The Dally Tsr HssS Bruce Mann Langley reviews T1 n 0 V. V. vw eenovao JiJi Dont miss Hoffman Friday, April 16. 1971 le Ok Trrrh fiN r n n im "Summertree" is a black-steel, laddered scaffold draped by vinyl leaves, pierced through the heart by a putting-green flag and laced at the roots with crepe paper geraniums. "Summertree" is also the name of the current Playmakers production at Graham Memorial Lounge Theatre and it's a sentimental winner for those who enjoy melodrama, character probing and unabashedly emotional experiences. Ron Cowen's extra-relevant story concerns a 20-year-old Young Man and his life, which is swiftly represented cinematically and in stream-of-conscious-ness through dissolves and fade-outs within and between vignettes and glimpses of life. The Young Man grows up as a Little Boy in love with his backyard, family, and friends. His father is a stern salesman who plays golf, wants his son to "be a man," and firmly believes that in life, "You can't always do what you want to do." His mother is a stereotyped e very-mom who plants geraniums, remembers her son's past in vivid detail, sifts . through past photographs and worries that her son's relationship with his college roommate is too intimate. The Young Man himself grows up in Jove with the piano and dreams of earning a music scholarship to train for concert jwork. His father sends him to college but refuses to fund a music education, yet because Father makes so much money, the Young Man cannot receive a scholarship. The Young Man turns to his teen mistress, "the girl he slept with in school," for sympathy and pure escapism, but the turbulence at home ('There's a war in this family") sends him nervously packing away to war ("they say the best Caine Mutiny, LiF Abner . at free flicks F;ree flick fare is varied this weekend. 'The Caine Mutiny" will be shown at 7, 9:30 and 11 Friday night. Based on Herman Wouk's novel, the film is mainly memorable for Humphrey Bogart's performance as the paranoid martinet, Captain Queeg. There's a tense court room clash between tradition, authority and the individual conscience. Saturday night (show times sameas Fricfay) the hokum and high camp of the musical, "LiT Abner," may insinuate its way into your heart or stomach. "LiT Abner" is conspicuous for its lack of subtlety but Stubby Kaye is worth watching. "Virdiana," slated for 7 and 9:30 showings Sunday night, sustains a series of enigmas. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS . 6 Babylonian deity 7 Free of 8 Appellation of Athena 9 Garden tool 10 Be mistaken: 11 Soak 16 Sum up 18 Denude 20 Goal 22 Vital organ 23 Downy duck 24 Teutonic deity 26 Espies 28 Maiden loved by Zeus 29 Scoff 30 Chemical compound 32 Scottish for "one" 33 Make lace 35 Lavishes fondness on . 1 Greek letter 4 Musical drama 9 Pronoun 12 Be ill 13 Spoor 14 Native metal 15 Tell 17 Sandy waste 19 Portion of medicine 21 Near 22 Pay attention 25 Astate(abbr.) 27 Ascend 31 Goddess of healing 32 Things added 34 Paid notice 35 Expire .36 Weaken 37 Latin conjunction 38 Join together again 41 Golf mound 42 Jog 43 Couple 44 Young salmon 45 Spanish article 47 Cry of Bacchanals 49 Clergyman S3 King of birds (p!.) 57 Time gone by .58 Scorches 60 Beverage 61 Still 62 Bend 63 Ship channel DOWN 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 110 111 15 16 "18 " " " 22 23 24 25 26 g 27 28 29 30 34 m 35 T 33 " 37" 38 39 " "40 " H4' 42 : """S44 Hlil!:r p iinn 49 50 51 " 52 53 54 55 56 57"" "358 59 2g - - 61 . jjj 62 " 63 Organ of hearing Cravat Everyone Man's name Chief executive T-l WATCH 'T,SON.R S WA UlPATNIKi CTPAlfiuT 1 "6 nil .vtiji ' 5AaE!MS5 f 5WTST0f?f' A A 56NTHOA, W I V v 8l& soldier is a scared soldier-l should be fantastic") and eventual death. Randy Jones plays the Young Man superbly and effectively-jungle-gymming between the scaffolding and the symbolically road-marked stage searching for a way: to puli his life together, to make a portrait of the past and to define coherently the elusive images and thus achieve a life continuity and security. The range of the role is, of course, immense the Young Man must cavort with his cute girlfriend (it's "all very high schoolish"), sustain a crushing love for