Thursday, October 27, 1966 Page 2 THE DAILY TAR HEEL -Jfh Our Opinion . . k i j Call A Spade A Spade And ! Call A Gimmick A Gimmick fcI Still Think A Cup-Cake Sale Would Be Better!' Phil Kir stein l Seldom in the long history of j journalism has a headline on a j story been more thoroughly con- fusing than one that appeared on the front page of yesterday's DTH. And, fittingly, seldom has a ; story deserved its headline to be so ludicrously uninformative. The case in point was an arti ; cle announcing a "meet the coach I es" reception to be sponsored by I the Student Party candidates for I freshman class offices. The Jiead was originally written one col umn wide, three lines, and should 'have said, "Meet Coaches Time Set By SP Candidates." But, in the mechanical process, Jone line of the head was lost and the other two were reversed. So, .the final printed product read, I "Time Set By Meet Coaches." We noticed the head, and a se I ries of emotions ensued. First we ; were puzzled: What in the world is it supposed to say? Then we ; were embarrassed: Oh my God, we've goofed this one up good. Next came amusement: This is a riot! Finally came disgust. ; We like to see candidates with fa solid, worthwhile platform. We rlike to see candidates believe in Uheir platform. We like to think candidates will carry through with I their campaign promises. But, as we see it, it's more sthan a little pretentious for can didates to initiate a program from I a platform before the election is i Briefly Editorial Poor Frank Hodges. He just ' can't win. ' He's been an avid worker in Student Government and the Stu ident Party ever since he first-set foot on the campus.- He has been chairman of his party and ' has served in Student Legislature as chairman of the Judicial Commit tee. He was appointed Men's Attor ney General last spring by the stu dent body president. But he came '.within a hair's breadth of failing 'to have his appointment approved ;by SL. j Finally, he got settled down in 3iis job of attorney generalizing 'championing the cause of honor ;and honesty and, lo and behold, someone came along and stole a paper weight and pen set off the fresk in his office. : He got over that in a few days, pnly to have his umbrella snitch ed on a particularly rainy after noon. He recovered from that, too. ow he is laid up in his rack with mononucleosis. Get well, Frank. We're dying for you to get back on the job just to see what else will happen. I From Back Issues ! (Issues that made the news in The Daily Tar Heel on this date five, io, and 15 years ago.) ? i Oct. 27, 1881 ! Gentlemen do NOT prefer blonds! At least Carolina gentlemen don't. They like dark hair better. In a recent DTH survey 59 of the men interviewed chose dark hair; 35.5 chose blond; and red heads rated 4.5. j But light-haired or dark, 64 of Car olina's men want their girls to have short hair with simple styling say: "A girl with short hair can primp up easily after we park." j Oct. 27, 1956 t William C. Friday yesterday official ly took over as Consolidated University president. He was unanimously elected to the position by the full Board of Trustees, which met in special session in the Hall of the House to approve his nomination. I Oct. 27, 1951 i If you're annoyed by clanging bells at ungodly hours, don't complain to the neighbors. See Dean Spruill. He sets the schedule. -7-The-South, Building bell is motor syn chronized to ring at set intervals. There is no such thing as a weird little demon who dashes to the tower, pulls the rope and chuckles, just to annoy YOU! even held, to initiate a program as 'freshman Student Party candi dates in the November 8 election." It's even more ridiculous to start the wheels turning for a pro gram that is set to take place two weeks after the election. Or may be its just loads of self-confidence. Or, then again, maybe it's just a gimmick to get free publicity in the press. On the surface, it looked like a valid enough news story. Fresh man candidates care about fresh man athletics. They have the sup port of the athletic department all the way. But what about a quote like this one: "One plank of the SP fresh man platform is full support of the freshman athletic program. We feel this is one of the many ways of doing this." Well, if the SP candidates don't win, let's hope their opposition also thinks this is a fine program. If they don't, it might provide for some high class embarrassment in freshman athletic circles. "We appreciate the SP efforts in this field . . ." the freshman ath letic director said. What could he be expected to say? Of course the athletic depart ment appreciates any help it gets from student organizations in fur thering its athletic programs. But how much would the ath letic department appreciate the Student