4 The Daily Tar Heel Friday, April 23. 1971 'Free Calley' ii.a: lost I! ii ii ! ! J UJ J J 011 (MM Cause ft ! V7 Draft may be - WASHINGTON The Senate Armed Services Committee voted Thursday , to extend the draft two years and begin raising military pay to levels the Nixon -administration hopes will produce a volunteer army by 1972. The committee voted 13 to 3 to extend the Selective Service Act for two more years after it expires June 30. A proposal to limit the extension to one year was defeated 12 td 3 and a four-year extension was defeated 10 to 6. Then the committee, despite .v.v. Staton bill asks college subsidies RALEIGH-Legislation was introduced Thursday -proposing the state subsidize private colleges and universities which accept North Carolina students. Sen. William Staton, D-Lee,' sponsored the measure at the request of the North Carolina Association of Colleges and Universities. . - His bill outlined a proposal similar to Sne suggested by. the legislative study commission on financial aid as one alternative if the Legislature decides against a broader plan which would aid students regardless of the school they attended. Staton's bill did not carry an appropriation. He said the amount of funds which would be needed would depend on the action taken by the r Legislature on the Legislative Study i Commission's recommendations. Kremlin upset Over ping pong SOFIA The Kremlin is so upset by growing U.S. contacts with China it may tT harden its diplomatic lme4 toward 2 the ) United States, Communist sources said Thursday. Glimmers of that hardened line have emerged at, the Bulgarian Communist Party Congress, where the Russians and . Crossword Puzzle: ACROSS 4 Things, In law 5 Quaver - 6 Sword 7 Stamp of .approval 8 Spread for drying 9 Tibetan priests 10 Printer's measure 11 Cyprinoid fish 17 Note of scale 19 Pronoun . 21 Pitch 23 River duck 25 Specific 26 Agree to . 27 Husband or wife 28 Saucy 30 Mast 1 Pitcher 5 Jog 9 Hawaiian wreath 12 Repetition 13 Garden tool 14 Conjunction 15 Teutonic deity 16 Undergarment 18 Obscure 20 Saint (abbr.) 22 Landed 24 Bark cloth 27 Retail establishment 29 Dregs 31 Algonquian Indian 32 Longs for 34 Knocks 33 Declared 36 Roman Catholic 35 Break suddenly (abbr.) 38 Narrow opening 40 Three-banded armadillo 37 Musical dramas 39 Woolly 41 Above 42 Cash drawer 44 Swift 45 Place 47 Distribute 49 Walk with . measured step 50 Paradise 52 Story 54 Symbol for ruthenium 55 Negative 57 Masculine 59 Behold! 61 Be in debt 63 Warmth 65 Burden 67 Wager 68 Comfort 69 Simple DOWN 1 Before 2 Adored 3 Latin " conjunction T3""-gi6i7 TFi9 2021 52T,","23 24" 25 26 27 2i 29 30 31 " 32 33 3T" " 35 37 38 39 " 40 41 42 43 44 ' So"""""" 51 "53 " 57 " 58 59" 60 61 62 bJ63 64 ZT 66 r Diatr. by Unittd feature Syndicate, Inc. ai 5N00fV. BUNNY- fi (. 5ookj jftTr xv q I J iZKx I NINON - If extended misgivings by many of its members that a volunteer army was an impossible goal, voted to raise pay for enlisted men and junior officers by amounts ranging from 9 to 50 per cent. The proposal, indentical to the pay increase suggested by the administration, passed 16 to 0. A House version that increases pay even more sharply was defeated 10 to 6. The Senate version also included a bonus of $3,000 to men who enlist for Army combat service -a provision that has been rejected by the house. World news their Bulgarian spokesmen have suddenly dropped all references to possibilities of Soviet-American progress. Barely three weeks ago, Soviet Party leader Leonid I. Brezhnev proposed a series of multilateral and world conferences on diarmament, nonagression treaties and other international measures. That was before the U.S. table tennis team went to Peking. There has been no pulic mention of the Sino-American "ping-pong diplomacy." But the sources said it has been a prime topic of private conversation between Brezhnev and other Communist leaders gathered here for the Bulgarian Congress The first big