' i 1 KM Page 2 THE DAILY TAR HEEL Wednesday, March 8, 1967 latiy Star 1M Opinions of The Daily Tar Heel are expressed in its editorials. All un signed editorials are written by the editor. Letters and columns reflect only the personal Views of their contributors. SCOTT GOODFELLOW, EDITOR 24 Percent Inveterate Cheaters, Liars? Hardly! When we first learned the re sults of our poll on Honor Code violations, we saw visions of the Code going up in flames. But when we considered it further, it was obvious that such was far from the case. It was not the Honor System itself which was being criticized; the poll did not indicate rampant disregard for integrity, nor did it point to an increase in disrespect for imposed controls. What it revealed was more im portant. The poll showed a developing attitude of pressure pressure 'that I have to do well on this one test", pressure not to turn someone in "because an honor council conviction could ruin his chances of success for years." These pressures all boil down to an attitude which must be recog nized. " Students feel that everytime they are faced with any decision, it is an extremely important one. This is the attitude which has become a vital issue on our cam pus. This is the attitude which ed ucational reform is trying to ease. This is the attitude - which is erod ing not the Honor Code, but those who try to live under it. ; There are some steps which may be taken within the Honor System itself which would ease ten-, sions. First, we must assume that every one has a sense of honor I initially -the -Code is something- ! to guide, not to teach. Second, we must be aware that one cannot walk up to 13,000 students and pro claim, "We trust every one of you." But the Code has nevertheless proved very meaningful to many people, and its effectiveness is something in which Carolina takes pride. What we would suggest to you is that the reasons why most of these persons cheat or lie (in an academic course) are not reasons which brand them as evil. We would suggest also to you that sus pension and expulsion punish ments for cheating are incompati ble with many reasons for the of fenses. We would suggest that the puri . ishment for breaking the Honor Code for cheating and lying be an automatic "F" grade in the relat ed course, or in some other way af fecting University standing. Many professors presently do this with out bringing charges against the offender. Such action is wrong be cause it should be a student con viction; but the punishment is more proper. The strength of our Honor Code is its idealism. As such, it can never be rendered ineffective be cause it will always be? a restrain ing force. Tensions in university life today have clouded its mean ing. Some of this cloudiness can be reduced by lessening the bur den upon those who feel strongly obligate to uphold our H o n o r Code. I : Compact Refrigerators, ashers Come At Last W One of our many long lost caus es seems to have found a success ful solution. It was far from our expectations to. hear yesterday that washing machines and compact refrigera tors are awaiting approval for use in men's residence halls. The pro ject was one which has been dis cussed by "promise" candidates in elections for years and noth ing was done. We were incredulous. v Wasn't there some trustee re, gulation against it? No. Wasn't . there some administrative official who wanted to block it? No. Then why hadn't it been done before? Nobody knew. In fact, everyone was asking these same questions. The only apparent hold-up for the washing machines has been a general lack of space to put them in, but this seems to ; be an ob stacle which needs only a small ef fort to clear up. And the only hold up for. the compact refrigerators is that the county board of health must have means of assuring it self that health standards are not lowered in residence hall rooms because of the machines. This problem, is fielded by adopting strict sanitary regulations, the flaunting of which would mean re frigerator forfeiture. The washing machines are clearly an item of necessity on South Campus, where. many stu dents walk great distances to ma chine launder their clothes. The refrigerators are just as clearly an item of luxury, but nevertheless one which would improve life on our campus if properly directed. Today's Thought We just happened to notice the location of the new Davie Hall building yesterday. From a fourth floor window, you can scan every 'inch of the Arboretum! i A CIA plot? Financially, the washing ma chines would be bought by the University and would probablyy pay for themselves very quickly. The refrigerators would , be 4 rent ed to students by the semester from Student Government, which would use its profits to increase the stock of available machines. The whole idea is an exciting one, both in its simplicity and in the benefits which the innovations will bring. We urge all rapidity in the completion of project. Iff SatUj Sar Qrel 74 Years of Editorial Freedom Scott Goodfellow, Editor Tom Clark, Business Manager Sandy Tread well, Manag. Ed. John Askew .... Ad. Mgr. Peter Harris .. . Associate Ed. Don Campbell .... News Editor Donna Reifsnider .... Feature Ed. Jeff MacNelly ... 