PACE TRXII WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1958 TH8 OAH.Y TA HEIL Covering I he University Campus V POSTS INTI'UUK.YS As'pl K-ant s art now being inter v.twril ;it tin YMCA for cabinet I for tJit 103a-59 school i . i r '..m;hiis ti) bo filled include: 1 1 munuuty Affairs, Conferences, I li.iiice Drive. Public Affairs, Pub .,!!v. Vespers and Worship, Y Nite. : . i n it uitial lUlations, and United S.itmiH Council, i,v men student who are Inter t . I should 1eue their names in the " nffice. The interviews will be l.' t from 2 6 o'clock each after- i - tod.iy through Friday. ( ll mi E ADF.K TKYOITS In, outs for cheerleaders will be t ii.iy at 4 p. m. in Kenan Stadium, i the event of rain, tryouts will I held in the Tin Can. A C average is required of all t , ndulates. Tl;e group will meet every afternoon this week at four c t !o( k. Practice will last about one , .ii.l one half hours. (inl candidates should wear bcr e m!.i shorts and tennis shoes. Last's cheerleaders have been asked I'V t arter Jones, head cheerleader, to come down and help out. M TII COLLOQUIUM l'r. S 1) Chow la w ill speak at the Mathematics Colloquium at 4 p m. today. His subject will be 'eta Function and L-Series." I MYSKS COLLOQUIUM The Joint Physics Colloquium sponsored by UNC and Duke will lf held today at 8 p. ni. in Phillips Hall. Prof. J. C. Daunt of Ohio State University will discuss Con t.nuous Refrigeration Below One iKcrce Absolute." UADUATi: HISTORY CLUB The Graduate History Club will n eet today at 8 p. in. in the Library .ssemblv I'ooin , Dr. John U. Alden. Chairman ot the History Department at Duke, will speak on "The New American Nation Series" and his own volume, "The American Revolution, 1775 1783." TRI DELT SCHOLARSHIP Thursday, marks the close of competition for the 1953 Tri Delta Scholarship. AH women students enrolled at Carolina are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Application blanks may be obtained from the Dean of Wonjen's office. FELLOWSHIP FOR SCHOOL INTEGRATION Four Chapel Hill miuisters, two white and two Negro, will speak at the regular meeting of the Chapel Hill Fellowship for School Integration. They will discuss the role of the church in race relations, especially In the area of public school desegre gation. The public has been invited to at tend the meeting. It will take place Thursday at 8 p. m., at St. Joseph's Church on West Rosemary Street. COSMOPOLITAN CLUB The Cosmopolitan Club will hold its annual International Open House on Sunday, April 20, from 3-5 p. m., at Hillel House, 210 Cameron Street. Any student having articles or crafts from foreign countries has been asked to loan them to the club for exhibit. Anyone interested can contact Miss Leila Ibraham at third Kenan, phone 8-9076. The public and all students have been invited to attend. WUNC RADIO PROGRAM Wednesday P.M. 7:00 Window on the Waltz 7:30 Vistas of Israel 7:45 Carnival of Books 8:00 Ideas and the Theater 8:30 Promenade 9:00 Georgetow n University Radio Forum 9:30 Music From Germany 10:00 Evening News Summary 10:15 Evening Masterwork 11:30 Sign off WUNC TV SCHEDULE Channel 4 Wednesday DAILY CROSSWORD A.M. 8:45 8:55 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 P.M. 12:00 12:15 12:45 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 Morning Music Morning News United State History General Science World History Mathematics Travelogue Quest for Adventure Film Agricultural Policy 12:45 News Today on the Farm Music in the Air ' Science and Nature Play Period French Tlirough Television Methods for Modern Teachers Issues for Modern Teachers Issues in Education Engineering visits Travelogue 5:45 Uncle Wonder's Workshop 6:00 The Subject is Jazz 6:30 Report Front Page in Foreign