Wednesday, May 12, 1965 Things All Campus Calendar items must be submitted in person at the DTH offices in GM by 2 p.m. the day before the de sired publication date (by 10 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 3i. Sorrow 1. Crow's cry 4. Droop in. the middle 7. Tributary of the Mis sissippi 8. Social group . 10. Rate 11. Exuded , 13. Goals 14. Part of a garment- 15. Vitality 16. Turf 17. fra!f em 18. Cuts 20. Telegraph 22. Belonging to us 23. Quixote 24. Gasp 2ft. Mender of pots 29. Cutting. tool ' SO. Large roofings slate 31. Method 32 Narrow strip of silk 35. Bare 36. Type of 37. Spheres 33. Humble 39. Homely " . 40. Arid 41. Little girl " DOWN 2. First-prize winner 2. Helps 4. Reprove 5. Genus of IHy I 6. Stare steadily 7. Bay ' window 9. Not ever 10.' Breaches 12. Canadian . Indian." 14. Distress , signal 15. Varying weight: India 19. Reduction, as in salary T-r 24 . ; ' 27 28 55- - 1mA mA m HOW TO SEE EUROPE Naturally you are all going to Europe this summer, and nat urally you are all asking the same question: what countries should you visit? Well sir, it depends on' how much time you've got. If you're going to be there a whole week, of course you'll see all of Europe. But if, like most of us, you only have three days, it would be wise to restrict your trip to just 12 or 15 of the most interesting countries. First on you? list should be Italy. Don't miss it! It's a fun country! Moreover, you don't even need to know the language to have a marvelous time. The Italians are a friendly, jolly people , who make it easy to communicate. You'll get along splendidly if you'll learn just three simple phrases: " Buon giorno''' which means "Good morning," "Grare" which means "Thank you" and "Cod. fan tutte" which means "Your Fiat is on my foot." , In order to help you enjoy the fabled land of Italy, it is necessary for mc to supply a bit of historical background. (It is also necessary for me to say a few words about .Kellogg's Sugar Frosted Flakes because the makers of Kellogg's Sugar Frosted Flakes pay me to write this column, and they are" inclined to brood if I neglect to .1 j . rc mention meir prouuci. iuuisc they don't stay gloomy for long, the makers of Kellogg's Sugar "Frosted Flakes, for they are kindly, cheery folk, fond of Morris-dancing, quilting bees and furry animals fine, decent men, just as good down-deep as the flakes they make. And there, friends, is the secret bf-Sugar Frosted Flakes doun-deep good ness. The makers don't just put the Sugar Frosting on; they put it in. Look for Kellogg's Sugar Frosted Flakes at your grocer's. They come to you in the box with the picture of the amiable tiger on it, and are made only by the makers of Kellogg's Sugar Frosted Flakes.) But I digress. We were talking about Italian history. In the beginning, . of course,' was the Roman Empire which endured for a thousand' years before it Un"V To Do " a.m. Saturday for Sunday's DTH). Lost and Found, items will be printed on Wednes days and Saturdays only. 20. Gained 21. Con tainers for: writing, fluid 23. Exca vate 24. Spot ted cat 25. An accepted maxim 26. Convert into totf Yesterday's Aaiwtr SO. Not steady or firm S3. Raised 34. Coffin leather - KIKIU 27. Confederate 35. Priestly general caste 28. Whiskeys 37. Vehicle 5-IS jAjsjoju TLl.jjs Tj5t Max Shulman for Kellogcj's (By Zie author of Dobie Gillis, Rally Round the Flag, Boys, etc.) , FOR ONLY $500 A DAY finally fell to the Goths, the Visi goths, and the Green Bay Packers. After the fall of Rome, Italy just laid around waiting for the Renaissance. Then, believe you: me, the fat was in the fire! Painters sprang up like dande lions! In Florence alone there was Michaelangelo, Delia Robbia, Tintoretto, and Alfredo Scarpitta. (Ironically, Mr. Scarpitta, the least famous of the Florentines, was the most important, for Mr. Scarpitta discovered canvas. Un til his discovery, all painting had been done on the sides of burros. Who