Library C 2 rials Dopt, Box 070 Chapjl Hill, II. C, CAROLINA ROOM WEATHER Sunny nnd quitr cool. DEFERRED RUSK The case for. See page 2. VOLUME LXVII. NO. 114 Complete Iff) Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1959 Offices in Graham Memorial FOUR PAGES THIS ISSUE American Is Weil Citizenship Lecture Topic The W;! Lectures on American lecture will begin nt 8 p.m. in Hill i'.'i.'enhip will bo given here Hall and will be open to the public. March IT. 18 and V.t by Prof. Denis j In the 191 4-13 .school year a lcc- U Prolan, noted British political m lent ist who teaches at Cambridge I r.ui rs;ty, PnfisMr Brogan will speak on "Krsponsibilitics of Citizenship." mphasizing in successive speeches tie situations in Great Britain. 1-ranee ami the United States. Each . ? ' 4 J) r;;" ture series was originated at the University, and later was endowed by the families of Sol ami Henry Weil of Goldsboro. The first lectures were delivered by the late President William Howard Taft. Dr. Benjamin Fine, dean of the education school of Yeshiva Univer sity and former education editor of ' the New York Times, gave the 1958 j Weil Lectures as part of the Caro lina Symposium on Public Affairs. Lectures in recent years have been given by political philosopher ! George Catlin of McGill Univer i s-ty. Canada; Gen. Carlos P. Rom u'o. Philippine delegate to the UN; rmd Galo Plaza, former president of Kcuador. The 19."!) lecturer is a fellow of Peterhoiie College at Cambridge, .'. here he holds-a professorship in science. Brogan has lec t.ti i-l at Lom.Jmi School of Kom on.ics. ()i.iil .s C(irpu.s Christi Col lege and Unneisity College, Lon-Jon BILLS MEET LITTLE OPPOSITION Permanent Jurors Abolished By DEE DANIELS dependency and are not required to Permanent jurors on Men's and appear 'before the Bi-Partisan Board. Women's Honor Councils were abol ished by the Student Legislature last right with no debate on the bill which proposed this action. According to Bill Porter SP), per manent jurors were established to familiarize other m?mbers of the jury as to what their functions should be and to answer anyques tions they might have. However, as the majority of the jurors on the Attorney General's list have served on at least one case already, someone on each jury in the future will be familiar with the system. The solons also sanctioned under special orders the establishment of a Bi-Partisan Selections Board to interview candidates for editor of th Yackety Yack for 19.r9 spring elections. A hold-over session of Student Legislature is now mandatory fol lowing spring elections due to the approval by the student governing body of a bill, introduced by Jim Crownover (SP), authorizing such. Old and new legislators will be required to attend the extra meet ing, although only old legislators will be able to vote. An amendment proposed by the rules committee stipulates the voting power. Crownover, in speaking for his bill, said the extra session would be helpful for the old legislators in clearing up matters concerning the budget as well as helping indoc trinate the incoming legislators. A resolution, presented by Tom Cordle (SP), for improvement of the Cobb dorm parking lot was sanctioned. A bill to appropriate $500 to the Playbill was held in the Finance committee for another week. Order Of The Old Well Taps Sixty-Three Students In Pre-Dawn Ceremonies Service Lacks Enough Recognition-Goldsmith Harold O Ttiel SP, author of I lie 1 ill to which thivre was no opposi tion, explained that the Board is In function for this spring only due to another hill, introduced by him last niuht. for revision of the Pub- rnsUnes of ci'rcnship countries. European nations and the j lications Uoard bv.,.m,s which , i intra Mates. A Fellow of the Bnt- PROF. D. W. BROCAN A isit a or! th. ii.ivtTu-r, Ik frequently British Commonwealth Committee Hears Budget Problems The State Board of Higher Edu cation presented its cave for high er budgetary considerations to thf Joint Appropriation- Committer e trrd.iy. President William C. Friday was reported attending "only as a spec Ur " He and Chancellor William B Aycock will present the Uni ersit' case- to the committee on March 18. The State Board of Higher F.du cihon included in its requests th" faoital