1 V. C Lfsrify WEATHER Partly loiid.y to m eassion.illy 4l..uilv and continued rather cm1 loiiiht Miid Wednesday. BALLOT It's so much better than the bul let says the old ed on second page. VOL. LXV NO. 41 Complete Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1957 Offices in Graham Memorial FOUR PAGES THIS ISSUE Weekend Plans Now rui e 1 111 ' 1,11 V ' i: i I , It ml ii(dt dlks Camp Complete 11. in fur full Germans con i crt ami lormnl dance tin Friday, l,ac been announced by Mark Chci i y of Mt, Olive, German Club 'l Csulfllt The eiMicert will begin at 3:.T0 in Memorial Hall, and the dance will ! held tnmi it p. in till midnight in Woollen Gymnasium, j Mumc will he furnished by Lcs I kai l and bis 1G piece dance band. Highlight of very Germans dance ', presentation of the German Club : lepi'esematives ami their dates in a ! Inure Sponsoring lor the club otlicers will u Miss Ginny Oavvson of Snow Hill tor President Cherry, who re presents phi Delta Thcta Iraternity. Mi-, Sister Maddux of Greensboro li t Vice-President. John McKee of Mi.r.iiUiin. eta Psi; Miss Lilia Scott ot Shrcveport. La., for See leiarv. Thad S Bostie of Forest City. Kappa Alplii. and Miss Sara Williamson of Darlington, S ('., for Ireasuicr . Kelly M.incss Jr. of ( 'i ei iis!)oro, Beta Thcta Pi. Twelve other sponsors have Ix-en aiiiioiiiu ed Joan Brooks of Greens tao tin Sam Yancey of Marion, Alpha lau Omega; Catherine Cline intramural Department representa oi (harh.tte lor .John U. Craw ford ; , IV1S ari, n)Mlhmin it Salisbury. Sigma Nu: Suie Don- . " V X ClV ' LAST YEAR'S CARNIVAL UNC students are shown above participating in activities during last year's Co-recreaticnal Sports Carnival. The 11th annual event will be held November 14 in Woollen Gym. UP aign P Symposium' AUTHORITYSAY- To Receive Could Objects Be Donations j Interplanetary? Campaign coordination and fi nances were main topics of busi- WASHfNGTON, Nov. 5 - A brilliant mystery object was report- ness at last night's meeting of the j ed sighted today in southern skies SET NOVEMBER 14 Carnival Plans Being Made Preparations ;o e being made for I carnival should be submitted to the mural Department staff. aM of Nassau. Bahama, for Charlie PiMman of Columbia. S. C. Phi DelM Thru; Anita L. Kdvvards of fialeu-h. for William II. Taylor of Xhenlen St. Anthony Mall. Ian. la Fh nn of Salisbury, for W'al l.uv fl.vlrr of Salisbury, Kappa AIpli.i. siian Helms of .Monroe fori George v. Wray Jr. of Charlotte. Kappa Siama: Kay Afungravr of j I rxinctn f,r Bob Timberlake of I l.rxin 1r.t. Siwna CM; Ciimlyn ' Mvn s i.t HaW-ciH tor Hoh Stew art o Mi.inii l l.i . Pi Kappa Alpha Vimi Noiton of Atlanta. ('.: . for i.u. W Nisl,. t of Charlotte. Beta 'lie'. i I'i Stuart Prram of Ashe-, Vi'.'e .m Sni'h I'.radluM o Ashe v ilie I'l l Gamma Delta. Anne Ste v. lit Pm kney ol ltuhmond, V.i . lor .lull. m Tut ker Baker Jr. of l5a!euh. eta Jsi, and Linda Lou Weaver ! St I.oiys, Mo for Dave I'ox of St. Louis. Siuma Alpha I psih hi , the eleventh annual Co-recreation ; Intramural or the W'AA office by Sports Carnival set for 0:4." p. m.. p. m. Thursday. November 14. in Woollen Gym. ; The carnival program will offer Women's Athletic Assocation and numerous sports activities, carnival ; games and novel relays. F.ach team their ellorts for w ill consist of six mi n ;md six vvo- the event. men. Participants will be paired by Trophies will be awarded to the individual winners. Plaques will go to the men's and women's groups compiling the most points. Last year about 223 students parti cipated in the carnival. The two athletic groups expect a larger turn- University Party. A total of $65 was voted to be donated to the Carolina Symposi um and to the Chapel Hill Empty Stocking Fund. UP members voed to contribute $50 to the Symposium and $15 to the Empty Stocking Fund. Speaking on behalf of contribu tion to the Symposium Al Gold smith explained that the proposed Symposium budget for this year's nrosram ranged between $5,000 $6,000. Goldsmith said that ap proximately $2,400 had been rais ed so far. secret military installations in the Southwest. The Air Force said the radar net work of the Air Defense Command by a Coast Guard cutter, even as Air Force specialists investigated a ! is keeping watch so far with no Kntries for participation in the drawing from a hat by the Intra- out for this year's event. flurry of earlier, similar reports. The nation's leading investigator of aerial phenomena immediately said that "it looks as though they (the objects) are interplanetary." The Coast Guard Cutter