Saturday, September 11, 1971 Opinions vary Undents react to Yack The Daily Tar Heel Pi by Bill Lovin and Lynn Smith Staff Wnten More than 8,000 students have received Yackety Yacks. Here is a sampling of student opinion on the new yearbo"v Carol Donaldson, senior, off-campus-i'm a senior and this Is the worst yearbook we've had. The hardback was just a photo book. ..very few people, just different pictures of the vam- n"op''." W i 1 1 r d H a 2 g i n s . senior. Mom von -"7 he pictures ere great. . liked the format. The best thing was thit it didn't have so many f rat pictures." Carol Skeels. sophomore, M.her-'T didn't see that much on dorm life. It was mostly shots of fraternities and sororities, and not everybody i fraternity or sorority. They didn nave enough coverage of sports, like the Peach Bowl, the NIT and tennis." Debbie B 1 a c k m a n Spencer-"! like the style. sophomore, but it doesn't Chi Psi fraternity wins Thayer A war a The Chapel HU1 chapter of Chi Psi fraternity has won the Thayer Trophy for the fourth time in recent years. The trophy is the highest award by the Central Committee to the most outstanding college chapter. Qualities taken into account in the annual evaluation include campus leadership, community involvement, scholarship and athletics. Keith Oldham, president, and Fd Dickinson, treasurer, were in Washington D.C. this summer to accept the trophy, which was shared this year with Bowdoin College in Maine. Oldham attributes the chapter's success to its Community Action Programme, which involved the renovation of the Community Centre in Cairboro. He also pointed out the personal success of such Carolina Chi Psi's as Rhodes Scholar Tom Bello, last year's student body president; Peter Hal, presently assistant dean of men; and Peter Jost, recently appointed as Morehead Foundation assistant. Subscriptions Pieast Send alar To Name StreetBox No $10.00 For the Year City State Zip Code.. Name of Person Placing Subscription ; Campus Address Payment Enclosed Cash Money Order Check Seixl fo TIm Daily Tar, HH Business OMire. Carolina Union Bu'ldmq UNC. ChapH Hill. N. C. 27514 or Brinq order and payment to the DTH Business Office. Carolina Union. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 11 13 15 16 18 19 21 26 28 29 31 33 34 1 Edible seed 4 Parpnt (cotloq ) 6 Trades for money K.te Characteristics A stafo (abbr ) Popu'ar v.ord today A stj'e (abbr ) Liquid measure (abbr.) Is aware of 22 So 24 Brother of Jacob Wife of Ge'aint Hindu cymbals Rent Cat away Pronoun Jump 36 Grasp 38 Note of scale 40 Heavenly body 42 Worthless matter 45 Number 47 Cease 49 Man's name 50 Scolds 52 Part in play 54 Printer's measure 55 Kingof Bashan 56 Object 59 A continent (abbr.) 61 Keep 63 Garland 65 Tears 66 Compass point 67 Greek letter 5 f.jle air.enJs 6 ParUinr ,i.-.jy 7 Li'i't cf iic-rry S Deposits 9 C'uni st: mile 10 B'ocl. 12 Comp.iss poirt 14 .cvc sidt.-.isc 17 Uncthy 20 South African Dutch 23 Latin conjunction 24 Spanish a'licie 25 Employs 27 Arrow 30 Dmcs 32 Metal strand 35 Sponsors 37 Sheet of glass 38 Contributor 39 Wild ass of India Answer to Safu'day's Puzzle on Mifc iGl I IR. f i tdm e s'T IO 'R Pit E IR Ki'NiE IR mi TiA I LQF R WiSI.lLiOOMl.lWlE PiOTToTorrriNi MLjpjKieis.eiN ti iv,;e Tl AtL E i R ' C aTi inA r4hTMiArL ! pt Li t v tr sTa 41 43 44 46 43 51 Undcru-1 d pari of plant Kind c! (Xjfli Higri S' hool (abbr ) For eiamplt; Entreaties Peach across 53 bH 60 6? 