u o -J a 0 ' tt.tt.C. Library Cccials Dept. 2 ox C70 WEATHER Warmtr today with an txptcttd high ef 12. ELECTIONS BOARD They've done it again. See page Aid VOLUME LXVI NO. 51 Complete Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 195U Offices in Graham Memorial FOUR PACES THIS ISSUE 4 Kin .'afittFT n$"fi Russia Plans East Germany Withdrawal fly SEYMOUR TOPPING HE KLIN. A responsible Soviet source said tonight Russia in- tends to give Communist East Ger many control over all Western allies supply lines to Berlin air, rail and highway. It was a confirmation of East German hints and Western expecta tions in a pattern building up since Premier Nikita Khrushchev called Nov. 10 for an end to the four-power occupation. The Soviet informant said trans fer of control of the supply lines wns the meaning behind Khrusch thev's speech. Khrushchev proposed that the United States, Britain and France, with city garrisons totaling 10,000 troops, get out of West Berlin. He promised Russia would hand oer Its occupation rights In the old German capital to East Germany. He did not spell out, however, whether he would rish a new East West crisis by also transferring to Premier Otto, Grotewohl's red re gime the supervision of traffic be tween West Berlin and West Ger many, divided by 110 miles of Com munist German territory. The western big three and Chan cellor Konrad Adenauer's Bonn government do not recognize Grotewohl's regime and have re fused to have any formal dealings with It. But the pressure Is on.' Refusal of the United States, Britain and France to yield to East German controls might lead to a blockade of their West Berlin garrisons. If left noc holce, experts here be lieve the three nations would yield to controls while making It clear that this does not constitute recogni tion of the East German govern ment. They would officially regard East Germans manning the check points as simply agents of the Rus sians. The Soviet source, however, con tended they would have to settle any disputes directly with East Ger many. Under postwar big four accords, cllied military traffic became sub ject only to Russian supervision. However, West Berlin civilian traffic is already under East Ger man police and customs controls. The 2.200.000 West Berllners there fore would not be affected Immedi ately and directly by & controls dis pute between the Western Allies and the East Germans. A spokesman for the Soviet em bassy In East Berlin said the Soviet government is preparing a document to elaborate the Khrushchev plan and that this document will be dis tributed to all nations which fought against Nazi Germany in World War II. IS 1 '.'J1 -r - tttii r r-rr- f irtnrmr-r rvonnri rtrnr(ir-rp"v--r--iri"ij 1 - - I . J ' '-k - i ' ' ' H 1,1 111 il "r "f'T - ' i L- i! , f iV " ' i - - ; I t QUEEN AND COURT Seven coeds will be honored Friday afternoon as the 1958 "Beat Dook" queen and six-member court in the annual float parade which gets under way at 3 p.m. The new queen, Pat Wilson, was selected earlier this week at the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity house. The PiKA's are spon sors of the beauty contest and parade. The queen and her court (left to right) are: Sally Wade, Maxine Greenfield, Claire Hanner, Pat Wilson, Beat Dook queen; Eleanor Smith, Coleman Jenkins and' Sharon Footh. (Photo by Peter Ness) Little Singers Of Paris Will Appear Here Sunday UP Wins Class Positions; Parties Split Legislature The concert of the Little Singers of Paris to be given in Memorial Hall Sunday at 8 p.m. will be a rep resentative Jprogram from their va ried repertoire. The presentation will include re ligious music secular selections of many nations. The program will include II Est Ne Le Divin Enfant, arranged by No- World Tension Theme In Rights Forum William L. McGovern and Ed ward P. Morgan will return to the UNC campus Dec. 7-9 to speak again at the annual Human Rights Forum sponsored by the Public AJfairs Committee of the Y. The theme of the forum will be "Human Rights in a World of Ten sion," according to John Casparis and Carol Jose, heads of the Pub lic Affairs Committee. McGovern, a Washington attor ney, has served as special assistant to the attorney general, Depart ment of Justice' and as chief eco nomic intelligence officer for Chunking. At present he is a member of the Arnold, Fortas, and Porter law firm, in Washington, D.- C, a firm known for its defense in cases in volving civil liberties. Morgan, ABC commentator, is vice president and vice chairman of the ' Radio-Television Corre spondents Association. In 1956 he received the George Foster Pea- body Award for the best news broadcasts in 1958. He was also fliU ra.i Pr;A Cllca ,n iy5 Dv e overseas ... ...r-- pj. CIub fQr his covcrage of the Schedule CaUCUS Geneva Summit Conference. He broadcasts Mondays through Fri aays over abu radio at v:45 p.m Both speakers will take part in the. main event of the forum, discussion of "Domestic Issues and their influence on Foreign Policy" Dec. 8. Morgan and McGovern will also attend informal discussion groups luncheon and dinner meetings and class meetings. These meetings will include discussions on the ideal of human rights. ' from the Renaissance