Affairs -8:00 Sunday School Lesson 8:30 Atoms For You 9:00 Geography for Decision 9:30 Living Books 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:30 7:30 10:00 Final Edition 10:03 Tomorrow" on Channel Four 10:07 Sign off ; University Alumni Plan Annual Assembly University alumni will hold their annual assembly here April 24. At the one day meeting new candi dates for alumni offices will be an nounced. An Alumni Association re port will be made and a dinner dis cussion will feature Chancellor Wil liam B. Aycock . and other Univer sity officials. ' . At a luncheon meeting in Carolina Inn James W. Poole, chairman of the Alumni Annual Giving program will give a report. This will be the sixth annual report. In the first five years this program has given over $250,000 to the University. Cash For News The Daily Tar Heel will pay $10 for the best news story or news tip phoned in by a non-staff member. The paper will also pay a $5 prize for the most humorous story. Young Demos Will Hold Rally North Carolina's Young Demo crats are to hold a rally and work shop April 1-8 and 19 in Raleigh according to an announcement by Bob Futrelle, president of the North Carolina YDC. Representa tives of YDC organizations from colleges and universities through out North Carolina will attend. The workshop will begin at 2 p.m. Friday with registration of the visiting delegations at the State College Union. The schedule of events for Friday includes a re ception at the Governor's Mansion with Mrs. Luther H. Hodges; a ban quet, with an address by Terry Sanford; and a dance at the Col lege Union. Study groups will get under way at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Bob Futrelle will lead the workshop for members of existing YDC groups; Harold Wilson, of Wake Forest Law School, will work with those wishing to start a Young Demo crat Club: and Everett Beam. Clerk of Superior Court of Stanly County, will conduct a study of practical politics. The purpose of the event will be to further emphasize thinking on a political and governmental level in order to make the student a better citizen in his community. PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS ACROSS 1 H" rt firts 5 VcscfUble mattT of N'.le 9 Miss Bara, actress 10 Yield asar.t 12 ry small rTon 14 Past 15 "The Gold Rug" author 15 Dahy's dribble catcher 17. Yangtze riMlfft H Mower 20 Com raw point tabbr.) 21 Ir.veij.le 21. Celebrated 25 Radium i ym. ) 26 College riVRrr e 27 Writ ila.v) ?,0 Opera hat ."V. note .",4 I'.eginr.injf r,6 Compass point (abbr.) 17. Viper "9 Color 40 Gold (Sp) 41 Alarm nt 41 Candle 4.V Made a Um card 40 Youths 47. Cur. brother DOWN 1 Former Japanese title 2 Fruit of Rourd family 3 Fuss 4 A speci men 3 -Glossy, surface fabric 6. Exclama tion 7. Belabor 8. Death 9 Melts 11. Sub-sided 13. Pro noun 18. Well done! 19 Book of the 22. Exist 24. Flap 27. Blight 28. Rogue 29. Comes in 30. Columbus probable (It. spelling) 31. Unwind f N M U I t 5 -316 AJN U Mil IL A. SIP 2 21L LlAiPtSlEMl PtNt f !t'EL"'u " E LJ0 -N a Is iMt K o'p r" IT Sf? Q lEAPj.S 4 Yesterday's Aaawtr Z2. Weapon 33. Man's nickname. 38. Father 40. Eye 42. U. S river 43. Head (slang) ; ll 1 ZZZWZZZWZZZ " I" mzzzmzzm WZ'LZWIZ TT" i -3 . wzz Books In The Going, Going Gone Book Sale Cost 19c Today! Thursday They'll Be Down To Come Treasure-Hunting! The Intimate Bookshop 205 E. Franklin St. Open Till 10 P.M. Jury Interviews Today Jury interviews -will be held to day and tomorrow in the Council Room on the second floor of Gra ham Memorial from 4:15-5:30 p.m. and in the evening from 7:15-9 All interested students should fill out a jury application blank in the Student Government Office and sign the appointment list. . Both male and female applicants will be