U tl C LIBHAKT SERIALS DEPT. 'chapel HILL, H. c. WEATHER Mostly fair and mild today. Stturday, mostly fair and rathtr cool. MYOPIA. Infirmary sacs to th and of its nost says the editor on page two. VOL. LVII NO. 19 Complete Ut) Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY,' OCTOBER 11, 1957 Offices in Graham Memorial POUR KAbCS mo iwub AT UNC-MARYIAND GAME Royal Spectators To Get Momentos The Royal spectators at the UNC-Maryland game. Queen Eliza beth II of England and l'rince Thilip. will be presented momen tos of their visit by a delegation of I'M' students. Student Body President Sonny Kvans announced today. At tliis time, the Queen will be presented with a large UNC ban ner, a copy of the Yackety Yack. and two stuffed '"Carolina rams" for t tic little l'rince and Princess. Also, the University Club will sp ns r a formal presentation of the .state flag to Oueen Kliabcth duni -g h.ilftime ef the game, it was announced by Vice President Have All participant will be attired in formal cut aw v dress. A limit ed number of "Carolina gcntl; in in" will take put at n' addi tional expense to themselves. Jones said Anv prrson interested should centact Town and Campus siv that th- m.i place the orders for cut aw is as soon as 'vissiHe. Plans for the t'NC student cara van to the game are well under wav P.m, transpiir'a'ioii will be a ail.dile for til c stu tents who d"irc i' for M (."' students ran obtain ri nn i t''') ticket from Chapid Hi!! to Washington. I. C. These buses will leave Cb iik ! lb!! between 2 and 5 n m. Friday arid wil! arrive in Washington six hour, aft'-r their departure. The tin -cm will be at the passen eer' disposal during their stay in Washington and will take them to the game and return them to their hotel. All busrs must leave Wash ington before 3 p.m. Saturday or 4 pm. Sunday. Ifoted accommodations may be made by contacting the informa tion booth in Graham Memorial. The main body of the caravan, from 10-14 buses, will leave Chapel Hill from the Morchead Plane tarium parking lot at 3 p.m. on Friday. A dance has been planned for Saturday evening from 10 p.m. un til 1 a.m. The North Carolina So- this dance at the National Press Club, which is located at 14th and F streets in the ballroom on the 13th floor. There will be a small charge for the dance which will be collected i at the door. The UNC Glee Club ; will sing several selections at the Tar H eels Meet Miami In Might G ame ciety of Washington will sponsor ; intermission. - ' ' 1 J . " ' ' . : V v. : . . . ' s " . :- X .- - t- -v " -s -.- - - " - -" -:.-w-sh . .. ... .. .V .si r . ' . 5 - - , . - . ? ry . I jww. v, 5 '- v ify , . ' ' - . ' " ' W ' , , - 5 - ' ..(- . ' : t - t. , v . c- t li. : ....'rO V 5V C" ' - -'J i n nonorary IDC Notes Dorm Men's 'Devotion' T. , aps emoers ofudent bdy Secretary Dot Prassly of Raleigh is shown holding the 1957 Yackety Yack and stuffed animals which will b presented to Queen Elizabeth.il at the Carolina-Maryland game Oct. 19, at Col lege Park, Maryland. The animals are gifts for Princess Anne. (Photo by Kantor) v.4k,:&: State College Model United Nations In secret, pre-clawn ceremonies today , the IUC Honorary Society tapped 15 men who luwe been out standing in UNC dormifory life. 'Tapped were James I?. Wombkv Rocky Mount; Rudolph L. Edwards. Rutherfordton; Harwy Theodore Jones. Cary: Bennc't Allen Thomas. Morven; Franklin R. Brown. Tar boro, Neil C. Bender, Pollocksville; Oliver W. Alphin. Mt. Olive; Michael Kelly Hayes, Greenslxro; Patrick Jackson Leonard. Raleigh; Paul "Whit" Whitfield. Durham; Julius E. Banzet. Warrctiton: Steven Grant Lyon. Wilkcsboro; Donald L. Wa kins, ' Burlington; Geortic Stalonov; and Paul Carr. Hillsboro. The IDC Honorary Society was founded last year by Sonny Hall ford and makes it selections from those men who have "shown devo l Hon to the betterment of dormitory life." Acording ot IDC President Tom Walters, "the society plans to be come extremely active and will later furnish a scholarship fund for deserving students." This morning's tapping was made by charter members Sonny Hallford, Bob Carter. Neil Bass. Charlie Dunn, Bill Hauser and Tom Walters. Honorary members of the society include Robert Burton House, form