Friday, March 8, 1968 THE DAILY TAR HEEL Page 6 CTfjr Datlii aar l?rrl World News BRIEFS By United Press International Campbell Leads Life In Musical Limelight M del UK Beg IMS Protection Agreement Reached By HAL TARLETON Of The DTH Staff Glen Campbell, special guest of the Bobbie Gentry Show, took a long, slow puff from a 100 mm cigarette and propped himself on a sink in a dressing room in Carmichael. "I was born in Delight, Arkansas. At seven or eight, I GENEVA The United States, the Soviet Union and Britain Thursdav announced agreement on a plan of "historic significance" to protect nations without. nuclear weapons against began doing spots on the local atomic attack, presumaoiy Dy communist cnma. A nation qualifying for the "superpower umbrella" must sign the treaty banning the spread of nuclear weapons. Under terms of the agreement announced Thursday, the Uiited States, the Soviet Union and Britain pledged immediate assistance for any treaty signator which feels it is being threaten ed by nuclear attack or becomes the victim of nuclear aggression. SSL Asked To Aid N. C.'s Progress RALEIGH Delegates to the State Student Legislature meeting here Thursday were urged to explore and find ways young persons can "provide the energy to continue North Carolina's forward movement." Gov. Dan K. Moore made the request and said, "Your views and your actions in this state legislature are important and will background music for be listened to and considered by those who are now in public of fice." Moore said education, community relations and revision of the state constitution are among the problems which confront North Carolina. Czechs Want General Returned WASHINGTON Czechoslovakia is expected to demand and the United States to reject' the return of a top-ranking Czech Communist defector, diplomatic officials said Thursday. State Department spokesman Robert J. McCloskey said neither Washington nor the U.S. Embassy in Prague had received a Czech extradition request for Gen. Jan Sejna, who had been the top political officer in the Communist Czech army. LBJ Faces 'Tough9 Campaign WASHINGTON President Johnson has his top policial strategists preparing for "a very rugged, very tough" re-election' campaign next fall no matter who the Republicans nominate to run against him, highly placed Democratic sources said Thurs day. "We have no doubt the President will be the Democratic can didate," they said, "and there was never any intention of having him campaign in the primaires." radio station.' In 1954, Glen's family moved to Houston, Texas where, at thirteen, he began playing night clubs. The family later moved to Albequerque, New Mexico where he formed his own Western band. . Deciding that it was time to make his move, Glen moved to Hollywood where, in 1961, he cut his first hit record, "Turn Around, Look at Me." Someone at Capital Records heard Glen's performance and Capital bought his contract. For the next five years, Glen did studio work for performers like Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. He also did the the the movie "In the Heat of Night." During this time, Glen tried his hand at acting, doing bit parts in "Hud" and on TV. This led to a larger role in "The Cool Ones." In 1964, Roy Orbison became sick just before he was scheduled to appear on ABC TV's "Shindig." Glen Campbell was chosen to replace him and do Orbison's songs. Later he took Brian Wilson's place in the Beach Boys for a short time. A sports addict, Glen enjoys golf, bowling, and football. "I usually end up in a football or softball game when I ' m home." On the stage, Glen is personal and real to his au dience. "I do what I do, if it works, that's great if it doesn't that's okay, too." Glen believes that audiences, particularly college audiences, detect falseness in a performer. "Colleges are great, they're on top of everything. You can't fool them." 18th Annual World Affairs Gathering Set The 18th annual N.C. Con ferece on World Affairs to be held here Thursday will be prefaced Wednesday night with an informal, get-acquainted banquet which will be open to the public. Although speakers will have an opportunity to make brief remarks, no formal presen tations will be made, Robert Seymour, president of the N.C. Council on World Affairs, said. The Council is the sponsoring agency. The banquet has been set for 7 p.m. in the Alpha room of Chase Cafeteria on the University of North Carolina campus. Registration for the con ference begins at 8 a.m. Thurs day in the lobby of Memorial Hall where the conference will convene at 9:45 a.m. During the a 1 1 - d a y con ference, six authorities on domestic and world affairs will talk about "America's Response to Rapid World Change. Opening the morning program will be an address by Dr. Moy e Freymann on "Population Problems and Food Supply." Dr; Freyman is director of - the Carolina Population Center here at the University of North Carolina. The public is also invited. , (Continued from Page 1) country, then South Africa won't be willing to fight a war over it." South Africa occupies Namibia with military forces and operates "a white racist government" of "strict apartheid" policy. Namibia, previously known as South West Africa, was established as a mandate territory of Great Britian by the League of Nations in the seizue of former German colonies after World War L The Republic of South Africa was also given a voice in the South West African govern ment