TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1957 THE DAILY TAR HEEL FACE TWO Open Letter To Voters: Significance Of Recall AN OPEN LETTER TO THE STUDENT BODY: I lie implii .11 ions l a uv.ill tla -lion .in- so l.n 1 c.u liiii'4, ilu limit unlimited tlist ussioii. I m.i. iIh- iiiiimriil ol dci ision li.is .n 1 ivoi. I lie student ImmU will In iiU- tod.iv. not onlv ni Lite lot I in. hut little . Init the Lite .1 D.iiU T.u I Ird nlitoiN lot the ,11 ii 111 ol the ji.iiei existence. I lie kisic isMie involved tlioirji d. Hided l ielMMi.il .uubit ioiis. oolitic .il m 111ipt1l.it ion .Hid .1 sense I 11.-4. itiv istn on the Mit ol 111. m - is the lieedoin ol .m editor to .pe.ik his mind on pertinent issii s. I liis lijit ol edilois to sc;iL their minds is .1 pi i eles .ind in ti'i.d p. n t ol Annie. in Deinoi i,u v . In .iddu'ssiir oii . students in this piisoii.d w.in. I .1111 not delend iti'4 .ns( II 01 m st.md on .m is sue. I nsi c.mI. I seek to delend. in m hnmh'e s . i , I).nl 'l.n Heel opinions without L.n ol cciisoi s!iip .md lei.ill lot dis.uui ineiit's s.ikc. Kc( .ill is ,1 v.ilu.iMc p il l 'l tin" Aniciic.ui '40Miumei1t.1l sstem - il ii is used ioiie(tl .is .1 we.ijion .i.iiiisi !4tovs 111.1lle.is.ini e .md in tention. il niisiisi' ol .1 puhli( ollne. ut tliis we.ipHi Ikiohks pencil ed .md t 1 .11111 ii .il il it is iiu 01 1 ei t- nsi ( hi ( eiisoi the thoughts ol lli.s- .lni mi L onlv to iiisine .1 I. tit sh.ik( loi the eleiloi.ne the piot.le. the 1 ol Ititnu eiliiois to epu ss s I 1 I e . I i .i:. i ed i ! 01 . s.i i' d 1 ( m d i o in sel I : 'i ul. i St.it t in .1 lettet Al- elet led to do Ills 1 1 V I lllt i I' I ). is 1 11 ii 1 1 id to ,n oiise ( 1 i 1 1 1 1 si 1 1 . No i 1 ; 1 m i v 1 1 1 i 1 m 1 n ( 1 1 i 1 1 n w m spe.iks '1 W 1 lt( ,1s lie U l Is ( .Hi help lull .nil 11 Me s.unc segment il the Nin th IM 1 1 1 '. 1 1 . I Mil- III ill silt 1 cells, .uitl 1 p - 1 1 1 11 11 docs nor. no I ui u 1 c utitoi 0 i- l.n ft- Kill iff ioim iic ihn-.tl Jkim n moved I111111 olliie liei.uise his politics .iic 1 1 j . 1 o 1 1 1 I with. I e.unsil hope th.it the siu !i in !od u ill nor t.ike the 1 h.ui e o thiou 1114 .iw.i tiie ((linn i.tl in d( peiidetii e .md iiiU'41 il ol I he I - 1 1 . I .11 I led h ,ippioiii'4 this : I ill iuo elm lit. I he ( es o ( (illc-e newsp.i. I 1 di o( 1 the South w ill lie on the I'NC. student lodv to delev niiiie the ontioine." 1 he ees ol the Smith .ue truly uj)on the I'NC electorate as it ;ocs to the polls today we hope, in numhers. The R.deit;h News and ObsencT piinted an editorial a week ao I10111 which I take excerpts: Ovci at Chapel Hill lor the set mid time in a couple ol ears, there is a moeincnt to lec.dl that is to cja t the cditoi 'ol the student newspaper I he Daily 1. 11 Heel. "ApparcntK students, who lind thev (loii't .I'iee with the editor the ekited. want to i c hitn tlte 4a 1 1 . . . II the students believe in the deuioir.u b which the yonn man was elected. the better also hold to the principle ol tree ex piession. loo. I hey 1,111 iccall him. Hut il the do the will be admit ting both the lailine ol their own dein.xi.uv and their unwillingness to tolei.ne opinions with which thev dis.iiee. " l'he curt kick the editor with out kicking thenisehes." I do not ayree witli (he News and Observer that a iccall would be admission ol demociatic iailuie. Kec.ill is a pioper and justifiable method to ( 01 1 ei t 'ioss u; dle.is anie and intentional misuse ol ol- ' lice. but I must a '4 ree that iccall, in this instant e. would deinon siMte "unw i iliiuuesN to tolerate opinions'' with whidi theie is dis .141 c ement . 