1 Sports Editor Owen Davis .. Asst. Spts. Ed. Jock Lauterer ,.: Photo Editor David Garvin Night Editor Mike McGowan .... Photographer Wayne Hinder . ... Copy Editor Ernest Robl, Steve Knowlton, CaroT Wonsavage, Diane Ellis, Karen Freeman, Hunter George, Drummond Bell, Owen Davis, Joey Leigh, Dennis Sanders, Joe Saunders, Penny Raynor, Jim Fields. Donna Reifsnider Joe Coltrane, Julie Parker CARTOONISTS Bruce Strauch, Jeff MacNelly. The Daily Tar Heel is the official news publication of the University of North Carolina and is published by students daily except Mondays, ex amination periods and vacations. - Second class postage paid at the Post Office in Chapel Hill, N. C. Subscription rates: $4.50 per semes ter; $8 per year. Printed by the Chapel HiU Publishing Co., Inc., 501 W. Franklin St., Chapel Hill, N. C. Teddy O'Tooie .Does CIA.- Ruin Foe o (Fifth in a series of arti cles about the KSA-CIA rela tionship.) We began our investigation. It consisted mainly of calling in any - past officers, staff members, or journalists who were in positions to furnish us with facts about the NSA CIA relationship. Getting those facts was not as easy as we had imagined. The CIA, lives on secrecy, moves one step closer to death with each col umn inch of publicity, and fights pretty hard when threat ened. Nevertheless, the NSB in vestigation did manage to un earth most of the particulars of the NSA-CIA relationship, at the same time discovering fkeletons in the closets of a large number of other "inde pendent" organizations rang- ing from the labor movement to the international press. But first, we learned : the amaz ing truth about what the CIA is and vhat it does. Like, the rest of the Ameri can public, our only impres sion of the CIA had been gained through reading spy stories and seeing cloak-and-dagger movies. We therefore saw CIA activities as con fined to one level of activity espionage. How wrong we were. . The CIA functions on at least three levels. True, one of these is espionage. It works as an . international spy ring gathering information deemed to be of importance for. Unit ed States national security. On this levei, the CIA's rules for operating are simple and con form to the old jungle say ing: "No holds barred." A second level of function-. ing by the CIA is in what I would call "normal intelli gence gathering.." It is dif ferent from espionage in that it doesn't involve counting air planes, stealing chemical for mulas from foreign labora tories, or taking U-2 photo graphs. It involves the gath ering and computerizing of in formation about political de velopments abroad that one might read about in the news paper if one were there. It in volves getting personality des criptions and dossiers on ris ing new leaders abroad and collecting up-to-date informa tion on impending coups and political upheavals. It was on this level of functioning that the CIA used NSA. The third realm of CIA func tioning is the one which star tles the . average citizen, and startled us. . The third realm of CIA ac tivity is in the formation and implementation of foreign pol icy. The CIA actually plans operations such as the notori ous Bay of Pigs invasion. It supports or helps crush coups in Latin and South America. It negotiates with groups in foreign countries to sell them weapons, or, we were told by one witness, even to sell a fleet of obsolete United States bombers in one case. Why does the CIA, supposed ly an . intelligence gathering group, engage in this type of activity? It is either because 'Studying nothing! I'm preparing for tomorrow's exam.9 i . - : , . .- - - t . - s -v.?. ':'$' - . ?t' v- v-i--f fi i:" V TV. ,&i&-3ft f M ' 1 i i in riiiii" J 'I 7Vf f-i" .... "gM rDiar- rS- IV ' "4 '-. ' -. - ! 'I -C ..