0 The Daily Tar Heel Saturday, January 9. 1971 n lis f " I irimQi(Sinm; s r empov X f 1 ll -l7 Boeilb attacks strain U.S." oviet MOSCOW-The Soviet Union delivered "a very strong protest Friday to the United States over a bomb attack apparently carried out by Jewish extremists on a Russian diplomatic building in Washington, D.C. The protest was lodged as an American visiting in Moscow, Erastus Corning III of Boston, Mass., told newsmen four Russian men prevented him from entering his car for 15 minutes Thursday night and threatened to harm him. Delegations of Soviet citizens continued to visit the U.S. Embassy to deliver protest letters on the alleged abuse of Russian officials and facilities in the United States. Four such groups visited by nightfall, making a total of 1 1 since Wednesday- The U.S.-Soviet tensions stemmed from a trial in Leningrad in which several Jews were convicted of plotting to hijack a Soviet airliner and fly it to Israel. Some Jewish quarters in the United States charge the trial reflected a wave of anti Semitism in the Soviet Union. . Job market lowest in 9 years WASHINGTON Unemployment hit a nine-year high of 6 per cent of the American work force in December despite the end of the General Motors strike that the administration blamed for many recent economic troubles. But the western White House said that President Nixon was leading the country through the least painless transition from a wartime to peacetime economy in this century and toward less inflation and more jobs. " The Labor Department's report Friday that the jobless rate went up from 5.8 to 6 per cent from November to December meant that 4.6 million Americans seeking jobs could not find them. That was an increase of 2 million from a year earlier. At San Clemente, Calif., where the President is vacationing, Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler described him as being concerned but not alarmed by the latest rise In ioblessness. Pope suggests joint confession 1 uCAN CITY A proposal to do away with private confession by Roman Catt cs except in cases of "grave" sin has ,been sent by Pope Paul VI to the chim s bishops for study, Vatican sources said Friday. TL recommendation would allow Roman Catholic congregations to confess their sins jointly in a prayer of general confession, the sources said. The priest then would give joint absolution to all who had confessed, albwing them to receive Holy Communion. Catholics believe absolution is the wiping out of their past sins. I . I 55 1 1 The Daily Tar Heel is published by the University of North Carolina Student Publications Board, daily except Sunday. xamination periods, j vacations .and summer periods. Offices are at the Student Union building, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. Telephone $ numbers: ' News, Sports 4 33-1011, 933-1012; Business, Circulation, X Advertising 933-1163. . & Subscription rates: $10 per year; $5 per semester. Second class postage paid at UJS. Posl Office in Chapel Hill, N.C. V. 5 CK5)IO wm LjnnrjiniG-public laws in many STATES MAKES IT ILLEGAL TO ENGAGE IN MANY OF THE TECHNIQUES OF LOVE SHOWN IN KAMA SUTRA. WHAT THE ATTIC DID FOR GIRLS... THE CELLAR WILL DO FOR MEN! V COLO 12 fiJIcS X.. y L m WES J(WN 1ARRV S55SHS SfERNCOUJNS- WMAN ttK JEK lft ffiStt FfRMY "UP IN THE CELLAR" MM JSSL ireiaooini b'M fclFantastkr . v. 'Much Httj, :C-a; : r: I V. a Rpttor T h rkV h.A, " .1 I ' ' Gould S-"H'!i" 'E,'iotNs ' I JAN?JS X lllf 8 "The Finest Actor " M of this Era" Re ' Ai iiufli iairrMArt n Em I 1 ' JACK NICHOLSON -, I 1 I BR,. nvEEHsMr i I 1 mi,' . .pieces; A n I m.- 'fmm ma j ...ism NOW PLAYING HELD OVER THROUGH TUESDAY 1-3-5-7-9 mS ftiei trnsu m0 jmmn lp p Snd c J film METFO-GOLDVYN-MAYER presents "BFOVSTERWCCLDUD" Storing BUD CORT- SALLY KELJLERMAN MCHAEL MURPHY Co-starring WILLIAM W!NDOM ar RENEAUBEFLONOtSj LH Famed FMAVS,'ONa MEJHCXXXDR by Anne Lafferty Staff Writer Ever wanted to be a parent without the encunberments of marriage or the stigma of unwed parenthood? Parents Anonymous is the answer. More than a year ago, the sixteen "parents," all students at UNC, began sponsoring a South Vietnamese girl under the Foster Parents' Plan. Each member of Parents' Anonymous contributes $1 per month- The idea was conceived by Donna Potter Furman, who graduated last June, and senior Tom Stair. Stair is now co-ordinating Parents Anonymous. Their 10-year-old "child," Tran Thi Kim Phung, lives with her family in a Saigon refugee camp because her home was destroyed in the 1968 Tet Offensive. Her father died of cancer in 1961 and her mother supports the family by working 95A hears Continued from page one Shakur implied a parallel to Jesus might exist in that "Jesus was busted for anarchy; he, too, was trying to overthrow the Imperialist government." He mentioned that the party's current motto, "Survival through service to the people," came about after an analysis of other liberation struggles. The Panthers presently sponsor a free breakfast program, provide clothing and transportation and other services needed by the black people in communities across the country. "Racism is the effect, not the cause, in the class struggle," Shakur said. "The strength of our party lies in our ability to organize the lumper proletariat," he said, and continued, adding, "We would rather have the black DTH Classilftecte . . Lease for sale In Granville-West for spring semester for an upperclassman. Call 933-26 06. FOR SALE: '64 Falcon station wagon. Good condition. $350 or best offer. Call 966- 5315. FOR SALE: "Automatic Radio" 8 track car tape with speakers. $60. New $96. "Vornado" car air-conditioning without compressor. $60, new $84. Together for $100. Call Brent Chambers, 968-9074. FOR SALE: '69 Honda 350. 