Ah tl.tr.C. library ITcs CTO CAROLINA ROOM rrlf. WEATHER ModtrUly warm with a high of NEW DORMS They are both better and still la adequate. See Page 2. IS. VOLUME LX VI NO. 6 Complete GPi Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1958 7 Offices in Graham Memorial FOUR PAGES THIS ISSUE' ' nn ., - - i. - - " "8 . . . Adams Is Out; Ike Accepts Sadly WASHINGTON '. Sherman Adams resigned under fire Mon day ni-ht as President Eisenhow er's top assistant. Eisenhower ac trptcd "with sadness." VILIFICATION The former New Hampshire gov ernor said he has been beseiged by "a campaign of vilification" by Ihosr .eckmg to remove him from public life and it is clear these efforts ' have been intended to de stroy me and .in so doing to cm harras.s I he administration and the President of the United States." Adams announced his decision t c t out of the second highest job in the White House in a dram atic nationwide television radio ap pearance. He said his action is '"fin al and unqualified. It is not open to reconsideration." SURPRISE CONFERENCE Adams had flown to Newport, j I?. I.. Monday morning for a sur ; prise conference with Eisenhower at the latter'. vacation headquar ters. then hurried back to Wash ington and completed arrange ments for the broadcast. Back of the resignation is the disclosure last June that he accept ed costly gifts and favors from wealthy Boston industrialist Bcr nard Goldfine while Goldfine wai in difficulty with two federal agen cics. Adims acknowledged accepting the favors, but said he got no fa vored treatment for Goldfine from any federal agency. The clamor for Adams to quit rose budly at the time, died down a bit, then thundered out again af ter the Republicans took a stun ning licklngr fn the Sept. 8 Maine election In which the Goldfine case was a factor. HARD DECISION Adams said that in making hU decision to resign he did so with- in the past few days - one factor, IN GRAHAM MEMORIAL TONIGHT Sorority Rush Parties Will End First Round Soroity rush par ies continue to- i Sept. 30. Bids for these parties richt from 6:30 through 9:4.3 to will be available Tuesday morn complete the .'irst round ol the ing from 9:13 until 1 o'clock that I KA rush schedule. Over 300 girls attended the Pan telleiiic tea Friday night in Gra- lam Memorial's main lounge. This was the compulsory party for all Kirls Interested In joining a sorority. FIRST ROUND Tlw! first round of parties started hf-t niht with four scheduled parties and end. tonight with three p..rtM-H. Bid fr M-cond round parties will bo handed oil 'W'ediiesday Iroin 12 30 to 3:15 p.m. in Roland Parkis Lounge by members of the Stray Greek organization. Tluee parties from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday and Friday will lc attended by girls in the second round of rush 'IIIIUI ROUND During Saturday afternoon from 1:30 to 3:15, the tnlrd round of partiis will be held at the sorority houses. Bids for these parties will be handed out in Roland Parker Lounge Saturday morning from t: 15 to 11:15. Bids (r the fourth round of rush parties will be handed out Monday from 9:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Roland Parker Lounge. The pfrtH ftart at 6:15 p.m. and continue through 10 p.m. FINAL ROUND Tlw fifth 'and .final round of p.-irtlcH arc scheduled for Tuesday, G. M. SLATE Activities hi da led for Gra ham Memorial today Incuide: Mndrnt Government, 4-5 p.m. Grail Iluomi Women's Residence Courirll. 7-9 p.m., Grail Room; Yotnj: Republican's Club, 7:30 p.m.. Roland Parker I; Debate 5quid. 4-2:30 p.m., Roland Park er II; Inter-Dormitory Council, 4:30-5:30 p.m., Woodhouse Con ference Room; University Club, 7-8: :30 p.m., Woodhouse Confer-Rendezvm-i Room. he considered was whether stay- ing on in his high position "might possibly diminish the chances which my party has of regaining control of the Congress in the No vember elections." He said it was a difficult deci sion to make. Adams said he had tendered the resignation in Monday's conference with Eisenhower at Newport and the President had accepted it, to become effective as soon as an or derly transition ' can be arranged for the transfer of his duties and responsibilities. Speaking slowly, deliberately and solemnly, Adams read a thou sand-word text. "I am now about to