Serials Dept. Box 870 mil. ?r. c tfaeutty Members Interviewed Prefer Code As It Is ee By JOE COLTRANE DTH Staff Writer (Second In a Series) m- "It's rickety and shaky, but it works, and will continue to work," said Professor Peter Walker in reference to the UNC Honor code. "The altern atives to the Honor code are so frightful that we need not even discuss them. No one wants a monitor system, nor do teachers want to spy on their students." Evidently, most UNC in structors expect their students to observe the honor code. Only eight students out of 100 said their teachers either did not use it, or used other meth ods of insuring honesty. : "I always expect my stu dents to be honest, and I treat them as honest people," said Walker. "If I went around spy ing on my students then I could harrilv ovnoM thom t be honorable in their dealings wnn TTif onn mxr a mcc Shoe Shine, Please Co-eds will shine shoes for the Junior Class, Wednesday and Thursday in "Y-Court" from 10-4. 25 cents per pair of shoes. Volume 74, Number 118 Mon se vorld Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon will be a featured speaker at the 17th (Annual N.C. Conference on World Af fairs to be held here tomor- row under the theme "Obsta- - cles to World Order: The Citi- .w.n's PhnTlpncrp ' Other speakers will be Dr. Dorothy Hutchinson of Jenkin town, Pa., chairman of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, and Dr. Seymour Melman, a pro fessor at Columbia University and consultant to top indus trial management. : Senator Morse is chairman of both the Foreign Relations Committee's Subcommittee on Latin American Affairs and of the Education Subcommittee of the Labor and Public Wel fare Committee. '.He will address the after noon session of the conference on the topic, "The Illusion of National Omnipotence." Dr. Frank P. Graham, special United Nations mediator, will introduce him. Morse has represented Ore gon as a Democrat since 1952, after serving as a Republican from 1944 to 1952. w rr .,iflHt: r 1 -i ir r mi b ,j 1 LW j, in, ipjuijbm nwiiMinrniTniirnTT iumwwiwniii n if Bnmma - ' i v y v v '.;". "7 i l . h ! t r-, 1 hi i p j y A. x,.-- v- 1 --' ' V V .- - ihTlllTry IT - ill. PTTJIIIM V fciliiMMMili.aiMMk.MMiaMMaal Spot The Spot No. 6 WE'RE NOW halfway through the spot-the-spot contest and things are really getting tough for out photo men. But dont' dispair. They'll come up with some more easy ones By the way, is it fair to use a picture of a brick on South Bufldmg? How about ou3 number from Memorial Hall? At east the RECORD BAR has solved one problem for us. They re going to give the winner TEN fantastic albums. So now is the time for all good blood. ... Now wait a minute. Spot No. 6 Name of person Campus address ! Walker was a member of the Special Advisory Committee on the Honor System which met on a weekly basis through the school year 1964-65. That committee, composed of stu dents and faculty, interviewed members of the faculty and administrators, and distribut " always expect my students to be honest and I treat them as honest people." ed questionnaires to all mem bers of the teaching faculty. The committee's report was finished June 22, 1965. Codes Idealistic "The inescapable conclusion reached by the committee was that, though there exists some dissatisfaction with the Honor System, there is no in terest in replacing it with any To Talk On Obstacles He holds degrees from the Universities of Wisconsin and Minnesota and from Columbia University, and was named dean of the Oregon Law School at the age of 30. Morse will hold a press con ference at 9 a.m., following the 8:30 registration for the pro gram in Memorial Hall. The opening session is from 10 a.m. until 12:30. The afternoon session will . be resumed at Candimtes Meet All candidates for5 elected office March 21 must meet with the elections board Thursday afternoon from 4 5:30 in Roland Parker I, II and III to discuss the election laws and conditions surround ing the voting. Doug McKeown, administra tive assistant to the elections board, said there will be "a meager list of acceptable ex cuses" for persons not attending. other form of student disci pline. Though the Honor and Campus codes are admittedly idealistic, most of the persons interviewed felt that these codes should be preserved." Among the suggestions for improving the Honor System was the proposal to establish an honor court made up of both male and female repre sentatives to try cases in which the Honor Code (as opposed to the Campus Code) had been broken. Also specified was the pen alty for a conviction of cheat ing. This fact should be widely publicized so that students will be aware of it." The committee also consid 1:45, to be concluded by 3 p.m. Dr. Dorothy Hutchinson is one of the. authors of the re cent book, "Peace In Viet nam: A New Approach To Southeast Aisa." She has been a lecturer and writer on inter national afairs fro 25 years. She will speak to the Confer ence on World Affairs within the topic, "World Community Without World Citizenship," in the first address of the day. Candidates for all offices must attend, that is, all offi cers of student government, senior class. CAA, Waa. Edi tor of the DTH, Student Legis lature representatives, WRC, MHC and WHC. ' The elections board will "not hesitate to disqualify any can didate" who does not meet the requirements, McKeown said. And ignorance of the rules will be no excuse. McKeown also said there "will be much stricter en forcement of the elections laws than has been in the past," particularly in the cam paign expenses. ! "There has been a lot of fudging on campaign expenses in the past," he said, indicat