Saturday. March' 27, 1965 TmDAnY TAR HEEL acre 3 4 Arrested In Around The Campus lOansmexi resraenii: C"0 irii ill - A " .J . Xj ' - Klv p- rsrr r t s I j ; , - j V f I j ' f ?! 'CH v ' '-1 If -A f" m p , J f- - The sponsors for Fall Germans, and their es corts are: Top row (left to right) Becky Bryan with Nat Taylor Phi Delta Theta, president of Germans Club; Bonnie Raines with' Sonny Thompson, Zeta Psi, , vice president; Judy Merritt with Jake Fuller, ATO, -secretary; Sandra Johnston with Bill Schmidt JJKE, treasurer. Second, row Elsie Barnes with Charles Wilkens, Phi Gamma Delta; Judy Cow man with Jeff Parker; Sigma Nu; Judy Shu Coiintin g Election Board's By JIM SMITH DTH Feature Writer Ever wonder how 69,000 votes get counted? It takes an enormous amount of work and must be done in a few short hours. This is the task that faces the UNXU Elections "Board each spring. The chairman and his crew of 15 workers go to it about a month before "The Day." They wait for Student Legislature to approve elections laws and to set the day for election. After the nominating jconven tions a candidates meeting is called. The board informs the hopefuls about the .numerous regulations. Copies of the elec tion laws are given out. . Most of - the Elections Board's $225 budget is spent here and on printing the ballots, After candidates are cleared through South Building, -thd board can take a slight rest un- Humphrey At Duke Vice President ' Hubert JL Humphrey will give a public ad dress at Duke April 24. . Joint sponsors are the Duke Student Union, Law School and Men's Student Government As sociation. The next day, Humphrey will give the main address at the centennial observance of nation al reunification at Bennett Place near Durham, -where the Civil War ended when Confederate Gen. Joseph E. , Johnston surren dered to Gen. William T. Sher man. Hey, VSR: ; m ggy gsssM ""f ::.:i. if- i? ' Get acquainted with the trRoute of the Pace roakers" the area served by Piedmont Air lines. Then, next time you're traveling along: this route a trip home, to .a friend s for a holiday or to an athletic event, call Piedmont Airlines or your travel agent. Discover how easy and economical it is to fly. YouTl find Piedmont E-27 prop-jete or 404 Pacemakers mighty comfortable, and Piedmont's friendly 'hospitality mighty enjoyable. u J mate .with -Charles Baucom, Phi Delta Theta; Tommie Turner with Lee Lodey, .Kappa Sigma; Nickie Yokeley with George- Venters, ,Zeta Psi. Third row Bobbie Bailey with Olin McKenzie III, Kappa Alpha; Anne Woodhull with John Egnert, . DKE; Susan' McLemore with Sandy ' Welton, .SAE; Anne B. , Radley with Bob Cates, Sigma Chi; Sandra Grizzard with Manton Gfier, ATO. Of 69,000 Votes: Big til the night before election. A hectic four-day period be gins. Polling places in fraterni ty districts are set up and bal lot boxes are distributed to res idence hall presidents. Fun Begins The 'fun" really begins about 6 on election night. Spectators and candidates begin to pour in to the top floor of Graham Me morial and the Rendezvous Room to wait for returns. Many of them are drafted into the service of the board. Ballots are sorted and the work begins. Usually they start with student body officers and go to senior class and editor of the Daily Tar Heel. The most frantic time comes with the counting of legislative ballots. One hopeful legislator iights with another to get his own district counted first. "Couldn't you count mine us All Campus Calendar items must be submitted in person at the DTH offices in GM by 2 p.m. the day before the desired publi cation date (by 10 a.m. Saturday ,f or Sunday's DTH). Lost and Found items will be printed on on Wednesdays and Satursdays only. Y iMurdock Committee 1:30 pm., Morehead Planetarium parking 'lot. Note change in date; all interested invited. Signatures for telegram to Pre sident Johnson will be gather- IVIe O ver I (EM Oamp --MINMC limh - II Hi milium , X Task again?" some dejected candi date pleads. "Look, dammit, five times is enough for anybody now, get lost!" Other Ballots After NSA, Honor Council, president of the Carolina Ath letic Association, and many oth er ballots are tabulated, the counters and the Elections Board can . go home usually around 4 a.m. But the board's job still isn't over. There's still some re counting and final tabulations to do. Almost every year will bring a run - off election, to say nothing of investigating charges of dirty politics. With luck with a lot of luck, the board's work is over about 10 days after the elec-. tion, and they "reluctantly" turn over their duties to the newly appointed board. Calendar ed on Franklin Street. Peter