er UNC Chancellor; Housing Officer James Wadsworth; James Wallace, former GM director; former Stu dent Body President Bob Young; and Ray Jefferies, assistant to the dean of student affairs. ! I Y ' V t Carolina Seeking Third Deep Win; Foes On Defense SWEARINGEN TO START Fred Swearingen, left guard for the Tar Heels, is slated to start in tonight's game with Miami in the Orange Bowl. A 216-pound junior from Petersburg, Va., Swearingen is one of Coach Tatum's key linemen and expected to see a tot of State Wolf lets in Raleigh. Folckomer was an outstanding ball car action in tonight's contest. "Scandalous" i WASHINGTON. Oct. 10 -(AIO Sen McClcllan (D-Ark) said today election records of the Teamsters 1'nton convention show James It. Hoffa could not have been elected president except for disregard of the union's constitution. Hoffa was overwhelmingly elect ed at .the convention at Miami Beach. Ha., last week. McClcllan, chairman of the Sen ate Rackets Investigating Commit tee, also said records surrendered by the teamsters "reveal some sit nations which arc just plain scandalous." A United Nations model assembly. f Co-sponorsing the UNC delegation in which UNC will represent France, are the student government UN j will take plaee Oct. 17-19 at State ' committee and the Y world affairs; Colloue in Raleigh,, it was announced i committee; Deborah Sink has been yesterday. appointed chairman of the UNC UNC has be-n asked to furnish delegates, the president of the assembly and Stu(k.n(s atteiKlinK the model as the chairman of tlie Ad Hoe commit-! sembly probab,y be cxcust.d U( , ' from classes, according to the latest Al Lowenstein. graduate student . ,nformatUm The reyistratlon fee has been selected to serve as presi- wm bc paid .ojrUy fay the studenl dent of the assembly. j government and the Y . Chairman of the UNC delegates to the model assembly. Deborah j A keynote address by a nationally Sink, stated. "We feel that it is a (known speaker will open the asscm great honor that our school, out of I bly at 2 p. m.. Thursday, and a Legislature Cuts Red I ape ror symposium By STAN FISHER and DON SHAW j students to attend the installation The Student Legislature lasL of Chancellor William B. Aycock. By vLl king ' MIAMI, I'la-Tlic Carolina Tar Heels will be out to make it three in a vow here tonight as Jim Tatum's warriors test their resistance against the strong Miami Hurricanes in the beautiful Orange liowl at 8 p.m. It must seem strange to Tatum to be in the Orange Howl against a team which isn't coached by Oklahoma's Hud Wil kinson. The two coaches have battled here several times in. the past while Tatum was at Maryland. Hut Sunny Jim's opponent here tonight is almost as for midable as Wilkinson Andy Gustafson. And his team should prove a tough test for the lately-inspired Tar Heel contingent. Miami will bring into this contest one of the country's iinst delenses. and a better than average ground attack that last week carried the Hurricanes to a 13-7 victory over a naylor club. Maianu lost its season opener, 70 iu Houston. Pre-game pi-edictions set the crowd which will gather here tonight at 50,000 or better and tl e Tar Heels jean be asured of their best gate of the season in this football-Hungary area, certainly an outstanding locale in collegiate football. Carolina's problem tonight will be twofold; To stop the Hurricanes result ot a meeting of the executive 1 aong the ground and to manipulate committee Monday evening. an offensive attack which will be chairman10 move through a defense whicn mete i yarus strong Aycock Head Of Symposium UNC Chancellor William B. Ay cock has been announced chairman of the Carolina Symposium as a Huge Fireball DKNVKR, Oct. 10 (Al') A huge fireball, described by some being as large as a house, streaked across western skies nar rowly missing a Navy transport I-liine with 20 persons aboard. An official of the Civil Aero nautics Administration here said the object undoubtedly was a me teor. It was reported to have hit I he ground near Myton, Utah. A spokesman at the Naval Air Station at Alameda, Calif., said a DUB which left Alameda at 12:33 y 111. ((Pacific Standard Time) was rfear the fireball as he flew en route to Norfolk, Va. all those participating, was asked to provide the president." Interviews fur delegates to the assembly will bc held today. 