Li PAS! tzzi '4 THE DAILY TAR HEEL TUESDAY, APRIL 2 151 ftimblin' with ftuts Rod And Gun Meet Set )4 $ s I V I ' Far Heels Number 1; Fhree Tilts This Week Tir Heels, Number I. l-ist year the sport was basketball and the number referred to the nation and tins year it is b.iscbill and number 1 represents the ACC, but the surprise is just as great cither way you look at it. Coach Walt Rabb's Carolina baseballers have won seven games in a row, live of them against conference competition. They have knocked olf the three teams most in contention and right now sit on-the top of:the totem pole with a 51 record. Wake Forest, famous lipids In every sport, turned the trick again last Saturday as ihcy )ui the skids oh lcagucleading Clemson vi while the Tar Heels were busy whipping South Carolina 2-0. So the Dcacsi who hive won only two conference clashes all year, helped put'the Heels on top. So far, Clemson's ill-fated jour ney up Tobacco Road has helped everyone but' the Tigers, as they have dropped their last two straight to liig Fourt teams, and still-have a long way to go before returning to the com pkativc peace and quiet of South Carolina. The Bengals isit Duke Thursday and Friday and move over to State on Saturday. They will hae to do some fast playing to come out of those three days in god shape. 3 ACC Games This Week Speaking, of grinds in the schedule department, the Tar Heels lave three more big ones coming up this week, all against ACC competition. The Heels play a return engage ment with State at Raleigh today. Mankind is here Friday, and Virginia visits Chpel Hill Saturday. State should be the toughest of the three.' The Pack has a pair of outfielders who are slapping the ball all ocr the league in gridder Dick Huncr and Russ Castccn. brother of pitcher Dann. Hunter is latting .pa and Cistern has a .;ttH axerage to date. State also has a pair of pitchers. who mean tumble to any opposing fr-im IVm Czurm .ind Inr Innrs nitrhrd .1 oiu-hitter oei :Iina 2-0. Wake Forest upset frontt- Carolina .'in .the finals of the Dixie Cl.xu but the I ai Heels tat him here, at Chapel Hill. Pressure On Carolina , The. pressure at this point is on Carolina. Clenwm has only. four, inoic conference games remaining, w hile C.uolina has eigfit left. Should Clemson finish without losing another the Birds, never allowing an extra game, Carolina would have to win the lot ol its games to ; base blow finish on top.. Stowe's Perfect 7-0 Record Spoiled Clfm.son's Haiold Stowe. ace of the pitching stall with a 7 i mm soil maik, said in an inteniew with the Greensboro Daily-News last week. "Of all teams, whs Carolina-". He was referring to the fait that the Heels inflicted his first loss of the year. last Friday in Chapel Hill and spoiled his peilect 7-0 record. Stuwe. a piodtt ol (iastonia. stated that the reason for the . success of h's teammates, who linished last season with a rj.vltry (fjo record, is the coaching ol Hill Wilhclm, Acquired this winter. Wilhelm was Walt Rabb's assistant .here at Catolina last )ear and played Carolina League Oall with the Greensboro Patriots last summer. t Only 4 Huns For Heels But Enough - Py way of oddities Carolina scoied only four runs in its two games lat week, but it proved to be enough. The Tar Heels beat Clesmon 2-0 and South Carolina '-!. It is interest- or- s , i id I 1 i 1 11 i fi -. in 1 - I ROD AND GUN WINNERS Three Carolina boys who won events in the first annual Rod and Gun Field Meet last fall. Left- to right are John Crawford, target shooting; Tommy Nelms, archery; and Gay Cowan, trap shooting. The second annual rod and gun field meet is scheduled for Wednesday at the Durham Wildlife Club. Carolina Meets State Today At 3:30 In Conference Contest Hiding 011 the crest of a seven Kanie winning streak the Tar Heels ot Carolina today journey to Hie state c apital to battle the Staii e College" Wolfpack in an Atlantic Coast Conference contest. Carolina is sjtting on top of the standings today with a 5-1 confer ence slate, compared to runner-up Clemson's 8-2. Last Saturday, .while Carolina was beating South Caro- in of the season. The first five men in the Caro lina line-up are all hitting over .283 going into today's game. Gerald Griffin leads with a .343 average, folowed by Carson Oldham at 328. Al Pons at .300 Vaughn Bryson with a .286, and John liurgwyn with a .286. State's Dick Hunter is burning up the league with a blazing .422 average, and his outfield team mate Russ Casteen is sailing along at a .360 clip. The Pack has two of the better pitchers in the league in Dan Casteen and Joe Jones. Jones w ill probably be on the mound for the Wolfpack today, since it was he who shutout the Hogcr Honneycutt I Heels on a one-hitter in the finals slammed a 400 foot home run to i oi the Dixie Classic. lead Carolina batters for the day, j Carolina counters with two equal- and Al Pons got his 18th run batted ly top-notch pitchers, Wayne Young Fencers Beat VMI By 19-8 put for the Talr the tiiiw; running Clemson to Heels in first place this year. Ben Harding led the Tar Ileel'.s to the victory over South Carolinn as he pitched a 7-hit shutout ovca and Ben Harding. Harding leads the team with a perfect 5-0 record. Young, who received credit for the win over Clemson as hp struck out eight batters, has a miraculous 0.59 earned run average to go with a 3-2 record and, a 15 strikeout per formance against the Duke Blue Devils earlier in the season.1 Young is the probable starter for Carolina today. . Gametime is 3:30 . and WCHL will broadcast the game from the Slate College campus in Raleigh at 3:20. The, second annual Big Four Rod and Gun Field Meet will be held Wednesday afternoon at the Durham Wildlife Club. The UNC Intrumaural Department, with the aid of the Durham Wildlife Club is sponsoring the event to encour age the other Big Four schools to begin participating in rod and gun activities. . This vear the meet will feature four events: target shooting, arch ery, trap shooting, and bait cast ing. Trophies, provided by the State Intramural Department, will be given to the individual winners -of each event, Carolina and S-iate Tie In last year's meet Carolina and State tied for first place in ' the team standings. This years Tar Heel team group will be led by John Crawford, Tommy Nelms and Gay Cowan all of whom won events in the first meet. State is expected to enter a strong team again this year along with Wake Forest. All students . except those on the R.O.T.C. rifle teams are eligible to participate. Any number of stu dents from each school may enter with only the highest score in each event counting toward the team score. Due to limited time, how ever, contestants will be permitted to enter only one event. Any interested Students should call the intramural office (9424) to secure further information. Transportation to the- meet will 6e provided. The UNC fencers returned a previous meet here and traveled ! to Lexington. Va. last Saturady ! where they defeated the VMI sword.Miien by a total bout score of 19-8 for the meet. Scoring impres sive wins in fcaore 1 8-1) and l oil 7-2. the Tar Heels were bested in Epee by a single bout 5-4. The Tar Heels were without the serv ices of their No. 1 epee man. Bob Clay, and their No 2 man, Carroll Ravrr In tlir fnil riivisinn C.irn- ins to ,lotc that pitchers Ben I larding and Wayne Young , ,ina.s BiU QlT and J)av(, Evans axe'np a grand total of O earned runs last week. Young has both NUm ;hree out of thvv'c taking a phenomenal o.o, earned run average, and Harding ha racked tip fixe wins without a loss. Tir Babies Looking Good Outlook I he froh baseball team has really been looking Eood and should furnish plenty of help to the. varsity nine next year. The TaT Iiabies have compiled an r record, and have beaten such teams as Duke and State. Standouts in clude Fcrg Norton, sb; Carroll Uolick, catcher: Dee Track. If; Tommy Camp, 3b; and pitchers Jerry McNeil, Wayne Allen, and Hob Dcaton to name a few. Raugh Now With Augusta ' Whercabouts-ronc of Carolina's all time great baseball players, pitcher Km Raugh, is now with Augusta. Daugh is in the Detroit Tiger organization, and was previously schedul ed 'to play with Durham of the Carolina League but made the jump sucessfully in in spring training. Emerson Stadium Packed A pleasant sight which we at first mistook for a mirage last week was Emerson Stadium packed with nearly lam for the Clemson game. It could be that the pleasant weather is pulling tfiem out of , the dorms, but we'ed like to think that maybe the Carolina fans are waking up to the fact that they have quite a baseball team. victories over VMI's foilsmen. Hill, Schaaf and Mahoney. Lopez of UNC scored his single victory in foil over Hirsch of VMI and lost to Mahoney and Hill for the 7-2 foil total. In sabre, both Mudd ami Aid- ridye handed defeats to all throe of VMI's sabremen, Caldwell. Gar j rison and Marlowe. Dave Matthews I ot UNC defeated two out of three j losing only to Caldwell