Tuesday, September 29, 1964 ingers Highlight Duke Entertainment Singing iters Peter, Paul, and Mary, comedian Bob Newhart, 'cellist Leonard Rose, former Brazilian President Dr. Jusce lino Kubitschek, 4he Hungarian String Quartet, and the BBC Symphony Orchestra head Duke University's Calendar of Cultural Events this year. Other attractions include a full list sof performers on the Duke Artists Ssries and the Chamber, Arts Series, special lectures fea turing noted American and for eign speakers, dramatic presen tations by the "Hoof n' Horn" Club and the Duke Players. The Student Union Adventure Series will offer movies and lec tures on Colombia, the Nile, un derea explorations, and the So viet Union. Foreign and Amer ican films will be shown by Duke's e Quadrangle Pictures on Vecfnesdays and Saturdays at 7 and 9 p.m. The department of music will present faculty and student re citals, special concerts, perform ances by The Concert Band and Symphony Orchestra, and other programs. The Men's and Wom en's Glee Clubs, Madrigal Sing ers, Chancel Singers, and Chapel Choir, will appear in a series of choM presentations. Further information about Stu T PATROFIIZE YOUH ADVERTISERS NOW PLAYING 5 wPo!yD37S3n 0ss3sfc7tny 1 The hilarious story of America's first woman President..,, m v. and just look at the new "First Lady"! ARLENE DAHLeowardandrewsM KEUWALLACHrsr- resented by WARNER BROS. mi ADS,; , r "THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT di? ference between life insurance companies." Investigate The Northwestern Mutual difference now. Bill Buell, Jack Nicholson, and Arthur DeBerry. Telephone 942-69B6. 3rd MAN WANTED FOR SPAC ious new ail-electric apartment npnr rammis. Triouire immediately at 942-2364. Dorm rent is still re fundable. a t? tctatt T7" ruvfTP! OWNED A iUllUlVllili VAw Suzuki but after driving it 400 miles (a long ways m wow ant nf eas he found out that there wern't any gas -r,t: via cniri it to some traveling Jap. Get more accurate historical facts at iravei-uu torcycle Co., 504 W. Franklin St., 929-2364. vja mtph. shPTTOMORE OR junior FRATERNITY man to work part ? time during me yc Possibility of making between $500 and $1,000. Call tm-bvao. MALE HELP WANTED PART ritvift 7r-t- VJeAnevzAav afternoons and Saturday nights. In the cir eulation department of The Cha-TT.-ii titi i c "Rill Ford at Thursday -between nine and five. l I pfga if& i dent Union or Artist Series events and tickets may be obtained from the Duke Student Union, Box KMJ Duke Station, Durham! Dr. Ernest Nelson, Box 6065, Duke Station, Durham, will pro- vide information on Chamber Arts Society programs. Following is the complete list of attractions for the Duke Ar tists Series, the Student Union series, and the Chamber Arts Society series: Student Union Attractions-: Oct. 14Sabicas, Flamenco guitarist; Oct. 17 Peter, Paul and Mary Oct. 22 Ravi Shankar and In dian musicians r Oct. 31 Bob Newhart; Nov. 4-Readings by Reynolds Price, author; Feb. 26 ,T "hs Afraid of Virginia ttoolf'' with Broadway casJ; iwar. 9 San Francisco Contem porary Dancers; Mar. 18 "Be yond the Fringe," a Broadway satire on politics; May 11 The North Carolina Symphony Or chestra. Chamber Arts Society Series- SCt31Beaux Arts Tri; Nov. -I Hungarian Quartet; Dec. 5 Drolc Quartet of Berlin; Feb 13 Pasquier Trio; Mar. 13 Juilli ard Quartet; and April 17 Fine Arts Quartet. COOL HENS LAY MORE EGGS ZDOE2-2DQD.