Party's use of its (the ath letic department's) official pres tige as a virtual endorsement of political candidates? If a candidate wants to win an election on this campus, we'd ad vise him to get out and start knocking on doors and shaking hands instead of spending his time starting programs that should be started after the election. And to the party braintrusts, who, if they did not sponsor the idea, no doubt engineered its ap pearance in the public spotlight, we invite them and their peers from the UP to keep them com ing if that's the way you think it should be done. If you've got a program you want publicized, we will publicize it for you. But if hidden motives are no more secluded than those in this specific instance, we have but one choice of action. We'll call 'em like we see 'em. Better Than Ban Johnny Carson, chatting the other night with one of his guests who was a prognosticator, perked up when he heard the gentleman predict that within a very few years someone would invent an oral contraceptive pill to be taken by men. "Oh good," Carson quipped. "That will take the worry out of being close." 74 Years of Editorial Freedom Fred Thomas, Editor Tom Clark, Business Manager Scott Goodfellow, Managing Ed. John Greenbacker .... Assoc. Ed Kerry Sipe .. Feature Editor Bill Amlong News Editor Ernest Robl .. Asst. News Editor Sandy Treadwell .. Sports Editor Bob Orr Asst. Sports Editor Jock Lauterer Photo Editor Chuck Benner ... .... Night Editor Steve Bennett, Lytt Stamps, Lynn Harvel, Judy Sipe, Don Campbell, Cindy Borden .. . - Staff Writers The Daily Tar Heel is the official news publication of the University of North Carolina and is published by students daily except Mondays, ex amination periods and vacations. Second class postage paid at the Post Office m Chapel Hill N C Suhscnption rates: $4.50 pe'r semes: ter, $8 per year. Prinf v.. P"b,i Co., he', 501 if. a-iuuuui oi., jnapei Hill, N. C I p Jiff MZ -tow; rw . mm -rue. 1 1 W r-nAcW kill Wlmm . . .41 kmmmmA 'Sflesir tpM: 1 y 1 "OA DMUX " 'WR 6&U In Letters epiaee JoieeFjleadleFg New Group Formed Editor, The Daily Tar Heel: Far be it from us to rock the normally smooth - sailing UNC boat, however something has become blantantly obvious which forces us to abandon our academic cubbyholes and take up the banner of anti status quoism. We were thunderstruck and heartbroken as our beloved Tarheels lost tfrjir third game of the young season, to the Deamon Deacons of Wake Forest College, but we can still be proud of our fighting coaching staff and squad of forty of America's finest. These men dedicated a week of hard work, missed aca demic opportunities and sleep less nights in preparation for the big homecoming game, and lost through no fault of our own; for as every big time football fan knows, a football team is but clay in the hands of its rooting sec tion, and the rooting section can only be as good as its leader. We would never have taken this matter into our own hands if we didn't have the feeling of a growing discon tent among the various fac tions of the Chapel Hill, aca demic community. This seems to be one issue devoid of ideo logical considerations and one which touches the hearts and minds of all true Carolinians. Have you ever seen a big time football game on T.V. and noticed the level of cheer ing section excellence? Have you noticed the originality and seemingly unlimited variations of cheers emulating from ma jor college cheering sections? As you watch the Tar Heels fighting their hearts out for us, don't you miss the mov ing hysteria you experienced vicariously watching a big time cheering section on T.V.? We don't want to point fin gers, but we honestly don't believe the cheering section leader has done his part by dedicating a week of hard work, sleepless nights, etc., in preparation for his crucial task of aiding the Tarheels in their quest for victory. Don't you, as a cheering section member, get rather tired of the three, grade school qua- The Times On Paull FROM THE RALEIGH TIMES A university must offer pro tection to its teachers and to its students. If it doesn't do that basic job, it is on dan gerous ground. The university cannot pro tect one group without, at the very same time, protecting the other. If it protects good teach ers from outside influences it is protecting the students who must have good teachers. Just as surely, the university is pro tecting its good teachers if it protects the students from poor teachers. This whole matter is now very jnuch in the center of Chapel Hill's ever . active stage. And, Chancellor J. Car lyle Sitterson seems to have acted in too much haste in responidng to criticism from off campus regarding what did or didn't happen in a freshman English class taught by a graduate student. It is true