j, tJ.TT.C. Library Serials Dspt. Box 870 Cfcapol Hilit N.C. WEATHER fair and continued rooj 1(m)jiv and Umnrrnw. jn emp t.9tues In the low fd's FOOTBALL Vandalism isn't a bedfellow sayi the editor on page two. if ....... - - vvu - sVs VOL. LXV NO. 54 Complete Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1957 Offices in Graham Memorial SIX PAGES THIS ISSUUE !DC Hears Two Letters At Meeting By DAVIS YOUNG The Intcrdormitnry Council met list night under the direction oi I "resident Tom Walters and heard him read two letters, one from the President of the Independent Dormitory Council nt Duke and one from Dr. Hcdgpeth of the 1'NC Infirmary. The letter from Duke was writ len by Tony Turner and stated: "In lieu of the forthcoming Uni versity of North Carolina Duke football anie. I am writing to ak for the cooperation of the inde pendents at Carolina. "In the past there has been an excellent record in regard to the lack of destruction of property and other acts of vandalism o.i the part of both schools. and am honing the situation will main the ame this year. "There has been a tradition of trons rivalry between Duke and 1'NC in all facets of university lifo. hut especially in the field of sports. Let everyone ret behind his team and ;:ivc Ihem the cheerin snd hacking that is so much a part of the same, but let us allow the came to be played on the field in the traditional hard, clean way." A second letter was read from If'-dgocth thanking the IDC f r a Irttrr written bv them, which recently appeared in the Dailv Tar 1lel. Hedgpeth said. "The senti ment which you expressed w"i 7-av annreriated by all the In firmary Staff, and I assure vmi thit it will ahvavs he our rff rt fo do the verv best mc can for ! I III' I .; . . iMsr- i MM - - i M i 1 1 I v i: 1 k- H ' 1 4 lr . ; v s St ! , v - I hi r-" Si h! 1 fl y I t f r, - Hi I , j : i . i ;i ;' ,' 1 re I i I ' ' s I ? I . in o sliiiliroD MM Ma in n7 f .1110 w Candidate Rule Sticks To Guns HOUSE AWARD Newly-installed president of the Dialectic Sen ate Girard Boudreau is shown as he received the Robert B. House Award Tuesday night for the Di at the Di inauguration in New West. Ex-Chancellor House is pictured presenting the trophy, which was donated by the Council of Forensics in honor of House and is to be presented annually to the winner of the Di-Phi debate. (Norm Kan tor Photo) Sunday Times Praises N.C. Research Triangle student bodv. It s nice know that it is appref rated. " A twenty-pa? magazine - type cction of Sunday's Nrw Yor! Times was (lev ted to the indus' rial i. pportunities in North Car olina. In consideration of the advant ages for industries in the stale. Section 10 of th? Times nam?d the olna's secret weapon expand in industries. This Research Triangle has , ( I its points 1 cutcd h.re at one th. SP's Whitfield Denies Charges Ahn at the myelin" a romolaint I ' .Research Taian'le" as North Car inr Fivn 1 olna's secret weapon to beckon Frank Crowther Joins Kuralt To Deny 'Deal7 Vr;nk Crowbc- linked Monday willi a '.li'ioe" cnansrd i" r-citu-.i in tbo vecHll election for h p.l.torsliip of Tt'e Droly T--r tteet. ye-terdy joined V;ill- Kuralt in tl'-n; in the charges. Crowther sa'-d. "I have never spoken to Itule in my lile. I have hac not precipitated any barcain through Wfdly Kuralt or though any oilier a-ent." Crowther s;,rl if n is ooess;iry . hr would cldly no before the Honor ' Cf.uncil for an investigation. "I will not allow myself to be put in any posilion where I can be used for j barjaininc." he declared. The former Daily Tar Heel s'nl'fer , jaid his position in the recall was; simply tht he favored it. He- f.dded thnt he Ivdieved students art Just seeking the best man to replace the present editor. "I believe they have found this man in Dou Kisclc." Crowther fdded. Hp said lie planned to help F.isele's campaign, ' but I do so Ihroujh n obligation cither on my part or on the p,-rt of Mr. Kiselc." Crowther said. "The only clique of which I am a member is the UNC student body." he announced. The other two arc at e and Duke Universi- Cniversity. State Colic