3-5 p. m.. in the Roland Parker Lounges of Graham Memorial. Any student is eligible to apply. Dorms To Pick 'Sweetheart7 At Hop Tonight A " Sweetheart of UNC Dormitor ies" will be picked tonight during n IDC dance slated in the base ment of Cobb Dormitory between i V, o'clock and midnight. t IDC Counc il President Tom Wal- j lets said some 10 dormitories have nominated contestants as their . Sweetheart." Winner of the con- i lest will be crowned at 9 p. in. j I Nominated by press time Thurs day were. Luciuda lloldnerness and ! Ann Morgan, sponsored by Grimes i dormitory: Ruth Hoffman, spon j sored by Joyner; Joan Kaylor, sponsored by Winston dormitory. I Also. Carol Tieslau. sponsored by Rattle-Vance-Pettigrew; Ann Miller, sponsored by Rulfin; Retty Graves, sponsored by Old West; Claire Pike, sponsored by Alexander dorm: and Martha Fortune and Retty Davis, both sponsored by Everett Dorm. Walters said refreshments and decorations will be furnished by the Deadlock IDC. and music will be by the LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. Oct. 10 Bobby Haas Quartet. (AP The Central High School ra- Walters said that all persons on ( ial integration crisis subsided to- j the campus are invited to attend the (S BRIEF, Page 3) event. banquet will be held Friday evening. Other information concerning meet ing schedules will be available at registration Thursday afternoon. Exams Rescheduled For SSL Delegates 1 Examinations for candidate-delegates to the 22nd Annual North Carolina State Student Legislature were not held Wednesday night as originally scheduled, according to Tom Long, member of the Intirim ommitte. Long said that these examinations have been rescheduled for Monday from 2-4 p. m. and for Tuesday from 8-9:30 p. m. in Woodhousc conference room. The exam will include question on parliamentary procedure and current events. All UNC students are eligible to night passed a resolution to allow the Carolina Symposium to keep (3) A bill to set up a committee to revise the by-laws of the Stu- funds appropriated by the Student j dent Legislature. serve as delegates to the legislature. Housing for Thursday and Friday ; and anyone interested in student government has been invited by of- niglits will for the most part be provided in private homes and will therefore incur no cost to the dele gate. The assembly will close Sat urday at noon. The probable agenda for the as sembly is as follows: 1. Russian intervention in Hungary 2. Disarmament 3. Red China into the United Na : tions. ficials to attend these meetings. YACK PICTURES There will be an extension for freshmen and law students through Friday evening. Oct. 11, at 7:30. Sophomores, student nurses, nurs ing faculty, and pharmacy students are regularly scheduled te have their photographs made from 1 to 7:30 p.m. legislature in the Bank of Chapel Hill. The bill, introduced by Al Cold smith and Jerry Oppenheimcr (UT). was passed by special or ders, enabling introduction ami passage during a single meeting. The bill ran into a great deal of debate from Student Party opposi tion, who avowed the bill would influence other campus organiza tions into attempting such means of cutting red tape surrounding ex penditures allotted them by the legislature. In a rare move. Speak er Don Furtado ascended the rous trum to oppose the bill. In speaking out against the bill, Furtado said. "I feel that if this bill i passed it would be setting a dangerous precedent." The bill was passed, however. by a 20 to 9 majority. Other bills passed by the legis lature were: (1) A resolution of appreciation to President William Friday. Chan- Connie Whitaker. vice- of the Symposium, will . serve as chairman the program commit tee. Student members of the com mittee are: Sonny Hallford. Her man Godwin, Ed Levy, Hugh Pat terson. Lloyd Daugherty, Martha Richardson and Hanna Kirby. Bills introduced in this session of the legislature to be considered in the next meeting were: (1) A bill to appropriate funds to the Carolina Symposium. (2) A resolution requesting that the campus stores committee ex amine the reasons for the high