! 1' , Page 2 THE DAILY TAR HEEL Wednesday, September 21, 1966 i ! fa Our Omim. iom 'Yes Sir. Aim! What Else Should We Do?' Suspension Not J ustified In Stimulant Drug Gases The administration's decision to suspend those students involved in the possession and use of stim ulant drugs was unfair. ' In the first place it stands as an insult to the student judiciary. For all their short comings, the student rules and student courts at UNC have a long and honorable tradition of autonomously manag . ing student discipline. We understand that when the "dex scandal" came to light near the end of second session summer school Student Attorney General Frank Hodges was consulted and asked if his office wanted to prbse- cute the case. Hodges, after consulting w i t h Student Body President Bob Pow ell who was then at the NSA con ference, informed the administra tion that his office was in no po sition to prosecute, the case in any student court since it did not come under the honor code, campus code or MRC regulations. We agree that the student courts should not have heard the case. We further believe that the administration was unjust in set ting up its faculty - administrative council for this purpose. Unauthorized distribution, pos session or use of prescription drugs is a civil offense. If federal or local officials desired action, they could have taken it, as, in deed, they did in the case of two of the students involved. Secondly, we hate to see a handful of students crucified in the swell of a situation that has involved hundreds if not thous ands of students over the past several years. From campus leaders on down to students who have since flunk ed out; the , use of, dexadrine: and , dexamil tokeep the eyelids open. ; during "exam cram' sessions -haf been common knowledge and al-" most as common a practice. We realize that in any society countless public offenders go free for every one that is caught and ' convicted. This is the way human law goes. John can't be acquitted of robbery just because Bill com mitted the same crime and was not caught. But just take a look at the cir cumstances surrounding this spe cific episode. It is generally ac knowledged that the use of stimu lant drugs had been widespread. Members of student judicial bod ies had known about it, but had made no attempt to educate users of the drugs potential danger or discourage their use. In Defense Of Code Campus Code offenses should not be enumerated. At a political party meeting Sunday night, a former student body president attacked the Cam pus Code as being weak because there is no written definition of a "lady" or "gentleman." Many students, perhaps, share this opinion. When the dust cloud finally settles, however,' and the student judicial ; system is com pletely revised, we hope such of fenses as are now considered Cam pus Code violations will not be enumerated. 1 The conception of lady-like or gentlemanly conduct changes from year to year and even from situation to situation within a - year. 'The beauty of the Campus Code lies in the fact that it pro vides for a student to be tried by his piers and judged according to . an up-to-date set of values accept ed by his fellow students. The ever-changing interpreta tion of the words "lady" and "gentleman" provide a challenge for the members of our student courts. The challenge has been met in the past, and it will con tinue to be met so long as students appreciate the system enough to want it preserved. We hope the code is not changed. . Then, all of a sudden, a half dozen kids, were snapped up and '. kicked out of school for doing what had . been an accepted practice since the first day they came to the University. . Why were they suspended? We can find two factors which might have prompted , the admin istration's action. First, the stu dents had broken a civil law, thereby falling short of University standards of conduct. - But students break civil laws when they cruise down the high . ways at 80 m.plh.,. when they take a snort of booze at a football game. How many students have been suspended for speeding, or even for, reckless driving? How many have been suspended for getting intoxicated in Kenan Stad ium and having to be borne out on the shoulders of their buddies? No, we don't really think the fact that the students had broken the law got them suspended. We believe the . determining factor, sadly enough, was public opinion within the state. Most of the state's newspapers took great joy in prominently dis playing, accounts of the "UNC drug scandal." People got excit ed. In short; there was a big stink. So the University "had to do . something." . It's