ty. The Triangle, considered one of ih? nation's most important in lustrial resources, involves more than 830 research scientists and nore than seven millron dollars. This concentration of research people and facilities in the Triangle 's one of several in th-e nation.1. but is unique in the South. j Here at Carolna, the main con icntratior.s in the Ilesearch Tri :,nl? are in the fields of the social and natural sciences, mathematics md mathematical statistics. Covcm r Hodges, in Sundays By ED ROWLAND Wally Kuralt, initiator of the rc call election for the editorship of the Daily Tar Heel and who Tues day was linked with a clique ask- The "former Student Party leader" mentioned in Wednes day's Daily Tar Heel was former party Chairman Jim Holmes of Washington, D. C, it was re vealed yesterday. Former Chairman Holmes was quoted in the story as saying that SP leaders and former lead ers a small clique within the party including Tom Lambeth, former SP chairman and cur rent Graham Memorial director; Joel Fleishman, former SP chairman and current University law studerit; student body Pres ident Sonny Evans; Jonathan Yardley, editorship candidate Barry Winston's campaign man ager, and others met Tuesday morning to endorse Doug Eisel and encourage the withdrawal of Barry Winston from the edi torship race. Winston has since withdrawn and Eisele has officially entered the race. Eisele, who denied that he was connected with the clique, admitted that he had met at the home of James Wallace, former SP leader and current facwltv member, at approximately 1 a.m. Tuesday. way with Rule, Winston, Eisele oc j Bass. i Paul Rule stated Tuesday that ! Kuralt visited him (Rule) in his room and promised the withdraw- il of Winston from the race if oit oiunii, ridim viuwiutl and others were namd to tho itaff. In a statement issued yesterday, Rule said: "I reaffirm mv state ment as given to the Daily Tar Heel Tuesday." He added that harlie Sloan had told him over the telephone vesterdav that he Sloan) had no pre-knowledje of suralt's visit. See Kuralt Page Five) SI' Chairman Whit WhUtiuld vesterdav denied that there had been any political collusion in con nection with the end rsement ol Don- Ivs:lc as a candidal- U oppose Kditur Neil Buss and can didate I'aul Hiile in the recall elec tion lor editor of the Daily Tar Heel. Whitfield declared that "cery thin was pen and above board.' that there had been r.o ' rendezv ous" at faculty member Jimmy Wallace's home following Monday i night's Student Tarty meeting and ' that no decisions had been reach ' ed after the SP meeting. ing favors from Paul Rule, denied 'the charges today. "I have attempted to make no i election 'deal' with Mr. Rule, nor I Times, pointed to the advantages : with anyone else." Kuralt said n of V.': Research Triangle for m- ( a statement issued ycstcrciaj. nc dustries in urging new and ex- added that he was connected in no panding industries to investigate North Carolina for possible lo cations ol their plants. In the oast, must of the re- GM's Slate The following activities are scheduled for Graham Memorial tday: High School Honor System, 54 p.m.. Grail Room; Student Council, 7-11 P.m., Grail Room; Symposium, 2-3 P m., Roland ParVer Lounge 1; Rules Com mittte. 4 5 p.m., Roland Parker 1; University Club, 7-8:30 p.m., Roland ParVer Lounge 1; Un vtnity Party Caucus, 7-8:30 pm, Roland Parker Lounge 5: Jtudtnt Party Caucus, f 7-7:30 pm., Roland PtrVtr Lounge 3; Ctrman Club, 2-3 P.m., Wood htvii Conference Room; Young Htpublicans Club, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Woodhouse Conference Room; Tri lota, 1:30-11 p.m.. Wood house Conference Room; Worn n's Honor Council, 6:45-10 p m , Csuncil Room; Bridge Lesions, 7 30 p.m. Rendezvous Room. "The decisions made at the SI' meeting were the only decisions made." he said. Earlier, a news story in the Daily Tar Heel charged that a meeting took place at Wallace's house following the SP meeting. The story said that a former Stu dent Party official had divulged this information but had requested thnt his name not be