and folk songs . yon, and Allons Pastoureaux by Au- banel. Three religious compositions Both campus parties will hold important caucus meetings today in preparation for tonight's meet ing of Student Legislature. The University Tarty will meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock in Ro land Parker I. A floor leader will be elected at thli time and plans will be discussed for the 26th ses sion of Legislature. The Student Party caucus will be held at 8:45 this afternoon in Roland Parker I. 6P will also elect its floor leader, as well as setting up a proposed organization of Legislature. Both parties have urged both old and new Legislature members to attend the caucus meetings. G. M. SLATE ArtlrUlet for Graham Memorial today Include: Record Concert, I p.m.. Main Lounge; GM Board. 3-4 p.m., Crali; Student Council. 7:30-10:30 p.m., Grail; University Party, 1:30-7:30 pjn. Grail; Student Par ty Caucus. 7-7:30 p.m. Roland Parker I; Women' Honor Council, C:4S-11 p.m., Woodhouse Center rnce Room; Women's Honor Coun cil, 6:45-11 p.m., CounclJ Room. Win Hangs On Bonfire The Tar Heels can win Satur day's football game! This is possi ble IF someone from UNC man ages to light the traditional vic- ory bonfire at Duke before Fri day night. However, the bonfire will be heavily guarded by Duke freshmen from 4:15 this afternoon until tomorrow. If the fire is lit before tomor row night, not only will Carolina win Saturday's game, but the Duke class of '62 will be forever cursed, according to tradition. Instructions for the annual Frosh Nightwatch" have been distributed on handbills, made up by Ty Heineken of the Duke P'ep Board and Joel Arrington of the freshman dormitory governmen 'iBOS." These are the instructions Duke freshman got: 1) Each house (in mass) must be at the fire from the beginning of your time for watch. 2) No exceptions will be made except for class conflicts. 3) It is up to each one of you to eliminate al gold-brickers (roommates included). 4) Each of you is directly re sponsible to three people who wil be with you: your housemaster and the two men from BOS and Pep Board. 5) Guarding procedure will be given when you arrive at the fire. 6) Any defensive action against UNC intruders will be signaled and lead by the BOS and Pep men in charge. on an identical liturgical text, Tene- brae Factae Sunt by Gregorian, Vit- j toria and Francis Poulence, will be presented. Other selections will be Es ist ein los Entsprungen, PraetoriuS; O Vos Omnes, Vittoria; and Hymne De Serapion, E. Martin. Nous N'Irons Pius Au Bois, arranged by Bernard Loth; L'Amour de Moy, Harm. C. Boiler; and La Nuit by Rameau will also be presented. i The choir will sing Yver, Vous N'Estes Qu'un Villain by Debussy and excerpts of the Cantata of the Two Cities by Darius Milhaud. Folk songs on the program will include Tutu Maramba, a Brazilian lullaby, and the French folk songs Frere Jacques and Alouette. An other familiar folk song the choir will sing is Jean Pagot's arrange ment of Danny Boy. The Little Singers of Paris, known as the Petit Chanteurs a la Croix de Bois (Little Singers of the Wood en Cross) were organized in 1907 h group of enthusiasts organized the choir with the hopes of reviving the Gregorian chant and Palestrinian music. Today the singers rank as one of the outstanding boys' choirs In their many appearances in over 35 countries, including a 1957 tour around the world, the Little Singers have given nearly 10,000 concerts. During the seven concert tours they have made in the United States and Canada, they have covered the con tinent from one end to the other UP Dominates Class Officers The University Party, whose poli cy advocates the retention of class officers, captured" 13 of the 15 class positions in elections Tuesday. There remains a possibility that Davis Young (SP) will contest the election of Charlie Graham (UP) as sophomore class president. Gra ham won over Young by a margin of two votes. Other sophomore officers include Joe Warner (UP), vice president; Sharon Sullivan (UP), secretary; Dave Alexander (SP), treasurer, and Carol Tieslau (UP), social chairman. Leading the junior class during the coming year as president will be Wade Smith (UP). Assisting him will be Jack Spain (UP), vice president; Martha Morgan (SP), secretary; Graham Claytor (UP), treasurer, and Mary Margaret Brown (UP), social chairman. The new freshman class officers are all UP candidates, except one. They are Jey Diefeil, president; Ed die Manning (SP), vice president; Maxine Greenfield, secretary; Tom Alexander, treasurer, and Peggy Costner, social chairman. Erwin Fuller and Tony Salinger, who ran unopposed, were elected to the Student Council. Joe Warner won the third seat. Libby Johnson and Rosemary Rob erts were elected to Women's Honor Council by clear majorities. Sandy xroiman and BunKie vester were tied at 195 votes apiece and there will be a run-off election next Tues day. Legislature Meets For Officer Election Election of officers and commit tee chairmen will be the main or- We Goofed! In reporting the results of Tuesday's elections, The Daily Tar Heel incorrectly named Stewart Priddy as the new vice president of the freshman class. The winner