- The Credibility Gap .Re -Opened By HHH By ERNEST YANARELLA Amid the hosannas and hal leluahs voiced in praise of Hubert Humphrey's recent vist to Chapel Hill, I feel com pelled to add a sobering note to his thoroughly intoxicat ing performance. In his otherwise admirable response defending the right to dissent, Mr. Humphrey con cluded by remarking that "it does no good to believe, to make believe, , to make other people believej that the Gov ernment is trying to, deceive the American people." Call me dissenter of the "Great Society"; call me opponent of the Administration's Grand World Design. Call me what you will. I must challenge this statement. At . a time when the credi- -bility gap grows ever wider, it would be belaboring , the ob vious to catalog the innum erable lies, half-truths, and fabrications advanced by the Johnson Administration re specting our Vietnam policy. ' So, instead, I propose to enum erate two acts of deception put forth by the Vice-President in his own presentation at UNC. The first, and by far the most specious, involved the logic of our refusal to halt unconditionally the "bombing of North Vietnam. In order 'to defend our position, Mr. Hum--phrey drew this analogy. He asked, how would Ho Chi -Minn react if, turning the ta bles, the U.S. asserted that she would refuse to negotiate unless North Vietnam ceased infiltrating men and material into South Vietnam, while the United States continued unabated bombing the North and giving logistical support and manpower in the South? The analogy, however, is spurious. The proper ana logue to North Vietnam's de mand is the following. Assume that, by some quirk of fate, North Vietnam was bombing strategic American cities en deavoring, let us assume, to uplift the ebbing morale of the Vietcong and the North . Vietnamese regulars fighting in the South, and for other vague reasons. Suppose furth er that Hanoi demanded "just any step" by Washington to indicate her sincerity in wish ing to negotiate. . The analogy could be flesh ed out to make it paral lel even more closely Hanoi's present predicament.- The point is: in this light, would it be reasonable to believe that President Johnson would could make any com , promising gesture while American cities and transpor- tation lines were being sys tematically decimated,' how ever moderately and with however much restraint? Would he, too, not demand un conditional cessation of the, bombing before considering to engage in negotiations? Surely, viewed in this fash ion, Hanoi's intransigence on this matter becomes compre hensible. A second glaring act of de ception perpetrated by Mr., Humphrey against his audi ence was manifested in his . criticism of Hanoi's, use of the recent truce for the pur poses of replenishing her arms supply in the South and moving her. men to other lo cales. Of course, these actions are undeniable. But, what is 1 also irrefutable is the fact that we, too, took advantage of the military respite to transfer soldiers and to move supplies to strategic areas. My point, again, is a sim ple one. It is surely improper to attach an onus to the North Vietnamese build-up during the truce-period when we and our South Vietnamese "allies" were substantially doing the same thing. To close, writing in 1952 in the "New Republic," the then Senator Humphrey stated: "Unless we tell the truth and state the facts ... we betray our liberal tradition and as sociate ourselves with a false bill of goods that some peo ple have tried to sell the American people." That astute observation is no less relevant today. For, in a democracy, if we can not put our ultimate faith in the responsible judgment of the American populace and its capacity to confront harsh realities, who can we trust? If not now, when? Policy? our government has asked them to take that pwer or they have just taken the pow er. At any rate, one thing is certain: When the CIA plans one of its third - realm proj ects, it is in the position of both making recommendations to the president and furnish ing the " information to back up those recommendations. That is called conflict of in terest, put mildly. I have won dered what John F. Kennedy called it. when, after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, he tearfully, moaned that he was fully re sponsible for the entire night mare, but because of his last minute turn - about in call ing back the air cover, but simply because he, as pres ident, had allowed an illegiti mate autonomous agency to exercise the power of forming foreign policy. When the NSB made the discovery of this third level of functioning by the CIA, it threw our entire investiga tion into another light. It was a very sobering experience. For the moment, we forgot the immediate question before us, that