Sebago. cruising in the Gulf of Mexico about 200 miles south of Louisiana, radioed that an object resembling "a bril liant planet with a high rate of speed" was seen for about three sec ond at 5:21 a. m. (CSTi. j Coast Guard Headquarters in New j Orleans said the message did not I results and that specially qualified investigators have been assigned iu look into the reports ans 26 Units Will Cost $2 Million By' ANN FRYE U5C administration officials yesterday announced plans for a major, S2 million housing project for married students at the .University. Still incomplete plans call for For several years the Air Force construction of 26 two-story build ings on a site just east of Vic tory Village which will include has checked all reports of unidenti fied flying objects. Investigators work under tie Air Defense Com- 208 one and two-bedroom apart mand at Colorado Spring, Colo., menls- Air Twhnir.Qt uiNC business .Manager j. and report to the Intelligence Center. Branch said each apartment will Judging from past findings, the U1 - mum, uuuen, bathroom and one or two bedrooms. chances are 50-1 the Air Force will offer a humdrum explanation for the current sightings. ' During the first half of this year, report exactly Jerry Jones, UP vice-chairman ; cutter had seen the object, and fall campaign coordinator, The Sebago's message said the ob spoke to the group on general jeet was tracked on the vessel's World In Brief RICHMOND, Vj., Nov, 5. t . The 1.120-pound Soviet satellite. Democrat J. Lindsay Almond carrying along a little dog called Jr. today won ofoction at oovar- Laika on its orbit of the, earthy nor of .Virginia vndtr fho Byrri I my- he visihle Wur'lng three swift orqaniialion banner of mattivo I passes overhead beginning at 5 ratittanc to racial integration I a m. F.ST. in tha public school. The signal to begin optical tracking was sent out from the N. C. Flu Deaths Smithsonian Astrophysical Obscrv- ' atorv at l a bridge. Mass. At the PvAI.KlGll. Nov. 5. i.-F Ihv Nov. 21 Set For UN Trip I NC will again go to the U. N this year when the V lias its annual L'nited Nations seminar trip to New York City. The seminar will last from Nov 21 2.1. and students will leave UNC in cars to go on the trip. The ap pioximate cost for the trip, room and meals is $ ID. Any interested student who wants to lake his car on the trip has been urged to do so will be paid for most of the ga expenses. Purpose of the seminar, according to .lean Pierce lioissavit, publicitv hait man for the trip, is threefold to get more information about th tnechancis and procedure of th l N . to iMt the U. N. delegations mc the I'. N in action and to riis cuss First-hand information about (intent international affairs. The committee for the trip, head ed by l.d ( row, plans to have pi'i'iiinant speakers talk to the M fiiiu ir urouu. o have a tour around New York City on one of tin ulteiniH'iK and to have an orienta tion, program Monday before th M'tmnar fur the people going on tlx trip death of two persons in Chatham J County of complications resulting from Asian flu was reported by the State l'.oard of Health today, i They were the first two deaths ;to be attributed to the current flu iipidemic which continued to rage ' in the state unabated, j Dr. Fred Foard, head of the health board's Division of Epi demiology, reported that a com pletion of estimates made by county health officers gave a to tal of 145,732 cases of "influenza like" disease in the state last week. same time the observatory pre dicted that Sputnik I. launched into space by the Russians Oct. 4. will make a fiery plunge to earth Dec. 11. MissHerndon Is Yack Judge Miss North Carolina of 1933, Miss Elaine Herndon, wilt be one of three to Judge the WK Ynrkety- Yack beauty contest to be held in Mem orial Hall at 7:30 p. in. on Thursday. Nov. 21. F.ach contestant will be introduced to the audience and the judges by master of ceremonies. Ty Boyd, of radio station Wild-. Music will be provided by the Hill Hyers Quartet. I.t. Harvey 1 himphory. Supply ('orps, l'nited States Navy; and Lawrence Wofford. chief photogra pher for the Kaleigh News and Ob , serv er, will help Miss Herndon in the judging. Wofford was on the pan el of Judges for the Mis North Caro lina Contest in i;."". and Humphrey has also judged similar events. plans for the Nov. 12 election. He said that campaign head ouarters would be announced i.i the Daily Tar Heel within the next few days. Jones stated that the headquarters would be located in Graham Memorial and urged can didates to make use of the room. In speaking