ti to watch Tiu r will be tion against btate. I inuisudjr, lu piaciiig nrst in. in another close one, Beta saoiroay, uct 3, in tvenaa aia- Pa ore 12 THE DAILY TAR HEEL Sunday, October 4, 1964 Harriers Travel To Individual Leaders use x RUSHING UNC Willard ........ 27 for 117 yards Kesler ..... 9 for 60 yards Black 3 for 17 yards PASSING 6-11, 69 yards Mackovic , Pass Receiving Talbott Willard -. .'. 3 for 40 yards Wood 2 for 15 yards Jackson . 1 for 14 yards TACKLE-ASSIST Frantangelo 7-1 Hanburger .......... . . . . 6-2 Kesler 2-5 Tate Somber A bout Team 9s Weak Show By PETE GAMMONS DTH Sports Writer Wake Forest Coach Bill Tate stood outside the entrance to the visitors' dressing room after the game, lackadasically an swering questions. His great bubble had been burst as his undefeated team was stopped cold, unable to penetrate the far superior North Carolina line. "John . (Mackovic) was off in his passing . . . We never did get very "good field position . . . " But most of all, there's nothing much you can do against a line like they had. They shut us off outside, and used their size to smother us up the middle. We played a really good team." When asked about Ken Wil lard, the personable coach said he was ah excellent runner who could , do everything. Does the big halfback com pare with the best in the Big , "He's as good as you'd want Booters Open aisist YPI The UNC Soccer team .meets its first test tomorrow as VPI invades Fetzer Field at 3 p.m. , The status of a couple of key .starters is unknown as John Loud and Drey Murphy both have been hampered by injuries. The starting lineup should " in clude : Tom Roberts, goal ; Park . McGinty, Terry Henry and Gor die Cadwjron, fullbacks; Jim" Hammer, Jim Talbot, and Danny Galves, halfbacks; and Murohy, Loud, Edwin Okoroma and Jack Writer, forwards. If Loud and Murphy cannot play, Talbot will probably move to wing with Eddie Belmont tak ing his halfback post and Bill Polack replacing Loud at the in side. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE BEST IN BEAUTY CARE, WHETHER ITS Ag HAIR STYLING OR COSMETICS COME VISIT THE CAROLINA BEAUTY SHOP. Free '3 steps to beauty,' Merle Norman Cosmetics, Demonstration. - V The Carolina 131 E. Franklin St. WAKE FOREST Piccolo .......... 19 for 53 yards Welborn .... 5 for 20 yards Hauswald ....... 3 for 19 yards 2-16, 15 yards Grinies ..... . . 1 for 5 yards Snow .. .. . l for 10 yards Decker ........... 1 for 4 yards Davis .......... 6-1 Berra 5-1 Beaudoiri ....... 5-1 to find. The nearest runner he reminds me of is Bob White, the two-time AU-American at Ohio State, except that he . (Willard) is a little more agile." Tate was able to retain some consolation in that Wake play ed much better in the second half, and as a team never let . up. He thought his bovs gave as good an effort as they were capable of, and that's all he could ask for. . In the Carolina dressing room UNC mentor Jim Hickey was less talkative than Tate. "We played a good game de fensively, although we weren't as good offensively in the sec ond half." : He was pleased with the . team as a whole, however, especially the defensive line. Frank Gallagher was the only lineman cited because he came through with some big plays alone in the Deacon backfield. Otherwise the tackling was usually done by two or three roir, c, tvmt it wasn't a day for individuals. ifJdctie Kesler was cited for playing an outstanding game, which is encouraging since a good running performance by the big fullback takes a lot of pressure off Willard. i-r Almost in the middle of a sentence Hickey broke off and with a slight smirk said that he had heard that Michi gan State had beaten Southern California. 'Nough said. Asked about the "Beat Caro lina" on the back of the Dea con' jersies; which were remi niscent of tactics used by Navy the past couple years against Array, 'he commented he thought it did more good for Carolina. Summing up his comments he said "We were glad to get it, but now we have to look ahead to next week." Next week indeed. Playing L.S.U. in Baton Rouge on Sat urday night is literally like going into a den of Tigers. . Beauty hop 942-4058 For 1964 Season By BILL LEE DTH Sports Writer The UNC Cross-Country team, under the direction of Coach Joe Hilton, travel to South Carolina Monday for the season's first meet. Hilton's harriers, defending ACC Champions, were seven and nothing last year in a highly successful season They also took first honors in the state meet, and participated in the National Championships. Big news to the team is the return to action of 1962 star Charlie Little of Raleigh, who stayed out of school last year. In three-mile time trials two weeks ago,' Little showed gool form in placing first with a time of 14:40. Back from last year's cham pionship squad are Art ; Maillett, Jerry Smith, James Meade, Wor th Helms, and Charles Lefler. Smith and Maillett are this,year's co-captains. The team lost two of last year's first five men in Mike Folk and Bob Bennet by gradua tion. However Little is expected to capably fill one of their shoes, while any of several sophomores will pull up the other gap. These sophs, including Eddie Daw, Drummund Bell, Trip Mac Pherson, and Russell Putnam, all fared well for the freshmen team last year. Year-round work has marked great improvement in each. Another soph. Charles Worley, has shown marked im provement over last year's per YOU CAN GET MEETJtli (8 IN THE WORLD AT LEDBETTER PICKARDS . .... 1. BIRTHDAYS 2. WEDDINGS 3. NEW ARRIVALS What Could be More Complete? The World Famous . PATIO Offering You ... DANCING (Indoors & Outdoors) COLD BEER & COKES AMPLE PARKING REMEMBER! The PATIO for "One-Stop" Entertainment Catering to the College Group For 11 Years formances. Hilton also pointed out another sophomore, Frank Kurth, who, although having no cross-country experience, shows some pos sibility of being a help to the team. Physically, the harriers are ready for USC. except for pos sibly Charles Lefler and Worth Helms, who are plagued with colds. Otherwise onlp the normal aches and pains won't keep any body out. Looking over the coming sea son Hilton pointed out that the it's fun eating a! the Zoom-Zoom LUNCH 11:30-2:30 DINNER 4:30 - 9:00 ANY KIND OF 6 4. GET WELL 5. ANNIVERSARY 6. AND OTHERS 'I, Opener over-all team should be strong er than last year's who were con sidered to be very strong. It is hard to tell in practice what the team will look like in competition and on a different course. He added that the entire ACC will probably be stronger, nam ing in partirular. Duke Mary land. Virginia, and South Carolina. This year's schedule will be the same as last yea-'s with the addition of East Carolina College here on October 16. Mir3 : cV Aristocrat, Billiard Shape, $5.95 and $6.95 No matter what you smoke you'U like Yello-Bole. The new formula, honey lining insures Instant Mild ness; protects the imported briar bowl so completely, its guaran teed against burn out for life. Why not change your smoking habits the easy way the Yello-Bole way. $2.50 to $G.95. spartan Checker U $3.50 Official Pipes New York World s Fair Free Booklet tells how to smoke a p.pe; shows shapes, write: YELLO-BOLE PIPES. INC.. N Y. 22. N Y.. Dept 103. By the makers of KAYWCODIE yours with n n fn ) 111 t IMULIc, , 1-1 ' ( : I ?' : I ti IV I i f 'X. j I '! 'i i V, fl Ft f Thorn $4.95 ti ii ti