SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1958 PACE TWO THE DAILY TAR HEEL Legislature Should Look At Editor Libel Proposal Several d.ivs Att w cited the mnl within student t;m U nine-lit to li.tiullc alleged lilnl cases in volviir.; the editor of The Daily Tat Heel and individuals in the campus totumuniiy subjected to reckless accusation not based on tact. We hope, in all sinceiity. that our suggestions i!idut lalj on deaf tats despite certain fallacies which existed in the pioposals. Tor Iumi.iIIv the idea is a ;oocl one. and should be implemented bu lla piotedion ol individuals on the c ampus. I heie in lent K is some cpies liou as to whether student courts. .i snooted in the initial propo sal, possess the power to lc a moiut.irv line against any student at the l'uiersit who in some wav iol.ites laws of the student couits. It is doiibtlul that this pow-cr wouKl be sanctioned b the State ol Noith Ciiolin.i. Ilweei. student comt do hae othei means to punish those amotio ns who teluse to abide bv rules and i emulations opi-i.uivc within out judicial sxsietn. These include t pi inland, piobatiou and siispc n sioii depending on seiioiistiess ol the iolation. In iew ol the student court ss- tun. the question .niM's: would pot libel, il piovcd in student coiiit iii.ilv be a violation ol some l.iw cuiieiitK wiittcn into or im plied b j n d i c ial provisions? W'oiild not .in editot who has li belcd an individual be in violation ol a .i vs. over which student couits c in l cut Iv have jut isdic t ion? II not. he ccil.iinlv should be. 1 oi to make false- accusations about a pel son. to luinu about!s o ehat.ntci or leputatioti is. in oai mind, i In each ol icspoiisi b'e indent brhavioi just as .lie numeioiis othci violations lallino undti the couits' jiu imUi tioii. Uoweei. il no Mich threat ol a liial in student coiiiin looms oxer llu- editorship, ilir U-islaucu-shotifif f,ir .iff pirwafs for siifJi powe r into c 'oiisidei.iiioti and come up with a new court or icvisiou nj an old oia so as to unhide jut isdi tioti in c ases ot libel. Kciciitlv seveial pioposals have come to mind. An individual who lit!-, In has biin libeled could take Ins i ase to couit. when' a vc i dut ol uuiltv against the- editor could ii-Niilt in his piobatiou in the post w hii h he holds. J')oii a second violation, invol ving the same editor, w hen lac ts pte suite d in court show he has aiin libeled an individual with in the campus community, a vei ditt ol ouiltv could brinn vith it the automatic sitspe-itsion (i the- The Daily Tar Heel The official siuJcnt publication :1 tht Publication Board of the University of North Carolina, where if is published daily except Sunday, Monday and exam ination and vacation period? and um mer terms. Entered as second class nut ter in the post office in Chapel Jill, N. C, under thu Act of March 8. 1870 Subscription ratrs: mailed, $4 per year, S2.V) a semester; delivered, SQ a year YJ 50 a semester. Editor DOUG EISELE Associate Kditor . FRANK CROWTHER Managing Ed. tor ALYS VOORIIEES News Editor TAUL RULE Asst. News Editor ANNFRYE C'-iCd Editor . JOAN BROCK Feature Editor MARY M. MASON Sports Editor BILL KING PHOTOGRAPHERS Norman Kantor, Buddy Spoon. UUSLNKSS STAFF Walker Blanton, John Mintcr, Lewis Rush. Asst. Sports Editor DAVE WIBLE Ci-y Editor RILL KINCAID Business Manager JOHN WIIITAKER Advertising Manager FRED KATZIN Subscription Mgr AVERY THOMAS Librarian G LEND A FOWLER KDIT STAFF Whit Whitfield, Curtis Cans, Jonathan Yardley,' Barry Win ston, Gail Godwin. SPORTS STAFF: Rusty Hammond, Elli ott Cooper, Mac Mahaffy, Jim Purks, , Jim Harper. . PBLEY BARROW editor from the newspaper post. Such action would leave the ed itor's chair vacant. A recall election then could be held in which the (ieM)sed editor could be a candi date lor reinstatement in the post, dependent upon the sentiments ol the student body. Or perhaps . he should not be allowed to be a candidate. This is only fair if we are to con duct our judicial system fairly in all ateas of student life. An edi tor who libels an individual is doubtless as "uilty of a violation of responsible behavior as the stu dent who c heats on an examina tion. Yet the courts have overlook ed the former while they have en forced the 'alter. Furthermore, the student who now is found guilty by a student eomt is ineligible to serve in any extra-curricular phase of student o eminent, or even other areas ol campus lile. due to his viola tion of the laws. Admitting that libel is a violation of law, an edi tor is under these in uinstanc es" exempt from the punishment handed his fellows. It would indeed be a liberal judgment, in view of implications of guilty verdicts now rendered by the couits. if an editor were put only on probation atfer libeling a member of the university com munity. 