of that office is Ed Manning, who ran on the Student Party ticket. IN CONJUNCTION WITH DUKE-CAROLINA GAME Old West Alumni To Hold Annual Reunion f By NEIL MURPHY The fourth annual reunion of Old West alumni will be held in conjunc tion with the Duke game, reunion chairman Raymond Taylor announc ed yesterday. Alumni will meet at the "Old West bench" at 1 p.m. Saturday and then go to the game. In a letter sent to former residents, Taylor said, "Alumni will proceed together to see the football team of the University of North Carolina render sound defeat to the athletic club of a recently organized small parochial school just outside Dur ham." t At 6:15 p.m. Saturday the group will meet in, the Saddle CJvb & Dur ham for supper. Taylor pointed out that students slaved four years in Old West be cause of a "spirit" that held them together. "This is unusual," he said, "because about 50 per cent of the residents were fraternity men." The first reunion in 1955 was informal. "The fellows kept returning just as if it were a fraternity house." Many stories have been told of the Old West bench, the bench where the alumni will meet: stories of ifes theft by residents of Old East and recapture, battles with buildings and grounds crews when they wanted to take it in each winter. "We used to meet at that bench before every game," Taylor aid. "We got . tired of people taking our bench, so we bought a chain and chained it down once. No one took it for about three years then. Old West's bench is still there." "Old West proves," Taylor said, "that it is possible, for a dorm to have the spirit of closeness, friend ship and brotherhood that some say can't exist in a dormitory." Some of the Old West alumni in clude. Charles Craven of the Ra leigh News and Observer, Clint An drews of the Anchorage Daily News, Ed Rankin, personal secretary to Governor Luther Hodges and Eric Jonas, nephew of the 10th district i congressman, Di Favors Nuclear Tests By ELLEN STEIN A bill favoring the continuation of nuciear weapons tests was passed last night by the Dialectic Senate. The effects of nuclear tests upon U. S. security, scientific ad vancement and world opinion en couraged a heated debate. The affirmative argued that no security would be maintained in view of Eisenhower's "open sky" policy unless tests were continued. They also pointed ouut that the goal of the United States was to reach the planning 'stage of the nuclear test band. Senator Rick Wolfer said that a secondary benefit of the testing has been technological advance ment especially in the . field of economics. He said the possession of atomic weapons raises this country in the eyes of outside na tions, reminding them of equal strength as the Russians. He also commented on the prac tical side. If tests were halted, he said, then scientific crews would put aside their work, especially developed facilities would be use less and thousands of dollars would be wasted. Senator Christie Farnham said that the testing programs cannot be halted because of the imminent Russian threat to the security of this country. She said that Russia was purely propagandist in her various offers to stop nuclear test and that she never kept her end of the bargain. Greer Against Passage Senator Gary Greer said, "Nu clear tests are detrimental to the genetics and to the health of the world." He said that it is not the Soviet Union but the United States that is a war monger in the eyes of the world at this time. "At the last Rusian-American conference in Geneva the United States refused Rusia's proposal to halt all tests. They, were willing to delay testing for one year after completing the persent testing program," he said. Senator. Greer said that the United States' present variety of nuclear weapons is adequate to wage war anywhere, even in outer space. To illustrate the power of present weapons he said that the U. S. Navy has one nuclear device that can lift its entire fleet, 901 ships, out of the water; the Navy has 10 guided missiles, the Army has four to five nuclear devices Blake On Dorm Strangers Chapel Hill Folice Chief W. D. Blake advised caution in allowing strangers in the dorms. Larcenies have been reported in the past as a result of strangers, mostly young boys. Many have ap peared this year wandering through the halls. Chief Blake said, "Some of these boys are honest shoeshine boys, but not all of them are hon est, I'm afraid.' iasi nignt patrolmen saw a young boy counting money behind Manly Dorm. The patrolmen said . . .... ne was wearing a coat which ap peared too large for him and had a bundle under his arm. When one of the officers got out to investi gate, the boy ran into the Arbore tum. A search failed to produce him. Captain Coy Durham said yes terday the Bell Tower parking lot had given the police some trouble "Some of the people fail to lock their cars" and several larcenies have bene reported, he said. Some of the trouble "like hub cap steal ing is done by rings. 