about time the University, administration stood up to the state of North Carolina and sound ed a loud, firm, "Get off our back!" The University is not the Pres ident of the United States it doesn't have to make its decisions on the basis of a Gallop Poll. V Statements recently released by. medical authorities indicate 'i that t Stimulant: "drugs" :can have phannful; physicalandmental ef fects . Students are beginning to realize the danger involved. Let a policy be made and let it be abid ed by. Let the University take care of itself without so much in fluence from those people who N know nothing about UNC except what they read in right-wing peri odicals. ' This is not an endorsement of dexadrine. Nor is it a plea that the administration and student ju diciary allow the use of stimulant drugs to run rampant on campus as they have in the past, It is, rather, a sad reminder of eight students two of whom, plan to appeal their cases who probably won't maintain their ci vilian status much longer. Their 1-S classification was taken away from them. We think it was taken unjustly. 74 Years of Editorial Freedom ; : Fred Thomas, Editor Tom Clark, Business Manager Scott Goodfellow, Managing Ed. Kerry Sipe Feature Editor Bill Amlong .;. News Editor Ernest Robl .. Asst. News Editor Sandy Treadwell , Sports Editor Bob Orr ...... Asst. Sports Editor Jock Lauterer Photo Editor Steve Bennett Staff Writer Lytt Stamps ... ...... ... staff Writer Lynne Harvpl c ttth tw " " writer Judy Sipe . .. ... ... Staff Writer The Daily Tar Heel is the official news publication of the University of North Carolina students daily except Mondays, ex amination periods and vacations Offices on the second floor of Gra ham Memorial. Telephone numbers: editorial, sports, news 933-1011- bus SS-A-SIrCUlati0n' adving-933-NC. S: BX 0131)61 HiU' Pofn?r IaSS Stage paid at Post Office in Chapel Hill,' N C Subscription rates: $4.50. per semes! ter;; $8 per year. Printed by the Chapel ffill Publishing Co., Inc., m W. Franklin St., Chapel Hill N C ' j The Associated Press is entitled ex clusively to the use for republication of all local news printed in this news- Tu- weil as 311 AP news dispatches. THe Mltf TAR HEEL Give 1 By RICK STEPHENS The United States has for a long time espoused the i d e a that the country burdened with economic plight is the country that might find Com munism appealing. The people of Laos and Viet Nam are not interested in ideologies but in a more viable homeland where starva tion and famine are not so prevalent. If this is the problem that must be eradicated before the words freedom and democracy have any meaning in these communist-infested countries, studies' must be undergone that will determine how poor or underdeveloped these coun tries really are. Dr. Robert H. Stroup, a pro fessor of economics at the University of Kentucky, com pleted the field work on such a study in July, 1964, and has since been tabulating the re sults that will provide a base from which other studies can be launched. With the backing of a $30,892 grant from The Agency for International Develop ment, Stroup traveled to South Viet Nam in October of 1963 and began the first known attempt by either the United States Operations Mission to Viet Nam or the Vietnamese Government to secure data of income and expenditure pat terns representative of the rural Vietnamese. The Rural Income Expendi ture Sample Survey of 1964 en compassed 2,910 households from 29 provinces in South Viet Nam. The Central High lands Region was excluded from the survey, "because the people in this region are not South Vietnamese but primi tive mountain people who don't even speak the language "The survey was aimed at the rural people because of the lack of any information concerning their income or spending habits but also be cause these are the people we must win over in Viet Nam " Stroup said. ' .."There are few indications tnat the rural people are get ting any of the aid going to South Viet Nam and it is im perative that they do," he added. Stroup worked in. conjunc tion with people from several , Vietnamese Government Agen cies and they amassed statis tics that indicate a poor rural populace that reaps its in come from agricultural activi ties and that spends most of its money on food. According to the preliminary report released in July 1965 the average household income of the sampled Vietnamese is roughly $229 U. S. a year and the per capita figure is about $42. U. S.; these figures are , based on the official ratio of $73 VN: $1 U. S. However, the people in South Viet Nam are not so poor because the land is con ducive to easy living, Stroup