The Daily Tar Heel Friday, April 30, 1971 n 7' o TI --. TVs O WI! . - f . - - , . by Bruce Mann 1 Feature Writer The North Carolina Quartet, one of the-'1 Southeast's leading string quartets and'UNCs quartet-in-residence, will appear in concert Tuesday night, May 4 at 4ifj.m. in Hill Hall. The concert is open to-JJfNC students and admission is free. jAjqcording to Ann Burnham, UNC instructor and violist of the group, the concert should offer a special experience to ; students and members of the community. In a string quartet concert, "there is a special blending of sound and color that you probably would not find any place other than a choral medium." VThe group will present a program of Haydn (Quartet, Opus 54, No. 1), Schubert (the famous D Minor Quartet -"Death and the Maiden"), and Ravel (String Quartet in F Major). Among the highlights of the program is rthe slow movement (theme and variations) of the Schubert quartet, which usetf is its theme one of Schubert's songs, "Death and the Maiden." Mrs. Burnham also? 'feels that the Ravel Quartet is "one ofrcihe most beautiful quartets ever written." The warmth and closeness of members of Jhe group should also be a key part of the experience. "It's like any good team effort-we're very sensitive to each other's musical ideas and also aware of ourj -strengths and weaknesses in playing. Thjssensitivity and awareness helps us to achieve a unified interpretation of each work." nrFhe members of the Quartet are all accomplished artists and teachers. Edgar and Dorothy Alden, violinists of the jquartet, are masters of both the violin aria viola. Dr. Alden, founder of the grmlp, is professor of violin and :?fEhe Arts: Who Needs Them?" is the title of th6: third in the 1970-71 Alumni Seminar Series tole held at the Carolina Inn April 30-May 1. The seminar will include lectures and departmental tours by several UNC professors of art, music and drama. Sponsored by- the General Alumni Association, this seminar is open to all alumni and their families. Registration fee is $18. For further information, call 933-1208. Tonight the Cinematheque will present "JOanhdF the Polish film dealing ttftft the'osseSwon-pf uns-by Oyit demons!. Directed by Jerri? KawalerowCcazrft wbn the' JuTry Prize J f" afTfie i Cannes Irilm IestivalrShows ateven" and nine in Murphcy 1 1 1. Admission $1. The; Order of the Valkyries will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in the student union. Juniors arc especially urged to attend. . Orange County Association for Retarded, Children wants you! Parents, teachers, students, administrators and all , others interested in working in areas related to Mental Retardation, come at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 4 to the Wesley foundation located at 214 Pittsboro. Street. Elections are going to be held- Call 9(4271 for information. Ten-hour long motorcycle safety course "will tnpfit, Tuesday and I'riday evenings and all day Saturday. The 'first meeting will be May 4 at 7:30 p.m. in room 111, Murphcy. There is a $2 fee For information, call Travel-On M6prcyclcs, 929-2364. ftengeparty on the Salisbury Plain between thc-green house and the ditch. Everybody and thltir friends are welcome at 7:30 p.m. This Saturday, weather permitting. Bring your own srrpper. izv - RENT-A-CAR Only $4.00 A Day, $.04 A Mile , (BUT YOU MUST CROVVELL LITTLE MOTOR CO. Durham 544-3711 Dir No. 97 TODAY-4 HAMBURGER STEAK WONIONS $.97 " " ; WSALAD $1.13 97? Back of MOIHER'S DAY SUNDAY MAY 9th A musicology at UNC. Mrs. Alden is known for her work as the director of the Chapel Hill Young People's Orchestra. The Aldens are graduates of Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Mrs. Burnham, violist, trained during her undergraduate years at Oberlin, also. She has earned degrees from Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia and Yale School of Music. Her European studies include work under Nadia Boulanger and Pierre Pasquier of the Pasquier Trio. . Langley reviews enny Little Big Man Arthur Perm has made a remarkable thing, an "American movie with the real look and feel of an epic. The film zips from episode to episode, being alternately breezy and tragic,, and contains some of the best editing since the Russian silents. Dustin Hoffman is wonderful. A marvelous movie, one of the best of the year. Don't miss it.-CH,D,R,G . Woman in Love A strange, powerful, baroque film. Ken Russel's style is mesmerizing, drawing the viewer into another world. Many of the scenes have a primeval force which seem to go back to the very beginnings of art. The acting is extraordinary, especially by Glenda Jackson. No intelligent movie-goer can afford to miss this one. G The Owl and the Pussycat The story - Morehead Planetarium, is now showing 'The -Astronomy of Astrology." The program explores the foundation of astrological beliefs, even explaining :- the inputs of a typical horoscope. Performances may be seen through x May 31 every night at 8:30 and throughout the'x day on Saturday and Sunday. Free Flicks: Friday, April 30 -"Portrait "of -"Jenny" is "The Picture -of Dorian Gray", in drag. Shows at 