Sunday. Feb'ruarv 03 1fi Page 2 MikeCozza THE DAILY TAR HEEL .0 76 Years 0 Editorial Freedom Bill Amlong, Editor Don Walton, Business Manager L And University Bea To What Students j - ; The modern university is too . much of a busy-body. That, in essence, is what former - Student Body President Bob Pwell was saying Thursday when he told a regional NSA conference that the rnain thing wrong with universities is "an overextension of the authori ty of the university into student :viife." '!.:"' And how well Powell is qualified '.to speak, after spending four years here at a University whose overextension of authority has become a cornerstone of, its 4 ' philosophy of higher education. That is what South Building is - talking about when it says that the University has a responsibility not only to teach its students, but also , to shape them up into good, solid citizens. VI The main hang-up with this is ;that the denizens of South Building normally possess rather archaic conceptions of what good, solid citizenry is all about. It seems often that they have derived their '"''"concept of it from a careful reading 1 of Sinclair Lewis' Babbit. ' For example, It wasn't all that long ago that a male graduate stu dent was found to be living with a female graduate student, to whom he was not properly wed. - 0 . 'Lord,'! . of t h e ad-r ?'5vministrators-!6xclaimed, "what are ' . 1. . , . i. i..ij V- A i.L we ever gumg 10 uu uuuui uiese bohemians!" Now, there are quite a few peo ple around who wuld suggest to the dan that he simply bug off, and permit young love and - or lust to run its normal course. Would all these persons be libertines, craven lechers and the , like? Probably not. . Then how, why, could anybody of relatively sound mmd and morals make such a suggestion that the good, gray deans of the in stitution not swoop down on every instance of student misconduct, and then publicly crucify the of- .0 Progressive The NSA Conference in Atlanta, Ga. is proving to be a sounding ground this year for theories in university residence as well as educational reform. ' St. Andrews College in Laurin .burg has taken a dominating role in ihe discussions of residence renovations because they have already tried experiment al residence set-ups and can quote results. Coed dormitories, which have bean in existance at St. Andrews for 4 years, were heralded by one of their delegates as providing a .much better atmosphere for liv ing. Carolina is making progressive baby steps in this direction with the conversion of Parker Residence Hall in Scctt Residence College to a women's dorm. Parker will, therefore, be in the same residence system next year with the'all male Avery and Teague dormitories. Coed residence colleges are at least a stari in the direction of more Feral and workable units. The joint mass dormitory has succeeded in the instance of Gran ville Towers and has appeared to provide a cohesive unit The struggl ng residence college system will have to integrate the sexes before the concept, which in actuality is all it is now, becomes reality. f'.n Pamela Hawkins, Associate Editor Wayne Hurder, Managing Editor Rebel Good, News Editor Kermit Buckner, Advertising Manager Want fenders as an example of what hap pens when somebody's naughty? It's very simple, really: a lot of people just think that other people should mind their own business when what's happening is a very private thing that is going to neither harm nor help the rest of the community. Further, these same people define the University's business as that of being an academic in stitution, not a police system. And students are more and more asking that the University cease acting like it was a police force. . :' . .:. ' Of the 2,000 persons voting in the attitudinal survey on the honor system, an overwhelming majority voted for limiting this sphere to at most the Chapel Hill com munity and other places where a student might be o f f i c i a 1 1 y . representing the University. The tally went like this: . 1,109 for limiting the code as was just mentioned 668 for limiting it to lust the campus. !"'