1 r under other circum stances he would be expelled from his oilier entirely. We oint these factors out in view ol oith Carolina law which piotectsa pet son under l i ears ol a'e Irom clitect suit in cases of li bel. It is true that when a minor editor libels an individual, state courts exist thioiil) which suit could be brought. Hut those suits would be ditectecl at the editor's next liiend. ol the Publications Hoard, oi the- adininistt ation. and not the edited. Ibis, we believe, is a major lal laeA in inn student couit system. For no other person, or no alie nate ol jkmsoiis. should be- held rc-f .sponsible in a eivil court Tor the malicious whims of a 20-year-old who sometimes is inclined to ctiti ' c ie more cvcrch and in sue h a 111. inner than state law permits.- Put vouisell -in the position ol the individual who is subjected to malicious attack bv The Dailv Tar Heel. Would ou desire the t (-course to piotect voutselt Irom ion ol character, or should the- editor be pel mined to con tinually injuie those- who biiny, his w hims to lore? Could Students Help Firemen? The rec ent rash ol eostlv I ires in Chapel Hill has led one I'nivei sity ol Noith Caiolina student to make this surest ion: Whv doesn't someone initiate a program ol training to instruct a small roup of college students in the methods of lirc-l'ihtint;. This wav a icat potential could be ntil iecl. Cuiicntlv. hundieds ol students stand icily bv eveiv time a fire breaks out on 01 near the campus. The icpiesetit a potential til t lihtini; team that could serve im measurably in protection ol F'ni versitv and private propel ty in Chapel Hill. With no reflec tion on the Chapel Hill file department, very leal tin eats do exist lor which a larger and better-trained fence- should be picpaied to serve in time ol em ergency. I hat emergenc y may never come, but we should at all limes be picpaied for it. Could a Civil Defense organisa tion train .students who aie intere sted in helping in time of trage dies? Certainly, such instruction would not be wasted since these same students would be available lor emergencies in their own towns once they leave school. It at least is woith some consider ation. Our Nominations Top news stories of the week: WILMINGTON - A whole lot of shakm soin"on. x CHARLOTTF Klamuien here have learned not to get under the r sheets .with an undercover aent. J. Y.'s JAZZ Frank Sinatra, Doris Day Hit With 2 Records Columbia Records lias recently released two, two-record sets that bear consideration by every buyer. One of these, a collection of old masters, is called "The Frank' Sinatra Story," and the other is a Doris Day collection entitled "Hoo ray For Hollywood" and features the best musical efforts of the films in the past twenty years. The Sinatra record is an im portant document both historically and musically. It traces the Sina tra career from his first days with Harry James through his last Columbia recording session. Of course a good deal has been omitted, due to inter-label hostili ties, such as the great work he did for Tommy Dorsey on the Victor label, and his work for the Capitol label in the nineteen fifties. Nevertheless, the? set has many merits and should be heard. The first dumber on the set. a recording of the Harry James theme Ciribiribin." with the James orchestra, is fascinating. It takes at least three close listen ings to recognize the singer as Sinatra, because the vocal is done in the style Ray Ebcrle made famous with the Glenn Miller . band. Two songs later the Voie-e is more recognizable, and by the end of the record any plumber could tell you to whom he is lis tening. High points on the disk are the long, beautiful. "Soliloquy" from Carousel and the nostalgic '"Castle Rock." with an exciting if a little exhibitionistic solo by !Vlr. James. Doris Day. whom I have always regarded as a llollywoodish sing er with a superficial manner of delivery, finally shows her poten tial on the excellent "Hooray For Hollyvveod." The purpose of the album was to combat the plethora f recordings of great songs from Broadway shows with an album of great soncs from motion pic tures. The songs are great, the arranging is unpretentious and swinging .and Miss Day is delight ful. It's really amazing how many good songs the movies have pro duced. Among the selections on the disk are such standards as "In the Still of the Night." "I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm." "A Foggy Day." and "The Way You Lexk Tonight." Perhaps the most delightful song on the album is the wonderful "It Might As Well Be Spring." from 1935 s State Fair. Miss Day's rendition is at once sad. swinging, and very mus ical an achievement some of our so-called " jazz singers" are not always able to attain. It is a real compliment to the Columbia artist and repertoire de partment that two so excellent recordings should be released. It is a terribly bad break for this great company that the amazing ly talented George Avakian