prices charged students by the UNC Book Exchange. (3) A bill to establish a commit tee to study policies surrounding the office of editor of the student newspaper at other colleges. These bills were referred to the Ways and Means Committee for further consideration. Nine new members were sworn into the Student Legislature last night. New legislators are: Lucie Cross land, Bennie Baueom. "Ralph Pot ter, Graham Claytor, Marian Ells, Kay Klopfer, Bill Savers, Max Vallotton. and Lucy Forsyth. Lucie Crossland, Ed Levy, and Jack Lewis wrere placed in a new7 held Baylor to a along the" ground, j j To "do This," tatum will probably call upon his steady quarterback Dave Reed to take to the air against the Hurricanes. The Miami front wall, while not inprcdgnable, will probably give the Tar Heels a lot of Ex-officer memebers of program j trouble and the final outcome of this committee by right of their positions , ball game could rest upon the twirl on the executive committee are: . ,ng arm 0f Reed and his number Mary Jane Fisher. Jerry Oppen- one and two understudies. Curt heimer. Al Goldsmith and W. M. , Hathaway and Jack Cummings. Geer. ! As for Miami, fans here can ex- The program committee will serve peCt to see a tight ground game to select topics of discussion for with very few passes. The Hurri open forum and to contact speakers ! canes have completed only one Symposium upon to address the these topics. Faculty members of the Sympos- j ium this year are: W. M. Geer; Dr. George E. Nicholson, math de partment; John Sanders. Institute of Government; Gerah Johnson, his tory department; Dr. J. E. King, history department; Dr. W. A. Bowers, physics department; and Dr. Shepherd Jones, political science department. The Carolina Symposium is a group of interested students, lay men and faculty members working together to bring intellectuals to the University to speak on problems of the day. cellor William Aycock. Dean Fred j district, but were re-elected from Weaver. Edsar Branch. Sonny 1 these districts, Evans and all others iconcerncd for their efforts in obtaining re cent measures favoring students. (2) A resolution encouraging all Several new members have been placed on the following commit tees: 1. Wavs and Means: Jack Law- ing (replacing Jim Alford) Kay Klopper; 2. Finance: Jeff Hare, (replac ing Ron Belk), Bob Burgc, Bennie Baucom; 3. Rules: Graham Claytor, Lucy Forsyth. THE AYCOCK STORY Racial Ham And Eggs WASHINGTON. Oct. 10-(AP)--1'resident Eisenhower smothed over an international incident to day with a breakfast of ham and cks. Eisenhower's guest at the White House meal was K. A. Cbedemah, who was refused service at a Do er. Del., restaurant Monday eve ning because he is a Negro. Cbedemah. who is the finance tninitter of Ghana, the new Afri cm Negro republic, told reporters after having breakfast with Eisen hower and Vice President Nixor.: "The President expressed per sonal apologies over all that was done in Delaware." UNCs New Chancellor Will 'Go Forward And Keep Moving' Editor's Note: Following is the ! last in a series of articles which will comprise a three-page sec tion to be published this week in "Popular Government." written by Prof. Albert Coates of UNC. it relates to Chancelolr Aycock, who will be officially installed here this weekend.) No one who heard William Ay cock acknowledge the authority and leadership of his schoolmate Presi dent in the quietly moving state ment, "I mean to serve him well," I has any doubt that he means to serve the-University of North Caro lina well. And those who saw him through j the years turn down offer after I ofler of higher rank and better pay 1 in other universities, almost to the doubling point, and w ithout a hesi- fating moment, have no doubt about the fact his heart is in this dwell ing place. What comes first in the University in his thinking is clear to those who heard his laughing answer to a neighbor's observation that his lawn would come along faster if his children kept off it for awhile: ' Right now I'm raising children. When I get through raising chil dren, I'll start raising grass!" His father had followed Uiat sort of thinking in raising him; "talk ing things over" with him as they did the morning