Nero tickets now on sale at GM Information Desk, 50 cents with ID: $1 for date or sppuse. Seniors must register with the dean of their school by April ltd graduate. Presidents of all campus organ izations if organization's write - up in the 1964 - 65 Carolina Handbook needs to be changed or if your group is new, come by the GM In formation Desk and leave no tice, according to instructions there; on the blue 3x5 cards provided at the left end of the desk. Deadline is 6 p.m. Wed nesday. . MOVIES Carolina He rides Tall Varsity - Fanny Hill Free Flick Sons and .Lovers LOST AND FOUND Lost Blue cardigan sweater, reward. Send card to David M. Allen, J211A Hillsboro St Lost .fair Diack loafers in Joyner area Friday night Jim Martin, 220 Joyner, 968- 9179. Found Brown patterned mon ey clip, claim at DTH office. SUNDAY LSA 5:30 p.m., Student Cen ter, supper followed by a rea ding-. of "No Exit" presented by Dale Neiberg. Episcopal Student Congregation .5:30 p.m., supper followed by a program, public invited Westminister Fellowship 5:30 p.m., discussion groups on ' 'Apostle's Creed," "Art Loving," "Three Secular . Thinkers," and "Cainpus Mo rality," will follow supper. Hillel Supper Forum 6 p.m Hillel House. Nan Hassert c WUS will show slides of work in India. Transportation is available to Binkley Memorial B a p t i s Church at Y-Court or call 942- 4964. Five Initiated Into Five new members, an asso ciate member and four regular members were initiated here last night at special ceremon ies conducted by the Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Alpha chap ter, honorary nursing society at the School of Nursing. The society selects its mem bers on the basis of their scho lastic achievement, profession al promise and desirable per sonal characteristics. To be eligible for associate member ship, a candidate must have shown marked achievement in the . field of nursing at the lo cal, state or national level. Sigma Theta Tau is the only national honorary, society of nursing in the U. S. Chapters Ttvo Professors Atcarded Fulbrights Two professors here have been award grants under the Fulbright - Hayes Act to teach and conduct research in other countries next year. They are Ralph Lee Wood ward Jr., assistant professor in the Department of History, and John Douglas Eyre, chairman and professor in the Depart ment of Geography. Woodward will lecture in Uni ted States history at the Catho lic University and the National University in Valparaiso Chile, and continue his research on the Spanish American merchant French Philosopher Gabriel Marcel, the French philosopher, playwright and lit erary critic, will give a public lecture in English Friday in Gerrard. He will speak on "The Myth of the Death of God in Contem porary Thought." Marcel's vis it is sponsored jointly by the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Religion. Marcel is best known as a Christian existentialist, a posi tion which he expounded in such well known works as "Being and Having," "Creative Fideli ty," and in his Gifford lectures 1 Beethoven Spectacular9 Is Sunday WUNC Radio will present a "Beethoven Spectacular" begin ning at 1 p.m. Sunday. Featuring the best , of Ludwig von Beethoven's works, WUNC will broadcast the composer's 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, the Violin Concerto, the String Quartet No. 7, the Grosse Fugue, selected overtures, and incident al music from Edgmont. Psychology Professor To Join Staff Dr. Martin Syden, head of the Department of Psychology at Nassau College, an affiliate of the State University of New York in Garden City,,N. Y., will join the staff of the School of Education here for the f i r s t term of the 1965 Summer ses sion, June 10-July 16. He will teach two courses, one in the psycholoev of men tal retardation and the other a Valkyrie Sing Set The hooded .ceremony of tap- Dine into Golden Fleece will Drecede the eav.harmonv of the M. - W 9f annual ValKyrie Smg program in Memorial Hall at 7 p.m. Monday. -There -will be no .charge for admission, but the xloors will close promptly .at 7 p.m. for the Fleece tapping. Then will come . the music. In the women's sing tdivision ,ADPi will present "On .Sentimental Journey." Delta Delta Delta will render "Oh, Let the . Sun Shine In," followed by ''Never Never Land" done by Kappa Kappa Gamma. Chi Omega will perform a medley entitled "Carolina," aft--er -which Phi Mu will "Say It With Music." Mclver residence hall women will sing about "The Double Mask of a Woman," .and a West Cobb group will close out this portion of the program with "On the Campus." Each of the singing groups will have five minutes. The next