Ths Dal'yTsr Hetl Leaven reviews (? o ana wr(Pt(T Tuesday. April 13. 1371 6 j j o n n Tl n PUUlL T1 JliiviiilLiiilCDJ Arthur Perm is the best director in America, and Dust in Hoffman one of the finest actors, and together, in "Little Big Man," they've given us-well, it's hard to say exactly what. In "Bonnie and Clyde" and "Alice's Restaurant" Penn seemed to be experimentally balancing points of view in order to attain the impression of objective truth in narration. In "Little Big Man" he carries the experiment one step farther. Here, the ostensible organizing intelligence of the film is that of 121 year-old Jack Crabb, the only white On records .lid. by Ted Claghorn and Gary Miller Feature Writers Remember the King Family? Well, they are back, the family group, that is, not the Kings. This time it is in rock 'n roll, and instigated by the Taylors. The newest edition to the family groups are the Coolidge sisters, Rita and Priscilla. Both sisters have released new albums within weeks of each other: ' "Rita Coolidge" A&M Sp4291, "PriscillaGypsy Queen" A&M SP4297. Rita, the better known of the two, has G UNC artists featured in Gallery exhibition j UNC News Bureau . The Art Gallery of Chapel Hill will present a two-man show featuring the works of University of North Carolina artists Frank Faulkner, a graduate student' from Peachland, and Robert Davis, a teaching assistant in the Department of Art. Their exhibit will open Sunday and continue through May at the gallery, 113 W. Franklin St. An informal open Correction , The Durham Theatre Guild's production of "Balloons!" will begin Thursday night and run througlTSunday, not through Thursday as we reported yesterday. The DTH regrets the error. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 4 1 Flap B A Caudal appendaga t 8 Knock f 11 Anglo-Saxon 9 Small short Belli Prefix: not Lawful Rodent Man's nicknama Equals Mine entrance Vehicle King of Bashan Greets Make laCd Stitch Before Long, slendsr fish Lamprey Music: as written Males Ocean Speck Preposition money 12 Stratagem 13 Appellation Of Athena 15 Writing implement 17 Obtained 19 Man's nicknama 20 Scold 21 Sink in middle 22 Prefix: threa 10 14 16 18 21 22 23 24 25 S4 S5 37 33 39 40 41 43 23 Prophet 25 Fema!- (colioq.) 26 26 Direction -8 97 R mictakftn 28 Sodium chlorldd 2? 29 Encountered 31 SO Pronoun 31 "Fruit pastry 53 Note of scald S5 Afternoon party 36 Measure of weight 37 Drunkard 38 Region 40 Acquire 41 Biblical weed 42 Metal fastener 43 Dance step 44 Posed for portrait 45 Hypothetical force 46 Doctrine 47 Traps 50 Depression 52 Girl's name 54 Reverence 55 Ethiopian title 56 Cleaning substance 57 Fondle DOWN 1 Uppermost part 2 Exist 3 Flag 32 33 12 15 16 20 23 24 27 28 31 138 39 S2 43 45 46 150 51 5T Distr. by United 3? rtXJSOT A LETTER HELEN 1 .'"! M THERE'S OKSlETlS.) AMSTck CAPP. TRAINEE BUS s V" DRIVER, StTTlN DOWN ALL DAY ST7 , (QL LIKE THE TV SOUNI SOUND O THAT H56 1 U 1 fjTPs I ) or lJ survivor of the Battle of the Little Bighorn, who "Jcnowed Custer for what he was." Confined to a home for the aged, Crabb is interviewed by a young anthropologist interested in the customs of the plains Indians. When Crabb digresses on Custer, he's reminded that the investigator wants "facts" about a nearly extinct civilization, not adventure, whereupon he chuckles, "You think the Battle of the Little Bighorn was adventure?" and launches into his story. But Crabb's memory is not the usual cinema total recall, with its plot sung and recorded with God-knows how many people, including the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, Joe Cocker, and Stephen Stills. Rita, who's only forte is her powerful voice, has again surrounded herself with an "army" of talented musicians. Some of those most responsible for the exciting instrumental half of the album are Clarence White, Leon Russell, Stephen Stills, Booker T. Jones, and Ry Cooder. But Rita's voice is too good to be overpowered by this all-star back-up cast. . Depending on the musical expectations, Rita's voice is sweet or bitter; soft or powerful. Based on Rita's reception for the artists will be held