ing that the elections board will stiffen up considerably in this area. Parties and organizations endorsing a candidate must turn in these names at the Thursday meeting. All students running without party endorsement or Pub Board backing must submit their petitions by Thursday, also. McKeown explained that the ballots are being changed this year, with all names be ing photographed and put on the ballot. ICiau Sill RALEIGH (AP) The North Carolina House tenta tively approved legislation Tuesday authorizing the gov ernor to increase rewards in infamous crimes as a means of clamping down on the Ku Klux Klan The measure would give the governor the power to in crease rewards from $400 to $10,000 for information lead ing to the arrest and convic tion of prsons wanted in infa mous crimes. , After the House had given second reading approval to the bill, Rep. Roger Kiser, D Scotland, objected to immed iate third reading. The mea sure was carried over until Wednesday. In his legislative address last month, Moore recom mended the increased reward as one of three measures to clamp down on the Ku Klux Klan. The other two bills were on Tuesday's House cal endar, but were postponed at the request of Rep. Claude ered the responsibilities of the faculty under the Honor Code. "A more extensive orientation of new faculty members should be undertaken." "The committee recommends that strongly faculty members make every effort to increase the use of essay type tests. Furthermore, ' we recommend that every effort be made to see that .students are not crowded into rooms when they take examina tions." Sharp Endorsed The Faculty Committee on Student Discipline received the report of the special commit tee in October of 1965. In a January, 1966 letter to Chan cellor Sharp, the Faculty com mittee endorsed the proposal to establish an honor court composed of men and women to try those offenses it de scribed as falling under the The South' s Largest n) off CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, ' --... . r , x ; I S Chapel Hill Turns take to the Campus, -DTH Gardner IF IF By SJULIE PARKER DTH Staff Writer Chances are nil for any money from Congress to help the National Students Asso ciation out of the financial hole left when it rejected un-der-cover funds from the Cen tral Intelligence Agency, Con- Approved Hamrich, D-Forsyth, sponsor of the measures and chairman of House Judiciary I Commit tee. The other bills would (1) make it a felony to willfully damage occupied property by using high explosives, and (2) make it a felony to burn a cross on property without the owner's permission. Hamrich told the House that the governor and House Judiciary I Committee felt that while a person "may be willing -to become an inform ant for $400," the increased reward would offer more in ducement. Rep. Sneed High, D-Cum-berland, said he was opposed to the provision which ties the reward to arrest and con- viction He added some persons "would not hesitate to perjure themselves to get the reward." "I question the wisdom of coupling arrest and convic tion," he added. "I think it should be arrest or convic tion." f "Academic Honor Code." The court has not yet been established. "The instructor has an obli gation to make his tests hard to cheat on," said Walker. But all instructors are not going to give essay-type quiz es. They are difficult to grade they take a lot of time, and a great many teachers are verv lazy. "Of course, no one is per fect. There is some level at which everyone will give in to temptation. However, the few er precautions against cheat ing a professor takes, the low er that level becomes." Another member of the fac ulty, Professor Henry C. Bor en, defended the part of the Honor Code which requires a student to turn in others he has observed cheating. Boren sent a letter to the Editor of the DTH in February, 1964, ex pressing his views. In it, College Newspaper WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, Spring - side and classes Photo by Jock Lauterer ays gressman James Gardner said here Monday. "With a $74 billion budget slated for defense, Congress is not in a mood to appropriate anything for domestic spend ing that isn't absolutely nec essary," Gardner said. T?SA will have to lobby the executive agencies to get funds, Gardner thinks. Gardner was interviewed at WUNC-TV just before he ap peared on "North Carolina News Conference" Monday evening. He was asked what he thought of the newest draft reforms proposed this week end by a presidential commis sion. The commission's plan rec ommended calling men 19 years of age first by a na tional lottery and cutting off student deferments. "I haven't had a chance to see the report yet, but from newspaper reports I'd say it looks like a good plan al though I don't believe I'd agree with a lottery - based system." He said that college enroll ments probably would not be affected much by the plan since a maximum of 300,000 men are drafted yearly and there are now about 2 mfilion youths 19 years of age. "The present system defi nitely needs overhauling, and I plan to look into this new proposal more thoroughly when I get back to Washing ton." During the telecast Gardner he tried "to persuade students who think otherwise that it is honorable to turn in academic cheats." Boren's letter was in reply to another letter, in which the writer stated that the only true honor system is that which "Students are not children, and at some point they have to make the adjustment in the direction of mature behavior" .W.VW.W. .v.v.v.v.w. puts each students on his own honor. True Test "The Honor system must somehow deal with those who have no honor," said