Lana Starnes o Opinions of The Daily Tax Heel are expressed on its editorial page. All unsigned editorials are the opinions of the editor. Letters and columns represent only the opinions of the individual contributors. Harry Bryan, Editor Saturday, April 24, 1971 Awards Oil The No Babbling Brooks Award-to Chancellor Sitterson for refusing to meet with Student Government Attorney John Brooks in a conference with SG leaders. The We Can't Get Nun Award-to Pope Paul VI,' who riday made a plea for more young persons to serve as priests and nuns. fj The "From the Mouths of Babes" Award-to the UNC psychology major advertising for young children to make tapes on the topic, "Speech Development." t The Spaced-Out Award-to the iVright Brothers Museum, which has jiad to turn down the lunar module Kitty Hawk because they don't ave enough space for it. The Timeless Administrator i ward-to Dean of Women Kitty fearmichael, who ordered the clocks h women's dorms set back Sunday fiorning. Unfortunately, Eastern tandard Time dictates they be set forward. The Loser's Loser Award to the American Legion post sponsoring a flance on behalf of Lt. William galley. The Legionaires lost $600. The Sheepish Grin Award to an embarassed Journalism School Dean John B. Adams, who invited all his journalism classes to attend the Order of the Golden Fleece ceremony, not knowing it was part of the ruse to get him there for the hbrior. J.Mi The Messy Phrasing Award to the N.C. Assembly for the second week in a row. This week UPI CUiye Satlg SJar Sirrl rv 79 Years of Editorial Freedom Harry Bryan, Editor Mike Parnell . Lou Bonds . . Rod Waldorf Glenn Brank . Mark Whicker ... Managing Ed. . . . News Editor . . Associate Ed. . . Associate Ed. . . Sports Editor Ken Ripley ...... Feature Editor Bob Chapman John Gellman March Cheek .Natl. News Ed. . . Photo Editor . . .Night Editor Bob Wilson . Business Mgr. Janet Bernstein Adv. Mgr. Ken Ripley "You do pretty good with love," one hoy said this week, "But do you have to throw Christianity into it? I'd just as soon worship love -which is all life is about, anyway.', He echoed the sentiment of too many people I've talked to in the last few years- the idea that love is somehow separate from God and is the essential bedrock of life in its own right, g No doubt, many people try to worship he idea of love. It's easy to see how we kan. Love is one of the strongest, deepest, jfiiost enduring of human emotions. We need love to feel loved and to be loving, i-ife becomes sterile without the richness l5d warmth of loving relationships. Life becomes hateful without the compassion, the concern, the caring that love reflects. Love is perhaps the greatest gift of being Soun T! the V V 7 reported they ''killed" a bill to abolish the death penalty. Last week, they "axed" a bill to liberalize abortion. The "Burn Your Drawbridge Behind You" Award-to the legendary Ghimghoul Castle, which nearly burned down Monday. The Almost Half-Dead Award-to UPI for reporting "38 killed on the highways Wednesday." t The Hold on to Your Harpoon Award-to the U.S. Government, for outlawing whale hunting. The Puny Pepper Award to the UNC researcher who reported this week that hot red peppers, used daily as a food seasoning throughout the world, may cause malnutrition and gross retardation. The Pinocchio Politico Award to student legislator Charles Gilliam, who during a legislature session was overheard asking. conservative boss Joe Beard, "How do I vote?" If you want to see him do his thing, pull his string. The Much Adoo Award six feet and ten inches of it, to be exact. Basketball coach Dean Smith has recruited Robert McAdoo, a junior college eager star. Headline of the Week Award-to the Charlotte Observer for the following, headline: "Bill JBooe Boos School Board; Board Boos Booe Back." M wmmuJ -Se(5 Eastern mom'ed i 7 v Mt GoT I? V AMTHOtOQY OF MY CALLCD-? " BOP YOUR HEAP Con saix soon AT VOW LOCAU BOOKSTORE ) I .n IT 00(01 1 o o alive -and sought. it is a gift that is eagerly But love is a gift of life, not life itself-be it romantic love or deep self-sacrificing love.:And thus the center point of religion-and Christianity -is not the gift of love, but the origin of that gift. We can dismiss religions that do not involve love, because they fail to make sense in a world that does have love. But if we really are enthralled with the concept of love, then we've got to consider the different religions and their