Pae 6 THE DAILY TAR HEEL f A p. X 3 if 6 ?x'- ff- V-'-. fO j :SSx ".-pr ' -" . - f .' K airopereap ): IN WHJJAM WYtER'S 'III St ruurtsm. couittKiui V ft ) NOW PLAYING WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF STARTS SEPT. 22 s, At I Recognize I ' j" ", the bast... I SHIKTS ! by their Every pair bears the embroidered emblem of a Bee. To signify to you, and those who know the ultimate in fashion, that Maker's Mark are the world's finest socks. And they have to be. Only the finest yarns go into the careful and painstaking construction. , Only when each pair has been hand inspected and passed as perfect are they packaged in a gold inscribed gift case, worthy of the world's finest socks. Maker's Mark are available in all the important colors, in all the most wanted lengths. As a gift, or for yourself Maker's Mark represent taste and quality that goes far beyond their mod est price. $2.50 and $3., the pair, 2 pair to a gift case. Uttltmt h ffilflfljtug ffiujilmari Downtown Chapel Hill 1 THE SINGING TARHEELS pleased the crowds all across Europe wtih their singing. Here the Carolina men per formed at the Rebilt July 4 American Independence Day Celebration in Aalborg, Den mark. Director Joel Carter dec orated the West German bus with a small North Carolina Flag while the boys sang at the Famous Rebilt 4th of July celebration where the Danes honor the American Revolu tion - and the Danish-Americans who have made cultur al ties between the two lands stronger. DTH Photos by Jock Lauterer THE POPLI GENERATION? Poplicola was the pen name of Samuel Adams, American patriot. aker's Mr Russia (Continued From Page I) Izvestia helps the enemies of communsm and arouses "de cisive protest" among the world's communist parties. The Izvestia attack came against a background of con tinued red guard violence in China against persons and things once respected. Arri vals from China reported in Hong Kong that red guards had ransacked the Shanghai home of Mrs. Sun Yat - Sen, widow of the founder of mod ern China, who has been a staunch supporter of the communist regime and one of its vice presidents. Mrs. Sun, the former Soong Ching-Ling, is a sister of Mrs. Chiang Kai Shek, wife of the president of Nationalist China. Mrs. Sun's prestige had meant much to the Peking regime, but red guards accused her of leading a life of luxury and demand ed confiscation of all her property. Dutch tulips originated in Diyarbakir in Eastern Turkey. It's A Tromblee In Glo rious Color. Heather Co vert Is A New Eagle Shirting This Fall. It's So Named Because It Has The Mixy Character Of College Spun Yarns. Available Now With But ton Down Collar Pocket At $7.95 And m $ mm Clothiers of Distinction FRANKLIN STREET Stmmger Gke Club The University of North Ca rolina Glee Club held its first organizational rehearsal of the Fall Monday afternoon fol lowing a successful European singing tour this past summer which took the singing Tar heels through five European nations including Communist East Germany. 47 men attended the first rehearsal which was held in Hill Hall. Of the 40 men who toured Europe,. 32 returned for the coming year. 18 new sin gers have joined the Glee Club this year and should make the club substantially stronger. Director for the Glee Club this year will be Robert Porco who will be filling in for long standing director Joel Carter who is taking a year leave-of-absence. Yack Photos Pictures for the 1967 Yack ety Yack will be taken from Noon to 7:00 p.m. daily, Mon day through Friday according to the following schedule. Men will wear coats and ties; Women will wear sweaters or blouses. Seniors: Monday, Sept. 19 A-E Tuesday, Sept. 20 F-J Wednesday, Sept. 21 K-0 Thursday, Sept. 22 P-T Friday, Sept. 23 U-Z Juniors: s Monday, Sept. 26 A-E (and late seniors) Tuesday, Sept. 27 F-J (and late seniors) Wednesday, Sept. 28 K-0 (and late seniors) Thursday,. Sept. 29 P-T (and late seniors) Friday, Sept. 30 U-Z (last day for seniors) Sophomores: Monday, Oct. 3 A-E (and late juniors) Tuesday, Oct. 4 F-J (and late juniors) Wednesday, Oct. 5 K-0 (and late juniors) Thursday, Oct. 6 P-T (and late juniors) Friday, Oct. 7 U-Z (last day for juniors) Freshmen: Monday, Oct. 10 A-E (and late sophomores) Tuesday, Oct. 11 F-J (and late sophomores) Wednesday, Oct. 12 K-0 (and late sophomores) Thursday, Oct. 13 P-T (and late sophomores) Friday, Oct. 14 U-Z (last day for sophomores) Learn To Type-It Helps! ' i Afternoon & Evening Classes Town Glasses Secretarial College, Inc. 159i2 E. FRANKLIN ST. (Over