THE DAILY TAR HEEL SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 193f VAOl FOU1' 51.70 VALUE ! FORMULA 20 Liquid Bream SDflCIPOO With 2 Whole Egg in.i mmn biuse Hair Conditioner. Makes dry hair more manageable jsaN'Vm and softer. r 7. - 7 hair r?! I ft. Too Many Mistakes To Win Giese CMAPCL MILL.N.C J By STEWART PHIMZY It wasn't the Gamecocks' day to crow. "We made too many mistakes out there today to win," said a de jected Warren Gicse. The youthful South Carolina coach remarked, "Only in little burts did we look like a good team. Fumbles and penalties stopped us from every getting in motion a strong . offen sive drive." Birds Never Got Close This was never more in evidence INSURE YOUR INSURABILITY f v y . . . investigate "Option to Buy" a complete ly new concept in life insurance that guarantees you the policyholder, the option to increase your coverage . . .' on' certain dates in the future . . . regardess of your Health, your occupation or yourgeographic location on those dates. If you're a -doctor in training, medical stu dent, law student, graduate student . . . college student married or single . . . investigate "Op tion to Buy". Call or .write E. HANLON MURPHY WATCH FOR OPENING OF J ANTONIO'S ITALIAN FOOD 104 W. FRANKLIN ST. than in the third quarter. Alex Hawkins, the speedy blond halfback, caught a pass from his running mate, King Dixon, and Hawkins raced to the NC 25 only to have the play called back because of a penalty. Moments later Hawkins moved the ball deep in. Carolina ter ritory, only to find the Gamecocks guilty of another infraction. Someone remarked that he nev er would have guessed that one touchdown would have won the game. - "North Carolina had us defensed very well, this has always been a trademark of any' team coached by Tatum," said Giese. "Our quar terback was continually hampered by their fine defensive line." ' Praises Kicking Giese was quick to remark that, "it was their kicking that kept us in a whole all day long." "Cummings (Jack) and Smith (Wadet are two fine ballplayers. Smith is one of the finest backs we've seen this year," Giese added. Giese paused for a minute and then went on "I don't mean to take anything away from the Car olina team, but when you make ! as many mistakes as we did, you just don't deserve to win." "Mistakes, Mistakes," repeated Giese. It just wasn't the Gamecocks day to crow. 11 1 With Defense By ELLIOTT COOPER i Harvey Salz, a junior here, has been chosen UNC business repre i sentative for Philip Morris, Inc. A MOTION PICTURE EVENT COMES TO CHAPEL HILL . , . T . I , - . r . . Ill ittt I, ., . , t I JOHN WAYNE , v THE tu r I LI" -rr- i . vv r J rnA inrA P.O. BOX 543 PHONE 7074 CHAPEL HILL, N. C "You all want some cokes?" That was the way Jim Tatum started off his press conference after his team had just beaten South Carolina 6-0 for Us first home victory of the season. No one wanted a drink ex. cept Jim himself, and after he tad secured said beverage the post mortum got underway. "Well fellows,'' Tatum began, "that didn't look much like pro of fense. I was quite disappointed again in our offense." The Tar Heel coach qualified this statement by explaining that the defect was piirt ly due to the changing of positions the backfield. It Won't Happen Often Commenting on the rather woak passing display Tatum stated, "I don't believe that you'll see Al Goldstein miss many passes like the one that went through his hands in the end zone." Instead of a touchdown for Al it was just an other incompleted pass for quarter back Jack Cummings. "That was about the easiest chance he had had all season,'' the coach added. When asked for an .opinion of ! Wade Smith's play, Tatum quickly I answered, "I couldn't increase my admiration for the boy if he had scored five touchdowns." "South Carolina is a team which plays pro football. In playing them the idea is to keep 'em in the dole so they won't open up their offense." This was the reason Tatum gave as to why he chose to kickoff rather than receive after he had won the toss. of the coin for the first lime this year. "My Biggest Regret" "That was my biggest ,regrt t of the game," said Sunny Jim to a query concerning the pass play from Clements to Turlington which was good for a touchdown but was ; nullified by a Carolina holding I penality.; "If it had been good the 1 play would have given him (Clem-! ents) a lot of added confidence." , .With all the copy in the papers about the lonesome, end formfiicm, Tatum was quick to state that his flanker was far from . beings fh,e lonesome end .used by,- Army. Those who came to the game hoping to see Goldstein or Schroder refusing to go back into the huddle to g5et the signals, left the contest still hoping that, maybe next week .... The Carolina coach said that his split end was simply a maneuver to make Alex Hawkins play a line backers spot forcing John Saundeus to be a defensive halfback. DeCantis And Roes Hurt Co-captain Moe DeCantis walked off the field with the game ball under his arms and a broken blood vessel above his ankle. The only other casuality of the contest hat Ron Koes who came down with a hip injury. Both boys, however, sliould be ready for homecoming next Saturday. If you are wondering what the tent near the South Carolina bench was, here is the answer. In the tent is Warren Giese's closed cir cuit television. Would Tatum like to have a similar TV? "You bet," said the coach, "but they cost three thousand dollars ypu know." SERVE YOURSELF At Th EVERY SUNDAY 5:30-7:30 P.M. R AMO HOUSE RECOMMENDED UmMA W,m OA !N ADVENTUREi ,N BY fjjiWJOClM tVA&Q GOOD EATlNG-flSS-V HOME OF CHOICE HICKORY-SMOKED CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS Out op ths Gilt nt dawn tksv Roes.. 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