music ("Everything has music in it"), fight pressure from his overbearing father who advises that "you should be out making friends with people that can help you," battle in war and even express in sentimental soliloquy his true feelings to the father he love-hates: "I love you, Dad. I hate you enough to kill you sometimes, but I love you." The rest of Director Mary George Jester's cast is reasonably well-chosen. Young Mike Barnard plays the Little Boy with abandon, sincerity, and convincingness -we feel the hard-ball hurt his bare hand in one scene and we empathize with his unwillingness to pull ICampmis : I JL Representatives from General Electric Company, Nuclear Engineering Division, will be on campus April 21 to interview students for summer employment in production at the Wilmington, North Carolina plant. Students who are rising juniors, seniors or graduate students and maintain their permanent residence in Wilmington or the immediate vicinity, may make application at the Placement Service, 211 Gardner, no later than 12 noon Tuesday, April 20. The UNC Readers' Theatre presents: "Miss Cynthie" by Rudolph Fisher at 9 and 10:30 Friday night in the Union Coffee House. Tonight the Cinematheque will present Orson Welles' version of Franz Kafka's 'The Trial." The film stars Welles, Anthony Perkins, Romy Schneider and Jeanne Moreau. Shows will be at seven and nine in Murphey 111. Admission $1. The Carolina Symposium, "The Mind of the OILE7L0OEO- imnti Natural Open Daily Lunch (Except Sun.) & Dinner Special Saturday Nite Hot Banana & Carrot Bread Late Hours 1 1 :30 P.M.-1 A.M. 452 W. Franklin 2 Doors Before Record & Tape) Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle IIP A PIE f? N EUH T A S Et iE ATE N T "TP E RIu S 6 L0 A Ttf E IAX Ion Z aTt N IjstITIrBbIeIIeI AIP S -n SI M lis D P E T O ZlB ElSjO M 5I0UIERUBA i. Tp UTER LS T ORI flEM U R S r tIsi iSlTluiMITl 16 39 Prefix: with 40 Female sheep 41 Symbol for tantalum 44 Wooden pin 46 Misplaced 48 Kiln 49 Remuneration 50 Mature . 51 Decay 52 Recent 54 Fall behind 55 Guido'shigh note 56 Place 59 Three-toed sloth Distr. by United Feature Syndicate, Inc. l AND SHE SIGNED "PEAR fKlENP." H0J PON'T CALL SOMEONE UHO'5 VtXJRFRlENP "DEAR IF DON'T MEAN iTf SINCERELY." THAT SHE WAS SINCERE 1 rr, THAT'S TME") 1 SET IT'S) I the Mattel! gun trigger during the Firing Squad game. Elise Tribble is the Girl, and her portrayal is a highlight. She has the properly "high-schoolish" looks and spirit of a girl you want to compose sonnets for, and her marvelous gumptious giggles give substance to the Young Man's romantically lyrical line, "whatever I pby is for you." Diana Hawfield's Mother is a sympathetic character played to create a double-edge: interest in having her son face life alone and after his death, interest in starting all over, "another beginning." The performance is, however, too reflective. Robert Bloodworth's Father is stabbingly convincing, but at times the stereotype carries the role. Dusty Staub grimly executes the role of Soldier, communicating horrors in a husky, Southern-honed voice. Again, the mood of the play is highly sentimental and emotional, and to some, this will be a fault. The dialogue and situations can be as subtly droll as-Father: How's school? Boy: It's there or as cliched and as Edge-of-Nightish as the home encounters activities South," will hold an open meeting Tuesday, April 20 at 8 p.m. in rooms 202-204 of the Carolina Union. All people (i.e. undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, etc.) with suggestions for emphasis, speakers, format, films, music, publicity, et. al. are most welcome. Also anyone interested in working with the Carolina Symposium (publicity, financing, research, inter-collegiate seminar, hospitality, displays) please come. A brief review of the ideas collected to this point will be given, and questions answered, but the purpose of the meeting is to hear your suggestions. All possibilities will be entertained. Interviews will be held the following week. LOST: Large plastic sack containing several tapes, 5", 3" and Cassette reels. Material recorded is for research purposes. Please call 929-2407, evenings. LOST: Notebook which has