i 'C.'J.C. Llb?cry NEW DORMS They are both better and still in adequate. See Page 2. Modtrattly warm with a high of 85. VOLUME LXVI NO. 7 Complete Uft Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1958 Offices in Graham. Memorial -4 j. FOUR PAGES THIS ISSUE UN Shelves Red China By Slimmest Margin UNITED NATIONS. N. Y. i.n It compared with 71.6 pdr cent The United States succeeded yes j 1934. 70 per cent in 1955, and trnlay in again getting the United, a little over 59 per cent in 1956 Nation., to .sidetrack the question land 1937. The drop in 1936 and lied China's membership. But the margin of victory was the low- t on record. By a vote of 44 to 20 the 81-na li' n Genera! Assembly approved a U. S. proposal to postpone the is sue for another jear. Nine nations abstained. Last ear the vote was 48 for, 21 against and 6 abstentions. In apprming the U. S. proposal the acmbly rejected India's re (.ut that the assembly open full-scale d'Smto on Bed China'i representation. It also decided against considering any proposals for excluding the Chinese Nation alists or to seat the representa tions of Pciping. By its vote the assembly en dursrd the action of its powerful steering committee. It approver! the U. S. proposal by a 12 7 vot last Friday. This time the United States had the support of slightly over 54 per rent of the U.N. members on the pctponcmcnt move. Federal Court ain Rebuffs Virginia Plan A9 1937 was due to the increase in the U.N. membership by 21 na tions, including four Soviet bloc and six Asian nations. Perhaps one of the most signifi cant developments in the assem bly debate this year was the fact the United . States fought almost single-handedly for its proposal. Sorority Rush Second Round Starts Tonight Sorority rush goes into the sec ond round of parties today after :ompIcti. n of the first round last light with three parties. Invitations for the second round parties may be picked up in Ro land Parker Lounges today from 12.30 to 3:15 p m. Three parties will be attended from 6:30 to 7:30 o.m. Thursday and Friday by girls -;oing through the second round. Saturday afternoon, from 1:30 to 5:15, the third round of parties will be held. Invitations for these will also be handed out in Roland Parker Lounges. They may be picked up on Saturday morning from 9:15 to 11:15. , ' i i , . .-: - ... 5 - ;r ) s - -fs, h . ,.v .K i 1J Li I . v i . RICHMOND. Va.. '.f Another federal court rebuff yesterday b outzht Virginia to the point on no ic.urn In its pluns to seize and keep closed Norfolk's Six white secondary sc hool s. Chief Jude Simon L. Sobclofl of the 4 h L'. S. Circuit Court of Ap peals removed any question of the PLANNING DRAMATIC SKETCHES OF AMERICA Planning for presentation of 30 minute dramatic sketches titled "American Ideas of the 20th Century" are, left to right, Paul Green, Gerald Johnson and Elmer Oettinger. Playwright Green is a consultant for the project and will write one of the plays. Author Johnson has written a play "Principle of Limits" which he also moderates. Oettinger who is a teacher in the University of North Carolina Department of Radio, Television and Motion Pictures, is director of the project. They are seated at luncheon in the dining room of the Carolina Inn at Chapel Hill. Nine Authors Secured For Project Of Radio, TV, Motion Pictures Nine distinguished American au thors have been secured for a series of national netwoork broadcasts to t originate in Chapel Hill entitled Watchman Is Guilty Of Assault On Coed Campus night watchman John P. f ty Recorder's Court this week. Carson has been found guilty of as- The name of tire girt involved was s.iulting a young lady earlier this tiute s nest srep- wnen ne lurm-u i month in Chapel Hill. ri..n a request tor a year's stay ( Carson was ortiCred to pay court ,t a U. S. Court order directing ad-, C()sts at Ws hcaring in 0range Coun nnssion of 17 Negroes to three high! school and three Junior high M hoots. Tlie decision at Baltimore came a. no surprise to Gov. J. Lindsay Almond Jr. and Atty. Ge.i. A. S. Harrison Jr. They felt the result of ti e request had been telegraphed in advance by Sobcloff's refusal to .'lay similar cases involving Warren Ct unty and Charlottesville schools. Almond told a news conference th' state law that closes schools rather tli.m permit racially mixed class rooms would probably be invoked in the Norfolk case today. He said he ll.ought he should confer first with : or folk bcnoi uinciais as a uumiT ! courtesy. Slate shuttering of the Norfolk schools will affect an additional 10. ono pupils, more than treble