knows how many master pieces were lost to the world, alas, during the moulting season?) The surge in painting stimu lated all the other arts especially opera. First came Puccini, then Rossini, and then the greatest of . them all, Verdi, who composed t such immortal works as Trova tore ("The DentaLTechnician"), La Traiiata ("The Lung"'), and La Forza del Destino ("Why Johnny Can't Read"). In all the major cities of Italy you will find many peppy museums and opera houses. But you must not, like too many tourists, confine your travelling, to just' the major cities. The Italian countryside is filled with fascinating byways, if you will-5 but look. For instance, in the Lttle-known village of Formaggio, overlooking the Dolomites, there" is a burro-beating contest on the second Tuesday of each month. In Ossabucco, a charmingly un spoiled hamlet on the Ligurian coast, the world's largest sprat is on exhibit every Wednesday and Friday. In the junior high school of Malocchio, a quaint settlement' nestled high in the Apennines you can see Garibaldi's penman ship diploma from three to five p.m. daily. Get olf the beaten track! Ex plore the hidden nooks, the for gotten crannies! Here is the real Italy. Here you will meet open, honest, hearty folk, brimming over with friendliness, who will be glad to show you their customs and teach you their language. I'll wager when you leave Italy you'll know far more Italian than the three basic phrases. You'll also know "Arrivedcrci''' which means "See you later," "Per fat ore'' which means "Please," and "La donna e mobile''' which means, "Your burro is in my Fiat." O 15 Ma" Shulmo P.S. A note as to how you like (or dislike) ' these columns will help determine our1 plans for them. Write TET. Battle Creek, Michigan. - 1965 by Krilou Cwnpany FROSTED Jrj FLAKES rTj 56 Today At UNC TODAY Carolina Political Union mem bership interviews 7:30 10 p.m., Roland Parker II. Interviews for committee chairmanships for the : 1965 , Carolina Symposium 2-5 p.m., Symposium office, sec ' ond floor Y-Building. Student Party Advisory Board 5 p.m., SP office. Joint orientation counselor meeting 6:30, insti tute of Government. Com pulsory. Watermelon Cut for Coeds . 3-5 p.m., lawn of Mclver Dorm. In case of rain, the event will take place Thurs day. MRC Interviews for govern ment position in' Morrison for next year 4-5 p.m., Roland Parker II. Amateur Radio Club 7:30. p.m., Caldwell Annex Y, program on Incentive Li censing." Carolina Conservative Club 8 p.m., Carroll Hall, fea tured "speaker, Eliseo Vivas. LOST AND FOUND Lost Black frame glasses at Jubilee, $5 reward, Fred Hobson, 968-9144, 229 Parker. Lost . Gold Benrus wrist watch around tennis courts, 968-9159, Tim Haithcock. Lost' Black, secretary-style wallet containing important paoers, Ken Shepsle, 7 Old West, 968-9164. Lost; Black, man's umbrel la with tan tape on handle. FURNITURE FOR SALE Drinking bar T x 4 1-2' x 2' white oak. Living room set, studio couches and end tables, coffee table, double bed. Con tact Melvyn Fox, 942-4806. 196i VOLVO Fully Equipped. Running well, around 50,000 mi. $1000. (Remember .Volvo $500 more car than VW). If inter ested call Dennis Winner after 10 p.m. at 968-9072. . FOR SALE 1964 Volkswagen Good condition only 21,000 mi. Call 968-9073. - " : EHBOPEffll v,- , -y -v ,- sy: :' v-vr-, 9 quarter hours of undergraduate credit avail able; Also, good for teacher accreditation. Sponsored by East Carolina College, the Art Tour will leave June 6 and return July 7. $1452 covers all expenses ($30 extra for those wanting additional credit. For further information contact Dr. Leon Jacob sen before May 14 at the School of Art, EC, Greenville, N. Cl or phone him at 785-3426, ext. 216. SPOKJG TIL1E Diiie Use Our Carry-Out Food Service We Pack Anything On Our Menu-For Any Number xtrrz j i f60!NSTO A V 1 G FAMILV THE DAILY Finder call Betty Beard, 115 E. Cobb. Found Sunglasses in bine case on steps of