Communist meeting since the Sino-American rapprochment began. Withdrawal key to peace talks : PARIS-Hanoi and the Viet Cong said Thursday that announcement of a firm date for U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam was the key to an immediate cease fire and talks on release of U.S. prisoners. They hailed the antiwar demonstrations in Washington and claimed they were backed by most Americans. Communist negotiators pressed for a flat troop pullout date in a session of the Paris talks that indicated Hanoi and the Vief Cong had their sights set on the U.S. antiwar rallies in hopes they would influence the course of American policies. North Vietnam's Xuan Thuy and the Viet Cong's Mme. Nguyen Thi Binh issued appeals of support for the war Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle glTlAf 1M AST Si jMlOlP M 05 fA !P A K T AWE PE V off ET E A S T ER EEF "Ik ABO rlZT A 6 IT .W I Gj 'C A PET T A fcjA BWROR E h i p ETspm TTt l . s ,1 R EIM I pTjcO BOO P EIM v Ala L Tl'm a RLZr Av E RJS S jE R I er r a s "te a 6l ef t i e a n t ipIrm ft ers 3.3 43 South American 58 Shade tree animals 60 Poem 46 Doctrine 48 Exalt the spirit of 51 Negative 53 Spanish article 56 Definite article 61 River in Siberia 62 Pronoun 64 Babylonian deity 66 Faroe Islands whirlwind 6M ME ALL HiS U)UNN!E BOOKS UKEN .HE FOUND OTT THAT HELEN SUJEETSTDSV 0UN5 TWENTY-FpUR CATS. HE 5T0PPEP READlNS HER BOOKS P " 7) i -Z3 hi "A. WHO WAS THE BLONDE TiS WERE SEEN WITH THUSSCSAV?.' " The noisy public clamor to "Free Calley" that shook the nation following Li. William CaUey's conviction for murdering 22 Vietnamese women, children and old men now is only a whisper. "Free Calley" rallies are fewer, a recent benefit dance to raise funds for the young infantry officer in Iowa flopped, an American Legion post in New York State indicates it is more interested in a baseball dinner now and the ambitious drive to raise a $100,000 defense fund begun by a Georgia veterans group still is about $85,000 short. More significant, perhaps, politicians are talking less about the Calley injustice ..." 'Things are not as good as they once were," said Dr. Max Anderson, a chiropractor and Korean War veteran who commands American Legion Post 35 at in brief protesters, called them "courageous Americans" and expressed the hope President Nixon would "listen to the voice of the American people." North Vietnamese delegation chiefs made clear in conference speeches that a deadline for a complete U.S. troop withdrawal remained their top priority political objective. Manson waiting on death row SAN QUENTIN, Calif.-Hippie cult leader Charles Manson, sentenced to death for the Tate-LaBianca mass murders, Thursday became the 94th convict on California's death row. Accompanied be two guards and two drivers, Manson, 36, was taken into San Quentin Prison's back entrance at 11:30 a.m. in a Los Angeles County sheriff's department van with its windows painted white. He had been removed from his cell at 4:40 a.m. in the Los Angeles Hall of Justice, where he was sentenced to death last Monday for the 1969 killings of actress Sharon Tate and six others. His codefendants, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten, also ' condemned to death, remained in jail in Los Angeles. Busing becomes part of systent CHARLOTTE uross-busing as a means of achieving racial balance in the WATER BEDS King Size $33.98 Guaranteed 967-5104 After 6 " The Dally Tar Heel Is pubifshecHjy.pe v? 1 University , of North Carolina Student Publications Board, dally except Sunday, 1 examination periods, vacations and summer periods. . ;X Offices are at the Student Union. -X building, Univ. of North Carolina Chapel Hill, N.C. 27$14. Telephone numbers: News, Sports 933-1011," 922-1012 ; Business, Circulation, Advertislng-933-1163. ' : Subscription rates: $10 per year; $5 , jx per semester. Second class postage paid at U.S. Post" X Office in Chapel Hill, N.C. ': The Student