Thursday, August 11, 1966 THE TAR HEEL Oil, My Aching Teeth, Gums, Bottom . . . An Untypical Visit To The Dentist By RICH NICHOLS This was not the typical vis it to the dentist. It lasted 16 hours, spanned two days and, untypically, was free. I had volunteered as a pa tient for my neighbor who was taking his State Board Dental examinations. The State Boards consist of j)ukhtuti MTK M V I1 11 Mv Authentic German Foods Served Buffet Style Ev y Sat. Night 5:30 to 9:00 P.M. CAFE BRIGHT LEAF Don't Forget Sunday Family Buffet 11:30 A.M..2:M P.M. 5:30 P.M.-9:00 P.M. Childres ft price PARK WITHOUT CHARGE ... in our modern Parking Garage when you use any of Jack Tar Facilities. Chapel Hill Now Has A Seafood Restaurant All Fish And Oysters Are Delivered Fresh From Virginia's Famous Chesapeake Bay. Serving A Businessman's Luncheon Mon. Sat. - ALSO - STEAK BARBECUE CHICKEN The TAP ROOM s open Monday through Sat urday from 4 P.M. until 11 P.M. All orders maybe prepared for take out. Air Conditioned Background Music Plenty Of Free Parking Space. Open 6:00 A.M. to 11 P.M. Mon. Sat. Red McBane, Owner EASTGATE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT EASTGATE SHOPPING CENTER an exacting four-day practical and written test given annual ly by the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners. All dentists seeking to prac tice in this State must pass. I was the practical part of the exam. I arrived at the University Dental School's clinic at 8 a.m. The hugh room, filled with a tangle of dentist's chairs, was already buzzing with the low voices of aspir ing, perspiring dentists. They weaved through the jungle of chairs and at the head of the band were two men dressed in white the ex aminers. Before beginning to operate, the dentists had their patients' teeth and X-rays checked over. Sixty-four dentists wait ed for 64 patients to get the okay from two examiners. After the check, my neigh bor, normally a jovial fellow, fidgeted with his drill. No quips, no slap on the back. I settled back in the chair. Then the paper bib, and the "foot-long" novacain needle. My neighbor, whose name had been converted to a number pinned on his smock, began to drill just as the cold numb ness of the novacain seeped into my gums. Usually a dentist will drill out the decay in one or two efforts, but after just complet ing four years of dental school and only the Army waiting if there's a mistake, the dentist grinds away bit by little bit. For two hours I sat, jaws locked. When the excavation was nearly completed,- my friend called on of the men in white. "Okie doke," was all the ex aminer said after the check. After going downstairs to extract two teeth from anoth er patient for the surgery part of the test, my neighbor re turned. This time he propped my mouth open with a rub ber mask-type gadget. Again the drill whistled and again the pick picked and the nar row mirrored what must have been a chasm. A little wad of silver alloy plugged the cavity. And it was time for a tomato soup lunch. After lunch, to my friend's dismay, he found the tooth to be prepared for a gold inlay was much more decayed than the X-rays revealed. He would drill a little, wipe the sweat from his forehead, wash his hands and go in for another try. By now I had endured three shots of novocain. Not only were my gums dead, but so was my nose and part of my ear. My mouth ached with a throbby dullness. My neighbor informed me the decay was deep, almost to the pulp of the tooth where the tiny blood vessels and nerves are. If he drilled into that, he said, it might kill the tooth and things would get a lot tougher. "Look, Rick," he said, 'Til buy you a steak dinner when this thing is over." Then it was open wide again. I was dopey and half-asleep and certainly wasn't looking forward to chewing anything for a while. The second cavitv finally drilled, it was time to take a rubber impression. The work was over around 5 p.m., but onlv for the dav. Instead of a gold inlay. I was GRAHAM MEMORIAL PRESENTS Thursday 11 August "Man In The Moon?' Carroll Hall 7:30 P.M. Tuesday 16 August The Dee Jays Combo Rendezvous Room (G.M.) 7:30-11:30 LD.'s Required Wednesday 1 7 August Sinfonians Jazz Quartet Rendezvous Room 8:00-10:00 HAVE A SICK GAR ? ? Let the Factory Trained mechanics at Crowell Little Ford diagnose and remedy your troubles. We have the most modern equipment and up-to-date technique in the industry, including: Muffler Repairs q 24-Hr. Wrecker Service Brakes q Body Shop Carburetor Repairs Q ignition Service SPECIALIZING IN RADIATOR AND COOLING SYSTEM SERVICE GROVJELL LITTLE FORD "Where Satisfaction is Standard Equipment" Chapel Hill-Durham Blvd. Phone 942-3143 sporting a fore mouth, a head ache and a tooth stuffed with cofton and cement. When I cam back two days later, mv neighbor's eyes were red (he'd been through two days of extensive written tests) and he hadn't eaten. I hoped that th natron saint of dentistry would steady his hand. The rubber impression of my tooth had been turned into a plaster impression, then fill ed with wax and finally gold. On what looked like a tooth pick he held a little replica of my tooth with a rough gold inlay nestled in the crevice. Out came the temporary fill ing. In went the gold, and out that came too after a trial fit ting. Then both of us (my neighbor and I) went into the lab. With a drill, he buffed the inlay until it sparkled. It felt strange to hear the drill and not feel it in my mouth. "Waiting waiting," is the rest of the story. After cementing the gold in lay into my tooth, my neigh bor checked with the men in white. We were something like 30th on the list, since many of the other dentists had finish ed at about the same time. Numb-jawed, I went down stairs for a pimento cheese sandwich prepared by. the "Dental Dames," wives of den tal students, who seemed to be taking this whole thing in stride. My neighbor, after lunch, began to pep up a little. Af ter taking several X-rays, he sort of plodded around the room exchanging "rah team" looks with his cohorts. I was beginning to detest dentists even more than is jokingly ex pected, although I had to ad mit that my friend had done a very professional job. Be sides, now my seat, in addi tion to my gums, jaw, nose and ear, was getting achy. One by one the dentists packed their instrument chests and trudged toward the door, hail-and-farewelling their bud dies. Three newspapers and a Life magazine later, the examiner visited my chair. He stared at the X-rays of my repaired tooth . . . picked . . . slippped a string between the tooth and gum . . . adjusted the light . . . "Okie doke," he said. And that was the State Boards. Wednesday Saturday SUNDAY NIGHT OF THE IGUANA Richard Burton Ava Gardner MONDAY Sim1 BAMKEGQMfSSV't TUESDAY Gary, Audrey Grant Hepburn ncHNicoior WEDNESDAY PAUL GERALDINE NEWMAN RAGE ON THC HY BASED Br TTNNlSSf t WILUMMS cimbmascoc ;.:cTnocoi.on . Pj!j0' V-COtOHtwOElUXE 1 . ITT. UBIM "HUMP1. I.I ( (ftarade) i STANLEY D0NENM. A -.