Venable, claim at chemistry library. THURSDAY Mathematics Colloquium 4 p.m., 383 Phillips Hall, re freshments will be served at 3:30 p.m. in Phillips 277. Young Americans for Free dom, 8 p.m., Roland Parker Lounge. BRIEFS Town Students Any town student, who entered UNC this past year, and who has not had an interview to dis cuss test scores in the Dean of Women's Office, should call that office (933-2337) be fore Friday, May 14, to make an appointment. Scott College Combo Party next Saturday from 8-12 with the Viceroys Combo at the R'amshead parking lot. MRC sponsored pool party next Saturday from 3-5 p.m. with the Shadows Combo ct Kessing Pool. PSK Names Officers Phi Sigma Kappa, national social fraternity in the pro cess of colonizing at UNC, has recently selected officers to head the formative group next fall.' They are George Ingle, pres ident; Bill Jenkins, vice pres ident; Philip Adams, secre tary; and Bob Watson, treas urer. Men students interested in participating in the organiza tion of the Greek colony may arrange a screening interview with either of the group's of ficers or Tom Cline or Charles Chapman. A meeting" will be held Sat urday (time and place to be announced) for those men who have been chosen for mem bership. Phi Sigma Kappa national officers, area Alumni and undergraduate delegates from other universities will attend the meeting. A spokesman for the PSK colony said yesterday that the group- has arranged housing facilities for next year and has picked 11 members to date. The group will function as a colony for two years, after which time they will apply for a national charter and peti tion proper, administration and student personnel for recogni- tion as Carolina's 31st social fraternity. ABT'TOHB: IS PICTIIG HUE The Easy Way- PIKE ROOn SNACK BAR ATI0 CAFETERIA OPEN Moa. - FrL: 7:00-12 REdniglit: Sundays: 4:00-12:00 CLOSED SATURDAYS i'M'VERtf HAPfVlFDR WSNOOrV.. ITU' B rWEElNm'VOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS i r TAR. HEET SFT Presses- Demands (Continued from Page 1) leigh trip would probably be sometime next week, he said. The present problem is not only "publish or perish " Dickson added, but rather about all teachers relation ships with students. T am concerned f about undergradu ate teaching," he said, men tioning that there wers not enough full professors teach ing undergraduates. "Full professors should be carrying heavier undergradu ate loads," because they are the experts in their field and undergraduates should' be ex posed to them. Pete Wales, and Chuck Wrye co-chairmen of SFT, said in a joint statement to the DTH yesterday that the IFC resolu tion was "a lot stronger than SL's resolution." They also is sued an official SFT statement on the present situation: "We are planning to see Chancellor Paul Sharp today at 10:30 a.m. to further dis cuss our goals and possible solutions to the problem of mamtaining quality teaching at UNC. "We were disappointed, with our conversation with the Chancellor Friday in which we did not get down to the main issues. .' "We hope, however, that by now wre have clarified our po sition publicly in regard to our views on the value of scholarly research, and that we: will be able to talk con structively about the situation. "We believe that the only meaningful resolution to the Students for Teachers protest will come through sincere and' positive negotiation on both sides." After the SFT rally Monday The ASSOCIATES 153 E. Franklin Over Sutton's Drugs 42-3225 ZD, 1. Hitting the books? T- . , . ,-1 No, I was Just thinking about what to give Sue. It's 1 our anniversary. 