Legislature shall havtf':: powers to determine the Student f& Activities fee and to appropriate ail j ft revenue derived from the Student':': Activities fee ( of the Student Constitution). Tttp budgetary: appropriation for the 1970-71 academic f x year is $292.50 .f Or ' undergraduate j and $4,647.50 for graduates as the subscription rate for the student bodyrxj ($ 1 .84 per student based on fall semester .enrollment figures). X; The Dally Tar Heel reserves the right to regulate the typographical tone of all! advertisements and to revise or turn away copy it considers objectionable. X Ev. The Daily Tar Heel will not conldei. adjustments or payments for any) lajoriv: advertisement involving m typographical errors or erroneous x insertion unless notice is given to the, Business - Manager within (1) one dayhv after the advertisement appears, or x within one day of the receiving of tear : sheets, or subscription of the paper. Thel Dally Tar Heel will not be responsible! X; for more than one Incorrect insertion off X; an advertisement scheduled to run' X; several times. Notices for such correction X; must' be given before the next insertion a BACK TO I HERMANN HESSE 8 6- 1 Hfe a 1st ia That was the k hjwel-ll vfI ) ( BRUN ETTE I WA) ( SORRY. L S WOULDN'T J SEEN WITH ON J JUMP TS Columbus, Ga., a short distance from Ft. Bearing where Calley is held confined to quarters while his conviction and life at hard labor prison sentence are being reviewed. "Our big problem is to keep up public sentiment," Anderson said Wednesday. "We're writing all persons who signed earlier petitions to get them circulating more petitions." . Contributions have dropped sharply and so has the mail, Anderson said, noting that the height of the reaction following CaUey's conviction on March 29 for his part in the My Lai massacre, the Legion's fund drive headquarters was receiving between 300 and 500 letters a day. - Now we are down to 100 to 150 letters a day and that is not good," Anderson said. "We are going to have to work harder.' schools will likely be a way of life in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg system for a long time to come. That's the opinion of School Board Attorney William J. Waggoner, who predicted on local television Wednesday, 'Transportation will be a way of life in this system until such time as neighborhoods are fully desegregated." The School Board met with its attorneys in a televised meeting to hear an interpretation of the Supreme Court ruling Tuesday which upheld the desegregation plan ordered into effect last fall by Federal District Judge James B. McMillan. "The opinion obviously offers no alternative to continued long distance assignment of students," Waggoner told the board. In upholding the order, which requires massive cross-town busing to achieve an approximate 70-30 white-black balance in the schools, the Supreme Court left some room for minor changes. r Interested In Working On Daily Tar Heel Business Staff? Ad Salesmen, Assistant Ad Manager, General Help Needed See: Janet Bernstein Or 'Bob Wilson Daily Tar Heel Office Monday Noon-5 P.M. ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Best Actress Glenda Jackson "Miraculous! The Law rentian themes blaze and glitter throughout! The most erotic and tasteful lust scenes anywhere in contemporary film! Beau- ty...energy...wit...pic torial ooulence!" I -i l 5 I I 1 iivil- 7:35.9:35, 11:35 - 'The 'Dr. Strangelove' of the '70's. A masterpiece of comic horror! NEWSDAY imA 'vicious, bril. LI4JVT COMMEDY! A .HOWL OF LAUGHTER! I URGE YOU TO SEE IT!" . JotOW NBC TV TODAY f 1 QUOIT GOUIDib. DCMirSUIHISUWD HKJiACCSI OtLUXT" 7:00.9:17, 11:30 2 TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION Anyone can begin to use the full potential of his mind in all fields of life. There is a way to expand the conscious mind, tap an inexhaustible reservoir of energy and creative intelligence, and bring fulfillment to" life. The