the n.iniber already ldl;d by closure of Warren County's only high school at Front Royal, Va. and the two schools at Charlottesville. And it will provide a far broader testing of sentiment on whether no public schools is preferable to public schools with a degree of integration. Daily Tar Heel A meeting of the Daily Tar Heel stall members will be held Thurs day afternoon at Z o'clock in the newspaper office. All persons interested in the va rious phases of newspaper work have been urged to attend by Ed itor Curtis Gans. Yack Pictures Yackcty VacU pictures for sen irs. senior nurses and law will be taken today through Friday. Juniors, September 29 through October 3; sophomores, October 0 through October 10; freshmen, Oc tober 13 through October 17; med ic al and dental, October 20 through October 24; and nursing, phar mary and dental hygiene, October 27 through October 31. Senior girls must wear black sweaters and one-strand pearls. Senior nurse must wear uniforms. All other girls wear black sweat ers, the Yack office said. Men must wear dark 'ties and dark coats with a white shirt, ac cording to the Yack office. Record Number Participating In Bridge Play G. M. SLATE Activities scheduled for Gra ham Memorial today Include: GMAB committee chairman, 3 I p.m., Grail Room; Women's Council. 7-9 p.m., Grail Room: dies Club. 7-11 p.m., Roland Parker 1 and 2; Panhellenic Post Office, 12-4:30 p.m., Roland Park er 1 and 2: Traffic Council. 2-4:30 p.m., Woodhouie Conference Room; Student Party Reception, 7 p.m., Rendezvous Room. Fall bridge n Graham Memorial . . n . J 4 l' I underway win no siuaenis aim townspeople taking part. . A record attendance reportedly turned out for a non-Master point game Monday night at the regular meeting of the Carolina Press Club. The meetings ot the club are held at 7:30 p.m. every Monday in Gra ham iMemorial. Following b a list of student win ders thus far: Monday. Sept. 13: (MASTER POINT GAME) North-South, Sec tion A, Dan Duke and Ben Elliott, tied for first place;' Mrs. Mildred Alexander and Mike Alexander, tied for fourth place, East-West, Section A, Duke students, Bill rties tcr and II. D. Porter Jr., second place; North-South, Section B: Dick Pottholf and Gene Whitehead tied with Bob Schicber and Bill Ncus tadt for third place; East-West, Gray and Ann McAllister, second place; Don Gray and Jim Butler, third place. Mondav. Sept. 22 (REGULAR GAME) Section A, North-South, Kick Grausman and Harry Latimer, second place; Frank Joues and Robbey Light tied with Bill Riester tr.d Gene Whitehead for third place. Fast-West, Grover Williams and Roger Minionis, second place; Pe ter Marks and Bruce Cathey, third place, and Frank Elfland and Bob Scheiber, fourth place. Section B, North-South, Dana Dixon and Bill Caison, second place, Dan Duke and Malcolm Clark, third place. East-West, Phil Straus tr.d Mike Atheneos, first place; .Mike Alexander and Frank Carlisle, second place; and Jim Drautman r.ot available. The Warrant for Car son's arrest was sworn out by C. L. Edmonds, the girl's companion on the night of the assault, police said. J., S. Bennett, director of the Uni versity office of operations, said ("arson has been temporarily sus pended from his job as night watch man, a position he had held for nearly four years. The assault charge against Car son was a misdemeanor offense, not :. felony. The warrant sa,id Carson on Sept. I", Ywhilc acting as an otfieer of the law, (did) assault a female by taking her into custody and com pelling her to walk with him for some distance without having her charged with a violation of crimin al law; "And while in his custody, did place his hands, upon her and orally make such advance or propositions of such nature as to place the said female in fear and great embarras-ment." "American Ideas in the 20th Cen tury." ' t The broadcasts will start in Oc tober. The programs will be broadcast over.. 73 network stations affiliated with NBC. Elmer Oettinger, director of the NBC-financod project, said thirty minute dramatic sketches will be written by such authors as Pearl Buck, Paul Green, Richard Adler,. Frances Gray Patton, Bernice Kelly Harris, Harry Golden. Kermit Hun tei, Betty Smith and Gerald John son. Johnson i a Tar Heel native who was an editorial writer for the Bal timore Evening Sun and has lately been an autobiographer and writer of magazine articles. Johnson came to Chapel Hill this past week and has acted as narrator and modera tor for his play "Principle of Limits." The main pomt of Johnson's sketch is that "no matter how popular a Dr. Clark At