64 Sijve f r??e of Symfoi for t iPtaiurn V ne Cup Symbol t .r tellurium Pred. down 1 2 3 4 DOWN Wooden pin Fall into disuse Cooled lava Dry measure " 12 3 KvvU j tvl-36 7 Ti p lio tx- Aflft l,lyV IXi II 12 '.V. 13 14 mm n iBanxiHi i-i y ' ' ""-I" i i - i ' fci i i i i i i i i i - -mi. II31" " I3" " ?z uOC jCu i V. ,- 1 1 i Cjljl M 39 558 40 41 42 43 44 50 51 S88 52 53 3v?5 TvT CllL za. 55 SS3 37 58 vv!5960 &i X- JTOTe Y- TTT" 5qq ... X.' Diatr. by United Fenture Syndicate, Inc. explain anything. I don't like the to Robert Wilson, ju Momson-"It was a masterpiece of phot :gr2phy. Mr. Hunter can be proud. But it represent; only the new and different techniques of Hunter Publishing Company, not the University. The new format separates UNC from an unrelated creative effort." Gienda Alexander, senior, offampus-I Like the hardback volume better. The pictures were informal and pretty. But they should get nd of the class book." Bert Grim ball, junior, offampus-'it's good because I can throw away the class book. It doesn't weigh so much. I could see cutting some of the pictures out and putting them on a wall." Debra Fox, sophomore, Connor-'i like it, but I don't like it. I don't dislike two volumes but I'd like one better. I think the pictures are great; people only look at the pictures." Ann Hodges, junior, McIver-"The general campus life pictures were artistic, but there wasn't much that meant a whole lot to me, except maybe the sports pictures. George Clay, senior, Ehringhaus-'i thought the picture book was interesting, but it was not a true picture of UNC life. I don't like the two books." Garland Ussery, junior. Old East-'i would have liked a one-volume yearbook better, and with a better cover. I don't like that they Listed students by their dorms. The pictures were really good, though." Cristina Freeman, senior, off campus-'i Liked it; the layout and the photos were good. But I object to using photos that didn't describe anything that happened at UNC. And the interminable pictures of the editor's girlfriend. ..that's childish." Jl J WJ ' Mill "f . IW-' J- t I t t t - : ir . " . - This trailer parked behind NCNB made a "really he3" scene Thursday. Howard Finch, construction manager of Pro-Mac. Inc., said excavations under the raernent proed to By Bike Club Jf v . .- m 0 I 4 . be the ultimate dtmntaU. I here was no nurry to pick the trailer up; who's going to steal it anvwav"' (Staff photo b Leslie Todd ) mile .bike rid. d Bicycle enthusiasts are mited to ride with the Chapel Hill Bicycle Club at 0 a.m. Sunday says spokesman Don Foree. Cyclists will ride 50 miles to prepare for the American Wheelmen Century Ride to be held Sept. 26. The Sunday WASHINGTON WITNESS TO END THE WAR IN VIETNAM We urge you to immediately wire your senators to vote Monday, September 13 for the Mansfield Amendment to the Draft Bill to end all military involvement in Vietnam, December 31, 1971. ride will be the second of three planned to help new cyclists get in shape. Foree said last week 40 people rode 25 miles in the first trip, a 75-mile ride will be held Sept. I. All of this leads up to the Century Ride - a 300-mile trek to Greensboro and back. A certificate and patch from the League of American Wheelmen will be given to those who complete the ride in less than 1 2 hours. Old Greensboro Highway wiH be the route. Foree said bikers would return over the same road so people who were tired could drop out and rejoin the group on the way home. Other precautions have been taken to make sure no one gets left behind e slate permanently. Foree said club member will drive trucks along the route "to m;k; sure everyone gets back to avihahon The Highway Patrol has jbo i -.c notified. The club is sponsoring Century Ride i get more people interested in bikmg a-', club activities. "Some