7, 9:30 and 11. Saturday, May l-"Dr. Faustus" with Richard Burton in the fu"atafion:tfX3iristopher Marlowets' elav. Show rirri jirfiittKiiiam FidaisV Siirirtav. May 2-De Sica's classic, ,s"Th'e Bicycle Thief." Shows at'7 and" 9:30," 77 , T: " The School of Education's pre-registration '; period tor summer and tall, 1971 will be May ,3 through May 7. Hours for pre-registration ; sessions are 3-5 p.m. on these days. Rooms for the sessions are as follows: Secondary Foreign :: Language, 08 Peabody, Social Studies, '.' Distributive Education, also 08 Peabody, Music 106 Peabody, Art; 103 Peabody, Science; 212 ' Peabody, Math, ,218 Peabody and English"-Speech,-'- 2 20 Peabody. Elementary -Early Childhood, 311 : Peabody and- Intermediate, 309 Peabody. Special Education-104 Peabody. The UNC Football Club will play its final game of the spring season when it hosts Central Piedmont Community College of Charlotte this afternoon at 3:30. The game will be played on Ehringhaus field.- Bring a blanket and your favorite cold beverage, etc. Admission is free. People ' planning to' go to -Washington for MayDay non-violent civil disobedience should come to Pit for information between 4 and 6. Buses'will leave for Washington at 11 a.m. on Sunday and - return Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon. Rent A T-Bird 8.00 A Day, $.08 A Mile BRING THIS AD) 011885 Chapel Hill 942-3143 : 30 -7: 309 "7P the Zoom 97t TJ SMSMIER MlM&4i ij..-v f . 0 n Ll (( W 1 1 ' , Charles Griffith, cellist, is a trainee of Julliard School of Music (under Leonard Rose). . He completed his undergraduate studies at Oberlin Conservatory, and did advanced work in Salzburg and Geneva, Switzerland. At present he is principal cellist, in the University Symphony and head of the North Carolina unit of the American String Teachers Association. Founded in the early 1950's by Edgar Alden, UNC professor and first violinist, the North Carolina Quartet has appeared in numerous community and college arrow line for this one is pretty trite, as can best be seen in the drippy final scene, but most of it is absolutely hilarious, thanks to . bright comedy . lines, inventive direction, and ' Barbra Streisand. The incomparable Barbra just keeps getting better and better.D - . ; Little Murders This is obviously Alan Arkin's first movie, as it is cinematically stiff, flat and rather lifeless. This is a real shame, as Jules - Feiffer- has written a script of incredible brilliance, savage, lacerating, witty, perceptive and horrifying. The actors are all topnotch in creating their cartoon-like characters. With better handling this could have been one of the truly great movies, and as it is, the script makes it still very, very worthwhile. G THX-1138-A bokV imaginative science-fiction movie which shows true brilliance in its use of images and in the mechanistic sounds and dialogue. Unfortunately, in movies of this type, which depend entirely on mood, the least thing wrong can practically ruin the picture. Here the dialogue and acting of the humans are definitely out of place quite frequently, and much of the effect is dissipated. Still it's a very interesting try, and well worth seeing. R The t Great White Hope-From the opening scene, it is obvious that we are in fairy-tale land with stock villains and racial cliches. Moreover, Martin Ritt matches the crudeness of the script with his direction. However, as on the stage, this very' crudeness makes for some very thrilling, if very old-fashioned dramatics:' James Earl' Jones is extraordinary , giving a performance almost too big for the screen to hold. R Ryan's Daughter Another giant marshmallow from David Lean, drowned in Maurice Jarre music and super-beautiful, Super-Panavision photography. Buried in the gook are some nice things, including John Mills touching performance, but this one is entirely for the over-forty market and those who like movies like they used to make them. R,G Alice's Restaurant In invading the world of the young, Arthur Penn has made a terrible mistake, He has confused freedom of expression with sloppiness, and the film is put together very poorly, with " odd contrasts of tone, and ambiguous characterizations. Only the comedy scenes, taken from the record, are successful. R PLENTIFUL AND KWIK ICE BEVERAGES SNACKS JUffllLEE 321 W. ROSEMARY ST. PIK-KWIK AT KWIK-PIK ON nir LI 3 rm pro Liza LlXi': kzj) concert series as well as on television. The Quartet has given concerts as far away as Illinois and Florida, and plans are under way for further touring. Other musical contributions of the Quartet are its concerts in' the North Carolina public schools and its appearances in the Music 89 course, a special study in string quartet literature conducted by Dr. Alden. The Quartet attends and performs in the class at least once a week in order to give students the experience of hearing a live quartet. fails Jenny Almost is written across every scene of this, but the talent to bring off 'the light airy mood is plainly lacking. The . main crime of the director is that he has tried to manipulate Mario Thomas into some kind of star characterization, with - the result that her natural charm does not come through at all. Thumbs down. CH A New Leaf It's hard to tell who is to blame for this disaster. Elaine May's wit has always struck -me as merely smart alecky, but whatever the quality , of the script, the film has been grotesquely miscast, Walter Matthau being especially T out of place. Moreover there are strange loose ends and. odd switches in tone, as if Paramount butchered the picture, as Miss May claims. A mess. G . Love Story One of the worst. G The following have not been reviewed. Opinions expressed . . are those of a consensus of critics. I Never Sang for My Father A moving story of father-son relationships. R Wutheringv Heights A fine adaptation ' of the Bronte novel. CH , The Beguiled A strange tale starring Clint Eastwood. Poor.-CH,D,R,G Jud Story of a Vietnam veteran. Fair at best. CH Among campus movies "Joan of the Angels" (Tonight, Murphey 1 1 1 at 7 and 9) is a fantastic film dealing with the possession of nuns by evil demons. It is as . evil as Bunuel and as probing as Bergman perhaps the best film the Cinematheque has shown. No one interested in foreign films should miss it. Also Sunday night's free flick, "The Bicycle " Thief," is definitely a must see. 1 ';' a j OTOpe ;. - - A European summer, tour, "Music and Art in Western Europe," is now organizing. Covering nine countries in 37 days, the tour includes visits to music festivals, art museums, opera houses, and cathedrals. j The cost . is $1,250 all-inclusive. Interested students should see Dr. Joel Carter, UNC Professor of Music, to reserve a place. Final payment is due May 15, 1971. The tour leaves New York on June 8 and returns July 14 from Rome. Musical highlights include" the' Aldeburgh Festival, the Festival of Flanders in Brussels, the Zurich June SUPPLIES SERVICE PICNIC SUPPLIES MIXERS COOLERS V HER D. AY A V V . v v ... t ... . .- b:-v VI. '.A Doc Watson and his son, Merle, star in the 7th Annual South Carolina Folk Music Festival on WUNC-TVS "Southern Perspective" tonight at 8 p.m. WUNC-TV offers folk festival sliow - North Carolina's Doc Watson and his "son, Merle, were the star attractions at the 7th Annual South Carolina Folk Music Festival recently held at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. WUNC-TV, Channel 4, will feature highlights from Doc's performance and from the rest of . the Festival tonight at 8 p.m. Natives of Deep Gap, Doc and Merle have been playing their "flat-top" guitar renditions of country-folk favorites since the folk music revival of the 1960's. Doc's selections for the Festival included such oldtime greats as "Deep River Blues," "Summertime," and 'Tennessee Stud." Besides accompanying his father, Merle does some fine banjo pickings of his own... . Last fall WUNC-TV featured Doc and ; ; Merle in a musical series, "Homewood." toOT Off '. Festival, and the Festival of Two Worlds, Spoleto. The tour group attends performances at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London; the Opera Comique, Paris; the Stuttgart Opera; the Rome Opera at the Baths of Caracalla; and others. Art. museum sights, among others, are the National Gallery and British Museum, London; the Louvre, Paris; Galleries of the Grand Ducal Palace, Luxembourg; Private galleries of the Prince of Liechtenstein; tche Uffizi Gallery and the Academy of Fine Arts, Florence; and the A . - t : -r- C'rs. 4 Kul) Ji ThojuJl IGll nc. -I, JJUBOLEE FASC-UDGIM CEMTEK Whether it be dress or casual-the HUB of Chapel Hill can offer you the now look of fashion clothing at reasonable prices. Knits are great and are making news at the HUB. We invite you to come in today. The HUB has it. You will want it. Be sure to see our complete selection of Verde boots and shoes. Lakewood Shopping . Center . Durham, N. C. 1:1 Hj-Ull Ills 1 i I S-- 'I i 1 yl x t ' , In addition, Doc appeared with another North Carolinian, Earl Scruggs, on the "Fanfare" series. Other performers at the Festival who will be appearing on tonight's show will be: The Messengers, The Waltons, Jean and Lee Schilling, Colleen Petersen and Mark Haines, and Pat Hamilton. The South Carolina Folk Music Festival is part of the annual Canadian-American Days celebration, when thousands of Canadians and Americans flood the South Carolina beaches. WUNC-TV is North Carolina's public television network, which provides continuing education, cultural, entertainment, news,'4 and public affairs programs to North Carolina citizens. aMsfiimg Borghese Gallery and Vatican Museums, Rome. The tour will also visit cathedrals and churches in London, Paris, Venice, Milan, Florence, Rome, Cologne, Freiburg, Strasbourg, Reims, Antwerp, and Amiens. Special excursions such as the Festival of Sound and Light at the Palace of Versailles and the Rhine River Steamer Cruise from Coblenz to Mainz are also on the agenda. Academic credit (3 semester hours in Music andor Art is available. Qualified students must request this and register with the UNC Summer Session. t J - Mil iPJ 103 E. Franklin St ; Chapel Hill, N. C. ' V ' C" ' ' ' ' - 9 ' ' &

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