1 he student bod does not want. 1 sin erd led. a paper p.u k ed with pit platitudes a4ieeabie platitudes. 1 lu- st udc lit bi d d es w all! . 1 siiuctdv ted. a livclv and intei i s!ii)4 uewsptper livclv bei .ow tin -if is no lu'siiatiou l speak nut 1 u ( . 1 1 1 1 ( 1 c '. 1 a 1 issues. I u- Mt.lll Is MKItssllll. Hill pi.iv willi l.ie I c y i 1 1 I ilie I i 1 1 iIa Stale .Hi4at01 lh.it il is not. Iiitute Dails Tat Heel editors must li e in pel ret 11.1l le.n . inn h sitate to speak their minds, must hesitate to coke i ci and contio- 1 1 sial ( I is( ussii ii is. I M1114I1I ediloiship o! this papci - i.niusiK and d that it was have w 01 ke ' CAROLINA CARROUSEL: Male Ghosts? Male Boasts? Male Toasts? Gail Godwin I would like to acknowledcc Mr. John M. Moore's letter of the 21st of November, and to reprin pats of it because it is much too goctf to be left unpublicized. Miss Godwin, your farce is ridiculously futile. If U'e DT1I articles bavins your by-line are written by a member of the softer sex (which I doubt) then "it" is certainly not of the bobby-so. hnfor. b'.ibblc-gum set. No. Miss Godwin, one docs not make the transition from comic books to Omus overnight, nor does one who was swooning over Elvis a few weeks a?o write with the con siderable wisdom and philosophi cal insight today. ' RECALL ELECTION: aw a 1 ( ob. I 1 1 4c lit ! lilt!', an 1 ; 1 1 1 (. ' J ) 1 1 1 . 1 1 this pi ( ui ei The Daily Tar Heel "Ih official student puMica". of the Publication P.nard of the rmve.sity of North Carolina, where i is puhli.-hcc J.iily except Sunday. Vonday and exam ination an'! vacation rrnMi and sum mer temis. lnti red a second cia,s mat ter in the p office in Chapel Hill. N ('.. under the Act of March 8, 1870 Subscription rates: mailed, $4 per year S'J .V) a semester; delivered, S6 a year $Ii jU a seme.ster. Kditor Mauamn 1-M.toi' News Kditor Asst. News Kditor tine hie able 1 ai 1 am 1 it is m 'i le. I'hel e ,ap- tl'.c ie the Nf'lL BASS ALVS VOOUHKKS HILL CHKSHIKE PATSY MliZE'ii Sports Kditor BILL KING sst. Sports Kditor DAVE WIBLE Business Manager .... JOHN WHITAKER Advertising Manager Librarian KHED KATZ1N G LEND A FOWLER Business Staff WALKER BL ANTON, JOHN M INTER, LEWIS RUSH. Wire Editor PAUL RULE Subscription Mix AVERY THOMAS K'.iture Editor MARY M. MASON EDIT STAFF Whit Whitfield. Nancy Hill, Gary Nichols, Curtis Gans, Al Walker, Harry Kiischner. Gail God win. NEWS STAFF Davis Younj?. Ann Fryc, Dale Whitfield, Mary Moore Mason, Stanford Fisher, Edith MacKinnon, Prinsle Pipkin, Mary Legjjett Brown ing. Ruth Whitley. Sarah Adams. Mar ion Hays. Parker Maddry. SPURTS STAFF Erwin Fuller, Mac Ma haffy, AI Walters. Ed Rowland, Ken Friendnian. Donnie Moore, Neil Leh rmin, Elliott Cooper, Carl Keller, Jim Purks, Husty Hammond. PHOTOGRAnrERS Norman Kantor, Buddy Spoon. 'roof Reader PEDLEY BA.RR0W Jiiiht Editor PEBLEY BARROW t'.ll s il I i It theie v.is a mole ami ( le ot ed ( .1 1 u I i lau in I w otilil w it h.b a 'a and ' lim m lull suopoit. 