Wednesday, Sont 21 1966 THE DAILY TAR HEEL Page 3 . i I I 1 n ForTheFirst Time In The History Of Graham Memorial Stud ent Union The Cloak Of Respectabilty Has Been Stripped Away, Laying Bear The Clan-destin fSnr,,t Vf. M,W AnJ Sometimes Shocking Activities Of .. . r -- . 1 1 J ) I V i 1 f Meei Tfte Activities Board... "MP ' A Real Group Of 'Angels9 Who Bring You Who Also Bring You That Big "Picnic In The Sky" , ' ' " "j "fi '' . x AflL 1 AW .' -1 i I J III r Anticipation Is High For This Year's Attrac tions, A Few Of Which Will Be ... FOUR TOPS FOUR SEASONS DUKES OF DIXIELAND NATIONAL BALLET UNCALLED FOR THREE ROBERT JOFFRE BALLET FIESTA AMERICANA USTAD ALI AICBAR KHAN PARIS CHAMBER ORCHESTRA BEVERLY WOLFF PHI IS if-: rTi J" L jlj H-ifc ur r 1 1 s v 1 PRESIDENT Robin "Big Daddy'' Dial He Runs The Show (I.E. Does Nothing) And His Secretary Annette Randall Gail Lynch, music chair man sponsors small con certs, ranging from clas sical to folk, as well as jazz. w v Gail audits a new LP release. -., t 1 1, .11. I mill 1 " When not Oiag - Films Committee Chair man Mike League arranges the weekly FREE FLICKS in Carroll Hall. Publicity Chairman N at Norton's job is to herald all coining attractions in duo-glide style using the DTH, radio, T.V., and .posters by his apprentice finger painters. He is the idiot responsible for the drivel on this page. Although Tom Baker, ments in quieter sports Games Committee Chair- such as table tennis bill man rides his car-chopper iards, and bridge, and an in daily crumble-fender occasional impromptu competition, he still finds game as pictured here, time to arrange tourna- r5; - VSw ii FIR PL 1 1 , 1 ,,r ;f miorhf afiimhlp. across that you ever find your way large sh ack we caJJ GM WeUope For A New Edifice In The Near Future. ...a .J.4L. vmi which looks like tnis. ' OUl OI lUC AiUWiVtuwi J Al Ellis and his Current Drama Chairman Anne For any GM sponsored Affairs Committee spon- Peacock offers workshops, snr Ipcfirrps- rfphates. for- onf-art nlavs. Hramfltfr - comoo parues, ine man re- 7 , 7 . r v , , , , " . One of Charlie's dances , in the Rendezvous Room. sponsibie is Charlie Evans. ad outside speakers readings, and fuU length on tonics of current in- productions, and has been terest. He starts most of known to do a little acting the fights. himself. Come Bv And See Us! . r K Li if : ' ft ' r- "-VST' 4f is 1-f I(. J- L ' '. 'Hi. i-ij 5 i : 1 1 HIV '.",Ti; ' -v? Inside We Have . . . Billiards Barber Shop Lounge Meeting Rooms Juke Box Ref reslim ents Record Librarv Information Service ijii Rendezvous Room V. Graham Memorial Student Government S Daily Tar Heel 8 Yacketv Yack Etc. .1 1 15 L i.-L.--sa-s--J. l. - 3j L . V frT 1 1 1