THE UNC NEWS WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 1959 PACE 2 Moon Watching Made Uneasy The Elm At The Helm that Moon?' Don't t hop down the elm to widen Bat tle Lane. Hut permit parking on Battle Lane. A posse of citizens intent on protecting the natural beauty of Battle Lane as well as guaranteeing rights to park cars there are making the weight of their influence felt by the Chapel Hill Board of Alder men. Whether or not the elm is saved ana parking continues, the day of final reck oning is only postponed. By WILLIAM CORPENINO "The next time you see the moon on the horizon, bend over and' look at it from between your legs. You will find that the moon has shrunk and now Let's Keep The Punches Up! i To-stop a-ny squabbles 'and to forstall any mudslinging and backbiting between the cities of Raleigh. Durham and Chapel Hill, a summit -meeting has been held and an agreement reached to this effect: Each community will put its best foot forward in attracting new families who come to live in the Research Triangle communi ties. . . Nobody will say anything mean about , anyone else. . It will be competitive cooperation, or Something will have to be done event ually about the narrow lane-which, though slim and shady, is a vital artery on the edge of the campus." Here live hum. roc f cfnHpnr in structures immediate- iiivvi-i w. JI1UUI1 uas su ly adjacent to one ot Chapel tun s oiaesi looks about the same slze as residential sections. it does when overhead." .,,., this a for some eavef.U Jhe f - study by zoning and planning expeits. hag received the c0r. And isn't it said we have a plentiful sup- roDorati0n of no less than fif- ply of such experts hereabouts?? teen doctoral scholars ' i So much for the esteem in ' which it is held as a theory. Here follows a transcript of what took place when once, . here at this University, it was nut into Dractice: cooperative competition. several moons ago, two psy- Now that there's an overall referee, the cnaogy majors. Mr. X and battle can be fought according to Marquis Miss Y (who prefer, for un- of Queensbury rules. No hitting in . the , derstandable reasons, to re-, flinches No rabbit punches and blows be- main anonymous), came out of k w the belt Retire to a neutral corner the library after a study-date Km me jcu. th and observmg that the and come out lighting. - mo0n was nicely balanced on As one Chapel Hilhan said: Kealisticai tne horizon immediately rush- lv cooperation is the only way. Some of ed t0 the center of an adjacent uJ rr-,n. live in Ralekh and Dnr- lawn and began maneuvering 1 1 1 liCSl juvjiv... - ham.' So Long, Coach! By WAYNE THOMPSON It was one of those days that just sat there. You know the ' una motionles, quiet, hot and humid. Navy Field, scuffed - with cleat marks from the day's practice battle, nearly had the scorching late afternoon sun to itself now nearly that is! The big man was left stand ing in the center of it all. He mopped his brow and survey ed the area. He focused his at tention on me and called over: "Gotta cigarette?" That was Sunny Jim's way of saying hello to a friend and I understood and was flattered by the request. . "Man, it's hot today, but a good day to get into shape," Tatum remarked as he borrow ed my lighter to light my cig arette. "Smoking too much lately," he remarked as he took a deep drag. "I gotta watch that.. It bothers my throat now and i then." ' The amiable Tar Heel men- - tor took another drag and then. as if oblivious of my presence. . through it down, got on his - hands and knees and started ; doing push-ups. After straining through 10 or so. he got up, short of breath and perspiring more than normal, "A fellow's got to keep himself in good phy sical shape. I gained a lot of weight on the banquet tour this year . . . gotta lose it." Jim Tatum, appropriately' called the Bull Moose by his player's, signifying his dyna mic personality and vivacious drive, was like a misplaced Spartan soldier advocating phy sical stamina as the main ne cessity of healthful living. How ironic it is for such a man to be snuffed out in 45 short years by a malady that doctors hesitantly term, "vi rus". Jim Tatum has been called a lot of things. Some of them fact, some fancy and some just word-of-mouth rumor. He was shrewd, he was persuasive, he was gentle and he was hard.- But above all he loved life and he loved people. When- he prospered, he wanted to share with his friends. A Jim Tatum press party was seldom forgotten by newspapermen the next day. When" things weren't going well, he looked for friends, but as is the case with many pub lic figures, the band wagon crews weren't there. A diplomat par excellence. Sunny Jim was in great de mand all over the country as a speaker. He always had the right joke for the moment and he loved to laugh. As a football coach .Tatum had few peers, if any, and he earned the respect of every coach in the game. He was thorough a perfectionist he had a desire to win and he was considered as one of the best organizers the game has ever known. Tatum's teams have often been referred to as a machine. Every cog functions efficient ly to accomplish the best re sults. If they didn't then Sun ny Jim was displeased. Coaching to Tatum was somewhat like ruling an em pire. He realized from his play ing days that a winning com bination needed a stern, com petent leader . . . that's what he aspired to be and that's Youth Deserves It! what he was. Jim Tatum