segment of the program will feature .men from Delta Epsilon in a ikit called "Bye Bye Birdie." -ni .rsi iratermty will open the men's sing division with ,& performance by "The Bibiean's iNine. raige s Mavericks are Sigma Theta Tau are established only in collegi ate schools of nursing fully ac credited by the National League for Nursing at all program lev els. Dr. Berton H. Kaplan, a so ciologist in mental health at the UNC School of Public Health, was the speaker for initiation ceremonies. His topic was "Leadership." The four new members of the society are Judith Ann Bartlett of Raleigh, Karen Gunderson of Lewisville, Marie Ann Phillips of Charlotte and Jeanne Wiltsie of Ashville, N. Y. Selected as an associate mem ber was Miss Carrie M. Spur geon of Raleigh, secretary of the N. C. Board of Nurse Reg istration and Education. guilds. He and his family will be in South American from June 1965 - June 1966. . Eyre will conduct his research at Osaka University in Japan. ihe second largest ;city in Ja pan, Osaka has a population of seven- million. Eyre will study selected characteristics of growth of this metropolitan ar ea. He will work with city plan ners, professors and metropoli tan experts in the area. He and his family will be in Japan irom September 19S5 - Septem ber 1966. Marcel To Speak entitled "The Mystery of Be ing." His William James lec tures delivered at Harvard in 1961 were published under the title of "The Existential Back ground of Human Dignity." Gabriel Marcel received the literary Grand Prix of the Aca demic Francaise in 1949, and was elected a member of the Institut de France in 1952. In 1956, he was the recipient of the Goethe, prize : bestowed in Hamburg, Germany. He won the French National Literary Award in 1958. Commentary will be by Thur .man ' Smith, music -director. Smith, encouraged by WUNC's four spectaculars last year, has asked for listener criticism and suggestions- during the broad cast of this year's first spec tacular. Call 933-2085. Interruptions in the music and commentary will be for brief news. items only. course ' emphasizing mod .ern techniques in teaching the mentally handicapped child. Syden holds the bachelor and master's degrees from City Col lege of New York and the doc tor's, degeree from Columbia University. Prior to entering col lege and university work, Syden spent 10 years in the classroom working with the educable and trainable retarced children and adolescents of New York. Monday Night .bringing Jn "Mac Grundy's Old Time Band" to sins before "The Thirstv Thirteen" from St. An thony's Hall. . "Hit Songs o 1964" will be the theme of Beta Theta Pi, and Phi Mu Alpha will do a medlev called VSea Chan teys." Pi Beta Phi will open the women's skit portion of the pro gram with "Pi Phi Girls." Wo men from the Nurses Dorm wil reveal "The Nurses Lament If Our Doctor Don't Kill You, Our Sineine Will." and t h e KD's will perform "The H i 1 Story." : r - OB JSALE: AUSTIN -HEALY 1963 red convertible, Mark :n 3000. Car in excellent condition. If interested call: 968-1361 after j FOR iU HONDA 90 Motorcycle Excellent condition. ess.than 1000 miles. jsestiOi-j ter takes. Call 963-2062 after) FOR SAT.T5T- fi4 CORVAIR Monza Tlavtnnn hlne. 110 ho. 2i door automatic, -radio: Contact H. Wally Baird, 505 Craige ' LOWNDESBORO, Ala. ;t FBI agents arrested four Ku Klux Klansmen from the Bir mingham area Friday on-charges of conspiracy in the highway, ambush slaying of a vivacious civil rights worker near Big Swamp. President Johnson announced the arrests in Washington and immediately declared he was stepping up his personal war against the Klan. The four Klan members were xharged under a federal statute with violatinj the civil rights of Mrs. Viola Gregg Liuzzo, 39-year-old mother of five. She was shot in the head as she drove along a dark, lonely stretch of U. S. 80 between Montgomery and Selma, Ala., Thursday -night. The President said he was calling for special legislation .to root out the Klan, which lie termed "a society of hooded bigots." The announcement of the ar rests came 16V. hours after Mrs. Liuzzo, who "grew up in the South, - slumped over- dead while returning ,to Montgomery . after ferrying, a group of. civil rights marchers to Selmav She was en route to pick up another -group. - - - .- Arrested were" Eugene Thom as, 43, . and J William : Oryille Eaton. 