from 2 until 5 p.m. on Sunday, to which the public is invited. The artists are well known in the Triangle area. Faulkner has taught classes at the Art Gallery, and Davis taught at Durham's Allied Arts Center. Their works are included in several private and institutional collections, including the University of North Carolina. A variety of media will be shown, including paintings on plexiglass, watercolors, drawings and prints. Davis studied at the Cleveland Art Institute and has recently completed his UNC graduate study for the Master of Fine Arts degree. Faulkner is a graduate of UNC. He taught for one year in a North Carolina high school and a second year with Henredon Furniture before- returning to Chapel Hill for graduate work in art. Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle lSM iMlAf' fTlAjP E Dt SPI RES EUA TE R T- I Hujs H E rIeIpl S I JR opm E R RT js ues l i r Bps oiirnpR E TTf a Hyp s e e do ttr ""TjU Tie sT'.rje a mi . Ill IIsIa k fQsTi a ITf 0 M EtlR A I o Ja loe R A nJsL M EATQEpZ E M R I DDL EDIhM U R ET TjR eTljo gTe s jT 0 iTiEIRl jSlAf IoipTe 13 Devoured Number Petty ruler Footless One borne Contests Chinese pagoda Postscript (abbr.) 44 46 Break suddenly Possessive pronoun Nahoor sheep' Female sheep Place A continent (abbr.) Note of scale 10 14 17 118 19 21 22 25 26 29 32 33 34 36 37 40 41 44 47 48 49 53 Feature Syndicate, Inc. 47 48 49 51 53 iTTl I B.XXJ- 1 1 Vi SHE'S THE AtfTHOfc OF "TH SIX BUNNY- U)UNN!S AMP THEIR LAV OVER IN ANPKSON, INDIANA," InT $hE7 7 f D .Jlj - STAFF if i NOW. IF YOU WOULDN'T MIND AN&wmirsiG A IS. Jr a TKANg.OU!E-I T MIN& IP BUT LET'S Tl f l M TH : QUESTIONS OYER WITH FIRST- organization and omniscience. It is the garrulous, wry, opinionated memory of an old man who wants to make the truth, as he saw it, known. Crabb turns characters into caricatures, organizes his early life into immaculately delimited "periods," and groups incidents with an almost Dickensian facility for coincidence. The result is a picaresque mixture of tall tale and fact that the viewer eventually accepts as "the truth." Yet, in these terms, "Lirttle Big Man" seems to me deeply flawed. Too much of the film depended on the audience's iceirs good voice the album can be divided into two sections, soulful and sweet. Soulful, which encompasses some of Rita's more powerful vocal attempts include songs "Crazy Love," "Ain't That Peculiar," and "Born Under a Bad Sign." The sweet and fresh side of Rita contains "Second Story Window," "(I Always Called Them) Mountains," and Neil Young's "I Believe In You." There is not a bad song in this album, but it does have its weaknesses. Rita depends too much on the other musicians and not on her own talents. Also Rita writes none of the material on the album and thus relies on too many worn out songs. Rita's weakness is Priscilla's strength. Seven of the eleven songs were composed by Priscilla, and a fine writer she turns out to be. Priscilla writes largely about freedom, either national or personal. On the subject of national freedom is "Salty Haze," a song about how" nothing has really changed, we are still fighting wars and still dying. Or personal freedom in the sad love ballad of Gypsy King," a tune about being tied to a traveling gypsy. All of Priscilla's songs are good, they are her person, she caresses them and loves them. Booker T. Jones' influence as an arranger and a musician is felt throughout the album. Booker's heavy organ is perfect solo accompaniment on a haunting blues tune called "Hummingbird." Priscilla, lacking Rita's recording experience and vocal ability, finds strength in that her album is more personal as conveyed through her songs. There is a mystical smoothness to Priscilla's songs, like a warm kiss, whereas Rita's songs are of a funkier type that makes you want to get up and move. WATER BEDS King Size $33.98 Guaranteed 967-5104 After 6 VIA-: ThV Dally Tar Keel Is puWsheSJyy 'the University of North Carolina Student ::! .;.;. PuD I lea t ions uosia, aany excepi ouiiway, examination periods, vacations- and 1 summer periods. Offices are at the Student Union : bulldina. Univ. of North Carolina.. X; Chapel Hill, N. C. 27S14. Telephone; rtumbers: News. Sports 933-1011; : 93-3-T012: Business,. Circulation, ; y Advertising 933-1163. 