SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1957 THE DAILY TAR HEEL PAGE THRE1 Symposium Fund Committee 'Quite Pleased' With Results F.y DAVIS YOl'NC. , K;.ppa Epsilon. Zeta Beta Tau. Phi lie Carolina Symposium finance Gamma Delta. Lambda Chi Alpha t ninmiiU' h is t'one iik)n full swinn i and the Kappa Delta pledges, tii tliT. Hie leadership f Al Gold- Chairman Goldsmith gave The s:mth. c hairman of the committee , Daily Tar Heel the following state- when the Symposium is presented in March." Prof. k (Continued iromPaae 1) Languages participated in the three-day gathering. A . professor in the English Dept. and specialist in Victorian litera ture, Dr. Bailey has been on the UNC faculty since 1930. He holds the A B., A.M. and Ph.D. degrees Presbyterian AAissiona ry Visits Carolina Gam p,us For Series Of Programs About Norld issis .ml treasurer of the General Sym- po-iuill ment for today's paper: "We are quite pleased with the way money The duties of Goldsmith's com- ( has ben cominu into the Symposium miilee are the raising of funds and this year. The campus has recogn :l i preparation and administration ' ied the importance and the signfi i : a budget for the Symposium pro-! mice of the Symposium and has tram. j responded most . generously to our A 1 1 -1 of those who hae eontribut-j request for funds, ed to the Symposium thus far read: j 'Altluuight we are still some dis Miulent Government. Graham Mem- lance from our t:oal of $.3,000. we rial. I'imcrsity Tarty, Pi Kappa 1 stand with over $,7(X) raised to'datc, Alpha. Order of the Old Well. Chi considerably ahead of where the I'lii, Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Delta ! Symposium stood in l!).w. 1 i and Kappa Delta J "V wish to ure ait those groups AI--o: (hi Psi. Intertraternity w ho will saon be approached by Counc-d. Alpha Gaaun.i Delia. Chi .members of the Symposium to eon Omm.i. I! Sc ience Depart-! sicler our request and assume their ;n nt fro-n the 1'alk Foundation share of the load in supporting the Grant. l'i Beta Phi. Order of the Symposium. We believe these Cr.1,1. I:.!erdornutory Counc il. Delta groups will be greatly rewarded Goldsmith is a junior and has j from the University. ben active in a wide variety of activities here on campus aside from his Symposium job. He has ben secretary of Chi Phi Fraternity, University Party floor leader, vice chairman of the UP, chairman of the ways and means commitee of the Student Legislature, a member of the orientation commitee and a member of Phi Eta Sigma. The following people are members of the Symposium finance commit tee: Belle Corey, John B. Lewis, Benny Thomas, Bob Horowitz, Penny Norman. Don Harris. John Brooks, Kelly Manness and Roy Hoist en and Rollic Tillman from the faculty. The Rev. Lewis H. Lancaster, Presbyterian missionary in Japan since 1953, will be on the Carolina campus for a two-day series of pro on campus and conferences with ' formation office. The .Rev. Lancaster is a graduate world missions. The purpose of his tour is to Ihs UNC Germanic LanguageDe partment, was. named to head the South Atlantic, chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German. Dr. Coenen was elected president of SAMLA's German Section. . . .-, , A fourth UNC representative, Dr. Frank M. Duffcy of the . Church. Romance Languages Department, j The local program, being spon continucs as editor of the South soret by the Campus Christian Atlantic Bulletin, official publica 'Council, will include a number of tion of SAMLA. . ddressesi to student church groups individuals interested in missions. The series of programs will be-1 of Darlington. School, Hampden- gin with a conference with campus Sydney College and Union Theolog- grams concerning new demands of ' chaplains Monday at 10 a.m. in the ical Seminary. Before working in world missions beginning