Improvements Budget a? requested by the University. This includes the request for Carolina's ;sh Academy, he holds the rank of Chevalier of the Legion of Honor from France and the Commander of The Order of Orange-Nassau of :he Netherlands. Long a student of American demo cracy . Brogan has written a number would provide for such a hoard per manently. Members of the temporary board will include the present editor, man aging editor and bus:ness man ager of the Yackety Yack, chairman Steele Explains Move In Lenoir Resolution Cash payments to self-help stu dents working in Lenoir Hall was the resolution introduced into the l egislature last night. "I realize that Caere are several arguments against this measure," said Ilobart T. Steele, chairman of the dining hall committee. "With holding and Social Security regula tions among them, but 1 feel that the Ways and Means Committee will explore them fully, and hear the student's side of the argument as well as the administrations." cl bocks on American politics and ' and treasurer of the Publications politicians. They include "The Amcr- j Board and the Board's two faculty ican Political System." "Abraham ' aovisors. Lincoln." "Politics and Law in thp United States," and "The Era of OTuel pointed out that candidates d" Franklin I). Roosevelt." ! for the Yack editorship may run in- Science Symposium Ends Here Tonight , A "Curbstone Clinic," featuring a panel of prominent science lig- N2 033 0X) Student Union to bolircs, climaxes the three day meet ruilt before :ing of the second Junior. Science I the Research Triangle, and Dr. W. Chancellor Aycock did rat at- 'Symposium tonight in Hill Hall at;.M. Whyburn. vice president for tend Tuesday's regular meeting of! 7:30 P m- I graduate studies and research of the Board of Higher Education! Tno Symposiu.n is sponored ! the Consolidated University, nor did he attend today's meeting ' jml' by the North Carolina Acad-' Five other specialists will join of the Joint Appropriations Com- icmi' of Science and the Arniy'a J these three in a panel to answer miltrr. "Office of Ordnance Research at j the questions of the symposium iDake University, in cooperation vouth following the introductory ;with the institutions of the Re- j remarks. Moderating the panel dis- our legislative liaison, to introduce this measure and allow it to go through the regular legislative pro cesses. We have heard the students concerned; we will hear the admin istration of Lenoir Hall, and it will be- up to the Legislature to make a decision next Thursday night." The resolution will be discussed by the Ways and Means Committee Wednesday afternoon at 1:30. Steele has invited George Prillman, di rector of the Student Dining Halts to give his administration's views at that time. Action in drawing the resolution was based upon appearances by stu- are George Herber, President of j oenLs employed at this time by Len oir and the Pine Room, before the jor industrial firm. Other featured speakers tonight Minter Calls For New Deal' John Minter, chairman of the Uni versity Party, yesterday called for "a new deal" in campus politics. "The old deal," Minter said, "has resulted in an ever-widening gap be tween the students and the student (so-called) 'leaders.' While the old style 'leaders' persist with the same old routines, the same old razzama tazz, the average student on this campus pays absolutely no atten tion." The U. P. chairman pointed to the failure of this year's Campus Community Chest drive as an ex ample of the breakdown in student government. "This drive was of crucial im portance but since it did not con cern itself with some great cause on the other side of the world it was neglected by our present 'leaders.' " Minter criticized the present edi tor of The Daily Tarheel, Curtis Gans, for the recent editorial in which Gans urged students not to contribute to the campus chest. "This was an astounding spectacle, even by the standards of Mr. Gans, have attracted large numbers to his who is very good at astounding spec readings in the past and immortal- , tacles." lasl many of his poems. , Borrowing a phrase lrom Adlai Dining Hall Committee's special meeting Thursday afternoon. Frost Isn't Superstitious Says Writer By KEN WHEELER Robert