5000 miles. Excellent condition. $600. 942-3024. 1966 MGB Roadster - performs great, looks sharp, gold-black hardtop convertible. 33,000 miles. Abarth, lamps, rack, pirellis radio, $1500. Call Mike Bobbitt, 968-1542 after 4:30 p.m. WANTED: Someone to take lease for: spring at Granville East. Call Sibyl.'942-67S3. nights! WEAVER'S SHOE REPAIR SERVICE FOR EFFICIENT AND QUICK ATTENTION. 403 West Franklin St., CHAPEL HILL. PHONE 942-4421. OPEN TIL 6 p.m. STUDENT TRAVEL, TRIPS, CHARTER, EUROPE, ORIENT, AROUND THE WORLD. Write S.T.O.P. 216 Shattuck, Berkeley, Calif. 94704 OR SEE TRAVEL AGENT. AR amplifier, wood case, headphones, and box. lVt years old. $200. 942-6965. Lease for sale in GRANVILLE EAST. Spring semester. Call Mary. 933-1912. LOST:. MAN IN LITERATURE, multi-colorecT" hardback book, Tuesday evening at Carmichael Auditorium. Urgently needed. Reward. Call 933-5384. 58 PORSCHE 1600 SUPE-R - Body expertly rolled and pleated over Xmas vacation - engine completely rebuilt in October - two new Michelins - all running gear in top condition -Psychedelic windshield carries impression of owner's face. 967-4784 after 7 p.m. MGB-GT 1968. $1500. Motor rebuilt in January 19 70. Call Frank Renfroe at 967-5614, between 5 and 7 . 1 Eurailpass is Name I I I State Zip as a servant. The youngest child in her family, she attends a private Buddhist ..elementary school. Public schools in South Vietnam are so overcrowded that Kim Phung and others must attend private schools instead. With customary formality, her monthly letters list everything she receives from the Foster Parents' Plan and include bits of news. . "This year I am in the third grade and I rank second in my class," she writes. She proudly reminds Parents' Anonymous of this fact almost every letter. . "I am loved by my school mistress and praised by my classmates as an industrious student and good friend," she continues. The Foster Parents' Plan operates out of New York City and through representatives in each country it serves. -Sponsors pay $16 per month for each child. "With this money, representatives .liakuir who would rather punch a pig than punch a time clock." ; Shakur did say "a pig is a pig is a pig" regardless of his color. "We don't say all black people are good nothing is absolute there are black pigs, too." Asked about political leaders, Shakur -; said the men in Washington, "especially Richard 'Mealy-mouth' Nixon, are the t eyilest men the world has ever known." : r He called Gov. Robert Scott and Chapel Hill Mayor Howard Lee "pigs." He spoke about the Black Panther party and said the membership was . 'virtually closed in 1969 and the ' membership is under a continuous purge. He said the ideology of the party is -jchanging and the members must change .with it. :Ji r 1970 TOYOTA wagon. Radio heat, factory air, . automatic. Must sell, moving. Great for faculty wife. $2700. 967-5375, evenings. FOR SALE: MGB IV2 years old. Green R&H.2 new Michelin radial tires with 40,000 miles of guarantee left. Med. Student must have bigger car. $2090. Cheaper . than dealers by $150.' ,j pompare. 929-1059. J FOR SALE: 1945 Jeep with PINK BODY and BLUE FENDERS. GOOD CONDITION. Contact Ralph West at 929-5270 or 933-1064. .view reduced price: $325. ' SUMMER CAMP COUNSELOR OPENINGS: ' Camp Sea Gull and Camp Seafarer North Carolina's nationally recognaized Coastal Boys' and Girls' camps on Pamlico Sound near Atlantic Beach and New Bern. 24 th year, j Camps feature sailing and seamanship, plus all 11 'Visual camping activities. Opportunities tor students: '(men and women), coaches, and ' teachers who are LOOKING FOR MORE than '"just another summer job." Openings for NURSES (RN). June 9 August 20. we seek one highly qualified (ability to instruct in one phase of camp's program), dedicated,- and ;enthusiatic staff members with exemplary frcharacter and offer in return good salaries, Aboard and lodging, plus the opportunity of qsharing in a meaningful and purposeful experience. Quick answer upon receipt of application. Apply to Wyatt Taylor, Director, a Camp SeagullSeafarer - P. O. Box 10976 -Raleigh, North Carolina, 27605. "WANTED: Grad student to share 3-girJ flurnished 2-bedroom apartment for spring .semester. Colony Apts. Call 929-5032 and ask Ztfor Susan. -Yamaha HT-1 90cc. trail bike - must sell to stay in school -800 miles and in excellent condition. Call Frank Whitehouse at 544-3385. n jFOR SALE: Brand New 1971 Minibik'e, 4 hp., still in crate. Best model of its line. Color: Flamboyant Pineapple. Call Bruce: 942-6421, or966-3265. Garrard SL72 Turntable with Shure M91-E cartridge. 