has chosen to depart, but as long as disks of the quality of these two are released we can continue to count on Columbia records for fine jazz and pop music. "This Will Keep Out Foreign Salesmen' SKI? VIEW FROM THE HILL The Case For Delayed Rushing When the emergency committee on fraternities looks into fraternity problems, at least two problems should e-ome to light. The first change in tne current fraternity system should come in the fillet of rushing. Delayed rush would be the best thing that has happened to the campus in a long time. Every year now about a month after school starts, and a good deal less time than it takes for a freshman to get settled, fraternity rushing begins. Not only do boys go home dis heartened because they were bull ed for some reason or another, but the fraternities lose in getting a person about whom they know too little. Fraternities lose in other re spects btnausc they sometimes re ject a man they later would have wanted, and with rejection a cer tain amount of ill feeling is creat ed. Moreover, in losing this per son, the fraternity will try to fill its roster, and the avenue for bringing the student into the fraternity will be closed. For the student on entering the fraternity, the present system is bad, since at the beginning of a student's first semester the stu dent has no idea of the responsibil ities that arc his as a college stu dent. Furthermore .he probably at that time has only a vague idea of what fraternity life is like or whether he actually likes any of the fraternity's members. No amount of booklets, information sheets, or short meetings within the space of a week can tell him. What is necessary is a post ponement of rushing until the mid dle of the spring semester and per haps an elimination of any "silent" period, except after rushing has been completed and prior to pledging. This probably would tend to make rushing informal throughout the year with a set period for pledging, and this would be good. The opportunity for students to know what the " academic and activity load is upon them is af forded. The opportunity to get to know what fraternity life is like will be given. The opportunity for students to get to know their fu ture brothers, and to find out whe ther they want to call them bro thers is another good facet of the delayed informal rush system. From tiro fraternity point of view, not only do they get the opportunity to see what their pro spective pledges are like, but they have the opportunity of looking in- 10 Z 2-zl to the whole range of the fresh man class rather than the small group that runs around in frantic circles during the present rush week. Moreover, in the elimination of a "silent" period, both fraternity members and prospective pledges have a real chance to get to know each other and like each other, and in doing this, avoid some of the friction that is involved in pledging. For those that are rejected, it gives a chance for the blow to come easily rather than in one great loud crash. Furthermore, it giv es the rejected student a chance to make friends with frater nity members despite being reject ed. Lastly, it will rule out those who in Fall might have wanted to be in a fraternity, but later find out that fraternity life isn't for them. , What is most important, it will relieve both fraternity and student of the need for a quick high pres sure sale of the individual's ta lents or the fraternity's merits. Doth fraternity and student can be shown as they are normally, with out pretense. The change to delayed rush woidd be a change for the better. N 3 w WO Jl (0 U EXCUSE ANE..I THINK 5Cva05 li'ATEi? DiSa 1 IT WAS MV FAULT X K1EVAM MIND VOOR POOR, DEAR, I ALLTHET SWEET HUSBAND J FORE, DEAR, WAS KILLED r SWEET STUFF," FAT SO 77 y 7 I v V VO' HAIN'T C V,OULDNvT DREAM CRAWLIN )( OF IT-I KNCW V Oe 1TA s THAT MERE MONEV VORE A CAN NEVER REPLACE AGREEM UNTTy A HUSBAND.. - 7, tit I OH,YES,ITKlN. X I A V THAR'S 'NUFF P COUPLE OF K I 7 OF T'f . -7 P.RAVF1 ITT1 F I s 1 v j 1 1 1 y 1 r- it-m r rr s i 1 oiriT3.. 1 1 4 Q. a U JQ life A VZ&O PIGHT O o o a. n 1 HS It?. 1 AH, If ONLY I V&&NOTA VC& GO TUXT I AMSHT CWH CK&" I A 'TliS. AC Mil SS6A1 him 10 Ay ec. 1 -c... ,1 HZ A PLEA f? HIM YWSAIP lOrAL. .