explained. The houses are huts that never need heat and that are rented for as little as $50 VN a year. Fuel is needed only for cooking and lighting. Fruits and vegetables, which consti tute a large part of their diet are grown quickly and easily. So the figures are de- ceptive. About 76 per cent of the in come is derived from farming and farm-based activities. Most of the rural Vietnamese live in hamlets (plots of land) and engage in rice farming. The rest of the total receipts are made up of non farm wages, income from commercial fishing, and cash from relatives. The most in comeand resource wealthy region is South Viet Nam West where the Mekong Delta lies. South Viet-Nam Central is the most deprived region in these catagories. Well, on what does the South Vietnamese spend his money? "Nearly 77 per cent of the cash expenditures go toward f o o d, shelter and clothing. Very, little : of r this" goes T forr clothing or shelter mnst nf ,if guea lor iooa. vraey , spend more for smoking and chew ing than they do-for educa tion," Stroup said. When the hamlet people were interviewed and asked what they would do . with a given ad ditional income, a huge major ity said they would buy food and clothing. If they had no restraints they would buy land or build a house. A s their income increased more would go for land and housing than for-food and clothing. The rural people are bur dened with debts mostly ori entated toward their land and their business farming. Many people interviewed either did not know the interest being charged on their loans or fail ed to put it on the form given them. The figures show that over half the households owed debts, and that little was being done to decrease their indebt edness. Stroup had some non-economic comments about these people , that are alarming but not surprising. "These people are not very mobile and, unfortunately, their interests seldom extend any further than their own hamlet. They , are' rsensifcive' i people who often are; mptivat ed" by the trivial and- insigni ficant. " If the V- military let their ducks roam through their hamlet they don't like it and may hold a grudge. "But the people in the low lands are not communist sym pathizers and they hate the mountain people in the high lands who are." South Viet Nam is still a remote . country and the Tea son for our military being there may be vague and the logic remote but we are not without some knowledge about our allies there: the rural Vietnamese. 1 New M ono Test Aids Treatment FROM THE OKLAHOMA DAILY Millions of students have re turned to classes, and college physicians and nurses soon will be faced with long lines of ? young men and women complaining 'of.' feeling tired and listless and having other difficult-to-pin-d own symp toms. Some students will simply be suffering from laziness. But many others will have a legi timate reason for 'back - to school slump' infectious mo nonucleosis a common back-to-school disease which in the past has been more difficult to diagnose than to treat. A theory that "mono" is transmitted by close personal contact has ; led college stu dents romantically to call it the "kissing ; disease." Yet when it strikes infectious mon onucleosis can be one of the most miserable experiences in a student's life. Recovery can be slow and every day lost from school can endanger grades and play havoc with education plans. Experts have found that it can be an indicator of emo tional stress. Recent studies conducted by the Tulane Uni versity School of Social Work in New Orleans revealed that high, school and college stu dents who were being treated for mono were momentarily depressed at the time they became ill. Thus, mono beV comes a trigger for drop-outs, an excuse for postponement of examinations. In addition mono is also a serious problem because of its ability to mimic other ail ments including appendicitis and hepatitis. . One authority re ports that no fewer than 29 separate maladies can be mis taken for mono if diagnostic procedures are imprecise. These ailments may call for exploratory surgery to verify, or potent drugs for treatment, while the usual treatment for mono is three to six weeks' bed rest, aspirin and gargles. Therefore, because of the possibility of a mono patient being subjected to the risk of being diagnosed and treated incorrectly, physicians have been searching for a quick and accurate test to confirm or rule out the disease. The Tulane study further in dicates the need for early de tection of the disease since postponement of needed bed rest adds to the stress and makes for emotional as well as physical complications. This year, however, it will