way, called Transcendental Meditation,, is a scientific technique from man's ancient heritage. It is a safe, natural and spontaneous method for expanding the mind, and it works for everyone. Introductory Lecture 2: 00 & 8: 00 GerrardHsH Wednesday, April 23 "- (l P X Ik Anderson said a week ago the "Free Calley" defense fund had reached about SI 5,000. Wednesday he said he had not had time lately to go over the figures but he thousht it to be "a little in excess of S15,O0O A survey Wednesday showed interest in Calley had waned sharply since the initial reaction that had draft boards resigning entoto, congressmen and other politicians making angry speeches and President Nixon intervening to remove Calley from the guardhouse and install nate. rejects aemaiios WASHINGTO N-Antiwar veterans demands for an immediate U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam were rejected in Senate floor debate Thursday as an invitation for a devastating Communist attack on rear guard American troops heading for home. President Nixon's refusal to set a fixed deadline for a total withdrawal was defended by Sens. Clifford P. Hansen, R-Woy.; William B. Saxbe, R-Ohio; Robert Taft Jr., R-Ohio, and James L. Buckley, Repubhcan-Conservative of New York, before a virtually empty chamber. Taft siad Nixon's critics were "Johnny-come-lately" doves" who were silent when President Lyndon B. Johnson was shipping hundreds of thousands of troops to Vietnam. Their silence, he said, "is testimony to the pure politics of the current dissent." South Vietnam will be able to defend itself with additional U.S. military support for "a brief period of time," Buckley said, but to withdraw precipitously would be to quit, "on the Eastern N. C. ISeivest ft5 Flares V Yjou ket the riBW ones FARH5 nevi nn ftj ,m MM n. i .run 1 1 Hm 'I R1 P u L-i Liu n mm uui-jUD ljt vertical patternrcut the .shafieibf today. Jjnjby-tfits eas5 care; the 7 u " .ft 9 jtr x "3 lis. w - ' W ntf h --MM Located In The Eastgate Shopping Center Chapel Hill, N.C. Beside Hickory Farms 967-6461 Also In Rafeigh Ridgewood Shopping Center comfortable post bachelor quarters. At Sioux City, Ioua, only about SO persons turned out for Joe Hupp's benefit dance for CiL'ey and Hupp lost S600. The days ago at Rochester, N.Y., the Monroe County American Lcor. established a fund to help pay for court appeals for Calley. The Lepon earmarked $300 of its own money, but Mrs. Fob Memer, Legion executive secretary said been only a one-dollar donation has received. verge ot acruevmg tne success ot our ye. of effort blood and treasure." Hansen said if Nixon announced withdrawal deadline. Hanoi could b up its supplies and conserve its forces in anticipation of the announced date. He added: "At that time, or a few weeks before, when America's rear guard is mounting out to go aboard transports, the enemy could launch a devastating attack-airned either at destroying American fighting men out of revenge for the countless thousands of her own people Hanoi has forfeited to American steel in battle, or at topping the government of South Vietnam and placing the country under the heel of communism, showing the world how futile was the nine-year effort of the United States to give South Vietnam the right of self-determination." Saxbe, whose son is serving in Vietnam, siad he supports Nixon's polic of gradual withdrawal but warned he would be "the first to criticize" if withdrawals are slowed down when the rainy season ends in October. Idea in Retailing EASTGATE SHOPPING CENTER SfBtklimt in: from in CASUAL PANTS KNIT PANTS JEANS SHIRTS Casual Pants and Jeans Sizes 28-46 Featuring FARAH,and LEVI Americas most oooular brands! in... Flares, Solids, Stripes. ..You. name it, We've got it! ! ! HMD $7.50 To S 15.00 KNIT PANTS Sizes 29-42 Solids Patterns Stripes Priced S1S.C0 To $25.00 We Also Have A Wide Selection Of Shirts, Belts, And Ties To Choose From! him in his I fn-. ipJ 'v " II V 1 la1- 0 I