2 3. You give a gift every week? i We try to remember the important date 5. YouH be broke before you get to the altar. Oh,; we're very practical.' Sue gave me a pocket pepper grinder and I gave her my theme on Parental Attitudes Among the Arawak Indians. ' For information about Living Insurance, see The Man from Equitable. For complete information about career opportunities at Equitable, see your Placement Officer," or write to Edward D. McDougaL. Manager, Manpower Development Division. arr The EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society of the United States Home Offide: 128S Ave. of the Americas. New York. N.H 10019 Equitable 1965 An Equal Opportunity Employer OH i DON'T R3R6ETYOUR SUFFER DISH EVERYONE 0AS SUPPOSED TO 6R1N6 mm SUPPER DISH r-ir Wales and -Wrye left copies of the resolutions in the offices of Sharp and Dr. G e orge Harper, head of the English Department, who made the de cision not to rehire Goody koontz. The five resolutions read, in part: "Students for Teachers stand for and want to see in the near future:" 1. A; statement of the "pre cise reasons? why Dr. Wil liam F. Goodykoontz was not retained by the; Department of English. 2. An administration policy that "affirms teaching as the primary concern of a great University." 3. "All department curricu lum committees to include graduate and undergraduate students from the respective departments." 4. A policy to retain and promote teachers "whose ex cellence in the classroom is acknowledged by both stu dents and other teachers." 5. Graduate and undergrad uate students included in de partment committees to help determine promotion and re tention of faculty. With the exception of the first point above mentioning Dr. Goodykoontz, Monday's IFC resolution was identical with SFT"s resolutions. At the booth in Y Court SFT has posted a clipping from a 19S5 issue of Saturday Review quoting Sharp soon after he had been appointed Chancel lor. Sharp's statement, which appeared in the Chapel Hill Weekly, said: "The University exists, strangely enough, for the pur pose of teaching students, but this purpose seems to have be T)me understressed these days." . . Typing-Mimeographing 2. You're not even married. '.--. Sy WeVe known each other three full weeks. 4. Isn't that overdoing it a bit?. . Not when you're in love 6. If you really want to be practical, why don't you get a Living Insurance policy from Equitable and give ' her security. That way, when i you get married, you'll know that she and the kids will always be provided for if something should happen to you. Swell idea. Now, what do . you think she'd like for National Crab Apple Day? A!60CXTO! J DOYLE ELECTED Wright Doyle was elected President of the Philanthropic Society; Monday night. Other Phi officers include Chuck Allard,- Supervisor, Charles Gowan, Treasurer, Panthea Twitty, Clerk, Randy Fennin ger. Sergeant at Arms and Jeff Davis, Chairman of the Query Committee. Special - Tonite Only on all Plain or Pepperoni Pizzas 7:30 Porks aaywhero , A Honda Ss a slim 2 at the widest point. This I . '- fj- ' x ft ' - J S' f I' f '- ? " ' A " ' ';,", - . A ' ' I ';',:, ' X T I " -A f ' " ; ) 7v 4l f - J vrrrx y . narrows down the hunt for a parking space considerably slide into almost any shady, spot. outside of English Lit. Hondas fit Into slim budgets too. Prices start about 5215. Gas goes farther, up to 200 mpg on some models. And catting your wheels in half does just about the same thing for insurance costs. Or more. This Is the sporty Sup er 90 with its distinguishedT-bone frame. Tops 60 mph. Just one cf the 15 Honda models that make other campus transportation strictly for the birds. See the Honda representative on your campus or write: American Honda Kfotor Co., Inc., Department C3, 100 West Albndr BlvdV g wf bi" GardeniCaHfornia 90247. IJINjL-Ji world's bluest teller X dealer's seta? sod tisrertatioachargss Grey AArt?sV5 AMER5CAM OAUOTCl Colleg Ad tHM3 Page 3 Orientatio s & Meeting. Set There will be a mandatory counselor training meeting for men's nd women's orienta tion counselors tonight from 6:30 to 7:30 at the Institute of Government. Afterward, the Orientation Committee will meet in 205 Alumni at 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 You can Like fust CCXc CX