Meeting In Princeton. N. J. Dr. Henry T. Clark Jr., admin istrator of the UNC Division of Health Affairs, will attend a meet ing of university medical admin istrators at Princeton, N. J. this weekend. The UNC Division of Health Af fairs is composed of the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health and N. C. Memorial Hospital. President of the United States might be, there is a limit beyond which he cannot push his popularity." I FC Refuses Opportunity ush Statements io Write D The Interfraternity Council has said no to separate letters on the question, "'Why suould a, rushee pledge my fraternity." The decision was made at the IFC meeting Monday night. IFC President Tucker Yates said The Daily Tar Heel asked that each fraternity president submit a 100- word statement in answer to the Question. According to Yates, this was dis cussed at length by all representa tives, and the general opinion was that 24 separate statements of simi lar length would be merely repititi ous and lacking in genuine value. "We felt that an article submitted by the IFC concerning fraternities and rush in general would be much more informative and beneficial to all rushees," Yates said. "Certainly each fraternity presi dent isn't so . naive as to believe that his fraternity is the best for every rushee. The rushee is merely asked to carefully scrutinize each fraternity house and make his own decision as to which fraternity is best for him," he added. Student Party Meeting Set For Tonight In GAA The Stuednt Party will hold its i ty organization and purposes. first meeting 0f the year tonight at 7 o'clock in the Rendezvous Room of Graham Memorial. The primary purpose of the meet ing, according to Student Party Chairman Leon Holt, will be "to get acquainted with new students that are interested in student gov ernment.'' Plans call, for a brief meeting, dur ir.g which Holt will give a historical sketch of the party. John Brooks, secretary to Student Body President Don Furtado, will outline the Par- Student Parking Rules Clarified By Jefferies One new parking regulation has lis that sophomores may park in A social hour will follow the meet ing. Chairman Holt said, "We feci there are a lot of students here who have taken part in student govern ment in high school who could con tribute a lot to student government ; here at Carolina. We fel this is a j good opportunity for them to start since the Student Party draws from all segments of the campus." Holt added, "Membership in the Student Party presents an oppor tunity to establish numerous con tacts on campus. We would especial ly like to see students take a more active part in student government and fill the position's they are cap able of filling." Last spring's election marked the third consecutive year that Student Party nominees won a majority of positions at the head of student gov- been put into effect this fall, ac cording to Ray Jefferies, assistant to the dean of student affairs. - Sophomores who are in the Gen eral College and have a C average may keep cars, but their cars must be parked in the Bell Tower Park ing lot between the hours of 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. During this time the cars may not be parked on the campus or on any of the streets adjacent to the campus. Specifically, cars with Bell Tow er Parking stickers can not park on or within an area bounded by the following streets: Rosemary Street to Boundary Street, Boun dary Street to Country Club Road. Country Club Road to Ridge Road, Ridge Road to Manning Drive, Manning Drive to Pittsboro Street, Pittsboro Street to Cameron Ave nue, Cameron Avenue to Mallette Street, Mallette Street to W. Franklin Street, W. Franklin Street to Church Street and Church Street to Rosemary Street. The only exception to this rule the private lots of the fraternities within this area. ! - Thorse who are attending the University for their third year, but are still in General Colelge and do not have a C average, may not have a car. Tiie only exception to this rule is for the student to have begun his academic career before fall, 1956. University police will patrol the University Campus proper. Areas outside of the main campus will be patroled regularly by special University police. Violators will be held account able to the Student Traffic Court. "In my opinion one who regis ters a car illegally for someone else is violating the Honor' Code," Jefferies said yesterday. So far about 2,500 cars have been regis tered. Before school began letters were sent to those students who were ineligible to register