retire, after nearly six years, from the position in which I have served with pridt and which I have given my best ef forts t( ho,d with hon()r" h said 'DONE NO WRONG The chief executive's right hand man said "I have done no wrong." He said too, that it had never bcei his nature to run in the face ol adversity. "Against my distaste for giving any , grounds whatever to tht charge of retreating under fire," Adams continued, "Against my de sire to complete my duty during the remaining two years of th term for which President Eiscn howcr was elected, I must give ful i consideration to the effect of m;. continuing presence on the publi? scene. "Under the circumstances and ir light of the events of the pas three months in which I have beer made to be directly concerned, I must ask "myself whether my re tention in office might conceivably delay or retard, even in small de gree, the achievement of those goals of President Eisenhower which yet lie ahead." iiftcrnoon. The progressive parties will start with an appetizer party from 5:40 to 6:40 p.m. and con- tinue with a dinner party from 7 to 8:15 p.m., ending with a dessert party from 8:35 to 9::40 p.m. Signing bid preference cards will take place Wednesday, Oct. 1, in the Dean of Women's office be tween 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. The actual bids will be delivered between 7 tnd 8 p.m. under the girls' doors. AA announcement of the new sororities will be made Thursday, Oct. 2. I "V"-f"" L. ,4"-- k J, r f m . 1 ' 4 . c r RELAXING IN - AUTUMN Autumn came yesterday with no apparent change in temperature. However, it brought out a pretty coed, Merri Evans of Nashville. Tenn., to do her studying in the Ar boretum. Miss Evani is a senior education major, "St ArV SHERMAN ADAMS Yack Pictures Yackety Yack pictures for seniors, senior nurses and law will be taken today through Friday: juniors, September 29 through Octo ber 3; sophomore, October 6 .l.rough October 10; freshmen, October 13 through Ortober 17; medical and dental, October 20 through October 24; and nursing, pharmacy and dental hygiene, October 27 through October 31. Senior girls must wear black .wcaters and one-strand pearls. Ccnior nuises must wear uniforms. All other girls wear black sweat ers, the Yack office said. 'Men must wear dark ties and dark coats with a white shirt, the jffice said. Musical Work By Psychologist To Be Feature A musical work by a University psychologist will be one of the fea tures 0f the coming University Sym phony season, Earl A. Slocum, di rector, announced Monday. The work,. Passacaglia, by Dr. Ralph Dunlap, will be included on a program in December. Mr. Slocum revealed the pro gramming of Dr. Dunlap's work while announcing that the Symphony will begin rehearsals tonight. Ht notcd that a few chairs in the string sections of the orchestra are still open and invited interested persons o inquire. The 60-piece orchestra will prac tice each Monday at 7:15 at Hill Hall, Mr. Slocum said. Also sched uled for December performance are Schubert's Fifth Symphony in B flat, and T.schaikovsky's 1812 Over ture. It will not be the premier per formance of Dr. Dunlap's work. Written in 1941, it was first per formed by the Dayton, O., Sym phony. He has also written two string quarters, some pieces for concert band, and other chamber music. Dr. Dunlap studied music at the State University of Iowa before torld War II, but, upon returning from service began study in the field of1 psychology at Antioch Col lege, O. 5 . ' ... -M n i Formosa Strait Now In Second TAIPEI, Formosa UP) The blazing crisis in Forniosa Strait moved into its second month Mon day with the Nationalists pushing through the Red artillery blockade cr.ee more with supplies for the Quemoys. News of a supply run to Big Quemoy by ship and Little Quemoy by air came shortly afiier, it was learned here that the Nationalists had carried out their first known air drop to Big Quemoy Sunday. Half a ton of badly needtd medical supplies was dropped by parachute. HUDDLES Meanwhile, top U. S. and Na tionalist, military chiefs wound up strategy huddles and the ranking American officer, Adm. Harry D. Felt, scheduled a meeting with Nationalist Leader Chiang Kai Shek Monday. What the military men discussed va not disclosed but it is believed