-: ' 162 from limiting 'it to: "the Chapel Hill community. " ' Clearly, the results should tell both the Administration and Stu dent Government that the student body here is unhapp with trie way things are being ruin nowl ' i Further, it should tell them to change it. But, after watching the Student Legislature pull such a stunt as ap proving the Administration's drug proposal which insures further intrusion into "students' " private lives, only now . with Student Government sanction - we wonder just what the survey or anything else can tell them. : - v For it seems that both are rather deaf to what the students want. " , . ; Perhaps, however, the black-and-white results of the poll will act as a hearing aid for them: Baby Steps ' : It is fine for Carolina to boast of residence colleges, but until the" students . feel a part of an in tegrated residence college, the pro gram has failed. At the present time men's and women's residence colleges at tempt to interact in such areas as social functions, but many of the attempts have proven to be dismal failures. The members of the separate colleges don't know each other arirt can't be expected to when their are some distance - locations apart. So any kind of two colleges undertake fizzles with a h ant chool- nf ..: , a blank sheet of paper where girls are to sigh pu for a date whom they have never heard of. One of .the proposed purposes of the residence college is to dwindle a massive campus into numerous operable nuclei. But as long as the colleges are segregated according to sex, the unit is not realistic. A small Presbyterian college has defied the conentional by-lines for college residences and in so doing has come up with a suc cessful alternate system. Carolina can relate with pride the success of its experimental col lege at the NSA convention, but it must take a seat in the audience when residence reform takes over on the agenda. TTl Ti rt 0 itLiiecit The spring elections are rapidly ap proaching, and the campus politicos know that the time to win is now or never. If you don't believe there's a lot of wheeling and dealing going on, just take a look at Jed Deitz or George Krichbaum. You can see the strain of the late night early morning confabs in their bloodshot eyes. - - v ' Dietz and Krichbaum are seeking the Student Party nomination for student body president. Each is saying publicly that he has the votes to win, but privately they both know that the race is extremely close. Indeed, this year's race for top spot on the SP ticket promises to be every bit the thriller that last year race for the VP c 0i Q lev 65 Letters To The Editor To The Editor: Blackwell Brogden's absurd review of "The Graduate" (DTH, February 21, .1968) begins by telling us that "the ques tion" concerning the film "is how to classify it." You know, is it funny or sad? It has apparently never occurred to him, that a movie could be both "good for a laugh" and serious. ' Brogden's clumsy plot summary spins its wheels noisily but never gets out of the mud. What really happens in the movie is that the graduate, played by , Dustin Hoffman, conies home from col lege behaving like every middle-class parent's ideal son. He says "sir" or "ma'am" to his elders, worries about his future,' and responds to an attempt to seduce him by asking the woman what her husband would think. v Anne Brancroft plays the woman, a friend " of the graduate's parents, who - tries to seduce him. She brings into his life the dark side of middle-class morali- ty. Previously he has known how his elders have told him to behave; now he knows how they behave. When he is en ding his affair with her he is quite thoroughly turning his back on that morality, and turning to a young girl his own age. Brogden complains that the graduate's innocence is "totally unrealistic" because he measures it like some moralistic sjucuuiugisi. ne can t understand how this young man can set throng iiQrTo With a7 dazzling remrrl "qc 4.uii..- !Ltar' student government politico, a Phi ?T.Lappa" and stiU b "a bashful o MO (Ui v 1 ruin ' nu.sf come --a re.ce.Viti i . , e0, ..Us3 i no-no fces,4e. C Jfr -T ... . . v H-e. It is inconsistent of Brogden to com mixer which Plam the graduate is unrealistic and "Ju, . rescue at e. church as . J . LiiKe the eradnnto'Q innocence, it is highly stylized, but it makes an important moral point The graduate rescues the girl only after the ceremony is over; as he and someone elses new bride escape, they don't look . cuwi omer or embrace. Their eoal moral, not sevnai r u. - .. They are not married, but th?y have agreed to droP out togethr. ' . The movie is quite serious, although it aautf m0rtal a laugh. Its message is drop out. The Daily Tar Heel accepts all letters, for. publication provided fcey are typed, double - spaced and signed. Letters should be no longer than 300 words in length. We reserve the right to edit for A mid Blood- spot was. In that race, Dietz defeated Krichbaum by the paltry margin of seven votes. . It would appear that Dietz would have an edge this year because of what he has done. He has been a strong supporter of the popular Experimental College and of the Residence College program. As Vice president of Student Government, he is probably better known than Krichbaum. But in party convention politics, this is not necessarily an advantage. The decisive factor is not what is better known or who holds what position. It is who has the votes. And for a long while, it looked as if Krichbaum, SP Legislative Floor Leader, y -- v ? fo everu I XV ..'