1 loo 1 i i.ipei that liiiuh. l.ut I m attei little in this ia e. It i the isiu for v:hii h I must li'jht to the end. I his issue - editorship without leai 01 intimidation I will sup poi t with all m (.od-';ieu enei ics and ihmuh m eei v.ikin; hoiti . II I am 1 e-clc( 1 ed. as I said ( .11 pae one, I shall haw two objec -l i i s: Mi ( Complete ( .1st iii'4 aside o! an ill I cc-1 i 1 10 s whiih inilit hae lesulted I10111 the leiall and 1 e need cooperation towaid lullill mcnt ol the pin post s lor which this I 'niwisit was 1 leated. (j) Renewed delei initiation to (ontinuallv impioe this paper tlnou'4h diNotioii ol iiiv ceiv wak ing hour. I he matter lies in the hands ol ou as students. I am (onlideiit oiii i hoic e will be w ise and thought I ul. I ina be delealcd but I will not Ik1 n:l imidated si arid awa liotu speaking on coiitrowisi.il topus. Do not (ast a ballot lot me il yon want an editor with whom the stu dent bod will always aiee, an cditoi who will poll the students be lore he- cwr speaks on any issue, an editor who will not haw in centive c noii;;h to foi nuilate his own opinions .md assert them sti otitis . II on siuicicly want such an ediioi, do not cast a ballot lor me. but. at am rate, cast a baLiot and think i ,uc I11IK beloie ou do so. I he ees ol the South ate Noil. Vote wiseb and (.uclullv. I he papei if( ilU(; fditoi i., indepeiideiK e depend on oti. upon readers have no to conclude that arc in reality Even some . Your alternative but "your" stories "ghost stories" of the top literary figurSs in the ranks of the fair sex. suc h as Gypsy Rose Lee are alleged to employ professional ghosts. Also I have it from reliable sources that a certain young French Miss, who is addicted to driving sport cars barefooted, signs the dotted line with an X. 1 Confidentially, her literary career was the brain child t a smart advertising man who devised the scheme to sell more turtle neck sweaters.'" Thank you, Mr. Moore, for pav ing me the highest compliment I have ever had. For judging my articles to bo such gems of phil osophical insight that they seem to you much too good lor a mere female to think up. As tnr my '.'host writer. I admit I have oho. "She" would be quite invisible to you. tint she drills around in the inner-reservoir of my treble, hnbby-sox am bubble cum miid quotim Camus ;md oilier gre.-it MAI.F. masterminds. tier name is (lertnide C.ndwtn c;:nsi. The author of Carolina Carrousel avd Gertrude Godwin Ghost ex terd a hearty invitation to the writer ol his 'Doubting Thomas" lefer to come up to the DTII of fice any day and see Gertrude and myself in action. P'' r Franeoise Sagan and I. Wc have been f;und out. Another smart advertising man cajoled me iu;o tliis "farce" in order to tw rioto babble gum and bobby soy . Taank yea avain. Mr. Moore! GM's Slate 1 lie following activities are scheduled for C.raham Memorial today : Debate Squad, 4-6 p .111., Grail Room; George Ragsdale 2-4 p. 111.. Grail Room; APO. 7:?.0 t:") p. in.. Roland Parker Lounge 1; I'niversity Party, 7-9 p. 111., Ro land Parker Lounge 2; Cardboard, 7-8 p. m., Roland Parker Lounge .!; Symposium. .1-1 p. in.. Wood house Conference Room; Honor System Committee, 7-8 p. m., YYoodhouse Conference Room; Petite Dramatique Rehearsal, Game Room. L'lL A6NER ' Whew I Al Eirst I Thought II Was Senl Up By One Of The Olher Services" ' 0I.i.c CAMPAIGN MANAGER: Shuford Asserts For Eisele . . . KDITOR: The following editorial appeared in the Statesville Ilecord and Landmark the day after Douglas Kisele resigned his job there in the in the summer of 1951) to enter the University of North Carolina. Tlie editorial, in lull, follows: ON THK WAV UP Only once before have we used this space to pay tribute to a parting employe. Today wc want to make our man ners to Douglas Eisele. who is entering t he University of North Carolina. Doug joined the Record and Landmark staff something over a year ago. He had finished high school and had found that he could not go on to college without first