Th3D2;!yTsrHil On records A n 0 t ! t 1 n o n I! Wrf: Thursisy. April 23. 1971 III ijljj 1) mew 7 K Police uncover bombing witness WASHINGTON The first break in the two-month old bombing of the ILS. Capitol came Wednesday when the Justice Department disclosed that a 19-year-old woman had been arrested as a material witness. The department said only that the girl, identified as Leslie Bacon, 19, had been arrested Monday in Washington and ordered held on $ 1 00,000 bond. No permanent address was listed for Miss Bacon, but the FBI said that she had been arrested on the roof of a house in the northwest section of the city. In Atherton, Calif., Mrs. John W. Bacon said her daughter was being held in a $35-a-night hotel suite by FBI agents who took her out to eat in a Cadillac. Mrs. Bacon said her daughter told her that the FBI said it would present her to a federal grand jury in Seattle, but that she didn't know anyone there. Mrs. Bacon said her daughter denied any association with the Capitol bombers and said she. "has never told me. a lie." Redisricting hurts Galifianakis RALEIGH-The North Carolina House put its final stamp of approval on a Senate measure Wednesday to change the boundaries of the state's 1 1 Congressional Districts.. The apportionment plan puts 10 counties, including Orange, into new districts, complying with the U.S. Supreme Court's "one man, one vote" mandate in light of recent federal census showing much of North Carolina's population has shifted from rural to urban areas in the past 10 years. The bill was enacted into law by a voice vote. The Congressional reapportionment realigns the- number of citizens each representative in Washington will represent,' putting approximately 462,005 citizens in each district. - The action is considered one of the most important tasks the General Assembly has accomplished so far this session. Similar consideration is expected on legislative reapportionment and government reorganization. The biggest impact the reapportionment will have is the 4th District of Rep. Nick Galifianakis. The new plan puts Orange, a vital vote getter for Galifianakis the past two elections, into the 2nd District of Democrat L.H. Fountain. Jury hears Kotouc defense FT. McPHERSON, Ga. Testimony ended Wednesday in the court-martial of Capt. Eugene M. Kotouc, who admitted from the witness stand he unintentionally cut off the finger of a Viet Cong suspect he questioned near My Lai. The case will go to a seven-officer jury Thursday following closing arguments and final instructions from the military judge, Col. Madison Wrights Kotouc, 37, who served as an intelligence officer at My Lai, could be sentenced to seven years in prison if convicted on the maiming charge. The defense rested at 1 :45 p.m. EDT after Kotouc had spent more than two and one-half hours on the stand testifying on his own behalf. The prosecution then called three rebuttal witnesses, and testimony in the case, . which began Monday, finally concluded at 2:30 p.m. Police arrest more protestors . WASHINGTON Police arrested 205 anti-war protestors blocking the entrance to Selective Service headquarters Wednesday, and 10 blocks away demonstrators served Internal Revenue service employes with pies, lemonade and "don't pay war taxes" appeals. ' About 50 District of Columbia policemen moved in at 7:40 a.m. to haul away demonstrators who had spent the chill, rainy night camped outside the main doors of , national draft headquarters, singing songs by the light of hand-held candles. Joined at dawn by other protestors, they lay face down as symbols of Vietnam War dead, forcing Selective Service empjqyesarrjving .earljf for. work to walk over them. 4 The demonstrators went Limp or walked peacefully with police to waiting buses. Most of them were booked on charges of disorderly conduct or blocking an entrance after they ignored two police warnings to disperse. Seventeen who scuffled with police and building guards at a rear entrance were charged with unlawful entry. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS Commonplace Withered Rages 4 Butter substitute (col log..) Hebrew month Drink slowly Hot Prohibits Approach Those who support something Moved stealthily Causes Mountain nymph Pondered Prefix: down French article Earth 1 Fruit cakes 6 Cook in oven 11 Preposition 12 Poetic for England 14 Skill 15 Girl's name - 17 Prefix: before 18 Compass point 19 Person having loud voice 21 Sun god 22 Rock 24 Symbol for dysprosium 25 Arabian chieftain 27 Before 28 Note of scale 29 Praise 30 Quality of being avid .33 Manufacture 34 Compass point 35 Above (poet.) 37 Fashion 38 Symbol for tellurium 39 Finished 41 Paid notice 42 Milk farms 45 A state (abbr.) 46 Things, in law 48 Secretary of the Army 49 Lubricate 50 Click beetle 52 Pacifier 54 European 55 Feeling 8 9 10 11 13 16 -19 20 23 26 28 29 31 goddess DOWN Cylindrical Rear part of ship Artificial language vri W'fiimi V i'aa Kfnnr 60613 TBI ASOOT 1 SS TBI A PT0R SKOU A TOY OK A I hoS& I HAYc I - SOOK OR SQVTfW LIKE THAT., It i SOMETHING 77" ft. . . . I V f " II II I tt V t I fc Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle 1snaps !mieJtIer prTt a ph rQt a a LE A SLJIaTrLS JJN EST E QlK p J RS IZjIx ahOnJI J s pTjE MOTE P t J JE T MA I e El n e arIOso RljJ T aTrTIIIp a l i ,j sia! S E RA PTE! TlTTlig iRle!pElL lElAlSlElSti 29 32 33 36 37 38 39 40 43 Compass point Patterns Scold Female horse Rows Weird Small valley War god 44 Electrified particles 47 Carpenter's tool -49 Harvest goddess -51 Note of scale 53 Promissory note (abbr.) 10 WT2 3 4 5 7 3 9 10 U 22 23" """"26 " IP 30 IP 1P" S33 ol53"" 36 xl 46- irjr ""H 50 H" 53 "T" Distr. by United Feature Syndicate. Inc. IMTEAP, I'M 60lWST0mL VDU ALL ABOUT I ' CONSIDER QUITE FAtaumKS. 0ONV THINK I bimTSEE SEaU WALK MILES N' MILES LJDQXtN P YER.AN F1 WHAT? -THE SHOCK n? PifjhfAi vpp hirru by Ted Claghorn and Gary Miller Feature Writers JOHN SEE ASTIAN-'Xheapo-Cheapo Productions Presents Real Lire John Sebastian," (Reprise 2036). Gather around, boys and girls, your old Lovin Spoonful friend, John B. Sebastian, has released a new album of old material. Yes, you will hear such old favorites as "Nashville Cats," "Make Up Your Mind," "DarhV Be Home Soon, and "lounger Generation." The album does a fair job at presenting John's "stoned" personality that captures the audience at many of his concerts. The album features the best cuts from four California concerts, none of which are , better than the concert John gave here last November. "Live Sebastian" features those same fun concert sdngs like "Rooty-Toot," the institutional bathroom song John wrote at 14, and "Happy Harmonica," one of the best cuts of the album. John's voice is perfect throughout the live sets, he never sings off-key. The full range of John's voice is shown in an old fifty's tune, "In the Still of the Night," when he goes through a soprano chorus one second and then does the bass line the next. "Live John Sebastian" is an excellent album if you want to hear the old 'The Arts-Who Needs Them?" is the theme of the UNC Alumni Seminar io be held here Friday April 30 and Saturday May 1. The two-day event is sponsored by the General Alumni Association and UNC's Division of Fine Arts. The Seminar will involve tours of the various fine arts departments, demonstrations and panel discussions. Chancellor J. Carlyle Sitterson will welcome the alumni and friends of the ; University at the 12:30 opening luncheon Friday in the Carolina Inn. The actual program begins with a tour of Applied Arts activities through Lenoir Hall at . 