JiJWi-MIUM T-M MiMint., ,.,, -- -, , " m in 3 - ! C N 3 Wednesday, October 14. 1964 Trustee Meet Begins uuege omciais from 50 states armed here Tuesday for the 42nd annual meeting of the As sociation of Governing Boards of Universities.. Roy Rowe of Burgaw, a UNC trustee and president of the as sociation, will preside over the meeting of trustees and officials ol .higher education institutions v,hich ends Saturday. . The delegates will register to oay and attend a luncheon meet- inrf - nn ... ... -Orientation ' (Continued from Page 1) Commission member Louise Menefee told Dixon she be lieved the women's Honor Code orientation was certainly ade quate and the -Men's Honor Council could make most of the improvements to its orienta tion. In a special report to the committee, commission mem ber Britt Gordon outlined sev eral proposals which would eliminate Freshman Camp and combine its characteristics into orientation. Oritentation should include more active participa tion by resident advisors Gor don claims. He proposed a residence hall speaker program during orien tation, and discussion groups with resident advisors. Gordon rejected the views and proposals of - Dixon and O a VA IR-pRICfSS.PRQM Si 2 PLXQiJOftOi' entworth & Sloan DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Kind of mop 5. Performs 9. Box: sL 10. Title of Persian ruler 11. Maxim 12. Famous American Comnaodors 14. Signs as correct: 47.IiOcation 13. Af- 48. Otherwise firma- 49, Ardor tive DOWN reply 1. Filming: 16. Offer 2. Mental 22. Bearing faculties heraldic 3. Altitude: arms abbr. 23. Farm 4. Blossom la- 5. Viper borers: 6. Lowers., as Eur. one's own 25. Part of value "to be" 7. Thin, staff, 27. Brazilian open- palm meshed 29. A room fabric ina 8. Fragment house U. Inventor 30. Belgium of the city telegraph -32. Pinch 15. Before: prefix "V 17. Toward the lee 18. Nautical mile: Jap. 19. Musical not 20. Thin . cushions 21. Break suddenly 24. Prescribed regimen 25. Heron-like bird 28. Serpen fin ft SI. Chief S3. A small cat Si. Biblical - name SG. Whether 28. Transposes ahbr. S9. Girl's, name) 40. Fathers colloq. 41. Fixst-rat 42. Whirls 44.Narrovr strips of wood 43. Tardy 1 Yss Vs f as 1 27 28" 29 10 rsr 777 M VXAX "AT THE CANNES FILM FESTIVAL, ONE POTATO, Tv0 rUiAlu SCORED THE LONGEST, lOUDEST OVATIOIUII 3 TUlhajr- t. . Time Magazine j0fg0? ' . surf- Barbara Barne ta etr aed by CARRY PEERCEScreenptay "-- 1 ammmnm3m Panel Discussionf on Cinema as an . Thorn, Bill Hardy, Jim .Bevmdge-f? h "- Potato" starts Tnursaay i;'"- Meanwhile, wives of the dele gates will go on a tour of UNC art exhibits and attend a tea at Ackland Art Center. Victor S. Bryant, UNC trustee, will address a dinner meeting at 7:15 a.m. on "the role of the re gent." The association will analyze the public press as one of inter preting higher education and will explore the relations of the com munity as examples of communi cations. The theme of the meet ing is 'interpretation." Attacked- called for a revision of Honor System booklets which new students receive in the fall. "Entering students should, be informed emphatically that they will be required to pass a quiz on this manual during orientation," he said. Commission? member Ashley Hardison said a recent poll of students who had been through orientation showed lack Of planning to be the most com mon criticism., Commission member Susan Baruch said each entering stu dent should be required to learn UNC's alma mater. Another Commission mem ber, Teddy O'Toole, pleaded again for coed orientation. "Speaking as a farm boy," he said, "I ask you " to please not separate the cows from the bulls." Yesterday' Aaswat 34. Donkey So. Tree yielding sap for sugar 2". "Not real 4 ;idumeal 4'i. 5rve 45. "i Arabia C O L0R&' w o r r V M A LITlA I M!A 6 E B M sns SOLlEig A D I TSQM I A'M t c om ETTisas tIuId OlAlME K PjAp WAljJ A GIAV EIjWHALE F aTk I B f kA V Eg t pFFf JjmfiK: MIS &7-rJ 1 t tw-'-Z KING'S ARM 77, DURHAM-CHAPEL HILL BLVD. cuFu- F--Bernie Hamilton .cd.c Richard Mulligan n. (Harry Bellaver .mi Marti Mencka Produced by