getting a job and saving some money. lie was employed in a local in dustrial plant when we called him and asked if he would like to come to work for us. He said he would. And he did. Doug knew little about report ing, but ho vvas willing to learn. He knew nothing about photo graphy; but he learned that, too. In time, he became one of our most dependable and most valu able staff members, lie never complained about the hours. He never balked at an assignment. He never asked for a raise, al though earned several. Meanwhile, we have seen several big-time operators come and go. Without exception, they felt they were being underpaid and over worked. The pastures looked greener elsewhere. Thev all want ed to bo paid for "experience." bid never had time to stay in one place long enough to get it. Not one of them could fill the leportor ial shoos of Doug Kisele. Doug will continue his journal ism training at the University ot lege men already on the scene. Yesterday Doug came by to tell us he appreciated the opportunity we had given him to learn some thing about newspapering. "What I have learned will pay mv wav through college." he said. CoHe ou, Silver, wo O i i t JL Jtf 4 ' 'eC Ja U'Y ft4rU -'n-: . 1VA...'.JS1-.-av. North Carolina. He will pay a part of his expenses by working with Pete Ivey in the I'niversity News Bureau, a job we helped him to land despite competition from col- "and I want you to know I ap preciate it." A nice sentiment from a fellow who would have made it anyway. SYD SHUFORD by Al Capp r AS FIELD f -TODRAPHIMr- ( S 1 ( AH GOT ONE X DIRECTOR O' J 1 WE GOT OFFICIAL ) 1,5 X -S-SuCDENv iHESSMALL,5CARED, ) SADIES BUSINESS TO ( f&f. J f THEvV, ALU AFTER UP rr AN' SQUIRMY- V BROTHERHOOD, ) C ATTEND TO, FUST ) AtS N f E T-BUT LADIES - aJ ' V f PjiTuc'cuiwcff vi AH ORDERS VO'-- J V j 7 TOTH V I D DUi,LWti-AM I i POGO by Walt Kelly fCT7:M ,-Jrf tt&p&,vci:z$& haw you Uv. io o x- J you ennv ewewz ) buwvp ths J mv J hi I & so ) Vfir J cirtm.rff) tWLi iSr -roAVgRT pwaq-thz J thS- SS Agf o'W. rfzia v Judicial Heads Give Opinions (In accordance with a promise made to Chair man Patton off Zeta Psi Fraternity and Chairman Ragsdale, we print their views on the recall at the earliest da'te space would allow. The deluge of recent letters has prohibited earlier printing. Th Editor) TO THE STUDENT BODY: The authors of this letter wish to make it clear from the outset that the statements made in the letter which follows are solely the opinions and be liefs of the undersigned, and do not, in any sense, reflect the opinion of any group, or any other per sons. We ' have written the letter because of deep seated' convictions held by us, and we feel com pelled to 'make 'public, matters which should be of individual concern to every student. Concerning the pressing recall issue, it is our belief that he question of freedom of the press is not even remotely involved. Every man is entitled to speak freely at all times, and this applies to the editor 0 any newspaper at any time. The matter of freedom of'lhe press should not even be discussed in reference to the recall, simply because it is not a matter under consideration, and does not, in any way, bear' upon' the subject-- No .one, including ourselves, has ever questioned the right of the edi tor to state his opinion on any subject. Rather than being" a question of freedom of the press, it is a question of student freedom. The Ad ministration has' exhibited its willingness to dele gate huge chunks 'of' freedom to the students. Chan cellor Avcock