interviewed at these times. pected Increase Is Exi i 1 In Summer Attendance Plans for the 1958 Summer Ses sion at the University . of lNortn Carolina have been completed and announced by the director, Guy B. Phillips. Keen interest has been' in dicated by a large number of re quests for information from college students, public school teachers and other professional presonnel. A number of special activities are being provided which will mean that an increased number of people will be in Chapel Hill during the summer. The Institute for Teachers of Mathematics ,andi Science will be conducted here for the second year. The candidates have been selected from a long list of applications from many sections of the United States. These persons have been granted liberal fellowships. A program will be offered to an estimated 50 persons in television teaching in cooperation with the Ford Foundation which has spon sored programs in 19 school sys tems during the current year. Dr. Robert Hughes who is on the School of Education staff will begin a program of work for teachers of special education and will be assist ed by Dr. Plumlee from the Uni versity of Illinois in a speech cor- CLASSIFIEDS MOTORCYCLE: HARLEY - DAVID son. Model 165. Excellent condi tion. Equipped with crash bars, saddle bag, buddie seat wind shield, . and new battery. 70-73 miles per gallon. Only $275. Phone 9-9351 or 5231. Available at 704 Gimghoul Rd. WANTED: FURNISHED APART ment or house for the first si. weeks school for man, wife and one child. Write Y. II. Allen. Asst. Supt., Robeson County Schools, Lumberton, N. C. (eng.) Sing (Continued From Page 1) win the Women's Group Sing di vision. Smith Dorm and Alpha Delta Pi sorority fought it out on even groundstieing for the trophy in the musical skit division. The Smithians did a hilarious bit en titled "Dear Mr. Editor." Time and again they brought the house down by referring to campus problems in a humorous manner. Equally funny were the ADPi's with their skit entitled "Carolina Corral." All of the girls were dressed in what must be termed female cowboy suits, but which looked more like the elaborate costumes seen in a New York chorus line. The crowd appeared to thor oughly jenjoy all phases of the evening's entertainment from the first Golden Fleece tapping until the end of the Valkyrie Sing and "Hark the Sound." Mrs. Charles E. Milner Mrs. Charles E. Milner, 46, wife of the acting director of the Univer sity, died at her home in Chapel Hill yesterday after a long illess. Services will be conducted this afternoon at 3 at the University Methodist Church. rection course. Some of the basic course requirements can be met during the summer. Supervisors of student teaching will have a six weeks' workshop program in this important area of professional service. Summer session attendance n the part of public school teachers can mean a numbers of things to the individual in addition to per sonnel improvement. It will contri bute to the raising of the certificate and result in some salary increase," Phillips commented. "Under a new ruling teachers may now deduct expenditures in the Summer Session from the Federal Income Tax pay ment. This should help teachers who are doing work for the im provement in the quality of instruc tion for children." A broad program of academic courses will be offered for under graduate and graduate students in different areas. A number of visit ing instructors will supplement the work of regular staff member who will remain in Chapel Hill for the summer. The Dozier Loan Fund for teac hers will be available in addition to the special scholarships of $75 available from the State Depart ment of Public Instruction from funds allocated at the last session of the