an 11-1 vote with Gov. Cecil H. Underwood of West Virginia, a Republican, casting the lone dis senting vote. At Little Rock veteran combat, paratroopers with lowered bay onets took nine Negro students (See GOVERNORS. Pacre 4 manager Paul Woodard. Mangum I.D.C. representative Bob TboTTipson.secretary -treasurer Caleb White, intra-mural man Hgct Dave Williams and news ed itor Lew Handee. .Manly I.D.C. representative Forrest Patterson, secretary-treasurer Fred Wood and intra-mural manager Mickey Cochrane. Old East I.D.C. representative Hoke Huss. secretary-treasurer Leo K?lly, social chairman Bill See ELECTION'S. Pae 3 Dialectic Senate Downs Bill Commending Faubus' Action By DAVIS YOUNG Tuesday night the Dialectic District Chairman No Allegiance? MARSHALL. TEX. (M The Ki- wanis club of tins Texas-La. border city has refused to pledge allegi ance to the U. S. Flag. It termed the .stationing of Federal Troops a rain-drenched outdoor session of in Little Rock av "the darkest day , Girard's Japanese manslaughter in Southern History struction Days." since Recon- trial, said he saw the Illinois sol dier stuff a cartridge case in the Members repeated the pledge of grenade launcher on his rifle, allegiance to the Texas Flag in- Onozeki said he ran away think stead. ' ing he would be shot. Senate, by the narrow margin of: seven to six, defeated a bill com-1 mending Governor Faubus of Ar-! kansas on his recent actions. ' The bill in effect stated: It is the duty of a governor of a state to use his discretion in dealing with impending violence. Governor Faubus has shown ex-j LONDON W Four U. S. Navv j tremel' "ood judgement in hand-! planes carrying a total of 10 men ,inS of the ver-v ty and ex' have disappeared during giant ! Ploslve LlUle Rock '"Ration is-: NATO sea exercises. sue- the Di fe,t- Admirals in the giant carriers ! He is to be commended for his and cruisers immediately susnenrl-! foresight and fine leadership. ed the exercises, which are being I carried out with war-like realism.! and organized a massive sea and air search for the missing planes and any survivors. Names of the missing men have not yet been announced. felt, "we can restore purpose and dignity to life.'' Representative David Matthews claimed that religious ideals have perverted mind and morals, giv ing as an example the Israeli Arab conflict. lie believed that strong relig ious faiths would cause disten tion in the United States and that religion was best in the back ground. Gr.est Clarence Simpson said that the bill was contradictory and was impractical as there are 189 different denominations. He sug gested students be given religious training starting in the first grade. 'Maid Of Cotton' Search Begins The search is on for the Maid of Cotton! Anv woman between the 1958 Guest Theodore Quast suggest ed years of study and work toj Any woman between the ages find the appropriate religion and of 19 and 25. who is at least 5 that one should not be forced to feet 5 inches tall, and who comes accept the religion of his parents. from one of the cotton-producing He nrooosed this alternative ''to states may compete for the Maid do justlv and walk humbly with j of Cotton title. The winner of the contest must have poise ton Council, Box 9905, Memphis, Tennessee. About December 15, a judging board will select 20 finalists from the submitted material. These fin- 4. Be at least 5 feet, 5 inches tall. 5. Be in excellent health. 6. Be willing and able to meet people. alists will' be notified by wire to ; 7. Realize that background, per anDear in Memohis for personal) sohalitv and appearance are of GM's Slate The inly activity listed for Graham Memorial today is a meeting of the Student Enter tainment Committee, 5-6:30 p.m., Weodheuse Conference Room. thy God." Representative Don Gray ex- Dlained that this bill would Dre- around and intelligence in addi sent grave distribution difficul-! tion to appearance, as she will ties making some people go great represent some 13 million Ameri distances to find their church's cans. school. j She will be good will and fash- Guest Bobby Scott questioned , ion ambassador of the American the ability of the government to cotton industry and as such she run the churc hes' educational I will make a 30.000-mile interna programs as well as the churches J tional tour. This is part of a pro gram sponsored by the National Cotton Council, the Cotton Ex changes of Memphis, New Orleans and New York and the Memphis Cotton Carnival Association. Entry forms and photographs judging on January 2 and 2, 1958 All candidates in the Maid of personality, back- Cotton contest must: 1. Never have been married ana are doing. Treasurer Don Jacobs said the j Phi had $37.29 in the bank, j There were people in the hall; many were freshmen who had ! had debating experience in high ' school and had been expressly in-; must be mailed before midnight. vited by the phi. I December 1, to the National Cot- be between the ages of 19 and 25, inclusive. 