..-Krvt- Jo'eWV -Wlr;' 7 : :: ilu 4ru , eview G Absurd There is no apocalytpic garble about turning in and turning on, no conversion to Leary or Baba, no platform of govern ment or by, and for aging adolescents. It simply shows a highly moral young man consider and then reject an inherited system of morality and then leave it behind to find his own. The movie says American middle class morality is corrupt and stinks. Rather than accept it, the graduate drops out, morally and economically by the end of the movie it's at least four months after graduation and he hasn't done a day of work. That's serious stuff. That the movie is also good for a laugh is its great strength. The graduate's rejection is not vitriolic, just tota. Its other characters are human, not cardboard caricatures of the middle-class so perposterous we don't recognize ourselvs in them. There is no swooning daydream of total escape; . there is no talk of reforming the system or erecting another in its place. One simply leaves it. One way to avoid facing these issues is to worry about "how to classify" the film. The next step is to say it fails as a serious movie and laugh at it con descendingly. Brogden's review aptly employs these evasive tactics. I wish him a lifetime of movies in which the chastity of Doris Day and her avatars is endlessly contested. Escapist reviews deserve escapist films. For those who don't leave their lives at home when they go to the movies, "The Graduate" is highly recom mended. - William Matthews Complaint For GM To The Editor: The purpose of this letter is to call at tention to the utter lack of courtesy on the part of the staff of the information desk in Graham Memorial. The incident which prompted this writing occured vesterday when I attempted to purchase two tickets to the Gentry-Campbell Show I was informed that there were none available yet. I next asked the logi cal question of when they would be avail able As a relatively civilized individual I expected to be told a tentative date, in formed of a cancellation, or at least given an explanation some unforseeable Feason for an indefinite postponement. From such information, I could have altered my plans accoruu,. For an answer, however, , i the tickets I was would m be avaUable when they were available. Had t wanted to hear this tautological redun dancy I would have asked a parrot uVvPver I was forced to satisfy myself S tiS'answer being informed that the formation staff had been cruelly sub jected to answering this question day. all had the votes. Backed by Student Body President Bob Travis and a host of the political pros, Krichbaum seemed to be the favorite of the party regulars. He also had control cf the important convention credentials committee which settles disputes over who vote at the con vention. Things looked bad for Dietz, and there was talk of his running an independent candidacy. But last Sunday night's SP meeting in Gerrard Hall may have changed that pic ture. Under SP rules, any student may vote at the party's nominating convention if he has paid his dollar dues and has attended two regular party meetings. LA Granted, it may have been a trying day; but it has always been my un derstanding that information desks were places to seek information not wise com ments. If this job is too odious and distasteful to these individuals, I would recommend that they be relieved of their burdens as soon as possible. I hate to see the overt cruelty of forcing them to con tinue in their trying positions. Richard H. Fabacher 604 Craige Thank Heaven To the Editor: I was just about to fold the February 22 edition of the Daily Tar Heel into an experimental paper plane, perhaps its on ly useful function, when I noticed Otelia Connor's "article on "Gentleman-Like Conduct." To publish, for all eyes to see, such a literary abortion, such a blantatly mawkish display of stupidity so characteristic of that sex, took true, editorial courage. Everytime I open the Daily Tar Heel, I rush to the Episcopal Church on Franklin Street, throw open the doors, drop blindly, breathlessly, reverently to my knees, and thank the Lord that the paper has such a small circulation, Stuart S. Richardson 237 Ehringhaus The Pedestrian By DAN GIBSON Special to the DTH To those of us who live on "the other side" of Columbia Street, walking to and from class can be a hazardous, but ex citing experience needlessly so. Three times a day, 8 a.m., noon, and 5 p.m., Columbia street between Cameron Avenue and Franklin