be less difficult for school health officials to tell whether a listless student is discourag ed about his exams, malinger ing, seriously ill or another .victim of mono. - Pharmaceutical research has come up with an important new development the "Mono Test" a simple, inexpensive diagnostic test which quickly, and happily for the patient, re veals the presence of mono in only two minutes. Using the new test, physicians can now immediately order bed rest and spare the patient further diagnostic procedures and de lay in treatment. In addition, this new diagnos tic test is inexpensive. To screen an entire school or university class costs only about one dollar per student. Before the introduction of this quick screening method it would have been almost un heard of to test a large num ber of students because con ventional diagonostic techni ques were too expensive and too time consuming. II Hears No One , So I cried. After all, it kept happening. I just sat there, Thinking of it passing by, never stopping. I yelled with all my eyes, But it kept on. And so I moved, Because maybe it wasn't happening there; But it was, And it kept moving away. I grabbed at it, . . " Screaming because it didn't exist; And I couldn't hold it, As it kept going forward. I tried to kill it, ' Only It wasn't really alive, And it hurt so much, Because it always moved on. If only it had hair, . Or maybe fingers, But it didn't, ' - And it kept running. I tried to block it, Tried to seal the room, But it left through the wall, And kept right on going. And so I ask you, people: Please help me stop it. I can't, it doesn't understand, doesn't want to. And it keeps marching on. Mark Steinberg John Greenbacker End Is Near For Rep. Adam Powell In the history of the U.S. Congress it is very rare when either, the Senate or the House decides to turn against one of its own members and attempts to strip him of his power and personal dignity. The last time such an event of great importance happened was dur ing the early 1950's, when the Senate slowly turned against Sen.-Joseph McCarthy and finally censured him. zi'-'X- '- ---- ;vVv;fi .wv, .-.'.fJ(.,.. -'. u i We saw; a slight reculrrance of! this! proces without the ignominious circumstances surrounding .. , . . . - uie case, wnen president Johnson had several representatives expelled from the Democratic Party and stripped of j their committee power because they supported Barry Goldwater in the 1964 ; election. Now the slow and ugly process of i disgrace is finally claiming the posi- . ivep. Aaam uiayton Powell, the New York Democrat who represents Harlem Powell who is chairman of the House Education arid Labor Committee, has finally so shocked his colleagues that a group of them are seeking to take away all his power as a committee chairman. Rep. Sam M. Gibbons (D-Fla.) will propose some rule changes when the full committee meets tomor row which, if adopted, would strip Powell of his pow ers and divide them up among the six subcommittee chairmen No one as yet is willing to predict the out come of the vote, but both opponents claim they will be able to carry the field. . Powell's excesses have to be seen on oaDer tn ho ' believed Within the past year, he has not been pres en on the House floor for 164 of the 218 roll-call votes held Using government funds, he has taken innumera ble business trips, or rather vacations, to the Ba- : hamas, Puerto Rico and Europe, all in the company of an attractive female companion. The situation III : caused much consternation Long the toSoub I as well as in Mrs. Powell, w!o isyf ' He has. judiciously evaded the law in New York pay" Hariem8 V t order le musi pay a Harlem widow over $150,000 in damaees for ' slander Powell's elaborate process of avTidfrig the ; courts has incurred the wrath of more than one judge He iVal brUgfht diSgrace uPn the Hi He also notorious for the high-handed manner in wfcch he treats staff personnel and govern" . tU.f thes cnaracteristics are bad enoueh but wos rre r voted byPoweUasa-rarfst." ' " bee" denod : i. f3m ?ffers his inedible proposal,Pow--? ell said last week, "I want the American people To -; w:rkho-Negr t6rmiteS "awl ut - cZZ - "the .T. In the light of his past performances, the AmerfS can people should hope, at least for Harlem's sake: that these rule changes are enacted. Poweirs brand of" corruption has no place in the United Stlt Congress 1 and.it is a sad thing that a man of his type could' even hold office in the twentieth century tJl 'ichanges a" Passed, we can be surei' hat three forths of the Congress will stand by, shake fteir heads and say, "It couldn't happen to n in LlL I i '"if Li 1,