interpretations of love's origin. There is a certain temptation to turn around John's famous comment that "God is love" lo read "Love is God." But two things happen when we try. First, we find ourselves searching after a meaningless concept. What value does J. VPt There's nothing more enjoyable on a nice spring day in Chapel HiH than to sit somewhere in the grass under a tree and watch the people go by. You can see people of all shapes and sizes. You sit and watch and eventually come to the realization that people are very -different very odd very weird. And here are a few of the most unusual I have ever heard of The HEAVIEST human of all times tipped the scales at 1,069 pounds in February of 1958. His name was Robert Earl Hughes, six and one-half inches tall, from Monticello, 111. He weighed IIY4 pounds as a baby. Hughes was buried in a Letters to the lliiiesn To the Editor: Several denizens of Craige dormitory were talking about a painful experience which many graduate students here at the University of North Carolina must endure, paying the typists and xerography fees required to provide the University with the required number of copies of Master's, theses and Doctoral dissertations of the quality the University demands. ' ' ., A cheap job on a short thesis can easily exceed $50.00 and what History graduate students pay is astronomical, y 1 Needless to say, the students' budget is ruined, and ruined towards the end of theV year when budgets become thin for anyr student, buch a burden is obnoxious and should be taken oil the student s back.' p- i Therefore we propose that the University step in by paying the costs of typing and xeroxing theses and dissertations. The University can certificate tvnists who now do freelance thesis work to snare the TTnivpritv ) secretarial staff the added burden, and-. refer graduate students to such certified typists. The student could use any available University owned xerpxf machine and charge his thesis related' copying to the University. The typist and student would simply fill out a form listing the number of pages typed or copied and University secretaries could easily '-check the yajijify p $uch forms before checking the theses and dissertations. out to xne .1 establishment - t m G04M EN JQYEP Iri i o CfRW JO ME way r coutp LATE: 51 LL e u m rn in fn wlhatt 0 n nu. love as a principle have in itself? Can love by itself relate to other people, have compassion, make us whole? Love, faith, hate, and other abstract concepts mean nothing in themselves they are only expressions, of the person. What is is significant about love is that there someone. who loves.- ' - A good example is the love of a girl for a boy. What is more important to' him? Is it that love is so great for the boy. or that a particular girl is loving him? It seems to me that even those who hold love as their own "god." are actually worshipping it in the way people around them-including themse!ves-put love into action. To a Christian, this idea of love being an expression from one person to another is important, just as significant as the oeoro converted piano case nearly 1,100 pounds which weighed and had to be lowered by crane. The record CHILDB EARER was the wife of Fyodor Vassilet (1816-1872) of Russia. She was the mother of 69 children. She gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets.. The LONGEST FINGERNAILS belonged to a Chinese priest in. Shanghai in 1910. It took him over 27 years to achieve nails up to 2234 inches in lensth. The LARGEST normal newborn BABY was a boy weighing 24 pounds 4 ounces born in June of 1961 in Ceyhan, Southern Italy. editor Ultimately, the student must pay for this kind of service, and the costs of thesis preparation can be included in the fees which each department charges. In effect the student would pay for his thesis preparation in installments, a method far less painful than the situation ,r which now exists. . - Gordon C. Miller (Environmental Sciences and Engineering) C Warren Galke (Epidemiology) Petya Perkins (English) Robert Thyken (Political Science) CM. Milliren (Chemistry) Mar ha J. Payne (Classics) l4 v Kathleen F. Keef e (Germanic -. t -j -)f Languages) Reader defends Rolling Stones V jCTo the editor: C A few comments on Mr. Leaven's j latest hatchet-job, that is, his omniscient review of "Gimme Shelter." It is unfortunate that Mr. Leaven was so bored with the few shots of "the -protracted negotiations for a