used. ' Whitfield said the endorsement 1 of Eisele had come following a decision by the party that they j could not support any of the can- didates then in the race. "Thev did not feel obligate! to support Rule, Bass or Winston," he said, "but desired a candidate of their own choosing." Also denying the report was Craham Memorial Director Tom Lambeth, who was reported to have been at the alleged meet ing. "The .1' legations appearing a ainst me in yei'crdviy's Ittiily Tar Heel are completely untrue," he said. -earth and service necessities ot industry have been borrowed from other parts of the nation. With the Research Triangle in North Carolina, the present eco nomic situation of the South as a wh.de is expected to benefit, as well as this state. Serving as a liason between the three institutions and industry ..mi Government is the Governors Research Triangle Committee, Inc. ! Director of this committee is; OUT l V : Dr George L. Simpson. uu ; leave lrom UNC Dr. Simpsvn is a; professor in the Department of Suciologv and Research and an; associate in the Institute for Re- search in Social Science. j Offices for the governors cum-1 mittee will so:n be located m a newly - acquired 5-000 acre Re search Triangle Park, three miles from the Raleigh-Durham Airport. Land in the Park will also be available to industries. Experts have hailed the Re search Triangle as "a wedding of basic and applied research. Legislature To Meet Tonight The Student Legislature will j meet tonight at 7:30 on the top floor of New East. One bill "to establish the North Carolina State Student Legisla ture Delegation of UNC as an in dependent organization with its of tho Student Legisla- i., - ficers and members subject to the tu re," will probably be debated tonight. The Ways and Means Committee ' will make a report on the bill. John Brooks (SIM introduced! the bill. "I don't think that th? i bill should be very controversial. I It is in keeping with all other i statutes fir organization of this ! nature." he commented. ; Appointments made by Speaker Don Furtado to the ways anu means committee, the finance com mittee, and the rules committee will be announced Doug Eisele Declines Challenge Paul Rule, candidate for editor of the Daily Tar Heel, challenged Editor Neil Bass and candida'c Doug Eisele to a verbal duel in! Carroll Hall Monday night, Rule j said he felt this debate was neces-1 sary since Eisele had announced! his candidacy after the threcAvay ; debate among candidates Bass, Winston and Rule last Monday. Eisele. however, refused the ! challenge, "f don't care to become i . ,i - ' ' u 1 invoivcu in any ucuaa-, jic aaiu. He added that he would be glad to talk with any individual or campus group but said he did "not want to involve" himself in any "verbal contest" with the other two candidates. Meanwhile. Editor Neil Bass ex pressed surprise at Eisele's re fusal and said he "enthusiastically accepted" Rule's challenge. He added that recent developments "almost necessitated" another de bate. Since I am primarily interested in .seeing that the student body f "It;?' K. v ' " T ? - f - : j I 'V eWiytIW.'))JH y s.;.;.(..x-'S.'r'.'--X-..v....v ;. f. ' i ' K t f .'-' ' . x-'. vjr 'Ca f-.-y '-.-- .-. U m mffn - ! J . ? r;vu V ' r n fS li hlw w i ;- f x- J 1 r?Z - - -v - x - tf 4 - jr y-.T -v1 - " r . f , f i tr w : fi V , WHICH ONE IS THE QUEEN? On of these young ladies has been chosen queen of the "Beat Dook' parade Friday; however, her identity will no) be made public until parade time. Candidates who were entertained Tuesday night at -the Pika House, at which time the queen was selected, are, left to right, first rew: Nancy , Adams, Cecile Martin, Charlotte Pope, Loretta Clark, Jo Ann Sowers, Betty Lou Brown, Lila Scott, Gail Minnich and Pat Wilson. Second row, left to right, Barbara Honey, Linda Fisher; Nan Shaeffer, Coleman Jenkins, Ruth Hoffman, Nancy fAcFadden, Kay Wrenn, Josie Ward an Le Jackson. : ' W tNorm Kantor lhoo 109 Lovelies To Vie Tonight For Yack Beautv Queen Title Furtado said he knew special business to come the legislature." has the