a car. Other students and parents were also sent a copy oi the automobile regulations. Yates said he speaks for the en tire IF'C when he says that it whole heartedly appreciates the interest and cooperation which The Daily Tar Heel has shown in helping it carry out rush week in the best pos sible manner. Daily Tar Heel Editor Curtis Gaiu said yesterday he had planned to devote a full page to the statements on the first day of rush. "I think (the IFC has lost itself an opportunity for more complete :.nd accurate coverage," Gans said. He commented that he believes all the fraternities should be able to write individual statements. "The differences between (the fraterni- . ties) should be more than which Greek letters they use," he added. Gans said he planned on using the statements in line with his pro gram to give thorough coverage to rush and the present fraternity sit uation on campus. In other business at the IFC meet ing Eob Bender, chairman of rush within the IFC, gave a run down of rules tqgether with days designat ed for having invitations and bids in. Bender also stressed the impor tance of complying with the rush rules. Waller Fitts, vice president of the IFC, said that this year's social calendar will be submitted to as sistant dean of student affairs, Sam Magill, for approval. Fitts also said that a social committee under the leadership of the vice president is to be set up. The members of the committee will be the social chairmen froi.i the different fraternities. President Tucker ates aiso re mind sd eafch fraternity to make ar rangements with Sam Magill con- einment, Holt said. Party members currently -serving are Don Furtado, 1 cerning faculty advisers. Yates also Student body president; Ralph Cum- stated that a -jiermanent address mings, vice president ; and Paddy ( should be made for intra-campus Wall, student body secretary. " j mail. Met Baritone Warren Starts Concert Series FOURTEEN TAR HEELS ATTEND NSA Congress Praised By Delega tes By ED ROWLAND (This is the first in two articles on the National Student Assn. Congress.) The University of North Caro lina, long a leader in the National Student Assn., sent a larger num ber of persons to the eleventh na tional congress this summer than ever before. Held at Ohio Wcslcyan Univer sity August 20 29, the Congress has been praised by the 14 persons at tending from Carolina as one of the best ever held. A six-person delegation headed by Student Body President Don Furtado and NSA Coordinator Ed Levy attended seminars, discus sions and informal talks during the congress. They almost uniform ly praised the meeting for its at mosphere of liberality and ex change of ideas. One of the striking features dis covered by the delegates was that the problems faced on the UNC campus are not unique. Yet as Don Furtado said, "Mere words will not be enough to solve the problems we face." UNC'S DELEGATES UNC's delegates, in addition to and John Rives, both ot uuke, tmra purtado and Levy,. were Curtis i'lace. Gans, Daily Tar Heel editor; fad dy Sue Wall, secretary of student government; Frank Elkins, mem ber of the president's cabinet; John Brooks, president of the Phi. Alternate delegates were Gary Greer, student legislator and Di President; Roger Foushee, legisla tor; Lillian Shannonhouse, chair man of the. Women's Residence Council; Diana Jdhnson, president of Panhellenic Council; Ralph Cummings, vice president of ,the student body; and Charlie Gray, treasurer of student government. Observers were Glenna Meginnis nad Joel Fleishman. Miss Megin nis had the status of alternate al ternate. Each delegate and alternate se lected one of the commissions to attend during the entire Congress. They were international affairs, student government, educational affairs, and student affairs. Each commission was divided into sub commissions for more informal talks and exchange of ideas. Paddy Sue Wall, who was elect ed secretary of the campus honor and self-discipline sub-commission, said that other schools were very interested in the camous code -and honor system as it is in effect here. "Our new jury system was of j Furtado said he realized after j particular interest," she added. Miss Wall said that while she realizes the university should be come more active in the regional and sectional NSA, "what we learn ed is to be shared with students on campus. This will make our stu dent organizations more effective by the interest in the congress created for the benefit of the whole student body." Furtado, after attending the in ternational affairs commission meetings, said, "My