Monday, jy library. The Rev. Lancaster will missions he served as assistant The Rev. Lancaster's visit is one j also direct a noon-day worhip pro-j pastor at the First Presbyterian Church in Kingsport, Term. He has also served as student as" sistant pastor in youth work at the Forest Hills Presbyterian Church in ! ThP T?tr T ancastpr will cnpnlr I commission Two UNC profesors of German, John C. Kunstmann and Frederic E. Coenen,- also were elected- to 1 01 a series of visits ne is making 'gram, sponsored by tne baptist presidential posts during the to coIleges throughout the South-1 Student Union, in Gerrard Hall SAMLA meeting .' east under the auspices of the Stu-. Monday at 1 p.m. rr iv'i.nstmann chairman of dent Volunteer Movement, an inter-j Dr. ls.unstmann, cnairman ot ... . '. . ! Th nov t annadpr w cnaV T Atlrktni n atirtn q 1 rnmmiccin for t- . Richmond, Va.; as student pastor at the Madison Presbyterian Church iu Madison, Va. . ...... on "The New Look in World Mis sions." At an special open supper j ji VI, t FOR A CLOSER ELECTRIC SHAVE Ccnd.tions beard; helps tauten skin, counteract perspiration; miKi it easy to git a clean, close shave. $1, plus tax. 7 if JL before r -r . this : . J i ! , : ' V .'. : . t v'- - tiger. ( ( Covering The Campus YARD LEY OF LONDON, inc. (,, -, 1 ,-1 ... " ing. l ...' Vi o Lo""-.". I" . 1.0 M!fi Alu. N Y C. YARDIEY PRODUCTS AVAILABLE SUTTON'S DRUG STORE Tress Club William C. Snider, associate editor of the Greensboro Daily News, will speak to the UNC Press CLUB tomorrow niqht at 7:30. The meet ing will be held at the home of Dr. Norval Neil Luxon. dean of the School of Journalism. Buz Merritt from Hickory is president of the Press Club. 'Smoking and Death Rates' Dr. K. Cuyler Hammond, director of statistical research for the Amer ican Cancer Society, will cive a public talk in smoktng's relation to arious fatal diseases Monday at 8 p. m. in Carroll Hall. His lecture, sponsored by the UNC and Duke chapters of the Society of Sima Xi, scientific research honor i ry. is entitled "Smoking and Death Rates A Riddle in Cause and Ef fect." Hospital Nursery Anniversary The' first anniversary of the open ing of the premature nursery and special care unit for infants at N. C. Memorial Hospital will be observed at the hospital Monday. A rew'ption will be held at 2:30 p. m. tor various memoers oi me hospital staff the UNC School of Medicine and invited guests from the N C. State Board of Health. The new infant care center has provided service for acutely ill new born babies that require special at tention as well as premature in fants. Since the center was opened a year ago. approximately 2S3 bab-', ies have been cared for in the nursery. UNC Scientist at Duke A UNC scientist will discuss oys ter drilling at Duke University's Seminar Series tomorrow. Dr. Melbourne R. Carriker, as sociate professor zoology, will des cribe recent findings on how oyster drills bore through the shell of oysters. He is the second UNC zoologist to address the Duke Seminar Scries this year. talk with students about the work ' eting upstairs in Lenoir Hall at of the Christian Church in Japan.!6 P-m. Monday. The meeting is the new demands of the mission I Pen to a11 students and is being field today and the possibilities of ; sponsored by the Campus Christian service in the world mission of the ounc11- During his luesday schedule The Rev. Lancaster wil speak at Wesley vespers in the Methodist Church at 5 p.m., at a supper meeting of the CanterburyClub in the Episcopal Parish House at 6 p.m. and will lead a discussion group on world missions for the j Westminister Fellowship Council a the Presbyterian Hut at 7:15 p.m. Personal interviews with Th9' Rev. Lancaster can be arranged The fifth concert in the Tucs- ist. will do impromptu inventions i for Monday from 2 to 5 p.m. and day Evening Series