U.rt.C. Library Seriala Dept. err 870 WEATHER Cti"81 HllI'S?Pf ELECTIONS They raise two problems for stu dents at UNC, editor says on page Generally fair and cold today. Increasing cloudiness Saturday and cxI with rain or now prob able. 2. Offices in Graham Memorial CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1958 Complete UP) Wire Service FOUR PAGES THIS ISSUE VOL. LXV NO. 98 Fire Ravages Presbyterian Church Here Ilv TAI L RULE A fin of undetermined origin broke out in th Chapel II ill Prcsby U ri.in Church Inst night at approxt mntHy ll:.K. Flames at first appeared to be confined to the roof and the rear portion of the building. Shortly after midnight the blae spread to the maiM part of the structure. At 12:30 a. m. loc al fireman aided by a unit of the Carrboro Fire Dept. were still battling the blae which apparently was not as yet under Control. No estimate of the possible Extent of the damage was available as of press time last nite. but it was considered a total loss. ax. ' VSJS. news 111 . M 1 ' v . V . i v ; . - , yi v , v . , f - , I' I cm ergency Frat 1 Reco mmehd Ref Percy Weeps SMITHFIELD. NC. Feb. 20 (,l).His eyes filled with tears, alleged bootleg liquor baron Percy Flowers was sentenced today to a total of 18 months on the roads and fined S150 and costs on 11 charges. In passing sentence on Flowers. Superior Court Judge V. II. S. I'.urgwvn described the 53 year-old j merchant farmer as "one of the RONALD BERNARD ANDERSON & LEONARD TURPIE Scottish Debators Coming Here For Debate March 13 UNC Students Match Scots In Local Debate March 13 Two Scotish debators will be on campus March 13 to participate in a formal debate with two UNC stu dents, according to an announce ment yesterday by John Brooks, president of the Forensic Council. The Council and the Carolina Forum are co-sponsoring the event. Ronald Bernard Anderson, both from Glasgow. Both hold M.A. de grees from Glasgow University. Turpie formerly participated in the Glasgow University Dialectic Society and now is a member of the Debates Conveners of the Glas- winning team in the National Stu- ! I dent Debating competition in 1956- j 57. He also engaged in such other Glasgow University activities as the i Empirical Society and the Parlia- mentary Debating Assoication. largest manipulators in liquor m j,e t'NC debators and the topic North Carolina, at least that is his j for debate will be announced later, general reputation." , The-two debators from Scotland j are 'Leonard Mackenzie Turpie and Double Trouble SEATTLE. Feb. 20 .f Dave heck Sr.. retired and wealthy pres ident of the Teamsters Union, to- flay was invin i in prison for stealing $l,fXX from hi union. I Hi Min. Dave Beck Jr.. a short j v,bie earlier had been fined 2,000 and hi sentence deterred tnree eat for tukvng $4.1150 from the teamsters. At the present time, both Ander- gow University Union and Scottish j son and Turpie are students in the I!nirn if stiirtrnts In addition he Law faculty at Glasgow University is a member of the Students Repres- i The debate between the UNC and j jurisdiction over questions of con- Constitution Amendment Presented By PRINGLE PIPKIN The amendments required to make the Honor Council revision bil constitutional were introduced by Al Goldsmith (UF) at the Stu dent Legislature last night. The body voted to reconsider ; the Honor Council bill at the next I meeting when the necessary amendments will also come up lor ! action. These amendments change ! the jurisdiction of the councils. 1 Roger Foushee introduced chang ! es for his bill to revise the Stu- ; dent Council. These alterations are j in the form of amendments to the Student Constitution and will ! make the constitution correspond i to the new bill. Fcushee's bill provides for his amendments to come before the student body for a vote at spring elections. The Constitution would be altered to include a Men's Council to try men violators of the Campus Code and a Student Council which would have original Coed Reigns As Queen Wi:-if" 'a : - . -Vr ' ' - 'j? ' 'T- ' ' "A ? i entative Council. Anderson was a member ! Scottish teams will be held in Car- of the j roll Hall at 8 p.m. on March 13. Campus Chest Fund Aids Exchange Program QUEEN OF JOY XX Pretty Eunice Simmons poses with her jeweled scepter shortly after reigning as Queen of Joy XX over the Carnival Ball in Pascagoula, Miss, last Friday evening. Carrying out a Mardi Gras theme, the ball was the highlight of the Pascagoula social season. A junior at Carolina, Eunice is an Alpha Delta Pi pledge and transferred here from Agnes Scott. By MARY MOORE MASOV Postal Hike WASHINGTON. Feb. 20 (AD A 5 cent postal rale or letters; mailed ojt of town was approved 7C, today by the Senate Post Of fice Committee. It would be ef fective for three years. President Eisenhower and Post