2 p.m. Dr. Robert Hannay associate professor of music, follows the . tour- with a -lecture on electronic music ; fWi 1 h 8 degongfratiSnipf thV 5moo , synthesizeF in'Hill Music Hall at 3 p.m. The program continues at 4 p.m. with a gallery tour of the Ackland Museum exhibit of medieval art, conducted by Improve Grades Whil Devoting . Th Sam Amount Of Time To Study USE STUDY SOUNDS Incrtas Your Concentration And Improve Your Comprehension. Study At A Faster Rat ELECTRONICALLY PRODUCED SOUNDS CAUSE THIS TO HAPPEN Pleas Specify 8 Track Tape, Cassette, Or LP Record Send Check or Money Order $9.95 Each Include 75c Handling and Postage Sound Concepts, Inc., Box 3852 Charlottesville, Va. 22902 t:::.-i .,.....:, BEER BEER 'THE; SHACK" Come In Before It Falls In HAPPY HOUR Every Might 7:30-8:30 . 1 Plenty Parking 120 W. Rosemary ABORTION can be less costly than you may think, and pregnancies of up to 12 weeks can be terminated for $175.00 including doctors fees, labora tory tests, all medication & referral fee. Hospital and Hos pital affiliated clinics only. Safe, Confidential, Immediate, call (212)838-0710 24 hours 7 days Woman's Aid & Guidance Group 40 E. 54th St., N.Y.. N.Y. 1 0022 WHt tS IT THAT PEPPLE VsWO GET SHXKEO 3D EAS'Y GO OUT OF THEIR 1 ?' 1 f UAVTh Ci vifs. urn i THINSS THAT ,!Sisr,j I If II jfN. fi) THAT Spoonful favorites, but it has been over a year since we have heard anything new from John. Like Paul McCartney and Bob Dylan, fame and marriage have changed the productivity of Sebastian. If Mr. Sebastian does not compose some new material soon, he may find himself a has-been in rock music. MOTHER EARTH "Bring Me Home," (Reprise RS6431). In the past when someone heard Mother Earth for the first time, invariably the first comment they made was "too bad Tracy Nelson didn't get better backing from the rest of the group." That cannot be said of Mother Earth's new album, "Bring Me Home." Mother Earth has been around a long time, but they have never been quite able to gain the credit they deserve. Their songs have always had promise, and Tracy's voice has always been beautiful; . but problems have arisen on their three previous albums in putting these songs together instrumentally. This problem has been alleviated in "Bring Me Home" by replacing Tracy's backing group. The new : group and the addition of a strong female chorus, the Earthettes, have finally given Tracy the chance to show off her fine : vocal talents. The instrumental work on the album features fine organ, piano, and an adequate guitar. There are only two John Schnorrenberg, associate professor in art history. The evening's activities include a dinner in the University Ballroom at the Carolina Inn (6:30 p.m.), followed by a Carolina Playmakers production of t4Slow Dance on the Killing Ground," at 8 p.m. Saturday's program begins with a Television Workshop Production at 9:30 a.m. in Swain Hall. At 1 1 p.m. a panel of University chairmen and directors discuss 'The Future of the Arts at the University." VVATERBEDS Why Pay More? Take One With You This Summer-Only $33.98' 967-5104 EUROPE BYBIKE Euro-Bike Handles BSA, BMW, Honda, Kawasaki, Norton, Triumph & Dune Buggies. We Arrange Low Cost Air Travel, Licensing, Insurance & Bike's Return Air Freight To The States. Euro-Bike, Inc. Box 525 Springlake, N.C. 28390-Department T HAVE THE SUMMER OF A LIFETIME 1 : 05-3: 00-4: 55-6: 50-8: 55 r "J"" " 1 " ' """ c. hx tit, i " jJ . I COMPLETE SAVE CHECKOURNEWLOW-LOWPRICES DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGEMENTS COLOR short, vmexcitir guitar solos in all nine songs, but the organ and piano go well backing Tracy and the Earthettes. Despite tha good instrumental support, Tracy's talents are still the highlight of the album. She sings lead and back up in every song, also writing one and playing piano on one. Her voice, though strong and throaty, is crystal clear and works well with the chorus weaving in and out between their melodic lines. The