Assembly. Has anyone ever noticed how nothing improves one's driving like having a police car following? Spring CU Day And Carnival To Be At State The spring CU Day and Carnival Night of the Consoldiated University will be held Saturday at the College Union building on the campus of N. C. State College. According to Kelly Maness, presi dent of Consolidated University Student Council, 15 bus loads of Women's College girls will arrive in Raleigh for the day's activities,. "All students of the three schools are invited to attend the event," said Maness. The day will consist of carnival games, an 'informal dance and crowning of the CU Day queen. The major purpose of this com bined project is to promote a friend ly competetive spirit among cam pus organizations at the three schools and will give the schools a chance to participate in one large event. Booths will be constructed by many organizations on the three campuses and will be assembled on the second floor of the student union. Some of the games are penny toss ing, candle bowling, BB shooting, and fortune telling. Booths will be open from 1-11 p. m. One UNC organization has enter ed a booth. ; Contestants for the queen will be introduced at the dance and crown ed at 10 p.m. Only organizations hav ing booths may sponsor a contest ant for queen. OUKl MIU..M.C Newest Fashions LADIES Sunglasses FOR SALE-4Vi ROOM HOUSE with bath, asbestos siding. Located 6 blocks from center of town. Will repaint interior to buyer's taste. Phone 9-6433 or visit 108 W. Longview St. 1 1-1200-6) IOR RENT: 1 BEDROOM. 8-37G1. ((1-113-1). . CALL THE LIFE INSURANCE YOU you didn't buy may one day cost your family far more. For sound advice on your life insurance pro gram, call a Northwestern Mut ual agent. Thompson and De borry. Tel. 93691. FOR RENT: 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Private bath. Call 8-3761. f 1-1131-D. Z u iu 2 a O o o a. I I I THINK I'VE FOUND .A p r 1 i . i i ; 1 VTTTTTZTF X$rAXf IIctPT Sitvwas W thank S p 1 g Rules (Continued From rage 1) In favoring the new rules, Miss Wilkinson pointed out that she didn't think people could get along with out some supervision; therefore she favored supervised study. ' "Rules should be elastic enough to take in special events happening on campus, but when a girl cc.ncs to college she needs such rules in order to adjust to campus life," she added. Miss McCord said that she went to school under a situation where rules for freshmen were the same as upper classmen. Her main point was that the situation should de mand a change if any were to be made. "The girls to be affected by the rules should make them." said Miss McCord. Ivy one item it its regular prk . . .Add 1 cent and get two 0 CHECK LIST 1 se this ad s your shopping list. Check the square and order in advance if you wish. Your Druggist will gladly lay away your order to be picked op at any time during the SaVe Famous Creations COSTUME Ynurrhoice . Ar4H1 J R J at? I COwfi of necktaoes pins or earring 69c Rubbing Alcohol .,7 PkyskioRS t Surgeon PtZl I 57c MOUTH WASH Chlorophyll 12-oz x r fVw villi iii 'in I 1IIiJ.I 111 I I I 14 : . . . El V lWv ' W l l 11 I J H w'flfcvw4W7tc orft i r I K" )!' I I II 1 11 E 1 - ITSai ? i-v Ml I II rMJiUi U 97-rLlVJ VSlA person. jr . ffiZZr-0'' U itJsnisafeguard f I Q H "J 2:46 VZzigm JM O u Iff Jj) to X J CL Q. n U Hunter Top ACC Hitter GREENSBORO, (AP)-Senior out fielder Dick Hunter, a halfback star on State's Atlantic Coast Con ference Champion football team last fall, leads ACC batting -with an average of .500 after the first three weeks of 1958. action. Hunter, who has led the Wolf pack to a 7-0 early-season record overall and a 3-0 mark within the conference, has collected 13 hits in 26 times at bat and ' has