that, in reassigning t h e graduate student to non - tea ching duties Chancellor Sitter son acted on recommendation of a faculty advisory commit tee. Members of that commit tee said they were acting on "available" evidence. At last a majority of the freshmen students involved say that no one in University au- Thh0rity . tllked them. Those students felt that what happened was a misunder standing. They wanted the gra duate student reassigned to the class. They said the teach er didn't assign a theme on seduction. The poem which was under study has been as signed to countless freshmen in countless colleges for count less years. That poem didn't all of a sudden become filthy. If themes regarding it did con tain four - letter words, either the students misunderstood the teacher or he told them to in clude the words. The weight of the evidence seems to point to misunderstanding. The University should pro tect students from a teacher who deliberately forces his stu dents to sit through repetition of four - letter words just for the shock of it. And, just as surely, the University should protect a teacher from hasty decisions which could have been based on less than full evidence. Chancellor Sitterson has now returned this case to the jur isdiction of the English Depart ment. There should now be a full and absolutely complete gathering of all the evidnce, including a frank talk with every student in the class at the time the incident occurred. In a way, this young teacher's future is at stake. And, just as surely, the future of the University is at stake. There must be no feeling in the fa culty that any hysteria from any outside source can bring hasty raction from University authorities. A full investigation might well justify completely the ac tion Chancellor Sitterson took in reassigning this young tea cher to non - teaching duties. If so, all well and good, for the Chancellor does have the very clear duty of protecting students from the irresponsi ble or incompetent teachers. On the other hand, it that full investigation shows that what happened was, at the worst, an honest misunderstanding, the Chancellor should say so and should put this young tea cher back in the classroom. lity, cheer repertoire? Even if you are in a half drunk stupor. We thought that possibly the leader was struck with a case of early season jidders in the State game when all he came up with was 'Giv 'em Hell Heels" and "Go State, Go to Hell," which adequate as they may be for fill-ins in times of brief mental lapse, have no place in the permanent reper toire of a big time cheering section leader, but when the leader courageously embarked upon the path of creativity and innovation in the Wake game and came up with "Kill!," we were forced1 to abandon our stand of passive tolerance. We also feel that it is pathetic that our leader is driven by a small-time fixa tion that every cheer must in clude at least one swear word, with hell getting special con sideration. Is our collective vocabulary really so limited that we are forced to degrade ourselves to this level to ef fect an appearance of cleber ness? But we also have no place in our hearts for he who cri ticizes without suggesting al ternative courses of action. In a spirit of humbleness we here present the following sug gestions which we hope might make a small contribution to this confrontation and crisis. 1. Cheerleader of the week plan During one quarter of each game any Carolina stu dent would be allowed to lead his fellow Carolinians in the quest we collectively pursue. This would undoubtedly lead to the originality and enthu siasm we now so desperately lack. 2. Mid-season vote of con fidence with possible replace ment by most popular cheer leader of the week plan The meaning of this long titled plan is obvious enough to eliminate the need for fur ther elaboration. 3. Participation of our cheering leader at the Red lands school for pep leaders plan. Sincerely, LEADER (Layman's Committee for the Evaluation of the Adequacy of the Director of Enthusias tic Rooters.) Hunting At Home Editor. The Daily Tar Heel: Re: "Carolina Gentlemen, Girl Hunting Begins at Home." The situation described in your editorial exists. Who knows better than the girls themselves whether they are dating? The delicate male ego can not sustain the trauma of a refusal, so the men don't ex tend invitations. The adage "none but the brave deserve the fair" is relevant. If the fainthearted, unag gressive Carolina graduate men are representative, small wonder our society is increas ingly matriarchal. Margaret Winston Custom Of Toasting Needs Reinstatement Students at Carolina have been missing a golden opportunity to express their feelings by not making toasts before drinking. This old tradition of toasting has almost