is gone now, probably coaching on another plateau and preparing his team for another season. Caro lina fans won't ever forget him and each Saturday this fall, the Tar Heel team that takes the field will be a Jim Tatum team despite the big fellow's absence. You see. Jim Tatum. the man, passed on last Thursday, but the Tatum grid machine he so tediously built still liv es on. "A man should so live that when he dies he will leave something behind to be re membered." James Moore Tatum so lived. into the prescribed positions. Mr. X had not completed his before he heard a loud rip in the seat of his pants, but, in the true scientific spirit, he disregarded it. Miss Y had less trouble, with the exception that the hem of her skirt kept blocking her view, but this she quickly rem edied by tucking it behind her head. There then followed a period of a wed silence, broken finally by these exclamations: "Phenomenal!" "It works!" "Eureka!" "What's going on here?" The latter, of course, came not from the enthralled moon gazers, but from a campus po liceman who had interrupted his beat at the sight of what appeared to him highly sus picious goings-on. Now police men are notoriously unscien tific. Consequently, no matter of explanation on the part of the innocents could avail. "Likely story!"- was the ser- SUNBURN SCENE: English sparrow chasing Carolina squirrel across lawn. At least the sparrow wasn't throwing darts. Seventy-one persons voted in last Wednesday's campus-wide referendum! And probably every one of 'em is. tied up in student government. IN CALDWELL CORRIDOR: Monsterous dog carrying coed owner's pocketbook in his mouth as he followed her down the hall. From the observed interior most coeds' purses, she According to reliable sources, of only 82 people turned out the must have lightened the load. recently. After being snared a few times in the course of a lecture, she again rose to the professor's ba;t with the quip, "I'm afraid to open my mouth.; "I don't think you are," the professor ripped back. Later she did it again. The class was discussing some philosophical aspects of time. "How do you measure time?" asked the professor. 'You count the minutes," answered the lady who is a "couple of years" older than the average coed. "You can't' tell me that you do it," cut the prof again. geant's gruff, sole response; and before the , two of them could say "Galileo", they were marched off to the calabo6se and locked up for the night on a morals charge. The next morning an -emissary from South Buiulding ap peared, and, after testifying to the decency and sanity of the prisoners, secured their re lease. When the cell dcor was opened, Mr. X and Miss Y came out smiling. The emis sary did a double take. His conscience was little eased when the sergeant pointed to the windowless cell and fixed him with a blatant sneer. Jim Tatum , In competition he was hap py, friendly, aggressive. He played hard, ruggedly and fair ly. He tried to win. A big man in every dimen- sion, he was a man of extra ordinary intelligence. He was a scholar who excelled in more than one attribute. His name will rank among the greatest of football coaches of all time; he was a leader in his chosen profession, admired and re spected for his accomplish ments in a unique American specialty. He was an articulate - man, quick-witted and nimble'in hi3 mind as well as on his feet,"a man of robust humor. He wa3 a man who aroused fierce par tisanship. He was a man of enormous capacity for friend ship; he liked to be with his friends, to be around them, to talk with them, play with them and work with them. Although his team may win, the University and the world jf sports has suffered a loss. For the great captain is gone. The laughing happy warrior is at rest. By STAN FISHER Dr. A. K. King, director of summer sessions, who was on the original planning commit tee which brought UNC the Univac 1105, confided recent ly that he, like many others, at first felt inferior to the me chanical brain. Then he passed on this ad vice about how to regain the superior feeling: "Just remem ber that everything it does is some form of addition." HISTORICAL NOTE: The Renaissance touched everything but the Women's Residence rules. other night to hear guest bari tone soloist Paul Hickfang sing OVERHEARD: Coed, who - - - o - ., . . , JUSI milieu mi umuua, iciunj Of that number only a few . ; . persons were obviously recog nizable as members of the un dergraduate youth faction of the campus. That was a disheartening try to find the top of the bell tower and steer from there." Why not the North Star? The rumpus on the editorial turnout, indeed, to hear one of page about modern art is get America's finer soloists con- ting to be almost a regular sidering that the majority of feature the body were elders and not representative of the 2.677 stu dents enrolled here. No wonder music critics are saving youth deserves Rock 'n' Roll! Why don't they call a draw and fingerpaint their impress ions of each other? Lady enrolled in a philos ophy course - was . quite upset UNC NEWS Editor: Business Manager: Special Features Editor: Staff H. Wayne Thompson, Jr. Craig Gibbons SUn Fisher Bill Corpening, Jane McCorkle, Tim Stevens. Sandy Jarrell Eloise Walker Publications Board: Sam Magill, Mrs. Martha De Berry, Prof. Ken Byerly and Pete Ivey General Manager: Director of Summer Session: Offices Telephone Sam Magill Dr. A. K. Kinj Graham Memorial 93361 or .93371