3 . ::3 Subscription rates: S10-.00 per year;; $5.00 per semester. i Second class postage paid at U.S. Post : Office in Chapel Hlfl.N.C. : : The Student Legislature shall have powers to . determine the Student ' Activities fee and to appropriate all revenue derived from the Student Activities fee ( of the Student ? Constitution). The budgetary :3 appropriation for the 1970-71 academic :: year Is $28,292.50 for undergraduates X and $4,647.50 for graduates as the ',: subscription rate for the student body !! (i 1.84 ber student bated an fall wmectw vJ :. enrollment figures). The Daily Tar Heel reserves the right to regulate the typographical tone of all adwerticam itc anrl tn roulu . rr ttm away copy it consider objectionable. The Daily Tar Heel will not consider adjustments or payments for any advertisement involving major typographical errors or erroneous insertion unless notice Is given to the Business Manager withiri NflL" day after the advertisement appears, or within one day of the receiving of tear sheets, of subscription of the paper. The Dailv Tar Heel will nn K ..Aiki. for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisement scheduled to run :.AaL ln. nioxices ror such correction IT -THEY DON'T 4'T . T TO WOEK T DO. GET !3 . '; YtAM I A i SHOULD A DHAT Ca'LP SHE ftX? REAPK ) ( SAY NOT.1 ) RSBU HAV uITTEN j BE LETTER I V TO THAT SHOULD j 9&rRl5BP, LJ XX? 6E 9X& A SECRET? SWEETIE.1 i f (g) - - awareness that the whites brutality and treachery with respect to the Indians was a fact. If our own current history had not been so far-fetched, with its predictions of imminent victory in Vietnam, and its intense self-deception, not even my historical knowledge of General Custer's egotism and of the monumental foolishness of his decision to attack at the Little Bighorn would redeem a line like, "A Custer decision -impetuous?!" By the same token, although Thomas Berger's novel has been acclaimed as one of the few accurate accounts of Indian life (and I assume the film sticks fairly close to it), some of the details, like a henpecked brave or a homosexual Indian, do not reinforce our belief in the film's historicity. Truth may indeed be stranger than fiction. Here I think no attempt need have been made to domesticate it. A second flaw in "Little Big Man" is its episodic narrative. It never bores you, but it wearies you out. The film is no longer than "Husbands," yet it has, and needs, an intermission. - Having made these two criticisms, however, it would be churlish of me not to add that there is far more good in "Little Big Man" than bad. Penn makes excellent use of Crabb's memory to filter out all but essential details. Hence, the characters who appear and reappear in his Campos .activities Beginning today, all Campus Calendar information must be submitted to the DTH office by 3 p.m. at least one day in advance of the planned event. Unless approved by the Feature Editor, all items will be run only once. The UNC Sailing Club will meet on Wednesday evening at 7:30 in room 304 of Woollen Gym. Items to be discussed include the upcoming races against Davidson and a beginners sailing program. Officers should come early. April 18 will be the best day of many peoples lives here on campus. The Way Home is starting another Power For Abundant Living class. An open organizational meeting will be held at 7:30 at the Way Home. For rides, call 967-2828. Attention horseback riders: the lists are up downstairs in the Carolina Union by the bowling alley. Read the instructions and work within your group. SOPHOMORES who have recently been transferred to the College of Arts and Sciences from the General College are asked to fill out the "major indication" sheet which they recently received and return the form to the College office, 206 South Building. They should also go to their major department to be assigned a departmental adviser with whom the student will orerftoister. luncheon Spccisl 11:30 Ai.1.