- Lunch 11:30-2:30 Dinner 4:45-9 :00. Today's Lunch Specialty Beef Tips with Mushroom Sauce Fried Okra, Salad Green Beans Bread LOOKING FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE and more security right now! Let me show you how our Assur ed Accumulator life insurance policy can help you. GEORGE L. COXIDEAD, C.L.U. 203 East Franklin (Over Dairy Bar) Ph. 942-4358 O NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY SECRETARIAL COURSE Begins September 17, 1964 AFTERNOON and EVENING CLASSES Inquire Today! ' . . V - L If You Gelled POETRY and; fDBflDft The Intimate proudly announces the showing of an excellent collection of books of poetry and drama, and commentary on these subjects. This well cared-for library includes some minor first editions and many good working copies. Mostly 19th and early 20th Century material, it includes books by "Browning, Millay, Drinkwater, O'Neill, Shaw most of the brighter, and many of the lesser lights of the period. Prices are moderate. This is the first of a series of outstanding collections to be shown in our Old Book Corner during the Fall Season. The Intimate Cc:!isbp 119 East Franklin Street Open Till 10 P.M. fc-.-;:::?.--:: -x;.:-:x;--:-:- : ----- : x:-:; -:-: :x:;::::;--" ::::; :-:-:. :-:-;-;-x .-:-:-v:-:-:-,-:-;x: '--:..:: :-;;;:".:x-: ;: v.i-:v: -Vy . :-:-:-:-:-::':-::Xv-;-.- ':'&: -'--:-:::z- x : . rWC'fVi -"" 1 1 j C) UlSG's Men's Glee i -T' 'v- r A in V - f 1 1 " t x iv.-:-:- I .0 I YDC Backed The UNC Young Democrats dub actively supported George Miller in his successful bid for the state YDC presidency last weekend' in Raleigh. The Caro lina YDC cast its block of 12 votes for Miller. Miller, closely allied with the Preyer wing of the party, defeated Moore-backed Doran (Doe) Berry of Fayette ville. A Durham attorney, Miller ser ved as UNC's YDC president in 1956-57. At its caucus Friday night the Carolina YDC voted to endorse Roy Pattan of Pheiffer College federation chairman. Patton was defeated by Walter Turner, senior at Fayettevijle Methodist College. UNG had no member running for off ice, this year. A resolution was adopted which cuoonTECHNICaLOR' Shows at: 12:45 - 3:32 . .1 6:19-9:14 LAST TIMES TODAY tsegm uctoDer 1, iyo Tonn GLASSES SECRETARIAL COLLEGE P. O. Box 615 Chapel Hill , Telephone 942-4737 THE DAILY it? o Club At The New criticized GOP presidential can didate Barry Goldwater saying "his radical and extreme beliefs are alien to the American mod erate political tradition, both Re publican and ' Democratic." The resolution has been inter preted as a mild rebuke for Dem ocratic gubernatorial candidate Moore for not enthusiastically en dorsing the national Democratic ticket. At the convention's formal opening, Mcore said that "the time when North Carolina Demo crats can be complacent is past. I am confident that we will win in November . . . because we offer a program of continued progress in North Carolina." Moore called on the Democrats to put aside the things that di vided them and to join for a Democratic victory in November. At a Friday night banquet, Assistant Post Master General Richard J. Murphey listed Wilson Heads (Continued from Page 1) Election for two open seats on the Party's Advisory Board was delayed until next week. Dickson said the delay was caused by the lateness of the meeting and was to give new members a chance to run for tSie positions. Other legislative seats filled in cluded Men's District I (all per sons living outside the corporate limits of Chapel Hill). Jack Tate, a senior, was selected by acclamation. The seat was form erly held by Drck Akers, who re signed due to an increased study load. Elaine Carlson, a junior trans fer student, was selected by ac clamation to fill the vacated seat in Women's District II (Alder man, Kenan, Mclver). The seat was held by Patty Nash, who moved into a sorority house. The only other contested legis (ft DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Gambol 6. Honorary title: Turk. 22. Join. 22. Pert.toa deatbiy pallor 23. Best 23. Certain 23. Insect 22. Spinning 33. Pan SO. Affirm 22. Cries, as a crow SLAseamau S3. Conform CD. Cubic . 