concert site." If he had remained awake, he might have - recalled the lengthy Altamont expose which he might have read about a year ago hi, of all places, the Rolling Stone. If he had done so, he would have HAVE WHY $T0? TURt J CAN 5 ir (Xowi mr. ec T-shirts rAR.oio eutaufA carps! mk. rich:: 71 type of expression love is. The Christian believes that love is that type of positive concern and caring which by itself is a concept, and things don't love. Only people love, and that people love and are loved is important. But secondly, when we substitute "Love is God" for "God is love" we miss the point of the entire Bible-that God is the source of love and to cut ourselves off from' God is to shut ourselves off from that source. This insight is not unique to Christianity. Other religions say the same. It isn't too hard to see what happens when love is shut off. Selfishness, avarice, greed, and cruelty abound. Sometimes it seems that what is so amazing is not that men can be so unloving to others, but that men can b; -as loving as they are. I won't separate love irom GAUL V Wil V Z'- ill I , I If The MOST TATTOOS worn by Vivian Sailor Joe" Simmons, a Canadian tattoo artist. He has 4,831 tattoos on his body. The LONGEST PREGNANCY was 389 days for a, 25 year old woman in Woking Maternity Hospital, Surrey, England. The MOST ALCOHOLIC person was a hard drinker named Vanhorn born in London, England. He avenged four bottles of ruby port per day for 23 years prior to his death at 61. It is believed that during his lifetime he emptied more than 35,688 bottles. The record for SLEEPLESSNESS is held by an elderly woman in Cape Town, South Africa. She voluntarily went O ji ram irao also recalled that the Angels were hired in an indirect through the good offices of the Grateful Dead, and not directly by the Stones: In fact, Mr. Leaven would have recalled that the Stones themselves were not much of, a factor in the negotiations which made Altamont the bummer it was. All the arrangements were left to middle-men. And yet Mr. Leaven criticizes "Gimme Shelter" for not drawing a direct connection between the Stones and these negotiations. How could it, when the Stones were actually only peripherally involved? This is not to say-that the Stones are any less culpable. If anything, their disinterest and non-involvement in the negotiations renders them more so. "Gimme Shelter" is a disturbing film precisely because it does not connect the Stones with the violence at Altamont. The Stones are shown breezing their way from gig to gig across the country, without a care in the world, oblivious to the mundane negotiations preceding each concert. At the end, we are left with Altamont. One knows all along that the Stones could have vetoed the hiring of the Angels, if they had cared enough to soil their hands and find out what arrangements had been, or were being, made. Jagger said later that he thought the Angels merely the American counterparts of the British Hell's Angels, wjio have often been employed to police concerts in London. Anyone who has seen a free concert in Hyde Park cannot help but be struck by the naivete implicit in such a statement when it comes to violence, the British Angels are definitely minor league. ' Mr. Leaven would have us believe that "Gimme Shelter" is a whitewash, that it exonerates the Stones from blame. I would assert that it does the opposite, that by illustrating the lack of concern for their audiences which has characterized the Stones of late, 'Gimme Shelter" becomes anything but a whitewash. And if Mr. Leaven really believes that nonsense about the sex, violence, and drugs in the Stones' lyrics inciting the listener to rape, pillage, and addiction (perhaps he would also have us believe that aphrodisiacs do work), then I would suggest that Mr. Leaven stick to reviewing those old favorites of his, "The Wolfman" and 'The Man with the Atomic Brain." John Marshall 327 Craige Leaven clear on Quarterly To the editor: In reference to the already tiresome debate between Leaven and the editor of the "Carolina Quarterly," may I simply state what appears to me painfully obvious. Mr. Leaven wrote what was on the whole a sympathetic review of the "Quarterly." He said he would refer only to the poems and considering the limits to lb Christianity, because the whole Gospel message is rooted in love. "But God shows his love for us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us," Paul