green paper and opens from the top. Contains notes from French 145 and 201. Please return to Linguistics Dept. in Dey Hall or leave message for Ann Travis. Foods 1 : ?." fi if WATER BEDS King Size $33.98 Guaranteed 967-5104 After 6 ': The Daily Tar Heel Is published by the :::: University of North Carolina Student :: 'y. Publications Board, daily except Sunday, ::: .: examination periods, vacations and : summer periods. : x ::: Offices are at the Student Union building, Univ. of North Carolina, X; Chapel Hill, N. C. 27S14. Telephone X X; numbers: News, Sports-9 33-101 1 ; x X- 933-T012:' Business,, C irculation, v. Advertising 9 33-1163. ;X Subscription rates: $5.00 per semester. S10-.00 per year; X: Second class postage paid at U. S. Post:-' : Office in Chapel Hill, N. C. : X X The Student Legislature shall havej: X powers to determine the Student-: ' Activities fee and to appropriate all revenue derived from the Student : X Activities fee ( of the Student: X: Constitution). The budgetary: ; appropriation for the 1970-71 academic ;X year is $2&,292.50 for undergraduates-. X and $4,647.50 for graduates as the: X: subscription rate for the student body": X: ($ 1 .84 per student based on fall semester :: enrollment figures). : x: , ::: ;X The Daily Tar Heel reserves the right to v ;X regulate the typographical tone of all v .v advertisements and to revise or turn :v away copy it consider objectionable. X $ The Daily Tar Heel will not consider ;X adjustments or payments for any :X advertisement involving major::: X typographical errors or erroneous :: X: insertion unless notice If given to the X X: Business Manager within .(1 Jl one day X v. after the advertisement appears, or ;X within one day of the receiving of tear ::: :X sheets, of subscription of the paper. The ::: Daily Tar Heel will not be responsible X .v tor more than one incorrect insertion of X : an advertisement scheduled to run X ?!v!Iai t,nles- Notices for such correction y. v. .lust be given .before th.e-P.ext msertion. v -- IT, HOD JUST DONY UNDERSTAND LOVE LETTERS. SU3EETIE.' MEANS ! J ' LOOK, SOM. WOMEN CAN A 'ECKUVA LOT O FUN - iOU JUST AVEN'T f MET THE WRONG- SORT f i r i of the Young Man and his father. Comparison-contrasts of people and giraffes ("People are harder to give up than giraffes") or a dead dog and a dead son overly melodramatize many scenes. Also, history since the play was written causes uncontrollable identifications with the war scenes, leaving their effect fragmented. But for the most part, the rapid, cinematic pace of scene melting to scene, the emotionally soft lighting of Mary Mac Moore, the . thematically appropriate costuming of Deborah Bloodworth (the Young Man and his younger self, Little Boy, wear green and brown colors of a real summertree), and the stark, bleak, significant sets of Sam Allen all combine to keep the sharply sentimental edges under control. "Summertree" is an enjoyable, emotional, relevant (yes, down to the last cliche) play as classically cast as the Young Man and his Girl's favorite Mozart sonata. It presents strict exposition, development, and recapitulation, which draws the isolated individuals together into a heart-wringing family portrait framed like a tree, its branches and roots reaching and reaching-for security. calemdsnr! :: v. LOST: Full-blooded honey-colored collie with white fur around neck. One year old but full grown. Has no identification collar. If whereabouts known, contact Dr. CP. Vincent-phone 967-6368. FOUND: Girl's 1970 Necdham B. Broughton High School class ring with initials J.C.P. To claim, come by the Daily Tar Heel office after 3 p.m. LOST: Brown wallet. Keep the money. I desperately need credentials. Substantial reward, no questions asked. 