in the League decision. That power has since been extended to the point of sub jecting Namibia's people "to a life of discrimination, repression, exploitation, and enforced re-tribalization," ac cording to the Model UN bill declaring Namibian sovereign ty. The proclamation of in dependence was issued, like all Model UN action, as mock political action based on the actual facts behind the situa tion. It is signed by Jarieretundu Kozonguizi and Sam Numoma, independence activists in the African nation. "They've already decided on the name for Namibia and there're talking and taking 1 i some action Jo establish it," Simmons explained. The Model UN bill anticipates" that ac tion. Kozonguizi and Nujoma head two separate nationalist associations, the South West African People's Organization (SWAPO) and the South West African National Union (SWANU7. The bill describes their joint action as forming "a colatiion government which represents the entire spectrum of political parties in the na tion." Simmons said that two "floating representatives" are prepared to take over the roles of the proclamation's authors ' as Namibia's representatives to the Model UN. THE HUB ANNOUNCES: f.xr-;.k4'-r...-mjr---i V Late Score: USC-101 UVa.-78 Ennui Gotcha? Don't let boredom get you all uptight! Enjoy a relaxing browse in our Paperback Gallery of 15, 000 exciting titles! You'll find it well worth the trip. The Intimate Bookshop Chapel Hill Open nightly 'til 10 HAS YOUR DOG SEEN AN ANALYST? FORT WORTH, Tex. CUPI) Does your dog bit the postman because be hates his mother? Although dog psychiatrists are not in vogue at present, Dr. Dan J . Anderson, Haltom City veterinarian and past president of the American Veterinary Medical Association, says he thinks abnormal dog behavior is an area that deserves further study. Doctors of veterinary medicine do not sit down with the owner of the pet to delve into its problems, but they usually place the pet's problem at the master's feet. mi M II STRAIGHT LINES DO NOT f $ A MILTON'S PLAID MAKE! I n f- Til I ! (In A?H!jh yJ " I w 5 1 P'apajplhiQpirpeiOOa 1 1'-? ?Y V'H Soon Be 1 K( (ii iv)).) chapei Hiu I lv-Xv Landmark! - Ll u3 to Go I 3 I Eggshelllight bluehoneyj' goldbeigebrown; blackwhitevermillion three of the new front running glens in Milton's finer fitting Old Well model bYz ounce dacronwool $85.00. Advance patterns in our Executive Old School model new blackwhite or cognac brown with, rust and navy $110.00. PL .- Flying high in fashionable country circles, John Meyer neo-classic niceties cut with evident authority. The fisherman jacket, snapped with hardware and top-stitched. Man-tailored slacks in a Dacrori polyester and cotton gabardine that holds its press. For contrast, the pin-striped cotton knit top. All in enchanting new-this-season colors. Uown & Campuo PERMANENT PRESS GOES TRADITIONAL Now you can enjoy the Cool Comfort of Dac-Cotton Perma-Press shirts in trational Ivy styles with button-down collar, slightly fuller roll in the collar, and handsome half-Sleeves ... . . . This new Easy-Care Classic NEVER needs .ironing and stays premanently cleaner (Thanks , to some new chemical process the Boys at State dream ed up) and Brighter . . . . . . Choose today from a host of handsome and colorful spring colors ... In solids and tasteful Stripes : . . From only 6X3 Lady Milton Impossible Sale! As P-A-R-A-P-H-E-R-N-A-L-l-A time draws near March 22nd we must five away our entire stock of women's wear. If you dont believe this is the most impossible give-a-way ever offered on choice mer chandise, read the following very closely Blouses cut from $7.C0 to $1J3; 8.C0 to 2.S3; 11X0 to 3.S3; 12.S5 to 4.S9; 16.S5 to 19.S5 at impossible $53. Dresses, regularly 16.85 to $55X3, further impos sibted to SZ50, $5X3 and $10X3. Poor boy tops to $11X3 at $2X3. Jams to $16X3 at $1X3. Shorts by Austin Hill and David Ferguson, regularly to $12X0, at ridiculous $4X0. Slacks by above two plus Mister Pants, regularly to $17X0 wools and spring selections now $4X3. Skirts to $20X3 wools down to $5X0; spring skirt down to $4X0. Gowns to $45X0 at $10X0. Suits to $S5X3 at $10X0. Belts to $7X0 at $1X3. Elizabeth swimsuits to $36X0, at impossible $5X3. Help us make room for our fabulous new look and save loads while assisting us. LADY MILTON SHOP Milton's Clothing Cupboard Downtown Chapel Hill 1 UNIVERSITY OPTICIANS j. Paul MOORE . SsJSr-968-8818 Prescriptions Filled Lenses Duplicated - Sunglasses Contact. Lenses Accessories ' - -VISIT OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW LOCATION IN UNIVERSITY SQUARE ff" At II tct Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Bldg. HAS GONE MO ALL CAPITOL, ANGEL, AND LONDON NO ALBUMS 5otff LIST PRiel Some great artists' included in this sale are the BEATLES, BEACH BOYS, NANCY WILSON, FRANK SINATRA, MANTOVANI, RAVI SHANKAR, ROLLING STONES, MERLE HAGGARD, SONNY JAMES ZUBINMEHTA, JOAN SUTHERLAND, PLUS 1000's MORE AT THIS LOW PRICE; Reg. 4.79 NOW $2,0lJj) Re9- 5-79 NOV ATTENTION! Budget Classic Buyers! All MONO BUDGET CLASSICS, All Labels Including Nonesuch, Turnabout, Seraphim, Parliament, Cetra, Vox, Helidor, Monitor, Victrola, Everest, & many others. ANY FIVE (5) MONO DISCS Only $4.98 For this Weekend Only, Any 4 45 rpm's only $2.98 One FREE with each Ten Purchased. Raleigh Safe Expires Sat., March 9 6 P.M. THE RECORD BAR Durham Sale Expires Sat, March 9, Plus, of course. Chape! Hill Sales Expires Sun, March 10 6 P.M.