and evening chores together; writing him letters from an understanding heart whenever he came to turning points in college days and after; and opening well springs in his life that are running deep and strong today. It was this way of lookiug at things that brought him to his work ir planning projects for employing and developing latent abilities in social duties of life by paying the thousands of youth all over North i stric test attention to their educa Carolina, and helping them find tion." jobs which would help them find themselves. It was this way of looking at things which he put to use in the Plans and Training Section in Fort McClellan Headquarters, where he was charged with administrative responsibilities in utilizing the re sources of this great military cen ter in preparing thirty thousand young men from all over the na tion for the stresses and strains of combat duty. In this faith the founders and written into the charter of the Uni versity of North Carolina in 1789 the belief that "it is the indispens able duty of every legislature to consult the haDDiness of a rising generation and endeavor to fit them j for an honorable discharge of the i In this faith the leader of the forces of education in North Caro lina at the turn of the century had proclaimed the ' right of every child born on earth to have the oppor tunity to bourgeon out all that there is within him." In this faith the incoming Chancel lor will lead the University in its historic mission of helping to build here in North Carolina a way of life and living for which generations of men and women have fought and dreamed and died and scarce ly dared to hope. "Go forward and keep moving" were the orders coming to him as he took command of the Third Bat talion of the 346th Infantry in 1945. He had heard those words before coming to him from within him self as he took leadership among his fellows in school at home, in N. C. State, in NYA. In that tradi tion he went forward and kept mov ing as Soldier. Student. Editor, Scholar, Teacher, Administrator, and Member of the United Nations te?m on its mission to India and Pakistan. Those who know him know, and those who do not know him will find out, in words drawn from his citations and literally cut from the raw materials of his life on other battlefields, that he will ""go for ward and keep moving" in the role of Chancellor, with the "effi cient planning and tactical skill," the "initiative, courage, and devo tion to duty," and the "gallantry in action." exemplifying the highest traditions" of the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill- pass this season and are labeled strictly a running ball club. The man who bears the closest servelance by the Tar "Heels is senior John Varone, the right half back. Gustafson calls Varone potentially the finest runners ever at Miami and adds that "he hits harder than Doc Rlanchard. "Varone has gained 171 yards in two games and 131 of them were against Baylor. The Huricanes have a couple of outstanding rookie quarterbacks in Fran Curci and Maury Guttman. Both are lefthanders and can handle the ball club with equal critical ! ability. Curci, who has ganied 144 yards on the keeper play in two games, has earned the pluadits of the experts for his amazing ball handling. Superlatives for the Miami victory j over Baylor carry over to the line which limited the Bears to 17 yards on the ground in 19 tries. The Miami first unit now has played nearly 80 minutes without giving up a first down on rushing. Charley (See TAR HEELS, Page U) Asian Flu Hits At Wake Forest WINSTON-SALEM, Oct. 10 (AP) An outbreak of flu, pre sumably the Asian variety, has confined seme 65 Wake Forest students on the campus here. Dean William C. Archie said today the outbreak began about the middle of last week. The number of afflicted students ha increased steadily since. Five new cases were admitted to spe cial infirmary quarters set up in Efird Hall dormitory. About the same number were released. While all students have rjet been tested individually at least one case has been diagnosed as Asian flu. Dean Archie said. All the confined students are pre sumed to have Asian flu.

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