samweston AWA., HAYES 0rviw.e h. hampto Nstory by orvilue h. hamptonmusic by gerald frieda bawalco picture company productiona cinemaVpResentatjom by RAFH- Pond Tnhn m Friday's Home i:vi v ?! ; ' w I - 'If I Vi few, rwr'' " I v.. a. 4 a. Seen i Local House Consolidated University Presi dent and Mrs. William Friday will open the doors of the Uni versity Mansion to the public Saturday for the Chapel Hill Art Guild's annual house tour. This tour marks the first time the entire house has been open to the public. The mansion, at 402 E. Frank lin St., is a classic structure built in 1907 at a cost of $15,000. In the home are antiques and old reproductions, many of them gifts to the University. The mansion has six Corin thian columns and deep porches that surround three sides of the house. A rock wall borders the grounds. In conjunction with the house tour, the Art Guild will sponsor an antique collector's show at Chapel Hill Country Club from 1 to 7 p.m. the same day; Tickets for the tour are $2 for adults and $1 for students and students' wives tickets may be purchased at the Carolina Inn, the Country Store, Intimate Book- Country, Western fi Bluograss Husic Every Friday Night at the SCOREBOARD next to the Tarheel Sandwich Shop A Clavton. Robert performances I' J II-1 1 W II Mil Ml I IW III J I .JM M I II 1 B L,M 111 t Q,. .IM.U - THE DAILY TAR HEEL 1 3 4 B.v.- .. .. x. ; Tour Saturday shop, Pace's, Billy Arthur's, Led- better-Pickard's, Chapel . Hill Country Club or from a home on the tour. Proceeds will support art pro grams in Chapel Hill schoos. TWO DILLIES FROM OUR BARGAIN CORNER Leonardo Oa Wind Perhpas the most lavish and complete volume on the great Renaissance painter ever pub lished. Originally priced at $35.00 OUR SPECIAL $19.95 The Romantic South Harnett T. Kane's richly illustrat ed anthology of Ante-Bellum glor ies and frontier days. Publish ed at $12.50. OUR SPECIAL $5.95 THERE'S YEAR-ROUND TREA SURE FOR YOU IN OUR BAR GAIN CORNER. The Intimate Bookshop 119 East Franklin Street Open Till 10 PJM. FEATURING-BOB COLLINS, DANCE 8 TILL MIDNIGHT ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE BEVERAGES PIZZA, SPAGHETTI, STEAKS Ph. FINE FILM! DESERVES ITS ACCOLADES!" RIALTO THEATRE Today's All Campus Calendar items must be submitted in person at the DTH offices in G3I by 2 P-m. the day before the desired publication date (by 10 a.m. Saturday for Sunday's DTH). Lost and Found notices will be nin on Tuesdays and Saturdays only. TODAY Student Government Judicial Committee and Public hear ing on BJ-37-33, concerning composition of Student Legislature 4 p.m., RP I. SP Full Membership Commit tee 6:30 p.m.,. Grail Room. International Students Board 7:30 p.m., upstairs YMCA. Contest 7:30 p.m.. Pine Room. John Kitts wilt attempt to eat 25 hot dogs in 30 minutes. On-campus combos interested Eight SG Posts Approved By SL Student Body President Bob Spearman has announced eight student government appointments which were approved by Student Legislature Thursday night. Wally Lowenbaum was appoint ed to a one-year seat on the GM Board of Directors. Appointed to the Joint Student Faculty Campus Stores Advisory Committee was Rhett Simonds, Lannie Shuff, and Jim Light. Nancy Morris was appointed to the Communications Comm., Al an Kleinmaier to the Residence Hall Improvements Comm., Joe Yates to the State Affairs Comm. and John Greenbacker to the Campus Radio Comm. Miriam Dorsey was appointed Presiden tial Press Secretary. WEDNESDAY Paul Newman JoaaneWoodward Sidney R)itier A love- q spectacular so personally exciting. you feel it's hapfenlng to you! EiiSARJ.SIRONGEAHANNCARROi ftete.Mllu. UNITED ARTISTS Vocalist LTD. 489-966 or 489-9944 v. r. nes G37 Durham 1 .iim in i , nam n i n i m. an4 " s. ' . -J TO Campus in playing at GM contact Bill Slebos at DU House. Guitar Lessons beginning: Oct. 21, eight-week series, S2, taught at GM by Lydia Fish. Sign up at GM information desk by Monday. Elections Board 3 p.m., Wood house Room, GIL Pub. Board 4-6 p.m., RP II CWC dinner 5:30 p.m., base ment of East Cobb. Communications