sponsored by on themes submitted by the audi-1 for Tuesday from 9 to 12 a.m. or the ITXC. Music Department-will ence. Dr. Schinhan has been head from 2 to 5 p.m. Anyone desiring Symphony Orchestra Appears In Concert Tuesday Evening He has also served as studen as sistant pastor in youth work at the Forest Hills Presbyterian Church in 2a CARy GRANT - llAUMrMAMOPClh UHJMC I'inilUI ILLU SUZy PARKER be given by the University Sym phony Orchestra on Tuesday, Dec. 10. at 8 p.m. in Hill Music Hall. The 64-piece orchestra, under the direction of Earl Slocum of the University's Music Depart ment, will play works by Mozart. Handel, Charles T. Griffes. Gran ville English, and Paul Creston. A piece by Joel Chadabe, a music major at UNC, will be performed also. , As a special feature of the pro gram, Jan Philip Schinhan,, organ- Suspect Held Without Bond In Mock Trial of the Music Department's organ an interview with hism can make an instruction since 1933. The annual Christmas Concert in the Tuesday Evening Series has also been scheduled. The Chapei Hill Choral Club and the Univer sity Glee Club, under the direc tion of Joel Carter, will perform on Tuesday, Dec. 17. appointment by calling the "Y' CLASSIFIEDS THE DAILY TAR HEEL WILL pay .10 an issue for the first 20 papers brought to the Business office of the DTII of issues dated Nov. 26 and 27. in 3 A the &aRe Facts, and figures hat add up -to a youn($ nedi'cs love fi-fV. By ED ROWLAND Probable cause for criminal pro ceeding against Buddy Payne. UNC football captain this fall who is ac cused of "killing; Pete Brepnan, was found in Manning County Magistrate's Court yesterday. Payne is being held in Manning County jail without benefit of bond pending a hearing before a special grand jury Monday. Manning County Sheriff Carl Churchill presented suficient evi dence before the magistrate's court was knifed to death in a fight with Payne Thursday night - in front of the Tri-Delt house. Solicitor Jack Hudson, in an inter view after the proceedings yester day, said he feels the evidence pre sented is suficient for him to re quest the grand jury to return a true bill to an indictment of first dgeree murder. Hudson withheld further comment, as did Payne's attorney. The action is part of the annual Alpha Delta Phi mock trial conduct ted by students in the law fraternity. 1 ' In Eastman COLOR In VISTAVlSION ,DIRK BOGARDE j MURIEL PAVLOW DONALD SINDEN jAMES ROBERTSON JUSTICE I A Rnk OrpnintkM Presaitabon A Umwrul-tntematKinal ReSP NOW PLAYING ' 1 &MB " t I CINemaScoPE J COLOR by DE LUXE - NOW PLAYING WHEN YOU'RE IN LOV, GIVE BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS ' Like love, a book is an intensely personal thing, yet it's delights are doubled when shared with the right person. . Books and love go together. If old man cupid has stuck you one right where it hurts most, here are some books which will carry a . bit more than the usual Christ mas message to that Most Import ant Somebody. Fireside Book of Love Songs a big handsome colorful book, with words, music and sighs. A Bookshop Special $3.49 Love Poems and Sonnets of Willi am Shakespeare. The Bard of Avon had a heart just as mushy as yours is and pal, when he put it to. words, the paper melted! Ulustrat-; ed. $2.95 Sonnets from the Portuguese, by Iizabeth Barrett Browning. A' very beautiful edition, illustrated in color, and almost worthy of that Out-of-this world Somebody you are going to give it to. $2.95 This is My Beloved, by Walter Benton. The most effective two some reading of .modern times An Elegant gift. $3.00 Love Poems and Love Letters, A beautiful little Peter Pauper Gift Edition, illustrated in color, and priced down where you can afford to give it to a smitten friend. $1.00 The Intimate Bookshop ....... , - - . 