of the moral implica tions of the CIA infiltrating independent national organi zations. We even forgot tem porarily the question of the destructiveness of secrecy in a free society. In short, each of us in his own mind was beginning to feel the unspeakable dread associated with the thought that the United States govern ment might be run by some one or something besides the President" and the Congress. WTe thought about the recent book, The Invisible Govern ment. We thought about the war in Vietnam, undeclared by Congress, uncritically ac cepted by the President, mys teriously begun sometime in 1S63 unbeknownst to the gen eral American public. The question still plagues my mind. Who makes Ameri can foreign policy, the Pres ident, the Congress, or the CIA? can we as citizens tol erate it if the answer to that question is the CIA? rild siib; Thomas Cabarga Forbidden Frui Frightens Co-ed I'm convinced that the Tar Heel must be printing only the kooky letters it gets about the "pill": the majority of students at this school just can't be as simple-minded as some of these letter-writers seem to be. As I recall, the editors suggested that the in firmary should prescribe the pill for unmarried coeds, and this led to a discussion of whether or not pre marital sex should be considered morally accep table. Before one can decide whether or not an act is mor al, he must first know exactly what the act is. Pre marital sex (for the benefit of A. S. of Detroit andjA. B. of Ft. Lauderdale) is not adultery, which is defined, as, "yoluntary .sexual intercourse by a mar ried man with another than his wife or by.; a mar- woman with anotherthan her husband." The ject under discussion is fornication, which is, "il licit sexual intercourse on the part of an unmarried person." ' The place' to look in the Bible for condemnations of fornication is in the New Testament, especially in I Corinthians. The Ten Commandments won't help. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible is useful for finding the pertinent passages, and one must use the King James Bible because the Revis ed Standard "Version uses "immorality" in most of the places the KJV says "fornication." The word used by St. Paul can be found in the dictionary of New Testament "Greek in the back of 'the Concord ance by looking up the number at the end of each cited passage (with one exception, either 4202 or 4203). Word No. 4202 is "porneia," meaning "harlotry," which comes from word 4203, "porneuo," "to act the harlot, i.e., (lit.) indulge unlawful lust (of either sex)." It is apparent, then, that what the Bible con demns is "unlawful lust." The next problem is to de termine just what is meant by "lust." The defini tion of Webster's Third seems fair enough: "sexual desire especially of violent self-indulgent character." There is a world of difference between the flat con demnation of "illicit' sexual intercourse on the part of an unmarried person," and the Biblical condem nation of violent, self-indulgent sexual desire. It' seems reasonable to suggest that pre-marital sex should be considered morally acceptable, provided that those engaging in it approach each other with love and respect. It is highly improbable that one who was promiscuous, could meet these conditions in most of his sexual encounters, if in any of them at all. It should-also be pointed out that the Church has always recognized the fact that one can approach' his spouse lustfully, i.e., in a violent, selfish way, and has always condemned such actions. In other words, there is no magic in the marriage ceremony which will transform a lustful person into one who is loving. Morality based on fear is immorality. If a wom an's only reason for not fornicating is that she fears pregnancy, or fears what people might say, she has not recognized one of the most basic facts about the spiritual life: evis is not a "good" which we are forbidden to enjoy. Evil is bad in and of itself, re gardless of whether or not any church or any law for bids one to commit it. A woman who is not promis cuous simply because she can't have the pill and fears pregnancy is not a bit more moral because she refrains from having intercourse! In short, the sin is in the attitude, not in the act. It is doubtful that widespread use of the pill would result in an increase in immorality, or even in prom iscuity, for that matter. One need not have inter course to exploit another person sexually. If all of those who are presently exploiting each other were to begin having intercourse, morality would remain completely unaffected. 4 i t i t