-2:3b PJ.1, Va, BBQ CHICKEN 3.97 1 V ft--. v. I life have the simplicity of figures in a morality play: his sister, who believs that a man who won't use a gun is no man at all; the fundamentalist preacher, whose two main concerns are beatir.g the heathenism out of Jack and stuffing his own belly; the preacher's hy perse xed wife; the chronically jittery Wild Bill Hickok, who has lived by the gun and now is trying to stave off dying by it for as long as possible; the seller of patent medicines, who tells Jack that the Indians' vision of an ordered universe has ruined him, and that the stars twinkle in a void; and, of course, Custer and the U.S. Cavalry, on a holy war to exterminate the how about gooks? Balanced against these are the Indians with whom Jack passes his youth, the Cheyennes, or (translated) "human beings." Perm's use of camera is expert and faithful to his narrative premise. He's been criticized for his failure to make Custer's surprise attack on unarmed men, women and children at the Washida River quite as frightening as perhaps he could have. But Penn relies on Crabb's memory to organize the scene, and manages to convey the boundless horror of the slaughter without melodramatics and without distorting the dramatic emphasis of the story. Hoffman, as I hinted above, is Anyone interested in working on the details and arrangements for Jubilee is invited to a meeting in the Union Coffeehouse this afternoon at 4 p.m. Juniors in the School of Education who plan to teach during the fall and spring semester are reminded to fill out student teaching application forms available in the lobby of Pea body Hall. Any student who plans to student teach next year must fill out these forms. SAVE YOUR PENNIES. Contestants for the W.P. Mangum Award in Public Speaking will deliver original speeches tonight at 8 p.m. in the Di-Phi Chamber, third floor New West. Any member of the senior class is eligible. Anyone interested should contact Joe McGuire today. An Academic Residence Area is being established on fourth floor Morrison. It will be, DAMUILLE: 300 CaiiJ" via sPRiiJTS April .17 & 10, lanviiie, va. Camping included with advance tickets Total Cost $7 Person - Call 942-3300 Chapel Hill." N. C, UQDQWo Oo Earn cn rJEIHI-Ku Co.a marvelous. It is hard to realize just how good he is unless you remind yourself of his other roles. The rest of the cast is excellent, too, with Chief Dan George, as Hoffman's adoptive Cheyenne grandfather, takir. second honors. All in all, "little Big Man," it seems to me, is a flawed, but humane and intelligent film. And at least in the context of today, it cakes us deeply aware of the truth of Chief George's comment, that 'There is an endless supply of white men, but there has always been a limited number of human beings." TWO OTHER RECENT films of note are "Perfect Friday" and "Get Carter." The first is a "perfect crime" flick, done with care and some wit. Stanley Barker and David Warner, as a slightly kinky British Lord, are both fine, and Ursula Andress is pretty in clothes or out of them. The trick ending is entirely predictable, but the film is a tight, modest thriller. Michael Caine's debut in film was a . kind of annus mirabilis. In his first year he starred in among others "Gambit," "The Ipcress File," and, of course, 'The Wrong Box." Since then, there hasn't been so much a levelling off as a straight drop. "Get Carter" is I surely hope bottom. calesidlan a lively, informal, coeducational atmosphere for living and growth oriented towards Honor Students and others with an academic interest. Sign up in Morrison Lobby. For further information call Dr. Mark Abbclbaum, 933-3772 or 933-5036, or Paul Rowell, 933-1556. LOST: Brown wallet. Keep the money. I desperately need the credentials. Substantial reward, no questions asked. 933-4671 or 527 James. FOUND: Man's gold Hope Mills High School class ring with purple stone and initial C in gold. Initials JSC on inside, about size 10 ox 1 1. To chum, see Bob Chapman at the DTH office. Found: Smith. One room key. Contact APO in FOUND: One funny looking egg in the arb. Cafl 933-6709 and identify. 1971 I Uu J. couay