205 East Franklin Street Chapel Hill Open Till 10 PM Now! The one cigarette in tune with America's taste! DAILY CROSSWORD ACKOsS 1 Father ') SMt drink CumpkMy l'" Put out 1: Tr.rf. .tr.ursri f', H It 1'olynesian drink n A drunkard 1 ivrsonal pronoun 17 Ooz; I S .SVw Mexico ( abbr. ) 1? SUr.d.-r. graceful woman 21 leaves out .'I Abounding in or 2" River (Pol ) 2 Man'a name 23 Color slightly Tl P.ouRh lava 32 Electric catfish 31 F in p'vl Shorten Onrl of plf asvire "0 Wnorr.oua snakej (Ind ) 40 Mr. P.uth il Spoilc-1 paper mfK ) 4 2 KdRns 41 Plant ovule 4t C,rr old DOWN 1 Supply, a 2 Seaweed 3 Travel back and J forth 4 Affirmative vote ( var. ) 3 Stamp sold at a premium 6 Baking chamber 7 I)apRer h. Stress 9. Froths 11. Court periods 13 Part of "to be" 13. Dried out 17. Nimble 20 Game . of cards . 22. A Kirl 23. Tavern 26. Needs 27. Girl s name ( poss.) 29 Diving bird poss ), 30. felieve 33. Sloths 36. Chest $ sound rr "hmfi jl ii'S rt"r glpelgpj6Fiio HOa Frv mm m? cllj has ajjyou want! the tobacco... the tip... ilurd4' Anmrr 37. A wall surface material 3S Cook, as in an oven 40. Sack 42. Music note Z.Z&- I -rJte- 7rrr ir. w 11 wi 11 b Supervisors Conference The Extension Division and School of Public Health are spon soring a Supervisors Conference for public health nurses. The conference opens Monday at 9 a. m. in Carroll Hall. Medical Lecture Dr. Vernon M. Ingram of Cam bridge University, England, will speak on ' Gene Action in Human Hemoglobin" Monday at 4 p. m. in 324 Medical School Building. Dr. Ingram's lecture is being sponsored by the School of Medicine. He is a member of the Department of Biochemistry at Cambridge... . Botany Seminar James W. Hardin of N. C. State College will be the speaker at the UNC Botany Department Seminar at 5 p. m. Monday in 10 Davie.- . The topic of his lecture is '"Tax oromy of "Aesculus." Translators Needed In Wilson Library 4 Any student, of Chapel Hill res ident interested in commercial translating for the library has been asked to leave his or her name and qualifications at the Reference Desk of the University Library. According to the library, they have a great need for translators as, frequent rejuests are made at the Reference Desk for the names of persons proficient in foreign languages to translate articles needed in research. The requests are often for languages other than Trench, German, or Spanish. Lenoir Menu SUNDAY DINNER . Meats Fried Chicken Baked Pork Ham Country Style Steak Fried Shrimp Cliickcn-A La King (Special) Vegetables Mashed Potatoes Brussel Sprouts String Beans Blackeyed Peas Pickled Beet Slices Corn on Cob SUNDAY SUPPER Meats ; i . Roast Beef Chicken Chop Suey Grill Pork Chops Haddock (special Hamburgers (Special) Vegetables Mashed Potatoes Blackeyed Peas Fresh Greens Baked Beans Cauliflower Mashed Rutabagas Also Cream oi Chicken Soup Choice of 15 salads and 12 desserts 4 " Thor Goes Up CAPE CANAVERAL. FLA , Dec. 7 (AP) An Air Force Thor, pouring out a bright orange flame, was shot over the Atlan tic Ocean today. The Thor, ah Intermediate bal listics range missile, was shot from its launching pad p.m. (EST;. The tobacco you want . . . only the choicest grades of aualitv tobacco. And it's 100 natural tobacco! The tip you want . . . exclusive T-7 filter, developed especially for Hit Parade, lets you have your flavor, too! The taste you want ... the freshest, liveliest taste of any filter cigarette. Get new Hit Parade today! New crush-proof box or familiar pack - , a. ; -i1r --tfO'i -"1 irT and the taste! IMb W HODUCT or mmr, n &ta (2rya t - Ju('cuux is OUR M1DDIE nami: I , W "l 11 S 4 fj'J1 - -ft t'f M . ,'" """ V CIGARETTES Ml'?r i 4 n : l I -kl TS 7iM FRANCISCO. , . 5 1 Vi -Ul In this famous city faPF - Tv;V K vt.4 oftheGo.denGate.anda.. F' -fr.rC . tl ' ' - I'V around the U S. A.. I" VV? 'Ki l v A . more people 4 "5 gr " i b-;, ?' A - - are smoking Hit Parade - Vii: r;yahte; A.A..i . hJ, . . :a