The Weather Lodge Edition Clear and mild. ZundedFeb. 23, 1893 CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1964 United Press International Service ITEMS Women At University Topic Of Lecture Mrs. Albert Coates will ad dress the final meeting of In Service training program for staff members of the office of the Dean of Women next Thurs day. The subject of her talk will be "The Position of Women in the University of North Carolina." The meeting will be held in Room 105 of Hanes Hall at 4:30 p.m. Planetarium Show Art Exhibit A one-man art show featuring the works of Mrs. Elizabeth Zac hary of Long Beach is currently on display in the north gallery of the Morehead Planetarium. The 28 paintings in the show will continue to be on display throughout the month. Mrs. Zachary studied art un , der several Florida artists and is currently teaching art in the South Port public schools. Mrs. Zachary's work has been exhibit ed previously in several other North Carolina cities and in Florida. Peace Corps Test Is Given Tonight The Peace Corps Placement Test will be given again tonight st 7 in Room 209, Gardner Hall. Needed most are volunteers in the fields of agriculture, health, engineering, construction and ed ucation, but openings in practi cally all categories are avail able. The General Aptitude Test and the Modern Language Aptitude Test will both be required. Application forms are avail able from Anne Queen at the YMCA or from Frank Hall in 527 Craige. DTH Editorship Interviews Soon .Want to change the Tar Heel? Interviews for the editorship will be held Wednesday by the Selections Board of the Publica tions Board in Woodhouse Room at Graham Memorial. Although the editor is chosen in the spring elections all candi dates must be interviewed and approved by the Selections Board for their name to appear on the official ballot. The editor and business man ager of the -Yackety Yack will also be chosen. Experience for both of these jobs is neccessary. The salary for Yack editor is $750 per year and for business manager is $600. The Board will also review the Joint Advertising plan with which the DTH has been experi menting for the yast three months and will decide whether or not to abandon it. Teachers For Africa Wanted By AID A representative of the U.S. Agency for International De velopment will be here today recruiting students for pos sible teaching positions in East African secondary schools. Miss Kathleen Isker, repre senting the Teachers for East Africa Project (TEA) will con duct the recruiting program in cooperation with the Teach er's College of Columbia Uni versity. The program is an effort by the United States, the United Kingdom, Kenya, Tanganyika and Uganda to meet urgent educational needs of East Africa. Professionally trained college graduates with a background in biology, chemistry, English, geography, history, mathema tics, or physics will be eligible for the program. No eduea- ( Continued on Page 5) The . Dean Of Women: An Interview By EVE BIGGINS Katherine Kennedy Carmichael is an imposing woman, despite her five foot, two inch height. Her face is kind, yet not weak; understanding without patron age; and lined with experience, hard work and devotion to her job. And she has an air about her which indicates that when she wants something done, she gets results. Race. Mediatio Decides To Keep On Try in. The Board of Aldermen Mon day night took the first of pos sible steps to curtail the fu ture use of suburban commer cial zoning in the Town's plan ing area. The Aldermen called a spe cial public hearing April 13 to consider three zoning requests and to establish a policy on the future use of suburban com mercial zoning. The Board also requested the Planning Board to make a recommendation at the hearing. Mayor Sandy McClamroch told the Aldermen that the Mediation Committee, of which he is chairman, would not dis band because of lack of prog ress, but would consider a new course of action at a meeting tonight. The nine-member committee was established in January to negotiate the voluntary dese gregation of the Town's holdout businesses. In reply to a question from Board member Mrs. Adelaide Walters, .Mayor McClamroch said, "The committee is not happy with the results it has gotten, but has decided to stay in existence. Committee mem bers will work as individuals and be on call for negotiations if the need arises. He said the Committee had not received re plies to some letters mailed to owners of segregated busi Meet Starts Today On World Affairs ' Zennon Rossides, ambassa dor from Cyprus to the Unit ed Nations and to the United States, and Katie S. Louch heim, Deputy Assistant Secre tary of State for Public Af fairs, are the principal speak ers for the 14th Annual Con ference on World Affairs to day at UNC. Ambassador Rossides and Deputy . Assistant Secretary Louchheim will speak in Memo rial Hall at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. respectively. The theme of the conference is "World Peace." Seven discussion