cne of the major topics was get ting supplies flowing steadily to the Quemoys off the Fed main land. Despite the fact the Nationalists have run the Red blockade nine days in a row, the supply needs of the battered offshore islands were still serious. Badly needed are medical supplies. Dictors re port that the mortality rte among the Quemoy wounded is high be cause there is no refrigeration for drugs or a blood bank. Anesthetics are beijig rationed. LIGHT SHELLING : - Red shelling as the crisis be came a month old was relatively light. Up to nightfall Monday, the Quemoys took 3,615 shells, the Na tionalist defense ministry reported. That was the lightest boriibardment in nine days. Since Aug. 23 the Reds by Nationalist count have batter ed the Quemoy complex with 325, 000 shells. It is estimated the Na tionalists fired back nearly 11,000 rounds. The Nationlists have claim ed victories in three air tattles and six naval clashes. UNC Frosh Footballers Lose Cash, Clothing Members of the University's var sity football team were not the only losers last week. Five fresh man team members also wound up on the debit side. Chapel Hill Police reported that someone broke into a locker while the frosh team was at practice one day last week and took $23 in casn, tnree Dinioids and a pair of shoes from Qon Amos, Marshall Clements, Jud Spainhour, Jim Le Compte, and Giles Gaca. it 1 1 i i J il .-a ' n - i , Criticized' Caralios Crisis Month NATIONALIST SCORE The Nationalists tallied up this score: In the air 14 Red Migs shot down, and at least three probable kills. On the sea seven Red gun boats, 11 torpedo boats and eight motorized junks sunk. Eight other gunboats damaged. On the ground 45 Red guns, 44 gun emplacements, four am munition depots and five trucks destroyed by Nationalis artillery fire. The nationalists have listed only 280 military casualties among ,the estimated 100,000 men manning Quemoy garrisons, but presumab ly there are more. The official Central News Agency here reported that 63 civilians on the islands have been killed and 15S wounded, 66 seriously. It also said 1,918 civilian homes have been destroyed and 1,801 damaged. Live. stock losses also were high, the agency said. NO PLANES LOST The Nationalists claim they have lost no planes in their encounters with Red jets. It did have naval losses: one LST (landing ship, tank) sunk and two damaged; one LSM (landing ship, medium blast ed out of the water as it un loaded ammunition at Quemoy; another LST damaged and knocked out of commission as it unloaded supplies. lidre'lri Taipei, off iciate , express ed concern over the lack of pub lic response to appeals for non essential residents (to move to safer areas as a precaution against air raids. Debate Squad The UNC Debate Squad will or ganize its forces at an organization al meeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock in Roland Parker H. Squad President Clay Simpson said yesterday that debating expe rience is not necessary for mem bership. Simpson urged all students interested are asked to attend this afternoon's meeting. Activities of the squad include sending debating teams to both the varsity and novice divisions of va rious tournaments. Traveling ex penses for delegates will be provid ed from money appropriated to the Forensic Council. One of the topics to be debated extensively at tournaments will be the national topic, Resolved: That the further development of nuclear weapons should be prohibited by international agreement. Self-Service Laundromat Opens Here Students can wash and dry their clothes for a total of 30 cents in Chapel Hill's first self-service, 24 hour laundromat. Located in the Ogburn Furniture building across from the bus sta tion on Franklin St., the laundry is operated entirely by customers. There are no attendants to super vise the work. Known as the Half Hour Laun dry, the place remains open all the time for the convenience of both students and Chapel Hill residents. The costs for using washers and dryers are: 20 cents for washing and 10 cents for drying. W. C. Ogburn, of the Ogburn Furniture Company and operator of the laundry, said that several students have even been studying at the laundry, which is open all night. . . Although his new , business has been open for use