JUNUAY, MARCH 1, W7 THE DAILY TAR Mffl PAGE THRU Phi Gamma Delta i Names New Officers I i, C.imnu Delta W-udcrs were .1 as ucck for the coming ifiutu hr ptrsidnU's post . li'.i.li I'attrr-on. a junior of I rn'.tn. I'atltrson is a Morrhcad - : "'.r .iml rh.urm.in of the Mon's !, , t unite:!. I ' 'i!i-r 'ffui r.s of the f rater v arc tu-niiir, Y.ine Anler a impr of Kiritton; record ; ; -tHi-t Un. V;ine Venters, a i :.;.r of .l.ukvonvtlle; eorrespoiul srerrtary. Uoer Kdwards. a , ..;!iomoi r of Kalcih, and histori , : i h.irlie Ciaham of Wilnunq- Applications To Be Distributed Applications for women orienta tion counselors for the coming year .ill bo distributed to the residences Monday and Tuesday. The applications, due to the house presidents by Friday. March 13, will he explained and given to in tfostcd girl.s at hou.se meetings. During the following week, begin ning on Wednesday, March 25, five niinute interviews will be hold with applicants by the Women's Orien tation Committee, of which Belinda Foy is women's coordinator. Approximately 100 counselors will be needed. Covering The ynsversi fcampus rn yy Our 7 01 V 7 Pharmacists Filled Over CAREERS V( p'60ao? Prescriptions WITH A in,95S FUTURE ' i TO: G. A. 1NGIEHART, Director of Personnel, WAIGREE.N CO., 4300 W. Peterson, Chicago 46 P fn.i d infofmoCoti o WAICRECH CAtEER OPPORTUNITIES. P .o i'or-. cboul WAtCEEN5 EARN AS YOU-UARM PtAM. I om inird in a vommer poiition J- or pari lima hoollerm poillion J m a Wa'gree Drug Store. NA.'r. , COtUGE XRAD. YEAR: 19 MO'-'L ADDRESS:. CITY .ZONE: HlUIL YOURS GER L( NEW POLYDERlVi! SCIENCE DISCOVERS AGING, DRY SKIN NEEDS ESSENTIAL POLYUNSATURATES TO FRESHEN, BEAUTIFY COMPLEXION Hccrntly, science discovered that young, 20-year-old -kin U almost twice as abundant in vital element called essential polyunsaturate a kin at forty. As you grow older, or as you drpletc your natural supply through low-fat dict thcc essential polyunsaturates drain auay. Dry, lifeless skin, wrinkles, prcmalurc linM and crow's feet may follow. , h.romenlraled PolydcrmleU you beauty. ford" ihe-c erntial polyunsaturates back to our skin . . . helping your complexion bloom again with radiance and vigor. In ju-t a fw day you begin to sec a noticeable improv rinent. Fine line fade. Pore srrm finer, and oiir -kin is smoother, hcalthici-looking. PRINCE MATCHABELLI . compensating cream for face and throat W . 7 2M and 350 0 CHAPCL HILL. KC r.INKLEY BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. John T. Wayland will pcak on "Living a Plural Life" at the 11 a.m. service at the Olin T. Binkley Memorial Baptist Church in Gerrard Hall today. SOUND AND FURY SCRIPTS Tryouts for the 1959 Sound and .STATE: I Fury production will start next week. For students interested in try cut out, scripts for the show are available at the Information Office in Graham Memorial. SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM SUBCOMMITTEE The Carolina Symposium Program Subcommittee will meet Monday at Six Sororities Lead Chest Drive Effort By WALKER BLANTON Six Carolina sororities have con tributed more than any other group o the 1959 Campus Chest drive, said Chairman Doug Kellam Saturday. But the contributions still fell short of the Campus Chest goal, and, as a result, the drive has been ex tended, Miss Kellam said. Ol over $1,200 collected or pledged to the Campus Chest. $338.4fi came fem six sororities. (Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, which has not yet moved into the sorority house, did I not contribute in a body but through j tl.e dormitories.) j Since the $3,000 Campus Chest i goal is short about $1,800 solicitors in dormitories will continue to ask students for contributions through Monday. - Another means or raising money for the Campus Chest will go into efiect Monday. YVV-YMCA members and student government leaders will be asked to take part in the $5 pro gram, in which each person parti cipating is responsible for soliciting $5. 