groups will be devoted to these subjects: "Economic Equilibrium;" "Dis armament;" "Wrorld Law;" "Ra cial Justice;" "The Role of Youth;" "The East-West Dia logue;" "The Spiritual Forces." An address will be given by Dr. Eugene E. Pfaff, professor of history, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, in the afternoon. The institute will begin with Preyer Selects UNC Student For Campaign Phil Baddour, majority floor leader in Student Legislature, was one of three student lead ers picked Tuesday as area or ganizers in gubernatorial can didate Richardson Preyer's stu dent campaign. The Goldsboro senior will travel to colleges and univer sities in central North Carolina to organize student support for Preyer. Charles Shaffer Jr., Chapel Hill senior, was picked as a student aide for the same area last week. The other two aides selected were Gene Home of Charlotte, editor of the student newspaper at Charlotte College, and Mike Wilson of Tarboro, an East Carolina College student and former vice-chairman of the state Federation of Young Democrats. WAA Interviews The. Women's Athletic Associ ation (WAA) will hold interviews for president for next year Tues day at 5 p.m. in the Women's Gym. All interested students are asked to apply. "I have always felt that if something is necessary, right or better wliether it is a new program generally disapproved, a policy under attack by the Daily Tar Heel or a problem with an individual student then it's worth getting your back up for." Graduating from Birmingham Southern College at 19, Dean Carmichael received her masters and PhD. degrees from Vander Comm nesses. "The Committee may be ex panded to - work in other areas," he said. "We have a meeting Wednesday night to consider some other courses of action." Discussion of a formal limi tation of future suburban com mercial zoning followed the Aldermen's rejection of three requests for such zoning. The Board turned down requests by Bruce and C. L. Martindale, W. B. Upchurch, and C. M. Mayse for rezoning of their proper ties from residential to subur ban commercial. The Aldermen supported a Planning Board recommenda tion that the requests be turned down because suburban com mercial zoning is too lax. The three later changed their requests to regional commer cial. Town Manager Robert Peck said such zoning was more stringent, requiring a greater right-of-way from the street and it prevented people from building right up to their side property lines. It also restricts the kinds of businesses that can be built on it, he said. The Board approved Alder man Roland Giduz's motion calling for a special meeting in April to consider these three requests for regional commer cial and requested the Plan ners t' make a recommenda- two films entitled "The Only War We Seek" and "A Place in the Sun." Officers of the North Caro lina Council on World Affairs, representing 20 men's and women's organizations in the state will participate in the day-long program. Others on the program are: Waldo Beach, professor of Christian Ethics, Duke Uni versity; James H. Blackman, professor of economics and di rector of Graduate Studies in Economics, UNC; Henry P. Brandis Jr., professor of law and Dean of the School of Law, UNC; Henry Elkins, di rector, United Campus Chris tian Ministers, North Carolina College; Jack Lasley, Chapel Hill attorney; Daniel G. Par tan, Research Associate, the World Rule of Law Center, Duke University School of Law; Robert A. Rupen, asso ciate professor of Political Science and research associate in the Institute for Research in Social Science, UNC; and Robert E. Seymour, minister of the Olin T. Binkley Baptist Church in Chapel Hill. Pro gram chairman for the North Carolina Council on World Af fairs is Mrs. Susan Smith of Durham. Katie S. Louchheim is the first woman to be appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs in the history of the department. She was Assistant Diretcor of Pub lic Information for UNNRA from 1942-1946; on special as signment in connection with displaced persons camps in Germany in 1945; a member of the District of Columbia dele gation to the Democratic Con vention. She has traveled in the Near East, South Asia, Latin America and Europe. Isaac Stern Concert Planned Next Monday Isaac Stern, noted American violinist, will appear in concert at Memorial Hall Mon., March 16, at 8 p.m. He will be assisted by Alexander Zakin at the piano.' The program includes: Brahms, Sonata No. 2 in A Major, Opus 100; Bach, Partita No. 1 in B minor for solo violin; Prokofeiff, Sonata in D Major, Opus 94; Chausson, Poeme; Wieniawski, Polonaise Brilliante No. 2 in A Major. bilt. She has done pos! -doctoral work at SMU, UNC and Michi gan. "It is difficult for those of us in administration to get back on French each morning from 8 to 9, but languages go by the board," she smiled sadly, "and I'm often too involved with ear ly morning telephone calls. I've attempted to keep up with Ger man, Spanish and Latin, also." Carolina's Dean of Women ittee