to the candidates Jones said he could not -"stress too, much Retting out and meeting the people." Candidates were reminded to turn in their expense accounts by 6 p.m. Monday to the Student Government offices. who on board the ! the Air Force said- onJy 19 r cent of the 2o0 reported sightings of flying saucers and other fantastic areial objects have wound up in the ! "unknown" category. j And: the' Air Force - said firmly though not all flying saucer buffs j may agree that it doesn't believe radar screen for 27 minutes and i that, during that period, the object flitted on and off the screen several times. Sightings of strange objects have been reported from widely scatter ed sections of the United States since Sunday, most of them near even the . 1.9 per cent residue is things you read Branch said the problem in con nection with these apartments is to construct as many apartments as possible .and make each roomy enough for comfortable living. A report from the Housing of fice yesterday said about 200 mar ried couples are on the waiting list for apartments. In the construction of the new i apartments, Branch said the Unt iversity must comply with specif i- Dukafhon Race Set Saturday up lire uiuigs juu ictu QC ,,.,. f;- f-n. about. in .science fiction magazines. he Federal Housine and Home Ballons. aircraft and such astro- Finance Agency (HHTA). namical sights . as , meteorites and Umveritv will sell revenue bright stars aceount-at least to the ',bonds tn the HHFA to finance con Air Force's offieiaJ satisfaet almost four-fifths of the sightings. The University will rent, main-The-director of a: private organ iza-! fain and , operate the apartments Hon set up to investigate flying , when they're comDieted. Fifth Amendment WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. W A labor consultant and a teamsters union official invoLP-d the Fifth mendment more than 100 times today and refused to tell Senate rackets probers whether they made under-the-table deals to ease the labor troubles of Michigan uisinessmen. The i consultant, George Katn now of Farmington, Mich., vouldn't say whether he lavished 'fil.000 on union bosses in 1954 nd 1955 and charged it to firms hat hired his services. Reading Yom a slip of paper, the sweating vitness invoked the Fifth Amend nent Tfi times. Frank Kierdorf. business agent if teamster Iocal 332 in Flint, Mich., rolled up more than 40 Fifth Amendment pleas againct oossible self incrimination in re vising to talk about his relations with Kamenow. Touqher Laws WASHINGTON, Nov. 2 (AD Sen. MeClellan (D-Ark) said to day the Senate rackets investiga tion has shown a need for tougher laws to punish union busting tac tics by employers and their agents. Because of the lack of entrants MeClellan heads the special Sen- the final deadline has been extend- Goldsmith spoke on legislative ac ate Committee now deep in an in- j ed to Wesdnesday. Nov. 13. Entry tjon jie sai( he f elt the UP had UP Chairman Harry Braxton asked for suggestions from the party members for a party plat form for the coming election. Braxton said he passed out paper for suggestions and received a "bunch of 'bull.' They were just goofing off." Braxton announced that the UP executive committee will draw up the party platform. Under committee reports. vestigation f alleged anti-union j blanks may be secured in the Yack deals between Nathan W. Sheffcr-1 office in the basement of Graham man of Chicago and a variety of Memorial. employers. 'used their 29-21 majority well The Fourth Annual DUkathon. a foot race from the post office in Chapel Hill to the post office in Durham, sponsored by Delta Upsilon Fraternity, will be held on Saturday, Nov. 16 at 1:30 p. m. The crowning of a DUkathon Queen will again be an added attraction. Any student with an "A" medical rating is eligible to enter the Du kathon. Those interested in entering the rpce have been asked to call 9-1301 i or send a post card to Jim Menzel, j Dukathon Committee Chairman, Delta Upsilon House. Each men's dorm and fraternity has been asked to send a repre sentative to a meeting at the D. U saucers and such said he couldn't evaluate at this point' the current rash of reported sightings. But retired Marine Maj. Donald E. Key hoe. director of the Nationd Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, added that the reported I objects may be something from an other planet. Attend Meeting Five representatives of the UNC School of Education will be in Asheville Tuesday and Wednesday attending the annual meeting of the North Carolina Principals As