disappeared from the Carolina scene. The trend in toasts used to be a gauge of public opinion in the pre-Gallop poll era. Though toasts are no longer needed by politicians to guage their strength, it would be foolish to eliminate them. If the custom of toasting before every drink were to be adopted, the toaster would be able to drive home a point in the social setting with out starting an argu ment. Toasts would cover all topics of current interest. For the man on his way up in the State Department, or for that matter anywhere in Washington, an ap propriate toast might be, "Yeah LBJ, I'm with you all the way." If you should be drinking with a member of your local Selective Service board you could use the old favorite of so many of us, "How about another draft?"There is no limit to the new toasts that imag inative toasters will come up with. Toasts do not, of course, have to apply only to the draft or Viet Nam. The campus scene, with its' nev er ending series of crises could be a constant source of meaningful toasts. The old stand-by for student activists (if there are any on this campus) would be, "Till the new meeting of CFI, May we have Peace and Tranquility." The students who find themselves every few months outside of South Building with a sign in their hand might use, "May we always walk softly and carry a big stick." A reminder to girls dating at the "Lodge" is to remember the toast, "To the next president of the Student Body, Brother .. ." The faculty has their own set of problems and naturally would have their own toasts. Students should be warned not to be surprised to hear their English professors at the next football game make the following, toast before taking a sip (of Coke, of course), "May there always be other 'departmental duties' to which I may be assigned." Members of the history department, who can look with pride to their colleagues who have moved to ad ministrative positions in the University will use the following toast, "Next year may we be in South Building." With the creativity and time put into toast crea tion, it would be only fitting that . the drinkJbe the .result of an equal amount of creativity'f''M' The "Bob Powell," which should be consumed by all education reformers who like the recipe, but is mandatory for all presidential hopefuls, is the mix ture of any liquors which are meaningful and rele vant to the individual drinker and which can be made independently. There is no standard recipe for the drink named after Dean Long as it changes every time it is made. The "Jessie Helms" can be made with any clear or white liquor except Vodka that will produce a dull ing of the mind. Hopefully a revived interest in the art of toasting will take place on this campus which will enable all students to drop their picket signs and petitions on Saturday night without giving them the feeling they are neglecting their duties as social critics. Develop The Student Ever notice how people take to certain athletes who are outstanding at their games, and you hear very little about the rest of the team. Well this can also happen in the classroom. In the classroom the one who seems to get an over abundance of the coveted limelight is usually overly opinionated and expresses himself quite clearly, even to the point of showing he's mastered the English language. The professor is pretty much like the football coach. He can let the student carry the ball on near ly every play if he wants to, so to speak. Well, fine. If this be the case and it is agreed that speaking makes a good student, then why not pull some of the second and third string off the bench and let them carry the ball in. a discussion a few times? Probably after they've felt the thrill of active participation they may fight for that number one po sition on the field, the classroom field that is. One doesn't throw the good swimmer a life jacket when the boat capsizes. Instead he throws the non swimmers one first. The professor can easily throw an academic life jacket by making it a point to en- courage the seemingly uninterested student. But the prof may say that is "high school." The ' student is mature enough now to do things on his own without being prodded. Maybe so, but a professor is also a teacher. What we're suggesting is that the student who just sits there be called on more often. Even if he does goof and uses second-rate Spanish expressions he'll be encouraged. Make him know his brain power is needed just as much as the next person's. Oil wells are there. They have to be drilled for. Quarterbacks become quarterbacks because they got a break somewhere along the line. The coach has a lot to do with how long he sits on the bench. Is the professor any different? Steve Lail

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