Saturday. March 14, 197,3 THE DAILY TAR HEEL Page Four n Palmetto Tournament m m I Hi 'ers jo a 1 lie 5 it- W . . Si V Gamecocks ioday UNC Q 11 fer it if K) (f fi Vf By T.C. RICKETTS DTH Sports Writer 4The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley" once said by Robet Bums, but one group here in Chapel Hill is hoping to avoid such a fate. The group is the UNC Rugby Club and the plan is to vanquish a visiting Rugby side from the university of South Carolina tomorrow with a potent combination of line running and forward pushing. Carolina barely survived last fall's test with the Gamecocks, kicking true in the last second, of the game to win 8-8. USC will undoubtably be thirsting for a bit of revenge as they take to the pitch. Graphics Sale AND Exhibition TUES., MARCH 12th 10 A.M.-4 P.M. ACKLAND ART CENTER LAKESIDE STUDIO Showing Old and Modern MASTER PRINTS $5.00-$3000 Browse & Buy Sale The grounds below Ehringhaus being too soggy for a rugger match the test has been moved to the field behind James, Splaying time is 1:30 p.m. UNC is banking again on their reliable back line, especially Ben Porter the redoubtable scrum half. Joe Patterson will return to the A side as a wing having missed the Duke game last Sunday. The scrum will also be changed to add Jimmy Bel! whose fierce and agile mode of play last weekend impressed the selectors enough to add him to the side. Optimism reigns and scoring will be the order of the day rjoniiNATED8" FOR 9 ACADEMY AWARDS By MARK WHICKER DTH Sports Writer Encouraged by impressive qualifying rounds, the Carolina golf team opens its season next Wednesday at the Palmetto Intercollegiate Tournament at Orangeburg, S.C. The Tar Heels' first dual match is against Ohio U. at Hnley on March 23. Coaches Ed Kenney and Dave Robinson are optimistic going into the season. "I don't think Wake Forest will dominate the conference like they have in the past," contends Robinson. "South Carolina and Maryland will both be strong, and I think we have good personnel." Top qualifier, with a four-under-par score of 284 was sophomore Jack Kooks. The long-hitting Hooks had a 67 in one tour of the course, and shapes up now as number-one man. Hooks was leader of the jay vets last spring. Veterans Bill Boles and Marty West round out the top three. The order of the starters could change many times in the course of the season, but Hooks will be high on the list if fee keeps up his phenomenal play. nur schedule favors us says Robinson, "because we Kelly To Compete In NCAA Indoors play everyone in the conference here except USC and Gem son." After the Palmetto tr"rr5prt which will attract . WW y - 20 schools to Orangeburg from Wednesday through Saturday, and the Ohio U. match, the Tar Heels pl3y: April 3-Wayne State; April 6-at Davidson; April 9-Yirginfc; April 13-at Clemson; April 14 at USC; April 17-Wake Forest; Apr.! 20-State; April 23-David.V:-; April 25-at Virginia Tech; April 27-Maryhnd; V. .-4-Duke; May S-ACC Tournament at Fir.churst. nArr35Afi Ann L'l-iiiLfj Eii mm ATTENTION: Ben Davenport, formerly of "Where's Benny V is olive and well at Foreign Car Center. Foreign Car Center now specializing in motorcycle service featuring factory trained mechanics on Honda. Suziki, Triumoh, and others. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY CAU, 929-1462 311 W. MAIN ST. CARRBORO oooxo msm 4 'V- 1 -V,. A so-': '! .- e ( n Hp - - JANE FONDA RED BUTTONS GIG YOUNG SUSANNAH YORK MICHALEL SARRAZIN IEL0 OUER -4 aw Shows: it By MARK WHICKER DTH Sports Writer Darryl Kelly, one of the finest freshman athletes in the ACC, competes in the NCAA Indoors in Detroit's Cobo Arena Saturday. He has a good chance to place in the triple jump. Several other Carolina trackmen, including shot-putter John Jessup, distance man Larry Widgeon, and 600-yard runner Terry Sellers, barely missed qualifying for the NCAA's. Kelly holds Carolina's triple-jump record, at 499". He has had few chances to perform in his event since it is not included in the regular indoor schedule. Coach Joe Project Uplift Needs Guides Project Uplift still needs about 25 more guides for its weekends in April. Project Uplift, organized by the Committee for the Advancement of Minority and Disadvantaged Students (AMDS) will bring 180 disadvantaged high school students to the University campus the weekends of April 9-11 and 16-18. According to Jim Hornstein, one of the directors of AMDS, the purpose of Project Uplift is to legitimatize ' the state university system in the minds of students who might otherwise not have the desire to attend. Persons wishing to be guides should leave their names in 252 C Carolina Union or call 942-5780 after 6 p.m. Hilton has entered Kelly in the VMI Relays and the Mason Dixon Games in Lexington, Ky., and Kelly won both events. Darryl beat out the NCAA's third and fourth best triple-jumpers when he set the Carolina record in Kentucky. The triple-jump is one of the most demanding events in track, but Kelly has all of its nuances down pat. His amazing progress should accelerate during the outdoor season, when hell be triple-jumping in every meet, as well as winning points in the broad jump and 60-yard-dash. The rest of the track team continues to push for next Saturday's tri-meet with Clemson and Wake Forest at Fetzer Field. The Store with the Orange Door! ) r no Prescn s "BOB 'L ill mm Lisr Includes Single Hit: "Come and Get It" with Lyrics by PAUL r.1cCARTf4EY Reg. $4.98 Hon Sells for $3.24 xa4 -A'L"'-'WYy,YitftT--T--toMr' . 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BARRY RODGERS His trombone work was called "the most inven tive in the profession" by the "Saturday Review." DOUG LUBAHN Backup for some of the Doors albums, and critically acclaimed as the finest bassist in the field of jazz and hard rock. JEFF KENT Virtuoso organ and guitar player, he has com. posed over fifty songs done by many of the biggest groups in the field of jazz and rock. f 1 1 The Dreams were labeled by Variety as "the best reefc-jazz group In existence" a to they appeared for a weekend at the Fillmore East in Nov . York. Variety said, "Al though Dreams have only been together for three months, they handle tricky tlnio transitions as if they've been jamming together for year 1 1 IS .tickets arO'S2.60'and can be purchased on the main quad at Duko or at the door. 409-0800 or 488-0207 .1 . i - A ' J.. - . " . - 1 &