sociation. The five areGuy B. Phillips and The site for the proposed new anartmont huildincrs was approved ihis fall bv both the faculty Build ings and Grounds Committee and the University Trustees Buildings Committee. The revenue bonds will be paid ever a 40 year period. Branch would not speculate on when construction might get un derway. Rent far the apartments has not been determined. Branch said grading work is al- ' most completed on the parking lot near Kenan Stadium, and curb and gutter work is now underway. He said gravel will be put on the lot as soon as the present work is far enoueh along. Ackland Museum, on Columhii Speaking of past legislative ac- House 0n Nov. 12 at 8 p. m. At ! Carl Brown, professors of educa- Street opposite the First Baptist tion Goldsmith said that money j this time detaiis of tne Dukathon The senator told newsmen the testimony has shown up anti-union practices that "certainly are to be appropriated to the wiU 5e expiained .See WORLD BRIEFS Page 3 j nek Court GM's Slate The following activities are scheduled for Graham Memorial today: Pan Hellenic, 5 5 30 pm, Grail Room; Ways ami Means Commit tee. 4 5 p m , Grail Room; Sym posium, 4 5 30 p m., Roland Parker Lounge 1; Jehovah's Witnesses, 7 30 8 30 p.m.. Roland Parker Lour.ge 1; Symposium. 4-5:30 p.m., U. S. Satellite NEW YORK. Nov. 5. W The Mutual Broadcasting Sysftm said today it had been reliably inform ed that the United States would launch its first satellite next week. The network, in a coast-to-coast radio broadcast, said its Philadel phia news bureau had been in fromed of the launching by a leaning sciontfst. described as an expert on insects. Show Begins November 15 The Ladies League for Democratic Action, an Okinavvan version of a political pressure group, is part of the current production of the Caro lina Playmakers-' "Teahouse of the August Moon." This current three-performance run will begin in Memorial Hall, Friday, November 15. Five girls from four different states' head the cast. Miss Barbara Battle, of Miami, Fla . is the staunch president of the Ladies League, whose efforts to wards the democratic ideal center upon lipstick, perfume and bobby pins. i no last tvme .Miss liattie was Contestants must be present for a , focen . , l. 1 1l'..,l I.,.. IV..,. on "7 ' . i l ieoeu.s.u ,veu,,v . ,w. . . Symposlum, the Tarnation aeoi Each girl's dorm and sorority has p. m. Every coed is eligible except , had been cleared up and the con- bcpn askpd to sponsor a candidate those who were on the U,)7 ackety troversial trash can issue had been for Dukathon Queen ; defeated. candidates lor queen are urged j On Nov. 12 the polls will open send a small snapshot for the from Q a m until R D.m. As renort- 1 election posters to Jim Menzel by Dr. James T. Proctor, assistant I cd in Monday night's required ov- 8- professor of psychiatry at the UNC 1 candidates meeting, candidates I The campus wide election for the Medical School, has been elected to w,n be responsible for seeing Dukathon Quen will be held on Nov. a regional chairmanship in the j that none of their literature is j 14. The crowning will take place American Association of Psvchiatric i within 50 feet of the polls when on Nov. 16 just before the race ! 1 , Clinics for Children. i the polls are open. begins. GETS REGIONAL POST tion; John Chase, assistant profes- j Church, is 88 per cent near com- sor; Richard C. Wilson, graduate j nletion. according to the UNC student; and William H. Wagoner, business manager. associate secretary of the N. C. School Boards Association. PROFESSORS TO MEET Prof. Fritz Machlup of Johns Hopkins University will address the UNC chapter of the American Association of University Profes sors today at 7:30 p.m. in the fac ulty lounge of the Morehead Building. SAUCERS, SPUTNIK, AND EGGS Carolinans Report Strange Flying Objects' By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS "That great inverted bowl" that Omar Khayyam called the sky, has been filled to overflowing with strange objects, according to re ports from areas that include not only the Western emptiness but also the Carolinas. News that the U. S. Air Force Moonwatch WASHINGTON. Nov. 5. t.f Roland Parker Lounge 2; Petite j More than 100 American moon Dramalique, 7 11 p.m., Roland watch teams were alerted today to lar r Lounge 3: Traffic Commit- man their telescopes for a pre tee, 4 5 p.m., Woodhouse Confer-.dawn appearance of Sputnik II to rtu e Room. morrow. nlnns In investigate renorts of seen on the Playmakers stage, she briiant hoverinS lights seen near appeared in another