5. Pauses 6. Father: colloq. 7. Beast of burden 8. Traveled to and fro, as a connecting train 9. Protagonist 20. Afresh, 24. Throw 18. Vegetabfes 20. AjelSed dish 22. Ceremonies 22. FeEnQ 23. Fuss -23c Armed v TesseSs meter CI. Loyalists: Am. Hist. C3. Border CI. Goes sway: si. CLZncBan S3. Brood of pheasants ZX Distress signal 42. Twist A man of learning' 3. Expects Ci. A thrusting weapon 3. Girl's nama CD. Abrupt noxm 2. Buffet 2. Indigo plast 3. Pinelike. 4. Summer: TAR HEEL I. 1 ! s 0 w i York World's Fair mmer achievements under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Murphey said the national Democratic ticket "challenges the American people to move forward to even greater achieve ments . . ." He predicted the Johnson - Humphrey ticket will score its greatest percentage of victory among the nation's "young people." At the Saturday night banquet 450 people heard Gov. Carl E. Sanders of Georgia predict a landslide victory for the Demo crats in November. Sanders said Barry Goldwater "seems to be taking full advant age of his confused position" on civil rights. A resolution, adopted unanimously-by the convention Satur day morning, was read to Gov ernor Sanford, praising "him as "one of ' the outstanding Demo cratic governors" in the state's history. 1 Student Party lative appointment was to fill the Cobb Dormitory seat formerly held by Sherry Stanley, who mov ed into a sorority house. Gail Feik, a junior transfer student from Mars Hill College, defeated sophomore Kelly Hunt er, 38-15. Yack Photo Schedule Yackety Yack pictures of jun iors and Medical School students will be taken from 1 to 6 p.m. today through Friday in the base ment of Graham Memorial. Seniors and law students who missed their designated photo graph ' time last week can have pictures taken at that time. Men should wear dark coats with white shirts and ties. Wom en should wear black seaters. 26. Organ ized: abbr. 27. En closure: Scot. 29. GuH-Iike bird 32. Speaks 35. In- ckidedin Amexi. can pTan 3S. Dull para 43.HaraSaa 37. Not excited wreath, 1 39. Rational 45. Large .Formerly tub &.Asca?e 2.CompaS3 degree: point; xntss. abbr. UoTp bT aKJc" r zT 4" s" (o 7 8 9 jo WLZ.1.WL 43 44 4 4S "47 4" " tf H j I I oday's. All Campus Calendar items crnst be submitted in person at the DTH offices in GM by 2 p.m. the day before the desired pub lication date. Last and Fennel eotices wiil be run on Tuesdays and Saturdays only. TODAY GMAB Social Committee inter views for positions 3-5 p.m. today and Thursday, GM. Sign up at GM information desk. GMAB Current Affairs Commit tee interviews for positions 1-3 p.m., GM. Sign up at GM information desk. WRC 5 p.m., Grail Room. UP Student Legislative Caucus 7:30 p.m., Grail Room. Student Wives Club 8 p.m., 08 Peabody. New members invit ed. Di-Phi Senate inaugural cere monies and address by William Geer of Modern Civilization De partment. 8 pjn., 4th floor, New East. tJNC Outing Club 7:30 p.m.. 302 Woollen Gym. Organizational meeting; interested attend. , Yack pictures for Juniors and medical students 1-6 p.m today-Friday, basement GM. Men wear dark coat, white shirt and tie; . women, black sweaters. . Seniors snd law students un able to have photos made last week can schedule Today-Friday. Di-Phi Officers To Be Installed Baxter Linney will be inaugur ated as president of the Dialectic End Philanthropic Senate tonight at 8 p.m. on the fourth floor of New West. William Geer, popular instruct or