Committee meeting 4 p.m., RP III. Compulsory. YM-YWCA Public Affairs Com mittee 5 p.m., upstairs Y Building. Ilillel Freshman Membership Recruitment meeting 4 p.m. GM Series 8 p.m., Memorial Hall, Odetta. Association of Governing: Boards of Universities and Colleges 8 a.m., today through Friday, Carolina Inn. Two-way radio conference 1 p.m., WUNC-FM. Whitehead Lecture 4 p.m., Clinic Auditorium, NC Me morial Hospital. Dr. Joel Elkes, "The Uses of Psycho pharmacology." Yack Pictures for sophomores, dental students and dental hygiene students 1-6 p.m., today-Friday, basement, GM. - Mf i; - . J0 y- ' JMiMc- j , - .A.fiiMkjL.-AMutA.Ati, irn mil iihi inwn MEMORIAL HALL Wednesday, October 14 8:00 P.M. All tickets on sale at Graham Memorial UNC Students $.50 Date $1.00 General Public Sales Begin Tuesday, October 13, $2 lis ' TOT 1 r . -m . I " Aa m N Traa exfistry fa expressed a t2io brUSant fasMbn styling of every lpsa! diamond en gagement ring. Each setting i3 a masterpiece of design reflecting the fell brilliance and beauty of the center diamonda perfect gem of fiaw less daiity, fins color end metfcslonansodemciit The name Hccpsaiat la fha xog end on tho teg is yoior essnzanco of fina quality end lasting satisfaction Tosr very personal Keepsake ia -A- Gootf Soosttocping I Cty Claendar Do not wait until last day. Freshmen cheerleader try-outs 3 p.m., Kenan Stadium. MOVIES Carolina All the Way Home. Varsity So Dear To My Heart. Rialto One Potato, Two Po- " tato. THURSDAY Germans Club meeting 7 p.m, RP IL Carolina Forum 3 p.m., Grail Room. SP Legislative Caucus 6:30 p.m., RP III. Seminar on "The Meaning: of Salvation as it Related To ' Us In the 20th Century" 7 p.m.. Parish House, Chapel 1 of the Cross. Special Prices on SLOT RACING for Fral Game Rooms See BILLY ARTHUR Eastgate detta Exciting New is D Q I N O uesim :;,Hk ' ' -i awaiting yonr selection at your Keepsake Jeweler's store. Find him in the yellow pages under "Jewelers. Prices from $100 to $2500. Rings enlarged to show beauty of detaiLTrasle insxJs registered . 1 EOY TO PLAN YCUS EKSAGOEKT AND WEODINS Please sen3 new 20-pase booklet, "How To Plan Your Engagement end Wedding' end new 2-page fu!l color folder, both for only 254. Also, send fpedaJ offer cf hrarrtfful 44-pcsa Erids's Esck. l t Co 5W Pasre 3 PATRONIZE YOUH ADVERTISERS rf-ACCf! it k L-fl FOR SALE: $140 HARMONY 12-String Guitar. Cheap. Like new. Call Al Guilliam. 104 Carr, 963-9106. Also other guitars available at substantial discount prices. IN THE PAST 107 YEARS the Northwestern Mutual has returned to its policyholders in dividends alone an average of 25 per cent of their total gross premiums. Bill Buell, Jack Nicholson, and Arthur De Berry. Telephone 942-6906. WHAT HAS TWO WHEELS and flies? Not a garbage truck! A Suzuki of course. Prices start at $250.00. Fabul ous trade in value vwell buy "em anytime), 212 miles per gallon, only seven moving parts in the engine, smoother and quieter running, easier start ing, faster, besides being the best looking bike on the mar ket. Rent, buy, or try one to day. Travel-On Motorcycle Co., 504 W. Franklin, 929-2364. IMPORTED PARTS, INC. Highway 70 West, Box 9401, Raleigh. Tarts for all foreign cars. Present this ad with your order for 10 discount. 1U61 FALCON: LIGHT BLUE interior, straight drive, good tires, low mileage, call 967-3012 after 5 p.m. Needs a home badly. yours ivith Aristocrat, Billiard Shape, $5.S5 and -S.95 No matter what you smoke you'll like Yelio-Bole. The new formula, honey lining insures Instant Mild ness; protects the imported lri ar bowl so completely, it's guaran teed against burn out for life. Why not change your smoking habits the easy way the Yelio-Bole way. $2.00 to $6.9-5. Spartan Official Pipes New York World's Fair Free Booklet tel.s how to smoke a pipe shows shapes, write: YELLO-CQL PIPES. INC.. N Y. 22, N Y.. Dent ICO By tha makers of KAYW'OODIE. SfliLU)6uLo) 1a n r pjv OjlUJ i : ..! ' n ; ' ' ; - ; v : f- f I . . . I I IE f"'':' ''ar-'- j ' ".. I ".:;.;- j ' ' IH. ". ! ' 8t ' 1 k Checker Thorn $3.53 $4.95 J