tion. "We -vant to let people know that we ,vill not grant any more suburban commercial zoning in the ' future," Mayor McClam roch said. "It's an unusable zone." Alderman Gene Strowd pro posed that suburban commer cial be removed from the zon ing ordinances and be put under the non-conforming sec tion. Planning Board chairman (Continued on Page 5) ' 1 ' DR. HENRY T. CLARK Clark Named To National Council Post Dr. Henry T. Clark Jr., ad ministrator of the University's Division of Health Affairs, has been selected as one of 15 mem bers of the National Advisory Council oh Education for the Health Professions. The appoint ment to Council membership were made by Anthony Celebrezze, Sec retary of the U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The primary functions of the Council are to advise the U. S. Surgeon General on policy mat ters arising out of the Health Pro fessions Educational Assistance Act of 1963, legislation which calls for spending $175 million in fed eral matching funds in the next three fiscal years to construct training faculties for physicians, pharmacists, optometrists podia trists, nurses and public health personnel. The Surgeon General of the U. S. Public Health Service is chair man of the Council and the U. S. Commissioner of Education is an ex-officio members. Dr. Clark's appointment is for a four-year term. Terms of oth er members vary from two to four years. The Health Professions Educa tional Assistance Art of 1963 (commonly known as HR 12) is the outgrowth of years of studies to determine the need to train health professionals. It is viewed as the beginning of a major ef fort by the federal government to help balance programs of health education with its enorm ous research activities. Dr. Clark has been administra tor of the University's Division of Health Affairs since 1950, mov ing here after two years as di rector of Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville, Term. In addition to his new national appointment, he has the following responsibilities on the national scene: He is chairman of the American Hospital Association's Council on Research and Education; a mem ber of the Advisory Committee to the Mountain States Medical Education Study sponsored by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education; a member since 1961 of the General Clinical Research Center Committee of the U. S. Public Health Service; and for eight years a special con sultant to the Government of Puerto Rico in planning and de veloping its Puerto Rico Medical Center in San Juan. sat in her comfortable, cherry office and commented on the changes she has seen since, her college days, and since her grad uation from college. "College women," she said, "vary little today from the col lege women of my time, al though they seem more interest ed in jobs than in careers. But I'm not certain that girls today aren't more dynamic." (Continued on Page 4) 4 a A v& Jacoby Heads Bridge Meet In Durham The American Contract Bridge League has voted to award an extra red point day for the Mid Atlantic Spring Regional Bridge Tournament to be held at the Jack Tar Hotel in Durham, April S-12, it has been announced. The additional red point day will be Thurs day, April 9, . featuring 2 ses sions each of the Men's pairs and v; v m v, v. K:. the Women's E S4 ' 1 pairs. Oswald Jaco by, the top rank ing bridge play er of the world, will be an honor guest of the tournament which is expected to draw over 1,000 bridge players from all parts of the country. Jacoby will be featured in tele vision, lecture at Duke Univer sity and moderate a panel of ex perts including Mrs. Margaret Wager of Atlanta, Ivar Stakgold of Chicago, Billy Woodson of Charlotte, Dick Freeman' of At lanta, and other international bridge celebrities. Mr. John Norwool, Jr. of Green ville, S. C, the Carolina's rep resentative on the American Con tract Bridge League's board of di rectors called Vic Huggins to report the decision of the board to extend the red point com petition for the Durham Tourna ment. The ACBL board met in Portland, Oregon where the Spring National Tournament is now in play. To become a life master in bridge a player must have earn ed 300 master points, including 50 red points which can only be won in Regional or National Competi tion. With Mr. Jacoby in attendance at a full 4 day red point regional Vic Huggins, anticipates 1,500 tables in play and is planning this prize studded, entertainment featured, bridge festival to be the best attended regional ever held in this area. CORRECTION The DTH mistakenly re ferred to Sam Applegate as president of the SAE house in yesterday's story about van dalism on a bus. Applegate is the former president. The re marks quoted in the story were made by newly elected Presi dent Richard Lewis. Herzog Found Guilty; Sentence Set For Thursday The jury in the case of Dr. Frederick Herzog returned a ver dick of guilty on charges of trespass yesterday after deliber ating for one hour and 40 min utes. Judge Raymond