nearly two mon ths, Ogburn will hold a special opening for benefit of the students in the near future. Westinghouse appliances are used in the Half Hour Laundry. Campus Cars Are Checked For Stickers All automobiles around campus are being checked this week for display of registration stickers by the Student Traffic Council. License numbers of cars without the stickers will be checked. Fail ure to register motor vehicles with the dean of student affairs' office is a violation of student traffic regulations and an honor code of fense, the council, said. Gov.Faubus May Reopen Ark.Schools LEXINGTON, Ky. (ffi Gov. Orval Faubus said Monday he ex pects to reopen high schools in Little Rock next Monday, or pos sibly later in the week, after a vote on the question, of admitting Negroes. The Arkansas Governor made the statement at the southern Gov ernors conference. He has proposed a plan for operating the schools as private institutions. NO DIFFICULTY "We don't anticipate any legal difficulty," said Faubus, 4 but there could be litigation brought by the federal government. If they want to tie everything up and keep the schools closed farther, that will be their responsibility." Florida's Gov. Leroy Collins brought the integration controversy squarely before the governors earlier today in a speech suggest ing that it become "the first order of business" of Congress next January. NATIONAL CATASTROPHE' As things are going, Collins said, the dispute could lead to a "Na tional ejatastrophe." He did not elaborate on tiie -nature of such a calamity. Faubus closed four Little Rock schools when the U. S. Supreme Court refused to grant a 30-month delay for integrating them. The referndum, required under state law, will be held Saturday to determine vhether Little Rock citizens prefer to reopen the schools jon a private, segregated basis. Faubus said the question of who will operate the schools will de pend on how the vote comes out. LITTLE HOPE "Tragically I see little hope for pulling out of this crisis short of national catastrophe if w?e continue to follow the present pat tern of events," Collins said at the opening business session. Phi To Debate Far East Policy By STAN BLACK Is President Eisenhower's policy toward Communist China over Quemoy and the Matsus right? -. The Philanthropic Literary So ciety will be debating this ques tion Tuesday eight. . ' A bill drawn up supports the use of force in the defense of Quemoy and the' Matsus by the Unite'cJ States in the e.vent of at tack by the Chinese Communists. GUEST CRITICS Dr. Kenan C. Frazier, professor of political science in the field of international law and relations will be the guest critic. It is expected that debate -will be hot "on thi; controversial sub ject, with, the United States ap parently committed to defense , of the Quemoy group with only a handful of allies. The situation is becoming more dangerous by the hour, and dip lomatic exchanges between Eisen- Contro n n Publication Is Scored By Dr. George Taylor By PRINGLE, PIPKIN Rumors that a' move was underway for the Administra tion to take over the" Carolina Handbook were scotched ves terday by Chancellor W. 15. Aycock. The Chancellor revealed that he had received a letter from a faculty member. The professor was concerned about oome of the statements the hand le I f book made about scholarships and oauey resigns; 3 Appointed To Replace Him Three new supervisors are at work in Graham Memorial, replac ing Rand Bailey, former mairrten-! ance supervisor now working in Durham. Graham Memorial Director How ard Henry said yesterday that in stead of one man (Bailey), three students are both in charge of smaller areas and working within these areas. When Bailey resigned last week. Fred Van Horn, Ron Young and Guy Ellis were appointed as work ing supervisors." Van Horn is in charge of the floaters who periodi cally check rooms in the building. Supervising activities in the pool room is Young. And in charge of arrangments and rentals, such LU receptions ana venaing maenmes. is Ellis. Mrs. Parker Hostess: In Mclver Dormitory A instructor's wife twelve years ago in Chapel Hill, Mrs. J. Roy Parker Sr. has returned here as a hostess in Mclver Dormitory. She replaces Mrs. ' Charles Seward, who is now hostess in the Pi Beta Phi