writes. The Bible points to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross as the highest example of love God's love for man. God, not love, has acted to reunite man with Himself through Jesus Christ. And it is to God, not the love He shows, that the Christian responds. But if we can't have love without God, we can't have religion without love. Jesus told his disciples the greatest commandment he could give was to love God. but he added. "And a second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Christians are toid to put the love they have into action, or face just repudiation by a love-starved world. T L I I . I III VV iLW. without sleep for 2S2 hours and 55 minutes (II days, 18 hours and 55 minutes). The LONGEST I LAIR is that of Saami Pandarasannadhi which measured 26 feet in length in 1949. The SMALLEST BABY which has survived was Marion Chapman, born on June 5, 1938 in South Shields, County Durham, England. She weighed 10 ounces at birth and was fed hourly through a fountain pen filler. The LIGHTEST human being (adult) was Lucia Zarate, an emaciated Mexican midget of 26lA inches who weighed 4.7 pounds at the age of 17. She "fattened up" to 13 pounds by her 20th birthday. n odgeii of space, he did an admirable job of conveying the sense and the style of the poetry in question. He was very clear on his criteria for judgment-if the reader disagreed with Mr. Leaven's view of the world of poetry, he could certainly not dispute the reasonableness and calm with which that view was put forward. I contrast this with the hysterical flailings of Mr. Hicks and his colleagues. If the editors of the "Quarterly" cannot accept reasoned criticism of their published work may I humbly suggest they restrict themselves in the future to circulating their creative efforts only among themselves. S. Charney Durham Witt botches speech report To the editor: As a long-time supporter of the administration policy of Vietnamization and a silent critic of The Daily Tar Heel's prejudiced coverage of anti-war activity was a bit shocked by Tuesday's story on David Dellinger's speech. N l' ' Mr. Evans Witt, a defender q administration policy in Indochina and, in other cases, a reasonably reliable reporter, blew it. I am, as I said,"i supporter of Vietnamization and a critic of prejudiced coverage in the Tar lle'efl however, I am also a critic of Mr. Witt's obviously biased coverage of DellingerV speech. First of all, Hill Hall seats approximately 600 to 700 people. Mr. Witt said the speech was attended by a "sparse audience of 300 persons." With all but approximately . 1 50 seats in the auditorium filled, the crowd must have been closer to 500 people, as reported in other newspapers. His story, secondly, was filled with mis-quotations. I realize that Mr. Wit was. writing on a deadline and that taking notes on a speech such as Mr. Dellinger's is difficult, but in many places the whole point Mr. Dellinger was trying to make was blatanly misconstrued by Mr. Witt. , Thirdly, Mr. Dellinger is a draft, resister. Granted he was convicted of, "draft evasion" during World War II, but,,' he-had turned down a CO status and had ! served his three years. He did not try to evade anything. He chose to disobey the . laws and he took his punishment. 'f I want to close by saying that I do not, agree with what Mr. Dellinger says, but I defend his right to say it. And 1 find it somewhat difficult to believe that The Daily Tar Heel would purposely slant a news story so that it made an anti-war ' speaker look bad. No n -objective news coverage by anyone, whether he stands on the. political right or left, is a severe threat to the tradition of a free press in this., country. ' Bross Stein Jones Ferry Rd. 0 vann For the Christian, putting love into action means more than an occasional "good deed" or an annual contribution to. the missionary field. Love is reflected in what we do for others the poor and oppressed as well as for our friends. It is -reflected in the way we pursue our ' careers, the political beliefs we hold, the morality we advocate. Love may mean taking a stand, or making a sacrifice. But however it is expressed, love means more than saying "I love you." It means proving it. Christian' -e followers of Jesus Christ, not love, but unless Christian love is real, the world has every right to doubt the Christian message. Love is a powerful gift of God. And as with all gifts, Christians must learn to share.