'Scotty' Leaves UNC Post In addition to the sororities' dona tions, eight women's dorms have contributed $275.52, 20 men's dorms, $245.65; 24 fraternities, $214.00 250.00 more has been pledged but rot yet collected; 20 faculty mem bers, $94.50; Glen Lennox and Vic tory Village, $81.59. The total amount collected is approximately two thirds short of the $3,000 goal. A table will be set up in Y Build ing this week by Campus Chest to solicit money from students. 4 p.m. in the Woodhouse Conference Room. NSA COMMITTEE The National Student Association Committee will meet Tuesday at 4 p.m. in Roland Parker I. COSMOPOLITAN CLUB AH officers of the Cosmopolitan Club have been asked to meet Wed nesday in the upstairs dining roo:ai of Lenoir Hall at 1 p.m. to discuss the International House to be held in the spring. STATISTICS COLLOQUIUM The design and analysis of exper iments leading to simulfaneous ob servations on several variables will be described by Prof. B. N. Roy of the Department of Statistics Mon day. This Statistics Colloquium pro gram will be held at 4 p.m. in 206 Phillips Hall. ASTRONOMY CLUB The. Chapel Hill Astronomy Club will meet in the Faculty Lounge the Morehead Building today at 8 p.m.-An intormal talk win De giv en on ''The Universe Beyond the Milky Way." . i Club President Bill Baylis said the talk "will be on adventure into i:i ttrgalactic space to look at the structure and formation . and evolu tion of galaxies and the expansion of the universe." I'LISHA MITCHELL SOCIETY Eugen Merzbacher of the Depart ment of Physics will talk on "Sym metry in Physics" at a meeting of ciety Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m." in 206! Phillips. : ; ' : . : CHRISTIAN SCIENCE RADIO PROGRAM Arthur P. Wuth, a lecturer on Christian Science, will be features n an interview Monday at 5:45 pjn. over itaaio aiauon wniv, iu nam. Wuth will present a lecture Tues day in Durham.. He is a member of the Board of Lectureship of . The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. RADIO CODE CLASSES . Radio code classes will be -held Monday and Tuesday nights at 7 o'clock in Classroom 4 of the Air Force ROTC building, Caldwell An nex. - - SEGOVIA CONCERT The Spanish classical guitarist Andre Segovia will be featured in the final concert of the puke All Star Concert Series Monday ; night at 8:15 in Page Auditorium on the Duke University campus.. Some tickets may be available at the boxoffice. , :.. MEXICO STUDY OPPORTUNITIES The Guadalajara Summer School, as extension program of the Uni versity of Arizona in cooperation with professors from Stanford Uni versity and Guadalajara, offers col lege students a chance to study at Guadalajara, Mexico. The six-weeks session will be from June 29 to Aug. 7 -and will in clude courses in art, folklore, geo graphy, history, language and liter ature. The cost of tuition; room and Addition information may be se cured from Prof. Juan B. Rael, Box K4 Stanford University, Calif. GUY lPinLLIPS TO SPEAK H EiglnVhundred juniors in Johnston County schools will hear a talk by Dr. Guy B. Phillips of UNC when they father here Tuesday for their annual Career Day. Superintendent E. S. Simpson an nounced final plans for the program. Phillips is ': professor of education at UNC, and a member of the State Board of Education. He formerly was clean of the UNC Education School, director of the UNC Summer Session 'and executive secretary of tl-e State School Boards Assn. AMERICAN MUSICOLOGICAL SOCIETY The Southeastern chapter of the American Musicological Society will meet Wednesday in Hill Hall at 8 p.m. Interested In - Novels? The famous old Intimate Book shop has more of them, at a wider price range, than anybody in North Carolina. i c: SERVE YOURSELF 0U It IL 11 EVERY SUNDAY 5:30-7:30 P.M. At The ANCH HOUSE the Elisha Mitchell Scientific So- board is $233. Bv MARY ALICE ROULETTE I Kdward "Scotty" Scott, the cam ; pus policeman who has been at UNC or nearlv three years, will don his 1 b'ue uniform and walk his beat for ; the lat time March l.". ; Although Scotty's ofltieial duties : censLst of directing traffic, especial ly during conceits and plays, and generally "watching over" the cam-pi.