Frost, America's foremost poet, will defy all superstitions by making his 13th visit to the Uni- Therefore I asked Dave Jones, J versity on Friday the 13th. The gen- Sixty-three students were tapped into the Order of the Old Well here last night. Following the pre-dawn tapping and initiation ceremon ies, President Albert L. Goldsmith Jr. made a short talk. He emphasized that "too much service is being done in the University and not enough recognition is forthcoming." Goldsmith stated that the purpose of the Order of the Old Well was to honor those who have rendered real service in both the classroom and in extra-curricular activities, and whose efforts but lor this order might otherwise go unrecog- nized. ial gentleman will appear at Me morial Hall tonight at 8:30 in a meeting open to the public. Frost comes armed with the pi quant wit and subtle philosophy that 8 Originals To Be Shown In Art Center Eteht original paintings by the sseasch Triangle, Duke, UNC, and N. C. State. Some 400 North Carolina high school students and 80 teachers are attending the Symposium, j Tonight's session will attempt to ! cover the role of science in in- cussion will be Dr. Marcus Hobbs, dean of the Duke University Grad uate School. This afternoon a third of the delegates will observe demonstra tions of research performed in the science departments of the Uni- "-cat masters of art will be on dis-:ullMr- euucuuon, ana researcn, ; versuy. me otner siunenis win oe ani me cnoice oi stienunc careers. engaged in similar activities ai Special guest speaker will be ' Duke and State. Dr. George I. Seidel, educational! Last night the Symposium con , manager for DuPont in Wilming- vened at Duke to hear Dr. Ralph play in the north gallery of the Ack l..nd Art Center beginning Saturday. Prof. Joseph C. Sloane, director of tho Ackland Center and chairman of the department of art, said this week that an anonymous collector has loaned the paintings to the Uni- ersity. Important works by Titian. Raph- :.;. Rubens and Mantegna are in t laded. It is a collection of 15th. If. and 17th Century work.s of Italian, Flem ish and French pictures. The group includes the following works: "Christ's Descent into Lim bo" by Andrea Mantegna. "The Vir- n and Child" by Raphael Sanzio, Portrait of a Young Woman" by Rronzino, "Portrait of a Man" by Pclma Vecchio. "The Mystic Mar ri.nje of St. Catherine" by Correg fcio. "Portrait of Picrto Arttino" by T.tian. "Portrait of a Young Girl" i-y Paolf) Veronese, a "Double Por trait of an Emperor and Empress" by Peter Paul Rubens, "Portrait of :i Man" by Giovanni BattLsta Mo-; roni. and a "Landscape" by Corot Or particular Interest is the design cf the 'Madonna and Child by the joung Raphael, signed and dated on the border of her cloak, "Raph Urbina AD MD." G. M. SLATE The activities scheduled for Gra I .:m Memorial today include: P.udzct Committee, 3-5 pin. f.rjil Room: Frosh Cabinet. 2-3:30 I'm Roland Parker I: G. M. V' " Mo land Parker I; G. M. '".trd. 4 r p m., Woodhouse Con- r r.r Room: Dance (juke box). 5 l Pm. Rendezvous Room. ton. Del., and a well known physi cal chemist. Dr. Seidel will talk on the role cf science in the ma- E. Givson, Director of the Ap plied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. I i ,' x ( I - . , - . .... - - .w , . .!7 - .t ill v iV- .. - r H Ww i! .... ' . ' J t j ' . "I X'; V i ' 1 DEAR SIR: A Carolina student scratches off a letter to his ,tate representative on Carolina's place in the budget. Norman B. Smith, chairman of the State Affairs Committee, has urged resident UNC students to write their representatives in behalf of more funds Tor Carolina. Photo by Peter Ness YWCA Slates Schedules Nominations The YWCA will have an open meeting for all members March 19 in Gerrard Hall to present the YWCA executive slate and to hear more nominations any members might have. Elections will be that night in each of the women's residences. The slate oi nominees is as fol lows: President: Sophie Martin; vice president: Nan Robinson and Maxine Lee; executive secretary: Margaret Ray: recording secretary: Leslie Sevier and Harriet Dwelle; treas urer: Nell Wiggins, Mary Sue Han nah and Nancy Smathers; member ship chairman: Linda Rehm and Lou Johnson and program chair man: Julie