Sutton's) 942-4797 942-4797 Featuring; Sports Proven For Consistent Dependability Sfl8TflTE JflBDUJflD The first scheduled perfor mance for the Glee Club this year will be on University Day, October 12. Then on October 27 the Glee Club will present a concert at the Sou thern Pines Concert Series. November 22 will be the date Tuesday Night Series Concert in Hill Hall. This performance is regarded as the major con cetr for the club this fall. Tentative singing tours may be scheduled in the future. It vais hoped that perhaps the club can appear on another national TV show as they did Around All Campus Calendar items must be submitted in person at the DTH offices in GM by 2 p.m. the day before the de sired publication date (by 10 a.m. Saturday's for Sunday's DTH). Lost and Found notices will be run on Tuesdays and Saturdays only. TODAY There will be a meeting for all people interested in the ' University Party from 2:30 5 p.m. today in the Wood house Room. Interviews for the Attorney J General's Staff will be held today from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Grail Room. Granville Towers will sponsor an Opening Party Sat., Sept. 24 from 8:30 - 12:30. The "Prophets" will be featured. Admission is $1.25 per cou- ; pie. THURSDAY A University Party meeting ; will be held today in Ger rard Hall from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Everyone is invited. The Honor Systems Commis sion meets Thursday at 4 p.m. in Roland Parker III. The Sigma Theta Tau, nation al honor society of nursing, will have a tea for fresh men and . graduate nursing students and registered nur sing students Thursday from 4:30-5:30 in the parlour of the first floor of the School of Nursing. The purpose is to introduce students to the organization. Interviews will be held Thurs day at 4 p.m. in 303 Wilson Library for any Honors stu dents interested in working in The Honors Seminar Room. This is a paying job. CONVERSE Basketball Shoes High or Low Tops Only S8.95 AT EASTGATE SHOPPING CENTER 4 Ji. in June, on the Ed Sullivan show. It is also hoped that the club can sing at the Cana dian World Exposition at Montreal some time this year. New director Bob Porco has organized the club so that each singing section has a lea der who is responsible for the men in 'his section. Section leaders are: Bob Dilks, Bari tones; Lee Falconer, First Tenors; John Lambert, Bass es; Second Tenors, Dick Mc Phatter. Club President this year is Paul Wyche and accompanist is Mike Kelly. Campus If you cannot attend this meeting, contact Tom Cra ver at 929-1997. Davie Residence College is sponsoring a combo party featuring the "Majors" on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 8 to 12 p.m. at the Naval Armo ry. Admission is $1.00 per couple. -SIC- (Continued From Page 1) planned on a" first printing of 11,000 copies. ' Single copies of this guide will be available free of char ge to guidance counselors and students. Quantity rates will be given upon request. An additional section, which should interest many individu which are or will be in demand in the near future. The work on this new edition is not yet complete and volun teers are needed to help com pile, publish, and distribute these booklets. Anyone who is interested in helping with sch olarship research, career guid es, information bulletins, gen eral committee work, editing, typing, layout, or printing should stop by the YM YWCA offices and talk with a mem ber of the staff. The Shortest, Dis tance Between You And Fashion Excel lence Is A Straight Line: A Striped Suit Come In And Browse Through Our Suit Selec tion Today! Striped Vested Suits From $75.00 Clothiers of Distinction FRANKLIN STREET Meets NOW PLAYING Tfi TECK&CGLC3 PARAM0UN1 P,CTUR WW Mem? Mswati (TFTFER TTP SOME DISCOURAGED TAR HEEL FAN WITH A FROM Finicky about fabric? So is Corbin! If you appreciate the look, "hand" and wearing qualities of handsome woolens and blends, you're probably a collector of Corbin Trousers. Corbin fabrics are the finest. They are chosen for their ability to keep their shape ... . their crease their newness for years. Take "Bugzy Whip" for instance. This hard-finish, lOOCo worsted with its crisp, elegantly casual look has become a classic with us. W NEW YORK w affent on your campus U a rood man to know. 9 Write . . . P&ine GEORGE L. COXHEAD, C.L.U. mVz East Franklin (Over Dairy Bar) Ph. 212-4ZZS NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY V WE 1 --t 1 r .1 f S i V 'fr y m v r ? c X ' ' v 'v. w i l ?! 'f " hi ' i y i