-; from 3:30-11 every night, he has gone beyond tliee duties to help students and townspeople alike. Iteeently he sponsored a benefit dance so that a Ki-year-old boy Might undergo an expensive opera tion. lie a! a ays carries a prayer book with him "just in ca-e somebody ueed.s it." RECOMMENDED jCttAM rr)MM T CA ! ADVENTURES IN -- BY (UiMACQM ftlAWa- GOOD EATiNG-W3 lOME OF CHOICE HICKORY-SMOKED CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS Students of the Chapel Hill High School have asked him to sponsor a dance for them in near future. "I was in the service Air Force) for 20 years." .said Scotty, "And I didn't mind leaving it half as much alter 20 years as I mind leaving this place after only three." "I don't think there's a building on this campus that I don't have fiiends in." declared Scotty. "If there is just I haen't been in that building." Meeting people has been Scotty's biggest joy while on campus, "es pecially the new freshmen when 1 their parents would bring them on ! campus for the first time and I would take them on guided tours." Speaking of UNC, Scotty said. "1 think it's one of the best schools in the country and I know we have the best baskcball team in the country! As for the football team, it had the best line any where this fall." Scotty is resigning "for person al reasons to manage a filling station and grocery store on the Pittsboro Road about six miles north of Chapel Hill. "And I want to see all those students out there filling up," he said. - S I ; ; I l J SMOOTH SHAVf if ; 1 f:. L , : " ; " - ; & 1 ., Nothing To Do? For students who complain that there's nothing to do at the beginning of the new sem ester, here's how to rid your self of the "boredom." Work on The Daily Tar Heel. The newspaper needs new staff members to write news. columns, sports and do art work Most of the work done on the paper is completed between 2 and 5 p.m. daily. This time is usually convenient for students who have classes in the morning hours. Students interested in work on The Daily Tar Heel may come to the newspaper office in Graham Memorial any after noon. A staff meeting will be an nounced soon. If You Like History You'll find everything from the latest sensation to rare old out-of-print items in the famous In timate Bookshop. DAILY CROSSWORDd Stays moist and firm throughout your shave I regular or new mentholated Take your choice ol new, cool mentholated or regular Smooth Shave. Both have rich, thick Old Spice quality lather that won't dry up before you've finished having. Both soften your beard instantly end razor drag com pletely. For the closest, cleanest, quickest shaves ... . try Old Spice Smooth Shave! JOO SMOOTH SHAVE by SHUITON ach -i. I, I . m m i ii Hn tMii itt iMiriMiii if ACKOSS 1. Bristle 5. Chart 9- Egyptian town l6. Sheeplike 12. On the left side (naut.) IS. Unit of capacity 14. fica.tt (dial.) 15. River bottom ih. Water god (B&byl.) IT. Riddles 20. Land : measures 21. Spring back., '22. Sagacious 23. Proclaim, loudly 25. -of the , Apostles 28. Required" 32. Reciprocal of the ohm 33. Degree of sourness 34. Latvian river 35. Copy 36. Shinto temple 37. Melt, as ore 39. Spirit (colloq.) 41. Incantation 42. Watering jsrot 43. Weaver' reed 44. ILm'B VOWS 1. Sluggish. 2. Excitingly strange 3. High, craggy hill 4. Skill 5. Burrowing animals 6. Greedy 7. Fruit stone 8. Scoffs 9. Kind of beer 11. Expunge 15. The rest 18. Sailors (slang) 19. Part of an inch 20. Sloth 22. Gar den pest 24. Bibli cal name 25. Accu mulate 26. Floyd Patter, son inky imtM tmim zm 3-9 Saturday's A . and others 33. Suitably 35. German river 38. Conger 39. Milk pail ' (var.) 40. Chum 27. Toward 29. Cessation of practice 30. Of races 31. Borneo aborigines m r i3 r w r i p - 01 ! 723. 11 M 1 1 m l-Iitv til 'li i n ' - sir More buxom blondes with shipwrecked sailors insist on Camels than any other cigarette today. It stands to rcr.son: the best tobacco makes the best smoke. The Camel blend of costly tobaccos has never been equalled for rich flavor and easygoing mildness. No wonder Camel is the No. 1 cigarette of all I leave the fads and fancy stuff to lundlubbers... av b ireaS Sgaireilie Ihiave a i n 1 - -A "How can I be sure you've got some Camels? 9 el . U. 1 Uf.rMtW Tb e.. Wh)oa-5rm. M. C .Hffii ft -ftii A 0 ipja..tti ffiVti Jfr-Mt.X a)i. iff iiTh (T iii nirt A Tm -ij fc VdBW4w6atfc rl it H iifr tfi .ifn iffn im it n rw ifr ift . r1 mi . A A t L 1