master General Sunimerfiold have been F""hin- f(r 'ncrcascs sinc0 1053. but up to row the Senate commitete has always blocked the legislation. Shakin' Goin' On WILMCsC.TON. Feb. 20 AP , Is Mother Nature defying the rec- j ord book and the odds makers : V-ith four crindinz earth tremors , in as many days along this coastal area? Is it the fickleness of her cap ricious disposition that has caused the earth to tremble for 10 sec onds daily almost at the same time of day? Or is man in some way re sponsible? This was the prime topic of dis cussion today after a fourth trem or shook the area from Southport to Wrightsville Beach, 25 miles away, and as far inland as 15 t) 20 miles. I am here at your university not 1 only to study but to learn about your student government, your other organizations, your ideas and atti tudes, and your country." said the blue-eyed, bloud German boy. This was Kberhard Boecker talk ing, the Goetingen student represen tative to UNC this year. Few students at Carolina know that UNC has an exchange program niiii Gocttincen University in Goet- tingen. Germany University picks to go to Goettingcn to study and learn about the students and the country for a year. The German university in turn sends us at least one student. These scholarships are made th'- sible through the students at UNC who contribute to the Campus Chest which is just about to start Us cam paign for funds for this year. TV This year the Campus Chest is planning on putting 20 per cent of the money it makes in its fund drive toward the Goettingen scholarship. Last year it made approximately $1500. and this year its goal is $2000. The money put toward the Goetting en scholarship will be used for Each year this travel and living expenses, at least one boy . . I 1 .1 ll iu iiain At present there is no fund which provides for the Goettingen students travel through the United States after they get here. Eberhard is planning on working part of this summer and payin for his own travel around the country . "We had planned to send two ex change students to you this year," said Eberhard, "ljut you only had funds to send one student to us, 1 so we canceled our other scholar : ship.' EBERHARD BOECKER Goettingen Exchange Student Auto Crash Involves Two UNC Students ability, and general attitude. Churchill Better IlOQirF.BRirXE CAP MARTIN. I-Yance, Feb. 20 (AP) Stout heared Sir Winston Churchill made slow but steady progress to night in his battle against pneu monia and pleurisy. (Sec WORLD BIUKFS. vw? ?) j YPlayTryouts Set This Friday play "Cry tnc which will be Conference the 14. 1) and 10 at be this Friday the Two UNC students wore involved ; a on Ms campus This in an automobile accident Wedncs-! composed of three stu. day night in front of Memorial Hos- studcnt government l)it;jl- j one student who had been over here Local police officers said Frank professors and a Edwin Adkins of Victory Village , Americans The studcnt and Miss Gwendolyn Duncan Lorn- j tQ come g (.hosen ly. nursing student from West Jef- ' q( intelliscnce, intcrest. ferson. were driving tne same tuiec- i ;tion in front of the hospital at about i 10 p.m. Miss Lemly was in the left lane and Adkins pulled in to the right ; lane beside her. Officers quoted i Miss Lemly as saying she thought ! Adkins was going to pass her. Adkins told the officers he thought j she was going to cut left. When neither did what the other expected the front bumper of Miss Lemley's car hooked rear bumper Adkins IDC Council Court An official session of the Inter Dormitory Council Court was held Wednesday. Two students were brought before the court and were charged with j violations of University residence hall regulations. One student was found guilty of violating quiet hours for repeatedly playing his radio too loud. The court placed him on indefinite probation. The other student was found guilty of setting fire to a tennis bal and throwing it into another resi dent's room. He had an official re primand placed on his record and was warned by the court that any such indiscretions in the future would not be tolerated. stitutionality. After some explanation and a few questions the Legislature pass ed four bills. The first was John Brooks' (SP) bill to appropriate $100 to the Foreign Exchange Student Com mittee. Next came Brooks bill which set t,be membjship. of the Carolina Forum at four and defined the terms of office of Student Legis lators on the Carolina Forum, The Carolina Quarterly and the Publi cations Board. Ralph Cummings' (SP) bill to or ganize "administration of the Bell Tower Parking Lot" and Al Gold smith's (UP) bill to appropriate S3?5 for the purchase of "In the Name of Freedom," a film con cerning TJNC were the last bits of legislation passed. ! This movie will be lent "to ; foreign universities as an 'ambas ' sador from UNC." It will belong to the Foreign Exchange Commit I tee. Pat Adams (SP), chairman of the newspaper research committee, in troduced a bill to reorganize the selections board for The Daiy Tar Heel. The new board would be com posed of the two party chairmen, an elected non-salaried member of the newspaper staff, an elected ex ecutive member of the staff, the Chairman of the University Facul ty and an appointed member fcf the faculty of the School of Jour nalism. Adams also introduced a bill to limit the campaign expenses of every editorial candidate to $30. Goldsmith introduced a bill to require any future National Stu dent Association to attend at least lone NSA convention before he can be eligible for the position. UNCs European Tour Has A Few Places Left mmiffee rms Emergency Body Starts Frat Probe The Emergency Committee on soc ial fraternities got down to business Thursday afternoon, but specific areas of discussion were not sub mitted for publication. All a spokesman for the group would says was that problems relat ed both to the houses themselves and the University were discussed by the committee set up by student ! government and the IFC. However. Student Body President : Sonny Evans said the body will j "recommend reforms in. the fraterni i ty system to the responsible parties j concerned." To that end it will study many aspects of fraternity j life, he said. Although reasons for the com ' mittee's institution have been vague, ' it was generally believed that re ! cent publicity about an alleged i fraternity "pajama party" put em ; phasis on the need for such a body. Problems Discussed j Evans said the committee Thurs j day discussed problems ranging : from fraternity social rules to fu I ture chapters on the campus, and (reached agreement on the need for. j specific recommendations to pre sent to the University administration. Just what those rt-commendations The UNC tour to Europe for ttiis summer has just about been filled. However, there are' still a few places open. The 10-week tour which wilt leave New York on the "SS Italia" June 7 and will arrive back on Aug. 29 has been planned by a group of Carolina students under the leader ship of Dick Stoker and Tog Saun ders and the advisorship of Jim Carse and Claude Shotts. the direc tors of the YMCA. Such places as Hamburg, Berlin. ! Cologne, Heidelberg and Munich will be visited in Germany. The next ! stops will be in Salzburg. Vienna j &nd Klagenfort. In Italy the tour will visit Venice, Rimini, Perugia, Rome, Florence. Siena. Milan and Bologna. Lucerne will be visited in Switzer land, and then the tour will move on to France where it will visit j win be, he said, will be determined Strasbourg, Nancy and Paris. To Visit World's Fair The Brussels World's Fair-will be taken in when the tour arrives at Belgium. Amsterdam will be the next stop in Holland. Four days will be spent in Lon don, and there will be excursions to Windsor, Stratford- on-Avon. and I other interesting sights. Then a week of free time will be j given to the students travel on their own. This '"UNC Goes to Europe" pro gram is unusual for three reasons. First of all. it is the first student tour that the University has spon sored. Inexpensive Second, it is being done through National Student Association Edu- in future meetings where fraternity problems will be discussed and acted upon by the body. High on the list for consideration is a new "visiting agreement" pro posed by the IFC to amend current regulations pertaining to drinking habits at fraternities wlien coeds are in the houses. The laws as now written are frequently violated. Evans, refusing to comment spee- so they can ifically on "problems" aired by the i committee, said the body "realizes the urgency of the situation which exists on campus." Committee Purpose "They also understand that the purposes of the committee are to discuss many aspects of fraternity life in an effort to propose and re commend reforms in the system to Students Tried In Recorder's Court cational Travel, Inc. and thus is ; tne respsonble parties concerned," unusually inexpensive, costing only ; Evans continued. $990. Third, it is, not just a tour. The students will have opportunities to The following UNC students were j talk to student and government lead tried in Recorder s Court in Chapel j ers throughout these countries. In Hill this week: Berlin they will visit the Berlin LeRoy B. Frasier, Jr., Durham; i (international Student Seminar as speeding, $10 and costs. representatives of UNC. Lowell Graham, Goldston; using otherwise, the purpose of the expired operators license, $10 and i tour is for students to study these costs I countries. Bianco; He said that he is "hopeful for suggestions" and is certain that "significant proposals will be forth coming" following future