has invited students to attend and participate in top-level Administrative Planning Con ferepces. Neil Bass is the only editor in the history of The Daily Tar Heel who has ever been invited to attend such conferences. He has refused to, attend every conference" held since the invitation was ex tended' to him. How long will the Administration con tinue to invite students to such important func tions if one of the most important and supposedly responsible members of the student body contin ues' to ignore the invitation? The charges against the editor are those of in competency and irresponsibility. We hold that the charges are well founded. It is our conviction that the editor is irresponsible because he has, through out th discussion of many issues exhibited imma turity, and a decided lack of devotion to the pre sentation of the facts. In his slurs against Dr. Hedg peth. Coach Tatum. and Sam Magill he has presented opinions of his own. This, in its-elf, is permissable. and we repeat that he is within his rights to do so. But when these accusations are not based upen truth or fact, then the expression of such opinion becomes objectionable. He has. time and time again, gone beyond, or rather below, the issues involved and h?s condemned personalities who had little, nothing, to do with the issues at hand. We believe that such unwarranted personal disparagement is not in keeping with the spirit of dignity which has pervaded the cditoral page of The Daily Tar Heel and made it the outstanding college daily in the nation, until recentlv. We believe that the editor is also incompetent, lie has exhibited this trait during the handling of the Asian flu situation. The editor made many statements which were simply not true. It is an established fact that Editor Bass did not know the facts behind the Asian flu situation until well after the "epidemic" had passed. Consequently, you, the reader, did not know them either. If the editor had simply called the Chancellor, who ordered the vac cine, or Business Manager Branch, who bought it. or Dr. Hedgepeth, who administered it, and if he had gotten the facts from them, the resulting un fortunate situation, which the editor himself caused, which accompanied the "epidemic"' vvas a direct result of the editors ignorance of the facts and of the truth. In spite of the fact that he did not know the truth, he chose to present, as facts, a pic ture of extreme negligence on the part of the Ad ministration, which, in fact did not exist. To properly present the case of grounds of in competency and irresponsibility would require many pages. This is only a basic summation. And it could not. ,n any way, be correctly construed as a personal attack on Neil Bass. We are speaking out against the things which he has stood for. We know that the editor has not consistently restricted his statements to the confines of truth. We believe that . ens whO indulges in such statements is not Z Tt 1 3SSUme thC Psition of responsibility ;,nd high honor which an editor of The Daily Tar Heel should hold. narHi "Tf J8 extrem unfortunate one. particularly for the editor. It is almost pitiable But afwilIvmUS;,be d0n- ThC qUetl Unat will you, the reader, do about it? MACON G. PATTON, Chairman, Student Council GEORGE R. RAGSDALE, Chairman, Men's Honor Council P.S. If the editor comments on this letter bv way of prefix, suffix or headline, or any any way other than in his own column, he will exhibit the immaturity and irresponsibility with which he is charged. We expect he will. 1 1 f