(f tj. 0) JQ FROM THE SCHOLASTIC Alfred Stephan on 'Man & his Values The tragedy of mast of our lives is that we are afraid to recognize what we are. We only look at ourselves in oblique glances. Shallow as these fleet ing inquiries are, we recognize a deep and persi stent state of unrest. We are aware of a sense of unfulfillment that seems basic to our lives. We are afraid of its implications. Most men yield to the stream of circumstance and necessity that carries them onward and lets them bypass any contempla tion of their nature and how it can best be ful filled. Yet some men refuse to be swept in the current of life without knowing "where am I going?" and "who am I?" The world doesn't like the man who starts to struggle with the questions of existence. This apparent centering on self seems antisocial. The world calls him a brooder. It tells him to ad just. This novice seeker of self plunges into his na ture with the hope of satisfying his vague sense of unfulfillment. The majority of these seekers of self lose their dedication when the ultimate answer to existence begins to take vague form in their minds the answer doesn't fit their conception of eari li ly happiness. It seems too austere, too incompatible with their easy existence . . . "and the young man went away sad for he had great possessions." Yes, the young men leave the way and go back to their possessions, to the world. They almost saw themselves but they were afraid so they ran to the world; the world which tells them it can give them happiness, the world which tells them that everyone was meant to be happy and that the only reason they feel unfulfilled is that they lacked certain ob tainables wealth, position, prestige, the pride ul doing "nice" things. The world tells them that when they once obtained these then they will be content; that the restless drives and desire within them will be satisfied. Most people, once they commit themselves to seeking these obtainables, ask no more questions as to the "why" of existence. They plunge them selves into the work world. "I must work. I must work very hard for. these goals." Work becomes an avenue to the highest good. Work then is the virtue of existence. The World, "the totality of reali ty," in this insecure and muddled thinking is limit ed to the work world and its ends. The worker at tempts to fulfill his full human existence in the goals of the work world. He sacrifices at the altar of work. He attempts to satisfy his strange and spiritual vessel of self by satiating it with material and social goods. Man does this not so much throuc.l greed or materialism but rather through his desire to quiet that sense of unfulfillment that brin: him back to the questions of who he is and wh.v. is he living for. Work and attainment seem to him a philosophy of life, an answer to the question, "What is it a.l for?" Men can't face life without some reason fir existing. By their very nature they must strive f-r some sort of fulfillment, some development. This of cjourse requires a system of values as a center for the development. The tragedy of most men siiy.o the passing of the theocentric age is that their limited world view constricts their development 0 the means and ends of the work world. The master value is not spiritual but material. In their muddled logic, most men equate happiness with pleasure, and since pleasure seems to be enjoyment of materia! and social goods: "I must have these goods, so I must work to attain them, and if I work hard it 1; good because it is in the direction of why I live." While their ultimate pleasure in life, they be lieve, lies in attainment of material and social gnoc!. they seek momentary pleasure in various ways of non-recognition of self. They often seek a frantic fleeting pleasure. They have to do things see new places, start hobbies, meet new people. And when they are tired of fleeing themselves, they try to forget self by idling the motor of their minds while they sit in a stupor before a television set. they throw down a shot, they read pulp romances, they play solitaire. Once a man commits himself to the idea of the work world with its material and social goods as the panacea for all his human needs, he shapes and vitiates all of thp basic institutions to conform with his philosophy. Education, instead of bcir.5 an avenue of approach to the ultimates, a developer oi wisdom, is viewed merely as a utilitarian tool or a finishing school. Marriage is not so much a dynamic union of love and souls as, in effect, a necessary social connection. A wife is reduced to the statu, of a social asset and a satisfier. And religion instead of being a vital communion with God become -badge of respectability, a weekly tranquilizer Most of these men die still clinging to the i'iea that if they could only have gotten a few more vi the world's goods they would have been happy. They never recognize their true nature. They d:e r.o: knowing that the fulfillment of self must "pierce the dome of the work world." They never love 2s man, never communicate with the spiritual world. They are men but do not participate in the unique dignity of man. They never indwell in the spiritu::i world of the soul and wrestle with questions :t "Who ami," and "Why am I living." If they haJ. they might realize that they have a capacity tor a higher order of being, they might transcend then environment and establish relations with the abso lutes wherein their natures could be fulfilled. But they refuse, they are afraid to recognize the digm'j of their natures. Night Editor