B. Mallard of Orange County Superior Court delayed sentence until next Thursday. Herzog has posted bond for appearance at that time. The trial of Dr. Peter Klopfer, a Duke faculty member, was started and went to the jury yesterday also. The jury retired shortly after 4 p.m., but had not reached a verdict by 5:40 p.m. Mallard then sent the jury home for the evening. They will re sume deliberations again in the morning. The trial of Dr. Robert Os born also got under way today. Osborn pleaded not quilty to the charge of trespass on the prop erty of Austin Watts on the night of Jan. 3. The charges grew out of the same sit-in in which Dr. David Smith and Dr. Frederick Her zog have been found guilty of trespass. The charges were brought after the group staged an anti-segregation protest at the restaurant belonging to Watts. The trial got no further than the seating of 12 prospective jurors to be interrogated by the prosecution and defense. No ques tions were asked of the jurors yesterday. Attorneys plan to start selecting the jury today. Solicitor Dick Cooper specu lated that Mallard had postponed sentencing Herzog to keep fu ture jurors from being preju diced in other cases concerning the same incident. USAF Alive WIESBADEN, Germany (UPD An East German official said Wed nesday night that the three crew men of a U. S. Air Force jet re connaissance bomber shot down over Communist East Germany on Tuesday were alive. The Soviet Union officially ad mitted one of their fighters shot down the American plane. The report that the Americans were alive came from the mayor of Stendal, the town where the U. S. RB66 bomber was downed after it strayed into East Ger man skies. U. S. Air Force spokesmen said the Communists may have used false radio signals to lure the American plane off course before shooting it down. "They are alive," the mayor told UPI by telephone. "They have been taken away from here. I do not know their physical con dition. I only know they are alive." The mayor said the wreckage of the plane was north of Sten dal and "they are guarding it." H'e did not say who he meant by "they." "We have nothing to do with it," he added. In Moscow, the Soviet Union charged in a protest note to the United States that the plane was on a military intelligence mission when it was shot down. The Soviet note, delivered to U. S. Charge d'Aff&rs Walter J. Stroessel, said the plane crashed near Gardelegen, East Germany, as the result of "action taken by a Soviet fighter plane." Gardelegen is about 20 miles west-southwest of Stendal. The two towns are . in an area north of the east German city of Magde burg. A U.S. Embassy spokesman in Moscow said the American charge d'affaires promised to relay the contents of the Soviet protest note to Washington but took the oc casion to deny the Soviet charges. Stroessel maintianed the RB66 was on a training flight and in advertently strayed over East Ger man territory, the American spokesman said. The diplomat told Soviet Vladimir Semenov that this fact was regretted but he strongly protested "the precipitate action in shooting the plane down." Word from the East German mayor that the three Americans were alive was the first word re ceived on their fate, part from a State Department report Tues day night that the men had para chuted from their disabled air craft. It was the second U. S. military aircraft to be shot down in Com munist East Germany this year. The Russians downed a T39 jet trainer on Jan, 28r and the three men aboard the plane were kill ed. Earlier U. S. Air Force spokes men said the RB66 reconnais sance bomber may have been lured into East German skies. "We must assume the RB66 did not know it was lost other wise it would have streaked west and almost certainly made it," one spokesman told UPI at Air Force headquarters in Wiesbad en. Another spokesman, Col. Mark Gilman, said: "It cannot be ruled out the plane was led off course by radio jamming and false sig nals." No Decision Made On SAE Case It has not yet been decided whether the case of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon pledges who van dalized a Trailways Chartered bus Saturday will be tried in an IFC or an Honor Council Court, said Bill Taylor of the Attorney General's Staff today. Twenty-two SAE pledges have been charged with tearing up the bus's ceiling, ripping seat cushions, breaking windows and destroying the door assembly of a bus while returning from an outing at Sweetbriar College in Lynchburg, Virginia. Richard Lewis, president of the SAE House said that none of the legal transactions have been handled through the fraternity. "I presume the Trailways Com pany will deal with the people involved directly," said Lewis. A bill of $754.31 for damages and labor has been presented by the bus company. This includes a $50 a day charge for each day the bus was out of service. WRECK GUARDED et Crewmen In Germany Training Program Starts For Council Jaene Yeager, Chairman of the Honor System Commission, has announced that the compulsory training program for all candi dates for the Men's and Women's Honor Councils will begin next week. The program consists of three meetings. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 17, and will be a discussion on the philosophy of the Honor System and the functions of the Attorney General and his staff. The second meeting will be held the next day and the proceedings and pen alties of the councils will be dis cussed. On Tuesday, March 24, a test will be given on the infor mation discussed during the pro vious meeting. All meetings will Cross Burned In Negro's Front Yard A cross was burned Tuesday night in front of a home for merly occupied by Hilliard Caldwell, 27, a local Negro in tegration leader. Police said they felt the incident was a prank by children or teen agers due to the crude con struction of the cross, but Caldwell disagreed. Lt. Graham Creel said the cross was made "with a broom handle, Daily Tar Heel news papers, wire, and a crude stick. "Because this is not the usual way to construct a cross," Creel said in his report of the incident, "it was assumed that it was the work of children or teenagers. However, it was near the house which Hilliard Caldwell lived in up until six months ago." Chief William D. Blake said it was "the first time in a year there's been a cross-burning. It happens very rarely. Some kids probably did it just for kicks." Cross-burning is an old Ku Klux Klan method of warning someone he is in disfavor, par ticularly over racial matters. The incident occurred short ly before 10 p.m. Tuesday. (Continued on Page 5) BSU To Sponsor Nursing Student A Nursing student is being sent to Korea this summer by the local Baptist Student Union to partici pate in a Korean Work Project. Donna Jean Limburg, a senior from Hagerstown, Md., who has her R.N. and is working toward her B.S. degree in Nursing will represent UNC in this unique pro ject. The Rev. James 0. Cansler, chaplain to Baptist students at Carolina, will be the project di rector. The Korean Work Project will involve eight North Carolina stu dents and sixteen Korean stu dents who will compose the work camp. They will concentrate on community development in the village of Soksam-ni which is lo cated in the central part of South Korea on the Kum River near Taejon. The work campers will construct a multi-purpose meet ing hall to be used for local gov ernment, a medical clinic, a school, and a church. Donna will serve as the chief medical worker and the entire work camp will serve as teachers in vocational skills as well as serving in other capacities. This is the most com prehensive project yet attempted by Baptist students in North Caro lina who have sent material and personal aid to many countries since 1953. The funds for Donna's transpor tation are being raised entirely by the students through the co ordination of the LISTEN (Love Impels Sacrifice Towards Every Need) program. The students pro vide a work service whereby be held at 7:00 p.m. in Roland Parker I, GM A candidate must attend the two meetings and receive a grade of 80 on the test in order to receive the Honor System Com mission endorsement for election. Those candidates running for re election need not attend the first two meetings but must take and pass the test. It is imperative that all can didates who intend to run in the spring elections for council posi tions submit a card showing name address, class and district in which they are running to Jaene Yeager by Monday at 4 p.m. The cards can be placed in the Honor System Commission mailbox in Student Government offices. New Hampshire GOP Results with complete unofficial returns returns from all of N. H.'s 302 precents, here ' are the votes for the can didates in the New Hamp- $ shire primary: Lodge 32,207 (write-in) Goldwater 20,741 Rockefeller 19,933 Nixon 15,437 (write-in) Sen. Margaret Chase Smith 2,004 Harold E. Stassen 1,320 Gov. George Romney of Michigan S6 (write-in) Gov. William W. Scranton of Pennyslvania 72 (write-in) LARRY McDEVITT NAMED ASST. DEAN OF MEN Lawrence Stephen McDevitt of Asheville has been appointed to the position of assistant to the Dean of Men, replacing Grant M. Wheeler. McDevitt is a .Morehead Scholar majoring in English. He is vice-president of Beta Theta Pi social fraternity, a delegate of the Order of the Grail, and President of the Order of the Old Well. McDevitt will assume his re sponsibilities in September. DONNA LIMBURG they accept such jobs as babysit ting, typing, yardwork and house work. The wages from these jobs are used to finance the project. Anyone desiring these services is invited to call the Baptist Stu dent Union. A week of special emphasis is planned for March 14-20. On Sat urday, March 14, there will be a bake sale at Fowler's Food Store and Eastgate Shopping Center. Various kinds of cakes and cook ies will be available. Also on Sat urday there will be a car wash at the Baptist Student Center on Rosemary Street. On March 16 and 17 there wil be a cookie sale on campus at Y-court.