41, both of Bessemer; Gary. Thomas' Rowe, 31, of Bir- - mingham, and -Collie Leroy Wil kins Jr., 21, of Fairfield, Ala. Acting pn direct orders from the President, scores of FBI agents plunged into the invest! gation that led to the arrests. The agents were in the Selma Montgomery area because of racial troubles stemming from a Negro voter drive. Only a few hours before the slaying, Mrs. Liuzzo had joined with thousands of others for a march to the capitol to drama tize alleged ' voter discrimina- UNC Expands 1 raining For NROTC (AP) Three universities .in the United States were desig nated Friday as summer train ing grounds for a novel plan in expanding the Navy ROTC pro grams in colleges and univer sities throughout the nation. The three cooperating univer sities are UCLA for the West, Purdue for the Midwest, and at UNC for the Atlantic Sea board states. The announcement was made by. Capt. Rex Warner, com mander of the Naval ROTC at UNC. Men sophomores in colleges and universities from New Eng land to Florida may be eligible as rising juniors to enter the six - .week initial training at Chapel Hill this summer. Upon completion of two - year ROTC training, and their regu lar university work, plus the summer training, they maytbe come ensigns in the Navy or second lieutenants in the Ma rines. The two - year plan - an nounced by Warner is a new design over and above the four year program now in effect at .UNC and at other colleges andj universities having KOTC units .x-:-::--:-:-:':!, ijitf't't " ' ' ' 1 M 0' " "T,',TW.v". l?mmmmmtmmm " '. ' f f (stop " " 1 ! a - n triir-r-'-"i,---i eet n-iMewmmimnw rriMiwui ' " ' " ' "'Vfmmmmrr;. .. To obtain an application, complete the information required on this form and return to North Carolina Volunteers. Name Last j u quarters completed ' semesters completed College Mailing Address City and State . Mail to: NORTH CAROLINA VOLUNTEERS P. O. BOX 687 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA tion rnd police brutality in Ala- In a national television ap pearance, the President said Mrs. Liuzzo was murdered by enemies of justice who had used "the rope and the gun and tar and feathers" to terrorize people. 'I had fought them all my life because their loyalty -is not to the United States of America, but to a society of hooded bigots," he said. ' Gov. George C. Wallace of Alabama declined to comment on the arrests. He had posted A itions The Carolina Playmakers will hold auditions -at 4 and 7:30 p.m. Monday in III Murphey for its production of Tennessee Wil liams prize - winning play, "A Streetcar Named Desire." Six men and six women are called for in the cast. The three principal roles are Blanche Du bois, Stanley Kowalski and Stel ft D1 leeneaaers (Continued from Page 1) Wilson assured the body, "I turn to Dick as a cheerleader, not as a fraternity brother. " ' , "This is the rankest, appeal to emotion I have ever seen," Neely charged. "Rep. Wilson is engaged in a blatant attempt to railroad his bill through. ' "My amendment will provide the best way of representing the cheerleaders on the selection committee," he said. "Can you imagine all members of the previous year's squad being rejected by the selection committee," Neely said in answer to Goldman's remarks. Neely said seniors were the best type of cheerleader represen tation on the committee because they were leaving school, had no need to try out for the squad again, and because seniors were always on the cheerleading squad every year. His motion was passed by voice vote, as was the bill itself. The cheerleader bill was the only measure considered in Thursday's session. Next week the new Legislature will be in stalled, Mid. consideration of the 1965-66 budget will continue. Speaker Don Carson announced the Student Government inauguration will be held Tuesday in Howell Hall. 0 If she doesrrt give it Mm Cologne, 6 oz $4.50 After Shave, 6 or, $3.50 Deodorant Stick, $1.75 Buddha Cologne Gift Package, 12 oz., Spray Cologne, $3. SO Buddha Soap Gift Set, $4.00 Cologne, -4 oz $3.00 V? After Shave, 4 oz, $2.50 . First Middle $1,000 reward, the maximum al lowed by Alabama law. The governor had said earlier he regretted the slaying. In Tuscaloosa, Ala., the Im perial Wizard of the United Klans said he knew nothing of the slaying but "it would ap pear to me that according to Johnson everyone in Alabama is Ku Klux Klansmen." The Kian leader, Robert M. Shelton, Jr., also said: "I don't have any knowledge of any par ticipation in any acts of vio lence by any members of our organization." Monday la Kowalski. Scripts are available in reserve reading room of university library and at the the the Department of Dramatic Art of fice, 307 Bynum. "Streetcar" production dates are set fortay 11 through 1G in the Playmakers Theater. to you . . r get it yourself! $8.50 .gjg Swank; new vodk - sole distributo Marital Status Single Married ... ,v - f I I'miiiiii-'lai. r- '! nij 1 v8L . K . 1 ?