2. Have been born in one of the following cotton-producing states: Alabama. Arizona, Arkansas, Cali fornia, Florida, Georgia, Kentuc ky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Mis souri, New Mexico, North Caro lina, Oklahoma. South Carolina, Tennessep Texas. .Virginia: Or have been born in a cotton-producing county in Illinois (Alex ander, Jefferson. Massac. Pulaske, Williamson, Madison); or Nevada (Clark. Nye). 3. Be photogenic. ceive S100 toward defraying ex penses in connection with compet ing in the firrals; the first and second alternate winners will each receive in addition a $100 Savings Bond; all expenses of the winner . at Faubus. The floor was filled with excite ment as this highly publicized subject was introduced by Sena tor William Sabiston, author of the resolution. Sabiston contended that send ing of federal troops into a state was an unprecedented move. He maintained that Faubus had the I situation under control and was j capable of handling any violence ; which might occur. ; Senator David Mundy immedi , ately took the floor to digress : with the first speaker. He cut loose with a sizzling verbal bla.-:t Of Committee Named Mrs. Charles II. Crutchfield of Charlotte was appointed today to be a district chairman of the UNC School of Nursing Committee of the Medical Foundation of North Carolina. Dr. Paul Whitaker of Kinston. president of the Foundation, stat ed that Mrs. Crutchfield will be in charge of educational programs for nurses activities in five coun ties: Mecklenburg. Anson. Union, Stanly and Cabarrus. Mrs. George Carrington of Bur lington is statewide chairman of the School of Nursing Committee. Mrs. Crutchfield. the wife of the president and general man ager of the Jefferson Standard ! Broadcasting Co., is a native of South Carolina, and is active in : community affairs in Charlotte, including the United Appeal, i Heart Service. Charlotte Symph ony, and Women's Auxiliary of the Mint Museum. equal importance in the selection of the Maid of Cotton. 8. Be willing and able to make an international tour beginning early in January and lasting un til August. If employed, the win ner necessarily would have to ob tain leave of absence, or, if in school would have to suspend her studies for the duration of the tour. 9. Be willing to travel by air on regular commercial airlines. 10. Agree to travel with a chap eron designated by the National Cotton Council of America. 11. Understand that there will be no financial remuneration ex cept as follows: all candidates chosen as contest finalists will re-late interest in cotton. of the 1958 Maid of Cotton con test will be paid for the duration of the tour. 12. Understand that she must pay all other expenses incidental to her appearance in Memphis for the finals of the contest. 13. audience at the contest finals in cotton apparel; agree to appear before the judging committee (not, before the audience) in a bath-, ing suit. j 14. Agree, if selected to appear Senator Gary Greer indicated : that the Civil War was fought on ; the issue of civil rights vs. states rights. He went on to closely pa-; rallel the existing situation in Lit-' tie Rock to the eve of the Civil War. ; Senator Pat Adams, former Dia- j Agree to appear before the lectic prexy, summarized the first. three speeches in a burst of sat- j ire and sarcasm, directing most of his remarks to Senator Sabis-i ton. With the questions and answers exhausted, the previously men- in the finals of the contest, to be tioned vote was recorded. At the in Memphis on January 2 and 3, conclusion of the meeting, Presi-j 1958. j dent Gerry Boudreau asked that; 15. Realize that the purpose of all people interested in joining j the entire program is to stimu-.the Dialectic Societv attend the j next meeting. IN THE INFIRMARY Students in the infirmary yes terday included: Misses Elizabeth Bain Hinton, Elizabeth Howell and Louis Ann Webb and Edward Harrington Jennings, David D. Olson, James Milton Read, Joseph Skinner, Joseph Pleasant, John Robert Turner, Paxson Biddulph Glenn, Awal Mohamad Hamad, Ronald Clark MacMillian, James Mc Pherson Everitt Sr., John Charles Brooks, Jessie Douglas Canton, Bill Tom Jones, Robert Vernon Fulk, Robert Graham Peebles, John Jenkins Schroeder, Wil liam Gibbs Cable III, John Mal colm McAllister, Frank Hamson Crouther, William MacDonald Savage, Samuel Robert Gaillard, and Sidney Smith Bradford. k f" irtli rf" rlhi iflriir Uni lirftiiftiiiitiii Ai A IT AJt"dhri,i ia.iiri. jid 1ia

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