Boren in his letter. "In fact, this is the most important thing it must do . . . The true test of the honor system is how well it MM 1967 c .Defermeii' By DAVID ROTHMAN (Special To The DTH) Dean of Students C. O. Cath ey wants student draft defer ments abolished. Agreeing with a presidential commission? he said the de ferments place "too heavy a burden" on boys unable to at tend college especially the ones who can!t afford it. During an interview in Which he said he was merely giving his personal opinions, Cathey Meredith NEW YORK (AP) James Meredith, who broke the color line at the University of Mis sissippi, was named by the Republicans today to oppose Adam Clayton Powell in a spe cial Harlem congressional election next month. Meredith said he would accept. "No one has an automatic right to a seat in Congress," said Meredith, in accepting designation by' the GOP Ex Aid. 071 said he bucked the GOP and voted against seating Adam Clayton Powell "because he has falsified vouchers, forged names on government checks and misappropriated govern ment money. v "I hope legal action will be taken. It has nothing to do with race Powell abused his office." r Mi On the Corner of tin guttering. controls the cheat, the liar, and the thief. "We do teach our children not to "snitch' or 'tattle but . . . the child does not under stand the difference between what is trivial and what is im portant "Mature persons realize that it is mot important to cooper ate with our governmental agencies (in this case, student government) in all matters which seriously affect the whole community. . "Students are not children, and at some point they have to make the adjustment in also voiced approval of a lot- sion's report, whose sugges-tery-type system to determine tion concerning the deferment who should be drafted. Presi dent Johnson announced Mon day that he would issue execu tive orders to start such a sys tem. Abolition of student defer ments except in limited cases and establishment of a "ran-dom-seJbction pool" both were proposl $ by Johnson's Nation aJL AdvH)ry Commission on the . Selective Service But Cathey did not com pletely endorse the commis- v. Adam? ecutive Committee. Confirma tion is expected from commit teemen in the 18th congres sional district. Powell had been regarded as a sure winner in the April 11 special election for the seat from which he was ousted by Congress last week. The Republicans obviously hoped Meredith's reputation in the field of civil rights would make him a strong contender. Meredith, who said he was opposed to Powell's ouster from Congress, said he was aware that in opposing the Ne gro Democrat he might lay himself open to "the fear and the scorn from fellow Ne groes." Powell's lawyers said he will make no attempt to block the special election April 11. Attorney Robert Carter said the decision grew out of a con ference with Powell, who is in Bimini in the Bahamas. Democratic leader J. Ray mond Jones said he plans to give the required 10-day no tice for a meeting of 18th dis trict Democratic committee men, who will nominate a can didate from their party. South Building's roof9 DTH the direction of mature behav- lor." "Mv present position is sub stantially the same as that I expressed in the letter," said Boren. "The Honor code, in cluding the student's responsi bility to turn in violators, just has to be there." "I also taueht at Southern Illinois University, where there is no honor code stated explicitly. However, even there I frequently left the classroom during quizzes," he said. The general oomion of ev ery faculty member interview ed seemed to be favorable to the hnnor system as it is. Each said that he considered every student to be honest, but each also recognized the fact that a student could Drobably cheat and not be caught. Tomorrow: The future of the honor code. Board Interviews Graham Memorial urges all those interested in applying for presidency of the Activi ties Board to sign up for Fri day afternoon interviews at the CM. info desk. Founded February 23. 1893 H ma abolition has not been ap- proved by Johnson. Cathey said he wanted to study the report further. Basically agreeing with the commission, however, he sug gested that the names of stu dents in their upper teens be placed on the lottery list. Cathey said he did not favor using grades as a means of deciding who "goes." The dean said that Phi Beta Kappas should be treated the same as students who were failing. He did not elaborate. As for graduate students, Cathey said they shouldn't be allowed to continue their edu cation past undergraduate school without first having been eligible for the draft. Cathey said that in some ways education might even be improved through elimination of student deferments because "Students attending college would be more mature" after military service. As an example of what he considers is greater maturity, the dean mentioned former soldiers returing to school here after World War II. He said that as a group they performed well compared to many nonveterans. Greater maturity, Cathey continued, would not be the only benefit derived from his proposed system. He said that the GI Bill would assist many students in financing their edu cations following military ser vice. The lottery system, together' with drafting younger men first, are measures which Johnson says he will put into effect through executive or ders. Selective Service Director Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey said Monday that he was im mediately preparing to start drafting 19-year-old first. i a workman repairs the Photo by Jock Lauterer

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