house. Mrs. Parker has been away trom Chapel Hill since 1946 when her husband, the late J. Roy Parkor Sr., taught in the School of Journal- ism. After leaving UNC, Parker served in the North Carolina Gen- j :j i erai AssemDiy ana as presiuem of Parker Brothers, Inc. Their son Roy Parker Jr. is a candidate for the General Assembly from Hert ford County. Mrs. Parker comes to the UNC campus from Ahoskie, where she is in the Rda.loke-OHowan His torical Society and a member of the board of directors of the Roanoke-Chowan F5cindation andj the N. C. Tuberculosis Sanitorium Sys tem. Politically, Mrs. Parker is vice chair-man of several local Demo cratic Party committees and is a member of the Congressional Cam paign committee. A graduate of East Carolina Col lege, iMrs. Parker has taught school in Ahoskie. She is also active in the N. C. Cancer Society. how and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev have been increasing - ly unfriendly. Although the Na tionalists' have succeeded in sup plying both Big and Little Quemoy the last few days, it seems likely that the , Communists will be in a position to attack within a re latively 6hort time. - RUSSIAN PLEDGE Soviet Russia has already pledg ed that any action on our part against the Chinese Reds will be taken as a threat to Russia itself. The United States, on the other hand, is committeed to retaliation against the Reds if an attack is made. On top of this come leaks from Warsaw that talks with the Chinese have almost broken down. Against this background the Phi I will be debating on the soundness of Eisenhower's-, stand behind Chiang and the advisability of sup porting it. All student and particularly new n n the effect they would have on pa rents. One observation dealt with one of the statements in the Handbook which says "Maybe to you "the Carolina way of life will be Y-Court Coffee at 7:59 in the morning to prepare you for the eight o'clock class that you will sleep through anyway." The author of the letter is As sociate Prof. George V. Taylor of the History He did i f j not coi . i f i n I 1 1 it the lett comment on letter. TAYLOR Susan Camp'- bell, editor of the Handbook, said there would be a meeting concern ing the handbook. The matter came up about a month, ago, she stated. Jim Carse of the YMCA staff explained the nrofessor would be. jinvited tQ the meeti a wdl a.. Qther people ccncerned with the handbook No date has yet becn . ' , ; Harold O'Toeul, chairman of the publication board, said he was un aware of the'Tetter. He explained that student government provided funds for the handbook. Staff members are supplied by the YM- , YWCA. Other expenses are de frayed by advertising. Chancellor Aycock also revealed that the administration was explor ing the possibility of changing .the catalog. He said members of the Carolina Hand -FT" 5 book staff would probably be con- j suited. ; The movement 7. w v . V j to change the cat I alno had nnthini K a 4 r"o p,, V -N. j o do with the CLA W ..;Vi ' criticism 01 tne- CAMPBELL Handbook, he asserted. Are You Lost? Kappa Kappa Gamma President Jan Cobbs reported that many girls couldn't find the Kappa Kappa Gamma reception last night. For the benefit of the rushees, te house is located at 215 Cameron Ave., next to the Congregational i Christian Church. OFFICIAL'S CLINIC The Intramural Dept. is cur rently holding a clinic for all those interested in officiating tag football this fall. Anyone who would lile ;to otfic'nte should come to room 301-A in Woollen Gym this afternoon or contact Tommy Johnson at the Intra mural Office. students, have been invited by the 1 Phi to come and participate or listen to tonight's debate. The meeting will be on the fourth floor of New East in Phi Hall at 8 p.m. An outstanding j speaker award wll be made after the debate and vote on the bill is over. Dr. Frazier will criticize the de bate and comment on late develop ments. . INFIRMARY Students in the Infirmary yes terday were: Linda .Llewellyn Clark, Julia Sue Dyars, Judee Dale Dohcrty, Helen Beatrice Hunger, Margar? ct Ann Adlvins, Edward Filmore Swann Jr., Freddie Donald Hick man, Benjamin Lee Rogers, Josef Henry Perry Harvey Lake Harris, Mary Blackman Roberts and John Leonard Henderson Jr.

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