opportunity to hear a'l .sides of the recall issue," he said. "I should most definitely like to accept the challenge of candidate Paul Rule." Rule said that he was challeng ing the remaining two candidates to the debate "in order that the recall election may be brought .squarely before the voters and removed from political cliques." Riilo sn??ei5tpd that the discus- " "c - - - sion be held at 7:30 on election eve and said he would be glad to meet with the other candidates to set rules of procedure and to choose an impartial moderator. "I feel that this meeting would enable voters to hear all is-stie.s 1 thoroughly discussed and ask what- of ' no ever questions they desire preceed- hpfnre'in? the important campus elec-t I lion',' he said. GMAB Committee Conducts Poll Of Students' Opinions Missing res- w;.s HKNDKHSON. Nov. 20. W-A county-wide search is being con- .......... I hv no CC in MCCKicnoui County. Va.. for a Raleigh whose auto tauraoi . ,u found abandoned last nigm u John H. Kerr cam. Virginia officers are sv. .. t,nntf.ris who rTf'ruui lor oua j" left Raleigh yesterday on a ness trip. , busi- By MAKY I.E(;(1ETT BROWNING ...11 .f ii rlcnt oninion on current questions of campus and general interest has been circul ated by the GMAIi I'oiis com mittee. According to chairman John B. Mack" Lewis Jr., 300 copies of the eight-question poll have bcenj sent to students chosen at com plete random from the student re gister. When the results of the poll are compiled, the committee will be able to publish for the students an impartial concensus of the campus on these questions Stevenson appear on a oolitical address .sponsorship of the J-orum? (Th? Carolina campus lor under the Carolina Forum is Questions for the poll arc chosen lrom thess suggested by organiza tions on campus and by the mem bers of the committee. the student-financed organization which brings such speakers to UNC.) Would vou like for the Daily Tar Heel to carry "Peanuts" even if it means dropping "Lil Abncr or "Pogo"? Would you favor a change m the editorship of the Daily Tar n'vnn Kmr.ke? If so, what brand do 'you smoke most frequently? Do you think an additional so rority would be beneficial to the Would you like to see Adlai j UNC campus,' Th nn nersnns chosen to be l lis. - j polled have been sent a copy of the questions and a letter lrom the committee explaining the pur pose of the poll and the procedure to be followed in returning the questionaire to the committee. TU nriont mpmhprs of the 111, . W ..!- . ... Pells Committee are: Jack Lewis, chairman, Janet Cobbs, Harold Dunnagan, Roger Foushec, Ann Harvy, Herb Hawkins, David Mat thews, David Munlay and F. V. DopnrunRDO Jr. By PATSY M1LLF.K One hundred and nine Carolina coeds will be presented to judges and a UNC audience tbie eve ning in competition for placement in the Yack Beauty Court. Out of that number, one will be chosen queen and 14 other women will com prise her court. Judges for the occasion impose an impressive list: Miss Elaine Hern rinn Miss North Carolina of 1!K8; Harvey Humphrey. Lt.. United j States Navy, tmd Lawrence Wof- ; ford, chief Photographer of the ' Raleigh ievs and onsencr. Master of ceremonies is Ty Boyd. of radio station WHCL. Boyd will introduce each of the contestants to music furnished by the Rill Bycrs Quartet. The contest will be held tonight at 7:30 o'clock in Memorial Hall. Late permission has been granted jointly by the Women's Residence Council and the Office of the Dean of Women to fill coeds either parti cipating or attending the contest if it should last past 11 p. m. However, this is not a campus wide granting of late permission, and those not attending the contest will not be allowed to stay out past 11. All women have been re minded to return to their dormitor ies or houses immediately upon the contest's conclusion. A list of the beauty court con testants and their sponsors are as follows: Joanne Aldridge. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Jo Ann Atkins. Carr Dormi tory; Judy Acker, Chi Psi; Sara ( Arnold, Alpha Delta Pi: Mary Ann Allsbrook, Phi Delta Theta; Sally Armfield, Chi Omega: Lynn Arm strong, Kappa Delta, Nancy Adams. Pi Beta Phi; Jane Brock Chi Phi: Norma Basnight. Tri Delt; Carrie Malvina Baker, Lambda Chi Alpha: Joan Brooks. Pi Beta. Phi; Dottie Bull, Kappa Sigma; Julia Ann Cra ter, Tri Delt; Courtney Crowder. Smith Dormi tory; Sylvia Crumpler, Chi Omega: Margorie Crane, Alpha Gamma Delta: Lynn Courtney. Kappa Delta; Mary K. Carothers, Pi Beta Phi; Panky Conncll, Pi Beta Phi; Mary Cable Caiian, St. Anthony Hall; Virginia Peyton Devon. Phi Kappa Dormitory: Frances Do .Vmon Sigma Phi Ep.Mion: Nanoy I Davis. i; Tiotn Plii' Anit;i I.oins i'r(b I St Anthonv Hall: Glonda'owler Zeta Beta T.ui; Martha Fortune. Chi Psi: Linda Fisher. Siu'nia Phi Ensilon; Joyce i Elaine Funai. Steele Dormitory; Camille Cvico. poiuum Dormi- : Pika Queen Candidates Entertained By RUTH WHITLEY The contestants for the Pika "Beat Dook" Queen honored Toes day night at a dinner party at the Pika House. Judges Jimmy Capps of WPTF and Mrs. Kay K ser selec ted the queen and her court of six. Their decision will be announced id parade time. The "Beat Dook" parade, spon sored annually by Pi Kappa Alpha N.iy: Dormitory: Elizabeth French Crayson. Lambda Chi Alpha; Judy liuTii. Kenan Dormitory; Dorcne Creenfield. Kappa Sigma; Sally Ch'vas. Pi K ppa Alpha: Betty Hobsoii. Nurses; Nina Hopkins. Alder nan Dormiiory ; Helen Beat rive Hunger. Lambda Chi Alpha: Barbara Honey. K;qpa Delia: Jane llaile. K-ppa Delta: Marion Hays. Aipha Delta Pi; Ruth lion man. Arnold Air Society: Beverly Kess j lor. Alpha Gamma Delta: Joan Kay lor. Kappa A'.pha: AUcne Kei'li. Sigma Nn : Hannah Kirby. Old Eas; Mary Ann Keith. Sigma N;i: riivllis KralTt. Aloha Tan Onega. Diana Ruth Johnson. Lambda Chi Alpha: Loo Jackson. Alpha Gamma Delta: Coleman Jenkins. Sigma No; Evelyn Leon: rd. Chi Psi; Cecile Martin. Carr Dormitory; Gail Min nich. eta Beta Tan; Bobbie Madi son. Chi Psi; Ann Martin. Phi Delta Theta: Ann Morgan. Grimes Dormitory; Ann Morgan. Alpha Tan Omega; Barbara Moore. Kapp.i Delta; Mary Monro Mason. Alexand er Dormitory: Ann Miller. Everett Dormitory; Anne Elizabeth Macfie. Lambda Chi Alpha; Mania Mo- social fraternity, will form on thole,,,-,! Kappa Delta: Alyce McLimkI. Raleigh Road in front of Woollen J Alpha Delta Pi: Eve McClatchey. Gym at J p. m. Friday. j Smith -Evergreen House; According to Dick Robinson, par- j Elizabeth Miller, St . An'hony ILdl ; i-.do chairman. 30 floats prepared by ; j Ann McClinock. Independent men and women's dorms. Iratorni- ! Women; Carolyn Myers. Spencer ties and sororities. will bo in tho I Dormitory ; Sara Jane Nicholson, parade, in addition to the bands ' phi C.jmn-a Delta: Libby Nicholson, and two drill squads. Tho UNC Alpha Delta Pi; Carolina Osborne, cheerleaders will also participate. Kappa Alpha; Dot Pressly. Alpha A feature of the parade will be the ; Queen's float. A pep rally will be held at t':4") p. in. Friday on the East side of Woollen Gym. Football Coach Jim Tatum and Captain Buddy Payne will speak. The cheerleaders and cardboard department will perform. An informal "Beat Dook" dance, sponsored jointly by GMAB and tho University Club, will bo hold from j.'Ml p. m. Friday in Woollen Gym Ventriloquist Oliver Bloomer and his dummy. Jimmy Roscoe. will provide entertainment. Master of Ceremonies will be Ken Callender. Presentation of four trophies for the winning tloates in tho Pika "Beat Dook" parade will be made Si Jane Davis. AJderman Uy the Pika queen at the dance. Delta Pi: Owen Pendegrapli. Mc her Dormitory; Clair 'ikc, Alex ander Dormitory ; Carolyn Placak. Pi RoLt Phi. (See Beauties Page Five) mmmwmmmwmwmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmtmmmmwm IN THE INFIRMARY Students in the infirmary yes terday Included: Miss Marian Martin and Her bert Rattay. David Carr. John Reynolds. George Morrison. John Ashford. Paul Walter. Gcor;je Schroeder, Jimmy Almond. Mal colm Campbell. Richard Vjuigh". Jacques ( room. Robert Preble. James Anderson. CI aw mm Wil liams and John Burress, . 4 Nim?few"

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