people would never d something like this on their own." v:l Foree "We want to show them : .. much tun it can be to ride in a group Information about the lop.g-d;o.. rides and the Chapel Hill Bicvcle Club v available at the FCOS office. Suite B s the Student Union. FCOS also has map of country roads in the Chapel Hill .sre that make good bike routes. Dan Pollit Vicki Hauser Robert Burdette Norman Gustaveson Dan Young Henry Landsberger N.C. Veterans Aaainst the War in Vietnam Kevin Dungey Anne Queen Please send money to par for this ad and future ads to: WASHINGTON WITNESS, P.O. Box 124, Chapel Hill N.C. 27514 UUL saiyjniiB 73 ilii:iVi;rli!":n NOW SHOWING 12:00 - 2:02 - 4:22 6:42 - 9:02 :WW::S:$5:$ The Daily Tar Heel is published by the University of North Carolina Student Publications Board, daily except Sunday,, examination periods, vacations and summer periods. Offices are at the Student Union building, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. 2751 4. Telephone numbers: News, Sports 9 33 -1 0 1 1 ; 9 3 3 '1012: Business, Circulation, Advertising- 93 3-1 16 3. Subscription rates: $ 5 .0 0 per semester. $10.00 per year; Second class postage paid at U. S. Office in Chapel Hill, N. C. Post The Student Legislature shall have 'A powers to determine the Student x Activities fee and to appropriate all v revenue derived from the Student Activities fee ( of the Student X Constitution). The budgetary x appropriation for the 19 70-71 academic : year is S2S.292.50 for undergraduates 'A and $4,647.50 for graduates as the X subscription rate for the student body v; ($ 1 .84 per student based on fall semester enrollment figures). The Daily Tar Heel reserves the right to regulate the typographical tone of all advertisements and to revise or turn X; away copy it consider objectionable. X; The Daily Tar Heel will not consider : adjustments or payments for any advertisement involving major : typographical errors or erroneous insertion unless notice is given to the X Business Manager within (1) one day x after the advertisement appears, or ;v within one day of the receiving of tear , sheets, of subscription of the paper. The X Daily Tar Heel will not be responsible X for more than one incorrect insertion of v an advertisement scheduled to run ;. several times. Notices for such correction X must be given before the next insertion, v '........V- liWaI LET M ; I ASK HQ) j vVV - - - ' " '" "xXf j.20 DO MDU KN0U) EXACTLY UJHAT WRE 60MG TO BE UHEN mOU 6R0UJ UP ? ID CD C) LU Z o o o CAMPUS MEWS. MAY r help you?... AH, reSSlR, HOiJ ARB you?.. .. AH, hAr A SC,. 1 1 W 1 AH, NO, I'M SCSRf DOS,'r LOCK hJ HAVE" AN ROOM THE SSL'S S ALREADY FILLIP UP. . coMPLrrE:Ly' i-ii (Of COURSE) (aj5A1ART COOKlEi) YES, S: 1'V TS THE LATEST 'OZLD, 3UT h,E WST DON'T HAVE THS ROOM. . . D CO O C3 o 3UT THAXK3 ANYWAY. KB-ELLSBERS. The GREAT -BAG CONTIK IN ADDITION TO OUR STOREWIDE SNAG-A-TAG SALE, THE RECORD AND TAPE CENTER DARES TO GO EVEN LOWER ON THE FOLLOWING COLUMBIA, MONUMENT, and EPIC LP Ar,'- I. frMJ o POCO from the inside J V'.WA'vJt') wV Sr.'- rSi, !.'.. ' ' I i r- I ill-" T" y . j - - - r NOW p'"'pigi THE FIRESIGN THEATRE ITHINK WE'RE ALLBOZOS ON THIS BUS V ... ijinii ullTY ' 'tt mill irmnm -- .V- KRIS KRISTOFFERSON THE SILVER TONGUED DEVIL AND I JoCf .-: Tk Kij Eiacy Skj. Lc ' is E av' ' LO.e2 y:Tse reg. 4 93 NOW ONLY in f i ,in .hiiii., reg 4 9S ONLY TfJ NEW RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE lOont Know Vow PtXl 3 Wryrn WHtcKa Covv Do Lt Lx C i reg. 4 93 456 West Franklin Street Open until 10 p.m. Daily t

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