933-4671 or 527 James. LOST: Black tri-fold waUet-if found -call 966-3202. Need credentials. No questions asked. .Information About LEGAL, NEW YORK ABORTIONS EXPERT CERTIFIED GYNECOLOGISTS CHOICE OF TOP PRIVATE HOSPITALS AND PRIVATE CLINICS -APPOINTMENTS SCHEDULED' WITHIN 24 HOURS -TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS ' AVAILABLE TOTAL COST BELOW $150 FOR EARLY PREGNANCIES FEE INCLUDED CALL EITHER OFFICE FOR ASSISTANCE! (210) 334-3738 (212) 885-1314 New York Medical Referral Agency innr JLiUL UNC MANAGER'S JACKETS $9.00 VALUE ONLY 6.25 OVER 2,000 STEREO RECORDS LATEST - 93i up L.Jiii-- OUTSIDE: 8:30 -4FM Little Big Man Arthur Perm has made a remarkable thing, an American movie with a genuine epic feel to it. It is episodic in nature, alternately breezy and tragic and contains some of the finest editing since the days of the Russian silents. Dustin Hoffman is wonderful. A marvelous movie, one of the best of the year. Don't miss it.-CH, D, R, G Gimme Shelter A dynamic powerhouse of a movie, perhaps the most horrible bad trip ever put on film. It is much more honest than Woodstock and is the first movie to really show the sexual and demonic side of rock. The scenes at Altamont brilliantly capture the horror of that concert. A remarkable film, very unpleasant to sit through, but an experience not to be forgotten. CH, G The Great White Hope From the opening scene, it is obvious that we are in fairy tale land, with stereotyped villains and old racial cliches. Moreover, director Martin Ritt matches the crudeness of the script with his direction. However, as on the stage, this very crudeness makes for some very old-fashioned but very thrilling dramatics. James Earl Jones is extraordinary, giving a performance almost too big for the screen to contain. CH Airport The cliched script, the drippy background music, the sorry acting in the leads, etc. mark this movie as a definite throwback. However, of its kind, it is absolutely superb. After a slow start it managed to churn up quite a bit of primitive interest and suspense. The acting of the leads is strictly from the thirties, but Helen Hayes, Maureen Stapleton and Van Heflin give Oscar-worthy performances. D Husbands Much of this movie was obviously improvised, and unfortunately, most of the actors had little to say, especially Peter Falk. Also, Cassavettes allows his scenes to drag on and on to no NOW AT THE JANUS THEATRES, GREENSBORO 4 Academy Award 4 Academy Award Nominations Nominations Best Actress Best Picture (Glenda Jackson) Best Actor Best Director Jack Nicholson) (Ken Russell) Best Supporting Actress ,w-- 'Blstcreenplay ) '. t, , , (Karen Black) Best Cinematography I - f; Original Screenplay n "WOMEN IN LOVE" 9 "FIVE EASSY PIECES" Janus I 7,9:17, 11:30 Janus II 7:35,9:30, 11:25 1416 W.Northwood Street-Tel. 272-1200 n J LiU v HUNDREDS 8 TRACK STEREO TAPES -PARTY TAPES $3.95 -U? ALLX TAPE-RADIO TVs DISCOUNTED - UilL.IV TUZS., VEQ, TKURS, & FRI 13 14 15 15 '.V purpose. Buried beneath the self -indulgence are a fine perfonnzncs by Ben Gazarra, some nice insights and perhaps the makings of an important movie. Those seriously interested in cinema will want to see it; others wCl be bored stiff.-CH Wtterloo-The script for this is historical-stilted and Rod Steiger's performance is method-ludicrous. For some this will not matter because the picture, though uninvolvicg, is visually magnificent. Sergei Bondarchuk is one of the very few directors with an intelligent idea of what constitutes spectacle and nearly every frame seems like a fine oil painting. Christopher Plummer is excellent. However, not really recommended.-R A New Leaf-It's hard to tell who is to blame for this disaster. Elaine May's wit has always struck me as simply smart-alecky, but whatever one thinks of the script, this film has been grotesquely miscast, Walther Matthau being especially out of place. There are also many loose ends and odd mixtures of tone, as if Paramount butchered the film as Miss May claims. A mess.-R, G Love Story To quote Pauline Kael, "a movie for those who like to cry so much they don't care how wretched a film is, as long as it's maudlin." Except that I sat dry-eyed through the entire thing. Ugh.-D, R, G The following have not been reviewed. Opinions expressed are those of a consensus of critics. Flight of the Doves A family film. Very good of kind. G The Barefoot Executive The latest from Disney. Weak.-D, R, G Raid on Rommel A Richard Burton war movie. Weak.-R Pretty Maids All in a Row-A Rock Hudson sex comedy. Ugh.-R, G i i tf r-T LJ xar DsarV tape players LIMITED QUANTITY IeooJcsV I FICTIOM X 1 .KbN-HcnpM I I PANTY K03S $1i9 VALUE . V TO? ESAKD