Redhead. Entry Exam Gets Four Changes The trustees of the College En trance Examination Board have in troduced four changes in their pro gram to simplify their testing pro cedure for college-bound students. One of the cnanges calls for re placing the Scholastic Aptitude Test and the Scholarship Qualifiying Test with the new Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test. Most college students have taken the Scholastic Aptitude Test in the past. Since it will be available to high school juniors as well as seniors, most college-bound students will take the examination twice: first for experience and guidance, then for college admission. Other changes include limiting the test to two dates, both in October; requiring all interested students in a given school to take the test at the same time; and lowering the individual fee from $7 to only $1. The English Department is spon soring his visit, with Prof, and Mrs. Clifford P. Lyons his hosts for the slay here. Among his honors are four Pulit zer Prizes and numerous honorary degrees, including ones from Ox ford, Cambridge, and UNC. In accordance with tradition. Frost will read and discuss many of his poems in his well-known Frost style ; that is anything but frosty. In 13 days Frost will celebrate his 85th birthday, on March 26. He is returning to his farm in Ripton, YL, following a winter stay in Florida. Stevenson, Minter said it was time ito "talk sense" to Carolina stu dents. Students government can not accomplish miracles. Its power, even on campus, is limited. The point, however, is that even this limited power is negated by wild eyed leaders out to save the world. "All of this is beginning to be realized by the candidates of the Student Party. I note where their leading candidate is going into the dormitories with notebook and pen cil, not to talk, but to listen. "Well, we of the University Par ty have been listenng for several years now, and we are delghted that (See NEW DEAL, Page 3) Sheffield Comments On Slate Vice-Chairman of the Student Party Dewey Sheffield yesterday gave the following statement con cerning SP candidates for the campus' four highest office?.. "I believe that the candidates nominated for the big four offices by the Student Party are of the highest calibre and quality. "First, I would like to say that Norman Smith has the most dis tinguished record of any legisla tor, in my opinion, now serving in the Student Legislature. He is currently serving as Speaker Pro- Tempore of the Student Legisla ture, as chairman ofthe Ways and Means Committee, chairman of the (See SP, Page 3) DEADLINE Today is the last day for all women interested in running for Women's Honor Council, the Bi Partisan Board stated. All applicants should sign the list on the door of Woodhouse Room for interviews which will be held from 2-6 p.m. in Wood house Room. Three UNC Seniors Granted Bowman - Gray Scholarships j I . : : "t y ) 1 (V'Vv - l,. i kiif , ,.. I ROBERT W. CARTER b'W ... HERMAN A. GODWIN JR. WADE H. LEFLER JR. win scholarships to Boavman-Gray Medical School Three Carolina seniors have been named recipient of scholarships to the Bowman-Gray School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, it was announced yesterday. Robert W. Carter, Herman Allen Godwin Jr., and Wade H. Lefler Jr. were among eight winners an nounced by Dr. C. C. Carpenter, executive dean. The scholarships, provided by the L. Smith Reynolds Foundation, range in amount from $2,400 to J4.800 a year. They cover the en tire cost of a medical education, including four years of medical School and two years of postgrad uate training. Carter, 22. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Car ter of Route 1. Selma. He is a Morehead Scholar, a member of Phi Beta Kappa; Carter will re ceive an A.B. degree in June. Other activities and honors include president of Graham Memorial Ac- tivitie Board, treasurer of the Student Body, .Order of the Old Well, Order of the Grail, and Su perior Student Class of 1955-56. Godwin, 22, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Allen Godwin of 907 Orange Ave., Dunn. He is also a Morehead Scholar and will re ceive an A.B. degree in June. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Pi Kappa Alpha fraternities, and is in the Order of the Golden Fleece and Order of the Grail. Godwin has served as Campus Orientation Chairman and was in the Superior Student Class of 1955 56. Lefler, 22, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade II. Lefler, Sr. of 832 Ashe Ave., Newton. He will re ceive an A.B. degree in June. Lef ler is a member of Kappa Alpha social fraternity. He has served as Senior Class President, Junior Class President, and on the Men's Honor Council. He was a Junior Marshal, and was in the Order of the Old Well and the Superior Student Class of 1955-56. This is the second year the Reynolds Scholarships have been awarded. Dr. Carpenter stated that they are the most generous scholar ships ia medical education today, and tike into consideration the needs of the student not only dur ing medical school but also during hospital training. "I am personally proud that we have these scholarships at Bowman-Gray," he said. "The faculty, too, is delighted. The scholarships make this institution unique among mediccl schools when it cpmes to rewarding deserving students." Formal presentation of the awards will take place at a ban quet to be held at 6:30 p.m. April 10 at the Old Town Club in Win ston Salem. "The other honoraries, selecting more on the basis of intangible qualifications, were not prepared to recognize all who contributed their time and energy to campus activities and classroom work," Goldsmith said. The Order of the Old Well is the University's way of saying "thank you for a job well done." The order was founded in 1949. This year's officers have been Albert L. Goldsmith Jr. of Lincoln ten, president; Catherine J. Stewart of Washington, D. C, vice presi dent; Herman A. Godwin Jr. of Dunn, secretary - treasurer and Ernest L Mackie, dean of awards, recorder. Members of the executive committee have been Paddy Sue Wall, Winston-Salem; Robert W. Carter, Selma; and Wayne S. Bis hop, Greenville. Students from North Carolina initiated included Miss Lula S. Bal 'antine, Hamlet; James D. Bayliff, Graham; . Walker Blanton Jr., Marion; Robert H. Borden, Golds boro; Richard G. Cashwell, Albe marle; Miss Bennia Jo Carpenter, Thcmasville; Charles R, Coley, Newton; Thomas L. Cordle Jr., Charlotte! James E. Crownover Jr., Asheville; Miss Mary L. Crumb ley, Charlotte; David S. Evans, Fayetteville; Miss Mary D. Dance, Fayettville; Miss Diana A. DeVere, Morganton; Walter E. Fuller Jr., Touisburg; Albert O. Funderbuck Tr., Spray; Miss Annie L. Gard, Elizabeth City; Charles D. Gray HI, astonia; Alton E. James Jr., Roberson ville; Miss Diana R. Johnson, Ashe boro; Jerry L. Jones, Raleigh; Thomas S. Kenan, Durham; Law--ence L. Lohr Jr., Raleigh; James M. Long, Blanch; Robert S. Mat hews, Hertford; Miss Barbara F. Miles, Burlington; Miss Mary S. Mosteller, Hickory; Frentis H. O' Tuel, Goldsboro; David N. Parker, Raleigh; Hugh L. Patterson, Eden ton; Harvey Peck, Durham; Ash mede P. Pipkin. Reidsville; Miss Lucy H. Posgate, Weaverville; Julius R. Raper IH, Raleigh; Don ald S. Redding, Asheboro; Richard H. Robinson Jr. Greensboro; Jack II. Spain Jr., Greenville; Norman 8. Smith, Franklin; Miss Jean M. Sutherland, Greensboro; Miss Lu jRuth Sutton, Lake Waceamaw; Lawrence A. Taylor Jr., Reids ville; Miss Nancy E. Turner, Cary; Johnny C. WTiitaker Jr., Vrinston Salem; Charles E. Wilson, Ashe ville; Paul L. Woodard, Bayboro. Out-of-state students initiated were Miss Nancy A. Adams, Miami, Fla.; Miss Charlene L. Bass, Elber ton. Ga.; William G. Claytor, Sig nal "Mountain, Tenn.; Ralph W. Cummings Jr., New Delhi, India; Dave M. Davis, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Miss Lucy A. Forsyth, Birmingham, Ala.; Robert M. Gray UL Arlington, Va.; Jeffrey A. Hare, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Charles R. Huntington, Spar tanburg, S C; Miss Betty K. John son, Hopkinsville, Ky.; Miss Dor othy D. Kellam, Belle Haven, Va.; Edward J. Kelly Jr., Flemingsburg, Ky.; Edwin Levy Jr., New Orleans, La.; Denton Lotz, Northport, N. Y.; Miss Ann E. Lucas, Louisville, Ky ; Charles W. Fittman Jr., Co lumbia, S. C; Robert A Turner Jr., Lanett, Ala.; Miss Carolyn Vaught, Paducah, Ky.; Mark K. Wilson III, Chattanooga, Tenn. irnrtl ii fV iWtiinfri

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