greatest gain was that it made me more cogni zant of the tremendous problems facing the nation now both na tional and international. The great est service done was to put me in the proper frame of mind for '.this year's work." PRE MEETING CONFERENCE Furtado joined 250 other presi denjs of student bodies for a three day conference preceeding the main meeting. He said that in in stances of common problems like establishing an atmosphere of stu dy UNC is not alone. "In one case it is large classes, limited facilities and lack of tradition that hamper the creation of such an atmosphere. At other schools these things plus some others have produced the same result." Leonard Warren, noted baritone of the Metropolitan Opera, will lead off the 1953-59 Chapel Hill Concert Series with a program in Memorial Hall Oct. 6. Students will be admitted free to the Congress that students in foreign lands are looked up to and regarded as leaders, and "we need to be too." Curtis Gans said the same thing a little stronger. "The NSA con gres was both good and bad. It was good from the point of view of discussion and bringing issues and viewpoints into focus. "It was bad from the ponit of view ot leaaersnip, tor in a con-! gress of 1,200 student leaders,1 there were not more than 15 who showed the equalities of leadership. Further, from student leaders one would expect more honesty than that which was evidenced at the Congress." Gans went on to say that he felt the fundamental job of NSA is to evaluate the education of the U. S. student, and to serve as the voice of the student in all major issues on a local-, national and in ternational level. "This is not be ing done effectively," he said.' "The NSA needs a closer tie with the campus," Gans added. "The annual congress should not be a pep talk for the coming year but a culmination of the year's ef fort. It can build leadership, it can move opinion, but this is not being adequately done now," the concert upon presentation of ID cards. Student wives wil lbe admit ted for $1. Warm has been a member of the Metropolitan since 1939. Acclaim ed on several continents as a leading T1 baritone, he was chosen to appear in the Soviet Union last spring in a new cultural exchange 'program. While in Moscow, Warren . gave two recitals besides one perform ance of "Rigoletto" at the Soviet capital's famed Bolshoe Theatre. Besides visiting Moscow, Warren g.ve several performance and re citals in other Soviet cities. In other programs scheduled this season, the Concert Series will pre sent, on Jan. 7, Berl Senofsky, vio linist c.nd winner of the 1955 Grand Prize of the Queen Elisabeth of Bel gium International Contest. He is the first American-born and Ameri can trained violinist to gain this in ternational recognition. The New Orleans Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra with Alexander Kilsberg conducting will appear Feb. 11. Batten Named Narrator rhe "member rchaestra and us ! conduct or was selected by , tho At Morehead Planetarium! United States Department of State ' f 1 : www S . w.'.ww .-: . .w.wv.-... X .www' V I ft. 1 r ' l 4 , ( & i. k: V " ! S -f . 1 7 I iV i 4 LEONARD WARREN . . . series opener James W. Batten of Goldsboro has joined the narrating staff of the Morehead Planetarium, Man ager A. F. Jenzano has announc ed. Batten is a UNC graduate, a World Warr II Navy veteran and a member of the National Science Teachers Assn. He is listed in "Who's Who in American Educa tion." ' Prior to coming to Chapel Hill, Batten headed the New Hanover High School in Wilmington and taught at Wilmington College. He also taught at Kenly, Princeton, Micro and Smithfield. Batten will "be a narrator for .the J;pecLrtl .Planetarium demon strations for school children. "We are fortunate to obtain a man of Mr. Batten's scientific background to narrate school pro grams which are designed io in terest children in the study " of science," Manaser Jenzano said. - in 1956 to visit 16 Latin American countries on a concert tour. Its re ception there and in North American countries more recently have made it a popular concert attraction Louis Kentner, pianist, will be presented in the final concert on March 2. INFIRMARY . Students in the Infnnary yes terday were: Lind.i Llewellyn Clark, Mary Biackman Roberts, Julia Sue Av ers, Judee Dale Doherty, Fred erick Ernest Barwick III, Fred die Donald Hickman. Benjamin Lee Rogers, Sellers Luther Crisp, John Leonard Henderson, Joseph Henry Perry, Harvey Lake Hariis. Elizabeth Grayson Deal. David Fleetwood MeFadyen, Myron Hugh Ennis .md Peter Beeken Yuong.