oriental role. ; government installations in New that of the old Japanese woman of cXiCn and other Western areas "Stranger in the Land", l a(,f,od credibilitv ,0 sightings of The other members of the Ladies simUar f)bjpcts -n the CaroVinas. i,oaguc are r.oun innricns, oi xev ork, N .Y.; Ann Harvey, Shef field. Ala. Hope Spargar. Scars dale, N. Y.; and Frances Bell, Dan ville. Va. "Teahouse of the August Moon" w ill play November 15-17 in Mcm- The objects were seen in the two-state area at various times, from last Wednesday night to early yesterday. One of the early Carolinas re ports included the coincidence of a stalling automobile. Such occur- orial Hall. Tickets are available rcnces were mentioned prominenl from the Business Office of the ( ly in st0rics from Texas. Carolina Playmakers, 214 Abernethy Irs. Barbara Jean Stos of Hall, and Ledbetter-Pickard. All . j .nmherton said she was driving tion is given bv Mr. and Mrs. Harl .seats are reserved at $1.50. I with her husband and another cou-1 ston Adams of near Charleston, pie last Thursday evening when ill four saw an object about 200 feet long in the sky. She relate 1 'hat the object "raised straight up. hen flamed," and that their auto nobile stalled. Two fishermen near McColl. S. C, said they saw a dark object about the size of an automobile hovering over the pond last Wed nesday night. Bowden Tyler and Buddy Jacobs told Tyler's brother-in-law. Gene Granger of McColl. that the thing was about 70 feet off the ground and had an engine lhat sounded like a diesel. What Frank Fenwick of Green ville, S. C, reportedly saw resem bled a rocket and trailed black- smoke and flame. He declared that he spotted it yesterday as it trav elled southward and disappeared j beyond the horizon. Even more colorful a descrip To his left he suddenly noticed an object "about one foot across, just above the horizon, tha flowed more brilliantly than the sun." He added that it sank out f sight and left a trail of light lik.3 a flare. "I've seen planes drop flares, the Northern lights, and the battle of Okinawa," Blackburn said. "But that thing knocks me for more of a loop than anything I've ever seen." No one had a ready explanation for the sightings in the Carolinas. But one caller at the Columbia. S. C, Record identified himself as a former Texan and said there was no mystery about the light. seen out there. "They're seen all over Texas but only at night," drawled the Salem, employe of a Charlotte j caller. "I ve seen em up xo zov construction company, said he feet long. was driving along U.S. 29 near "That, partner, was a Texas Concord about 6:30 a.m. Monday. firefly." who reported they saw something about 4 a.m. yesterday. Mrs Adams, who said her husband woke her to stare at the strange object, declared it looked likje "an overstuffed worm with two long feelers sticking from its head; or like a huge fotball with antennae." She said it had a bright reddish color and moved slowly. There was no evidence of flaming, she added. Bill Hemby of near Weddington said his dog's barking waked him at about 4 a.m. Monday. Looking outside, he said, he saw a red ob ject "like an airplane on fire, but bigger." Running outside the house he observed the thing, at a relatively low altitude, travel across the western sky. A. W. Blackburn of Winston The Museum will be headquar ters for the Art Department with racilities for studios and exhibi- -tion roms. Bran-ch said that construction oT the threee men's dormitories near Kenan Stadium' and the addition to Spencer women's dorm is com ;ns along cn schedule. The dorms and Spencpr addition tre expected to be finished by otember J.58. The dnrms ar 38 per cent near completion, and 1he Soencer addition is 45 per cent completed. IKI TMP INPIRMARY Students in th infirmary yes terday included: Misses Annie Cofield, Mary Alvs Voorhees, Margaret Evans, Robbie Martin, Sara Van Weyk, Sarah Nicholson, Susan Donald,, Elizabeth McCord, Virginia Cars well, Betty Doughtery, Sue Don isthorpe, and Mrs. Joan Wise. Messrs. Ken Bemmer, Edward Graham, John Gibson, Charles Graham, George Boss, Thomas Hoilman, Charles Ross, Law rence Bryson, James Summey, Oscar Anderson, George Schro eder, Georae Hodges, J. P. Tim berlake, WiUiam Parker, Mi chael Nerbaum, Robert Pebbles, Yehia Bessouky, Emit DeCantis, Jack Lineberger, John Owens, Wadie Mikhial, Bruce Berryhill, Rupert Eavis, Sellers Crist, Paul Walter, James Miller, Ralph Ma son, Oren Manninq, Russell Bos tie, Gerald Kilpatrick, Jack Welsch, Hugh Toland.

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