also scored 11 times. His closest chal lenger is outfielder Rex McMil lan of Wake Forest, who' has 12 hits in 27 at bats for a mark of .444. Buster Ledford, a junior outfield er for Wake Forest, has the most stolen bases, five. Don Oldham, Carolina second baseman, has col lected the most hits, 17, and also has scored the most runs. 15. ACC Service Bureau figures, in cluding games of last Saturday, show that there is only one other .400 or better hitter in the con ference at this early date. 45c TOOTHPASTE Walgreen, largo Tubo. 69c MINERAL OIL , 4.7 WalgroM Pint. Cllv", 55c BISMADINE TABS Bottle of 100 jur w 1 t u 1 rr Mi ni A Powdor or Cryttol S-ox. . 39c SUPPOSITORIES a.ja. Adult or Infant l-'i 4!1V 19c IXK TABLETS 4,4. Holland Linen LlLv 79C SPEED SHAVE a.m. 0-or. Po-Oo. Aerosol X.'QU 5c Fruit Drops or Mints 4 r e lour cnuicc u y jbwmfhinn Perfection Men' or Ladis' 2;56e LEATHER BILLFOLDS Your choice of - r jr . lUPeKK.e2:40 Reg. 89' nuny tty in ft groias. 2i2" I 55 BABY SHAMPOO I I Physkians t Surgoont. 4 -02 2:6 2S56 29e Wool SPONGE 230c HANDp I 1. m With heart f lanotin cr'Kafll i I s,tt irAU & frar-ranr CREAM ! fianH C roam Lanolin rich SHAM POOl 19c Bubble Batb tudettn yiswessa" 2-80 3 11 i 100 11 11 11 HaMMiii nwiiii n '2.39 BAYTOL VlTAMIIi B COfiiPLtA 40 Vitamin supplement (or adults. Bottle ot I0O 2-2 D Regular $59 SUPER POTENT 3 to 12 yr.ow. n . nAt.AH 10 Bottl. 49 lllrl-nKlllll-l With it blood building bw. uoa and ceppot. phat the lahguehflhhug mm Vitamin B-12 VoH6 4 i Bottl 100 hiV J. AYTINAt Vitamins & MINERALS c , Aytinal 55s Vitamins & Reg. S2.89 Geriatric Elixir Bottle LL ri i-'i.i.J ipitrnm c 'J!. i ll vitamin, 9 minerohll - I ti I t J iqh lUIIiiiW . irS vitamin J -:JIJBole 100 141 it & 'i -I -n 1 1 I I X $3.50 FASHION RITE 9,45 Oiotory Supplement SO atW 29c Calamine LOTIOR4.4A. Plain or phonolatod 4-M Ll WV S1.59M0TH PROOFER9,1(0 Pino tcented 10-oz. Aerosol a!l J I 98c Ant, Roach Spray I I Dolpn 12-oz. Aerosol aiW S1.49 INSECT SPRAT 9,4 Sg Hon DDI 12-oz. Aeroiol .It 69c Pre-Electric 0'7ftc Shave lotion 4-oz Po Da ...CI I V 49c Saccharin Tabs Effervetcent 250"s 'i gr- , 25c TOOTH BRUSH 4.4 VotudeM Oval or wfied LlCQ I 2:50 L 1 JJLI-. jj 5 Grain WalgretMi ASPIRIN TABLETS Bottl of IOO i I itjfl 98c BODY MASSA6E 9.QQ, Physician t Surgoont. I6w a! WW S1.49 Beef Iroa&WiMO'isi SoybMoka P.m. ...a.JI T 79c Zinc Oxide Oiat. 4,ea Keller Antibiotic I'-oe Ziwil 98c SHAVING BOMB 4,-. or lotion bv Briareace ZiJlJ 25c TR. IODINE 4,4. O S-P. Quality l-oz . 59c Pa-Da Hair Dress 5-oz. Bottle ZlCU 29c Empire Brush n, Hond or VeocOoblo ZiUU 39c CAST0RIA jhe Mild. ChfWrenv oi . Z:4U 45c BABY OIL 4,-1 Physician t Svrgeon 5-oz. L t 0 98c Diaper Rash Oiat. , Physician t Surgeon loi fc3v lieilltj lUr .si II ll.f.lL j casi ll S2: ll a WALGREEN A ntihistamtnic COUGH SYRUP -ox. Bottle 2:39 6Sc Keller Antibiotic Lozenges mm Q 89c Keller NASAL Dr?npc n L.r .j! ... Q Q Anefrtn A.P.C. Antihistamina COLD TABLETS it 2m CAMPUS SEEM' Job interviewer, storing at coed applicants sack outfit with middy blouse, asked: "Are you sure you'll be able to work for us permanently?" t iTr.rrr, Quality Glory KYLO HOSIERY 51 Ruage 15 rfetner 31201 Poly Packed DISH TOWELS Pack "09 f 6 I Silver Jet GOLF BALLS ' - - j. . n r lonjter, true drive n Walgreen Guaranteed At FILtVI ri im I No. 1 77 120 620 fetSSf aneinrn x 3 ROU PACK 3 '931 1 ' mm n ii i 11 Values Up to 52.49 TOOLS' Many different toofi at saving. V Your choc only 99 each OA. Inl n Bun Comrlete with cravems aaSww COSMETIC BAG Qe DuraWe pljmc ....? 98c ke Cream Scoop Chrome plated ' CLOTHESLINE Toagh fibre 50 ft 29C BABY PANTS Fm bossed plastic 63c Rubber Gloves tjualtry hv "Test Rire".... Fever Thermometer Oral or recra! Poly Hair Brush 211" 2:45 2:99 -69 .27f