Street turns into a four-lane drag strip. Rush-hour racers compete for pedestrian-scaring honors between the go-lights at either end of the street. Meanwhile, the pedestrians mostly steel-nerved Gran ville Towers and fraternity house residents do their best to cross the street' "Doing their best" . usually means waiting, patiently, while tons of foreign and domestic metal thunder past driven by sadists. Suddenly, a hole will appear in the stream, and one brave soul carrying a load of books will do the Gayle Bomar bit and swivel-hip his way across two lanes of traffic only to be stopped cold athe center stripe. (And you should see what goes on outside the painted cross-walk.) At that point, he is sandwiched between SkQt Eye Operating with this in n- t. Dietzites launched an extensive driv get people out to the meeting t0 S- J 10 for membership. It looks like they were successful Seven hundred students joi-ed v party Sunday night, many of who from South Campus, where Deitz iTU stronger candidate. If these people co to their second meeting this Sia& night, Tuesday's SP convention will be I wide-open affair. But still the behind-the-scenes proach of the political wheeler-dealers h not to be minimized; it is a definite b. fluence in who will get the nomination. . The way this type of thing works is best understood through the hypothetical example of an organization" on 'cam pussay a club. Imagine that the club has 20 or 30 members and that it is dependent upon appropriations from Stu dent Government for a large portion of its budget. The members of such a be especially interested club may not in cam politics, but they are concerned about the appropriation for their club. Thus, they have become have joined a party and eligible to vote at the party's convention. They are prepared to vote for the candidate who will guarantee the most support for their club. It is easy to see that if either Deitz or Krichbaum can get the support of two or three blocks of 20 or 30 votes, his position would be significantly improved. That's why they've been running around way past midnight, and that's why they've got bloodshot eyes. Democracy And Senate To The Editor: Mr. Moore has said that the senate system and individual initiative "do coex ist and, in fact, complement the existence o each other." This has been my belief all along. I think Mr. Moore, Mr. Darrah, and Mr. Levy will affirm my conviction ex pressed in my Saturday letter to the -editor. I feel that any democratic govern ment can only be a function of the people, and therefore it is mandatory that the people be the initiators. James and King have no significant institutional dif ferences. Both depend on and exist within the realm of individual initiative. No, Mr. Moore, I do not view the removal of individual initiative as unim portant. There would be no democracy if there were no individual or collective in itiative. Once again I reiterate the James ex periment as excellent for the individual's interests, but I am also pleased to see that Speaker Moore realizes the im portance of a senate in a democracy. In closing I would like to paraphrase a confrontation of G.E. Moore and Bertrand Russell as synthesized in "Beyond the Fringe." Moore, asked Russelldoyou-feaYe some apples in that basket. No, Moore replied, Moore, asked Russell, do you then have any apples in that basket No he replied smiling seraphically as Was his wont and leaving Russell with a logical cleft stick to which e ' had but one way out. Moore, asked Russell, do you have apples in that basket. Yes, Moore replied, and be and Russell became close friends from that point on. A. Leonard Tubbs Governor, King raffle lanes, and is getting dusted off, front and rear, by the traffic. After he is thorough ly dusted, his patience will end and be will dash across the next two lanes straight-arming Volkswagens and kicking Sprites in the teeth. This is exciting sport, but no fun for the poor pedestrian. What's worse no one in this part of Heaven seems to care about the situation. The drivers certainly don't care, or else they'd stop and give the guy on foot a chance to get across. The Chapel Hill Police Department doesn't seem to care, or they would at least enforce the speed limit The City of Chapel Hill doesn't care or it would put up "yield to pedestrians" signs at the cross walk like the ones cars are always hitting on Franklin Street (The signs would at least furnish the pedestrian with something to hide behind when he makes it to the middle of the road.) It would also help to lower the speed limit from 35 miles to 20 miies an hour on that stretch of Columbia Street The situation needs to be reminded. Seme one is bound to get hurt if it isn't