7 mos. old. Must sell for financial reasons. Call 933-4619. Uoii'SirdDdaiiCQQiis ami munilbeloevalbOa oner (Would you believe two whole months of unlimited rail travel throughout thirteen European countries for a modest $125?) Our brand-new Student-Railpass gives you all that Second Class rail travel on the over 100,000 mile railroad systems of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. You'll discover that there's very little second class about Second Class. You ti) U lyHyi!iJ yy UUlLu W-W) The . . valid in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Sweden and Switzerland. Eurailpass, Box 90, Undenhurst, New York 11757. Please send me your free Eurailpass folder with railroad map. , Street '. jr. ; 1 ' - : .-. ' ( - - ' -f , - provide a monthly stipend for the child's family, clothing and supplies, and medical and social services. Each month, Kim Phung receives $9 to S10 in cash and usually something like cloth or vitamins, Stair said. Monthly letters between sponsors and children are translated by the Foster Parents' Fan in New York City. Parents' Anonymous can contribute extra money, Stair explained, but since Scott names chairman of education committee ASHEVILLE Gov. Bob Scott Friday named former state Sen. Lindsay Warren Jr. of Goldsboro as chairman of a 20-member trustees committee charged with drawing up a position statement on the restructuring of higher education in North Carolina. Scott issued the announcement from his western residence in Asheville, where he is working on his budget message for the General Assembly. Scott said the committee headed by Warren, a Democrat who served four terms in the state senate, would include one trustee from each of the nine regional universities, one from the School of the Arts, five from the University of North Carolina Board of Trustees and five from the Board of Higher Education. He did UEAQ WITH OUR GT0I1S Ml COCTCH FAOSTUS Cliff's Notes are written by '-: . scholars mho know how to help you study. Authors (predomi nantly Ph.D.'s) are carefully selected for their knowledge of a particular play or novel plus ability to interpret its plot and characters so they will be relevant to your literature course. This careful attention to quality has made Cliffs Notes the most used study aid on college campuses nationwide. (Pick the tit eyou need today -you'll find it holds the key to efficient use of your study time.) $1 at your bookseller or write: Box 80728 Lincoln. Nebraska 68501 an ! DO can sleep in a Couchette for only $4.50 a night, and eat in inexpensive cafeteria-type Dining Cars. If you haven't got two months, or you prefer the luxury of First Class, there's our regular Eurailpass. The three week Eurailpass costs $110, one month $140, two months $200, three months $230. But remember you can't get Student-Railpass or Eurailpass in Europe. You must buy one before you leave, so see your Travel Agent. Meanwhile, send in the coupon below for your free Student-Railpass or Eurailpass folder. way to see Europe without feeling 1 . t ili . - uermany, Monana, itaiy, Luxemoourg, iMorway, Or your free Student-Railpass folder order Kin Fhusg is in a waning country, we can't send any packages, Parents' Anonymous is hoping to expand membership so more children, can be included. We can sponsor another child, "every time we can get 1 6 more people to join." said Stair. We would Like to send representatives to organizations to find out if they would like to rapport someone themselves, he added. not release the names of the committee mernVrs. Scott nas proposed the committee to determine the feasibility of establishing a new state agency, or board of regents, to supervise the state-supported institutions of higher education in North Carolina. Several universities, the executive committee of the UNC trustees and the Board of Higher Education have gone on record in favor of the study. But some of those have said they would prefer to retain the present individual boards of trustees, and possibly strengthen the Board of Higher Education, rather than create a new. centralized, system. T r n Jul POO1S818 G0i S r lemcr.. Home is where the heart is. Home is also wherever a Faulist is needed. . Whether the Paulist works in a ghetto, a college campus, a city parish or a remote corner of the United States, he is serving. , - The Faulist is ministering with words, deeds and sscra- mcnt . . . and zealous care to . the needs of God's People everywhere. He is meeting today's problems with thoughts of those that will arise tomorow. That is the Paulist way. It isn't easy but the worthwhile things of life seldom are. If you are Interested in learning more about the Paulist priesthood, write to: Rev. Donald C. Campbell, GS.P. Vocation Director . athet$ Room 113 415 West 59th Street New York, N.Y. 1C019 "H" I like a tourist. r a. . 1 ronugai, opain, j form. I i I s I 1 L! i ) I w i ! I I 1 . .Now Shewing, r " -.rrP Now Showing Sho&s 12:45 2:45 -4:45 6:45-8:45 l-3-5-7-9

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