'They take a little time to break but we usu ally get them," he added. der of business at the first meet ing of hte 26th sessino of Student Legislature tonight. The meeting will be at 7:30 in Phi Hall, 4th floor, NeNw East. Since each party holds 23 seats and there are four independents, the winning legislation will de pend upon the independent vote, unless the parties split on issues. Ralph Cummings, student body vice president, will swear in the new legislators and officers. There is no carry-over business and, as far as Cummings knows, there will be no new business introduced. Rivalry Noted By Furtado Saturday afternoon the football teams of Carolina and Duke Uni versities met on Kenan field. In view of this athletic rivalry, Student Body President Don Fur tado reminded all the students that "we should attempt to con fine the action to the football field and to the two teams involved." He stressed that the rivalry be tweei the two universities was long and healthy one and that it should remain that way. In order to keep this friendly rivalry, Furtado urged that "each student must remember his obliga tions to conduct himself as a gen tleman or a lady at all times, whether it. is on the campus or in the football stadium." University Club Plans Years Biggest Rally The University Club has boasted that Friday night's pep rally will be the biggest this year. The unique "Pied Pipper" style employed for this last pep rally has been cal culated to draw as many people as possible. Sororities and women's dorms have been asked to fall into the parada as a group. lies Sutorius nad his combo wil! begin at Fraternity row while the University pep band begins at the lower quad at 6:30 Friday night. Beth bands will led the students to the intramural field. At the intramural field head cheer leader Carter Jones has worked up a colorful show. The football team and coach Jim Tatum will be pre sent. Chemicals will be used to cause the bonfire to burn with a dif ferent hue. The climax of the rally will be a march into town. The University Club has asked the student body to fall in with the band for the march. The pep rally is expected to con verge in the center of Chapel Hill at 7:30 p.m. UP, SP Cop 23 As Indepen7s Take 4 Seats The Student Party and the Univer sity Party each copped 23 seats in the Student Legislature elections Tuesday night. Four independent candidates fill the remaining seats. Organization of the new Legisla ture will be held tonight at 7:30 in Phi Hall, New East. They will elect officers and committee chairmen at this time. Representing Dorm Men's I dis trict are Tom Cordle and Joe Maz zei, both SP. Jim Scott (Ind.) and Jim Crown- over (SP) gained the two year seats form Dorm Men's II. In Dorm Men's HI, SP won three seats, giving them a delegation of four from that district. Winners in clude Ray Bagwell, Mike Shulman and Dan Brown. UP victor for the district is Joe Oppenheimer. Bob Sevier is the new UP repre sentative for Dorm Men's IV. Incumbent Bill Porter (SP) re tained his Legislature seat from Dorm Men's "V. SP again dominated in Dorm Men's VI as incumbent Dave Jones, Eob Nobles, Henry McPherson and Bob Thompson came out on top. In, Town Men's I district, Bob Grubb and Bob Turner, both UP, won the two one-year seats. Incumbent Charlie Gray ran un opposed for the one-year seat in own Men's II. Independents Ed Levy (endorsed by UP and SP) and David Evans both : captured the one year seats in Town Men s HI. In Town Men's IV, SP candidates won the four one-year seats. They are Paul Belanga, Troy Blanton, Gary Greer and Bill Miller. For that district's six-month seats, UP cap tured four. UP winners are Ira tfardy, DeWitt McCotter, Bob Price and Dick Quick. SP candidate Bob Six women were elected to Stu dent Legislature. Representing Town Women's Dis trict is Ann Harvey (UP).. Belinda Foy (UP) and Jane Wal ters (SP) captured the two one-year seats from Dorm Women's I. Ann Hassinger (UP) won the six-month seat. 5 , l! "t,l1JLI JL "BEAT DOOK!" yells Head Cheerleader Carter Jones, who will lead the football Reason's final pep rally at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Large Crowd Attends Master Point Tourney Sixty-six students and 21 visitors looded the Rendezvous foom in heated competition in the month- y Master Point tourney held last Monday night at Graham Memorial. Four students, three Life Mas ters and one Durham visitor walk ed off with the eight Master Points won. The following is a list of student winners for the new record crowd of 83: Section A: North South: Jim Tedder and Frank Carlisle, third place; and Dana Dixon and Bill Caison, fourth place. East West: Frank Jones and Robley Light. first place (Master Point winners); Roy Smith and Arnie' Greneberg, second place; Mrs. J. B. Pfeiffer of Durham and Gene Whitehead, third place; and Mrs. Mildred Alexander and Mike Alexander, fourth place. . Section B: . North South: Mal colm Clark and Dan Duke, third place. East West: Tom Jordan and Walt Rand, first place (Master point winners);- Anita Withers and Teddy Distefano, third place; and John and Nancy Hummel, fourth place. INFIRMARY Students in the Infirmary yes terday included: Charlotte Katherine Williams, William Der Tarn, Wallace An thony Graham, Richard Anthony Farth, Carl Sherrill Wood, Her man PickeL Julian Willis Bradley, Michael John Swain and Alan D. Rescb. Harry Warren Wels.

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