melodies are all strong, and Tracy can handle , the songs with clarity and strength. Side one of "Bring Me Home" features five rhythm and blues tunes, including Bos Skagg's "111 be Long Gone " and Tracy's own song "Soul of Sadness." These songs contain the best Campus The USC Football Club will play its final game of the spring season when it hosts Central Piedmont Community College of Charlotte this Friday afternoon at 3:30. The game will be played on Ehringhaus field. Bring a blanket and your favorite cold beverage, etc Admission is free. People planning to go to Washington for MayDay non-violent civil disobedience should come to Pit for information between 4 and 6. Buses will leave for Washington on Sunday at 11 a.m. and return Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon. Sign up at the Pit all day today. Good Old-Fashioned Sex: Morehead Residence College's biannual Sex Day picnic will be held from 4-6 today in the Lower Quad. Dinner is $ JO. Through the courtesy of the Carolina Union, the music will be a preview of Jubilee. Everyone is welcome to attend. ' Professor George Schlesinger of the UNC Philosophy Department will talk on "The Argument from Design" tonight at eight in 213 Caldwell. According to Schlesinger, "The argument from design for the existence of God has been refuted many times in the last few hundred years. Yet it has proved to be a surprisingly resilient form of argument full of hidden subtleties. Placement Service has announced the 3 nn ircnn rrrr n.nrr a The neweU andinsst cacusT clothing shop in the area. 103 East can offer you the greatest selection of casual slacks and tops plus accessories to be found anywhere. Come in today and you will be ready for the great Jubilee week-end ahead. We have it all-you will want it all-at the most reasonable prices that can be found RnttOB-Tbrongh Dress Flair I w n i Vi m li m i W m HUB EAST ' Over 103 E. Franklin The Store PERCEffT OFF STUDENT STORES 'ON instrumentation and back-up vocals. Here Tracy shows the funky siZ: of her void, singing pow crful $yr. co pa t ed m dod j-es. The second side of the album has more of a country theme and includes "Lo and Behold" by James Taylor and "Seven Bridges Road," which is probably the best song on the album. There is some nice fiddle, dobro, and slide guitar work on this side of the album. The chorus lines at the end of "Seven Bridges Road are probably the most exciting spot on the whole record. Every song on this album is good. The music is simple, to the point, and the melodies are basic. Tracy Nelson's voice, which is without a doubt as good as any other female's today, is worth the price of the record. calendar following organizations wifl be reoruitmir on campus this week. Today: Corp HaU Adjustment Bureau and Friday, April 30: The Upper French Broad Economic Development Commission. The School of Education pre-registration period for-summer and fall, 1971 will be May 3 through May 7. Pre-registration sessions will be held from 3-5 p.m. on these days. Secondary: Foreign Language, Social Studies and Distributive Education in OS Peabody. Music-1 06 Peabody. Ait -03 Peabody. Science-212 Peabody. Math-218 Peabody. English, Speech-220 Peabody. Elementary: Early ChiIdhood-31 1 Peabody and Intermediate 309 Peabody. Special Education: 104 Peabody. Hengeparty on the Salisbury Plain between green house and the ditch. Everybody and their friends are welcome at 5:30 p.m. This Saturday, weather permitting. Bring your own supper. Lost: In the vicinity of East Rosemary St., fluffy brown and white four month old kitten. Brown patch on face and bushy brown tail. Reward. 929-2412. Found: A grey cat with red collar in Fraternity Court. Call 968-9053; after 7 p.m., call 967-3465. Ask for Park. EAST mwTWl IAP li H-P The HUB Open Mon.-Sat. 9-6 You'll Love '3 1 t"uiTc BLACK &HITE CAI.TPUS"