in the University's Department of History, will speak on "Initia tion." Other officers to be installed are Randy Passamaneck, presi dent pro tern; Charles B. Neely, critic; W. R. Bullard Jr., parlia mentarian; Karen Kern, clerk; and Jim Harris, sergeant at arms. "Is Extremism in Defense of Liberty a Vice?" will be the topic for debate Oct. 6 as the Di Phi enters its 170th year on cam pus. Interested students may attend the inauguration and first debate. GAR New, sensational SOFSPRA Coin op , Car Wash gives you profes sional results 'cause you Do-It-Yourself ... as you like it. No muss. Come in your Sunday best. Clean your engine, whitewalls. Bring your Boat, Trailer or what have you. 25c for 5 minutes. Sofspra Gar Wash Corner of N. Rosemary St. and Merritt Mill Rd. -jr- : : HARDEE'S TASTE TEMfTWO ME-&-8 feffliwrgers Cbarobfoifed 25$ Cbeeseburgee KteJSa' good 23$ French fries Sotdea Cosp Shakes Big, tsdt 25 ok. Soft Dftsfcs iK?st& eoU j4fl jncirt StPMBw Est 12c 29 toft Fresh Efeussf m C$ Corner of W. Franklin & MaUette, Chapel Hill SBAY rm WflSHYOUR I tUL ni6trr m he all sta All the Southern Fried Chicken, Toss Salad and French Fries you can eat for '2.00. WE SERVE COMPLETE HEALS AROUND THE GLOCu. COME OH OUT FOR A LATE HEAL OR SHACK. Ca: mpus Department of Music's First Tuesday Evening Series con cert, Sylvia Frederich, mezzo soprano. National Association of Teachers of Singing "Singer of the Year" 8 p.m.. Hill Hall. Carolina Conservative Club 8 p.m., RP I. Introduction of officers, faculty advisors, and other conservative leaders. All conservatives invited. tJXC-Caro-bintrs 7:30, 202 Wool len Gym. MOVIES Carolina Quo Vadis. Varsity Kisses for My President WEDNESDAY Angel Flight selections tea 6-8 p.m., Cadet Lounge near Cald well Annex. YWCA Cabinet meeting 5 p m., Y Court. Required. Stray Greeks 6 p.m. dinner, up stairs Lenoir. Election of min or officers. Speech by Panhel lenic President Jean Dillon. GMAB Films Committee 6:30 p.m., GM. GMAB Drama Committee inter views for positions 2-3 p.m. today, Thursday, and Friday. Sign up at GM information desk. GMAB Publicity Committee in- 8? Delivery Service ONLY no DAYS TO K1I DeUvery nntfl 11:30 PM. ILL'S BAD-B-Q. Ho. 1 Specializing in Pit Cooked Bar-B-Q Chicken Boxes and Shrimp Boxes to Take Out Sandwiches Cold Drinks Smokes 115 N. Graham Street 01LHGllTZ:enLtLlDITOeEj 2 50 3n0 jmr-i fneicrT: Txsnrs ! iJS.JK2Ja RECORD BAR riHE 0NIY APPEARANCE H EASTERN ,' iiwiMiiiii MOMS MAHIT OCT 9u i Til 2 VT?4LS mums m . A A 1 . ' t umn GENE BURKE . . . JOHNNY TAYLOR THE UPSETTERS and their ORCHESTRA HIGC3T EASTGATE filL STAB RESTAUBA T Paze 3 Cal endar terviews for positions 4:30-6 p.m. today and 3-5 p.m. Thurs day. Sign up at GM informa tion desk. Freshmen women's dorm presi dents, vice presidents, and graduate counselors 6:45 p.m., Grail Room. LOST AND FOUND Lost Black alligator waik't. $,! reward, contact Nathan Lcder, 9G3-9007. Lost Girl's tan wallet with fab ric trim. Contact Betsy Gray, 225 E. Cobb, 903-9093. Found One navy blue wind breaker in Kenan Stadium. Name. Linda Gail Smith on col lor. Pick it up in 203 Woollen. Fotmd Tennis racket near lower quad. Contact Phil Badour, 113 Lewis. 933-1296. Lost Pi Lambda Phi fraternity pin and chapter gunrd Satur day night in Cobb Dorrr.itorv parking lot. If found, call Mike Kay. 968-9025. YCOll ICYETHAT BACKYARD CCSK-CBT TASTE SEAIEO INTO EVERY CHETOCr MR.K . A AlmKZH shakes , AiA yil WiS 15 KfW V v 15 PREEI HALtOWEEM MASKS Phone S29-1M3 Chapel mil, N. C. 3.25 crepes ssnp CAROtSHA! r r- - t j ON A UiM) Ml n at ra i imiiM u V. 3 l r-ir nut i iW4 SI P i ' If MTUttHT r lis. ouu. 4 U1 Rosemary 1 HAMEURCtRSj . iimrn n iiiPIPS mimm