commit- tee meetings. I The commitee's next meeting has been set for 3 p.m. Monday in Evans' office in Graham Memorial. James Monroe Long, speeding. $5 and costs. William A. Bridges Jr. Wilson; registration plates. using expired costs. Samuel Cole Guy, High speeding, $10 and costs. to see beneath the sur face of them and to see and appre ciate their culture, art and architec ture. They will also serve as student ambassadors from the U. S. A. and (from UNC. Point; Symposium Slate Outstanding Educators To Speak Here THE REV. JULIAN IIARTT ! The Rev. Julian Hartt, Noah Por ! ter Professor of Philosophical i Theology at Yale Divinity School No one was injured, but the Lem- j and chairman of the Department of Tryouts for the Ileloved Country," then at the Y weekend of March C.'inu) Bricks w ill nttcrnoon from 2 p.m. to f p.m jjiiditorium of Carroll Hall. The Y conference will have as its theme "Tours through the Wilds of Creation" and will have for its pur pose the 'sharpening of the critic-i-ru of the world we live in through the study of the meaning of the work nf the contemporary painter, M-ulptor, musician, poet, aid novel. ii.t." ly car received $7j damage. Dam ! age to Adkins car was $150. GM SLATE The following activities have been scheduled for today at Gra ham Memorial: Polls Committee, 3-4 p. m.. Woodhouse Conference Room; Pan Hellenic Council. 4-5 p. m.. Roland Parker Lounge I; WRC, 4-6 p.m.. Grail Room; AKPsl. 3:45-7 p.m.. Roland Parker Lounges 1-2; Polit ical Science. 9-10 a.m.. Woodhouse Conference Room. Religion at Yale College, will speak jto Carolina students and friends on ' March 17 during Symposium Week. The topic of his address will be i "The Transmission of our Cultural Heritage: Education. Communica ' tiens and Literature." Rev. Hartt was born in Selby, S. ! D. He studied at Dakota Wesleyan (Arts degree in 1932 and at Carret w here he , received a Bachelor of Biblical Institute where he received ! a Bachelor of Divinity degree in ! 1930. ! Yale Graduate In 1938, he was awarded his (See IIARTT, page 3) A . i S DR. SIDNEY HOOK Tour Programs Consequently, interesting and edu ; cational programs will be given throughout the spring semester for these European bound students so I they will know something about the : i art, architecture, politics, geogra- j phy, history and culture of the var- ; ' ious countries before their visit. i The following students have plan- j ned to go: Ward Sims. Thelma Rag- Studer.t Union Committee To Hold Open Hearings i The Building Committee of the , Graham MemoritJ board of direc tors will hold an open hearing on the question of facilities to be in j eluded in the plans for the new I student union building on campus 'Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 26 and 27, from 4-6 p.m. in the Rendezvous Room of GM. All students who are interested in 1 expressing ideas on what should go into the new building are encourag ed to appear before the committee. In any student wishes a specific M . . aunOUUIIlf III IUI a lci torn niiiw J Dr. Sidney Hook, chairman of the ; iand, Linda Chapell. Mac Pear- ; asRed cjU Migs Staples at philosophy department ot iNew iuiisaii, rat Anaerson, xvoueiui iws- University's Graduate School of j tings, Dorothy McNeill, Ann Harvey. ' 4352 from 1-5 p. m. any day. Arts and Science, will be another Mary Olmstead, Susan Inman, ! of the featured speakers during j Tog Sanders, Mary Moore Mason, Symposium Week. j Darlene Hardin, Charlotte Williams. He is scheduled to appear on j Cynthia Seagraves, Norm White, March 20 and will speak on "Basic j and Lib May and Kathy Dwight Values in a Time of Decision." j from Woman's College. Dr. Hook, one of the foremost j scholars in his field in the country, is a three-time recipient of a Gug genheim Fellowship for philosoph ical research in Europe. Columbia Graduate Leopold Freed REV. JULIAN HARTT DR. SIDNEY HOOK SPRINGFIELD, 111., Feb. 20 ! (AP) Nathan Leopold, surviving ! member of the Loeb-Leopold thrill Born 55 years ago in New York murder team of 1924, was granted City, he was educated in the New a parole today. York public school system. After j The Illinois Parole and Pardon undergraduate work at the City Col- ! Board's announcement said Len lege of New York and he received pold has been granted "a definite (See HOOK, page 3) : sentence parole." IN THE INFIRMARY Students in the infirmary yes terday included: Misses Sally Horner, Barbara Koch and Julia Redhead and Glenn Meltzer, Richard Midkiff, Nelson Hinton, William Covin, Cecil Rand. John Clare, Dewey Weir, Norma Draper, Willard Ward, Bryan Grimes. William Lytle, Robert Fromer. William Dunn, Thomas Brandon, Michael Smith, Gordon Thelin, William Evans, Daniel Mc Kenzie, Willis Whitehead, Walter Long and Johnny Culp.

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