of VMI to give Carolina the victory in sabre by an overwhelming 8-1 margin. I Despite the lack of their top two i epeeists. UNC managed to score j four victories over their opponents j in that weapon w ith Bill Orr doub- j ling in both foil and epee and winning tw0 out of three in the latter, losing only to Fox and de ' feating Smith and Winiker, all of VMI. Carolina's other two victories in duelling sword were collected by Mudd 'doubling in sabre & epee) and Simpson who each took .jne of three at the expense of V.MI's Smith and Fox respectively. None of the VMI fencers were able ' to duplicate the feat of four of Carolina's men by winning three out of three, but in eper. Fox and Winiker of VMI did win two out of tliree with Smith's single victory I over UNC's Simpson totaling five j bouts to UNC's four in epee. i i The annual individual intramurals championships will begin this Fri- i day evening in Graham Memorial with the foil individual competition and will be followed one week i later on Friday, May 9th by the individuals in sabre and concluded ' the following week, also Friday 'the ltith. with the duelling sword; -hampionship. i Blazing Guns Beautiful Women In a Ihn!l Packed, Explosive Frontier Drama! 1 1 4- Baseball AttendanceUp YORK UrV Tlie Los Angeles Dodsers are runnlnz ahead of the all-time record attendance pace while spcarbeadlnj a National League Increase of more than 50 per cent over last season. The Dodsers have hauled in 377, 601 customers in nine appearances la the Los Angeles Coliseum. When th Cleveland Indians sot toe big record of 2,620.627 in their ;nnnt--innltLj 1M8 season they bad 337,144 after nine home The Milwaukee Braves. , who es tablished the National League mark of 1213,404 paid adfenls5lons last season, drew 198,744 in their first cine jafties In County Stadium in 1557. The Dodders had a ate total of 109,520 la nine Ebctts Field gsics a year ajo. The capacity La the Brooklyn park Is 32,111 and io the Coliseum it U about KOOO. The San Francisco Giants also a healthy incera.-. Although s f.narltv in Seali Stadium is v f I h half that of the Polo Grouadi 23.443 to 52.000, the Giants Lave played before 10S.728 .home fi.n In ai manj- jfuitus ia New- York in 1957 only 68.693 turned out. In addition to the Giants and Dodgers only the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals are mov ing in front of last season's attend ance figures. Milwaukee is 6,000 behind. Philadelphia and Cincinnati trail by 25,000 and Pittsburgh by 22,000. TODAY'S BASEBALL By The Associated Press AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland at Washington, night Score 2-1 vs. Pascualg 0-1. Chicago at Baltimore, night Pierce 02 vs. O'Dell 12. Detroit at New York Foytack 2-0 vs. Shantz 1-0. Kansas City at Boston Urban 1-0 vs. Brewer 1-1. NATIONAL LEAGUE St. Louis at Cincinnati, night -Mizcll 0-1 vs. Purkey 2-0. Milwaukee at Chicago Spahn 2-0 vs. Phillips 0 0 or Fodge 1-0. Pittsburgh at Los Angeles. night Friend 2-0 vs. Erskine 1-0. Philadelphia at San Francisco Simmon 0-2 vs. Mohzant 2-1. Frosh Win 7-0 NOW playing The Carolina Tar Babies upped their season record to 9-1 Satur day night as they beat Wilming ton Junior College 7-0. Wayne Allen pitched a five -hit shutout for the freshmen and also got 3 hits in five trips, including a double. Ferg Norton got 2 for 4. The Tar Babies meet State's Wolflets here today at 3.30. They previously beat State in a game at Raleigh. THE REAL BATTLE FOX THE BULGES! 7"A JCO HARRIS MCXLEOOX ERKIC KCVAXS-KATKSYlf C3ANT ASTH'JI J'CCMm . RICKEY RC3KET NOW PLAYING we sem the And we would espe cially appreciate the op portunity to serve your family. Why not make this your headquarters for household drugs, nutri tional aids, sickroom sup plies ? And we hope you'll turn to us with your Doc tor's prescriptions! IT 111 llll T CXAffk WILL, I What Price Sharpness? For the sum of $2(3.50 you can purchase the best looking selec tion of India Madras sport jack ets the perfect weight for warm Weather and the epitome of sharpness. Clotfjins Cupboarb Murals Tennis 4:00 KA vs TEP, Lamb Chi vs DU Horseshoes 7:00 Zeta Psi vs Phi Delt, DU vs TEP, Sig Nu vs Zeta Psi (W), SAE vs DKE-2 (W), Cobb vs Joyner, Peacocks-1 vs Med Sch SoftbaU 4:00 Pi Lamb vs Chi Psi, KA vs Phi Delt, Beta vs DKE, Connor vs Dent Sch-3, Law Sch-2 vs Med Sch-2, SpE vs ZBT PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS Don't Throw Your Gutenberg Bible Away! 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