I f -I I I r v.- f 1 III V i 1 I Vol. 80, No. 12 1! Hi 7 V X is V , - :. , '. ' A- : - V j i . , . t ' : It was a mild, very autumnish day Monday and this pair took advantage of the cool temperatures by relaxing in McCorkle Place and watching the Franklin Street scene. (Staff photo by Cliff Kolovson) GPSF denied departments by Jessica llancbar Staff Writer Student Legislature (SI.) is now disbursing funds from its student activity fees allocation to individual graduate departments rather than to the Graduate and Professional Student Federation. The announcement was made Monday by Robert Grady, chairman of SL's Finance Committee. GPSF refused to cooperate with us this summer in working out a policy for the disbursal funds." said Grady. "They turned down all compromises offered. With them, it's all or nothing. "Their hope was to deny the individual graduate departments money and let them think the only way they can get money is through GPSF." he continued. Grady pointed out more than 40 percent of the graduate schools have already submitted budgets to Student Government. "GPSF had the right to the funds." said Joe Stallings. student body president. "I felt since no compromises could be worked out with them we should proceed on this system. "I felt it was my responsibility to ex eaiLicaiiioiii by Doug Hall Staff Writer A University course on human sexuality is suffering from a lack of funds and may be forced to close, the chairman of the course's administrative committee said Monday. "Topics in Human Sexuality." has been taught for two semesters in the health education department of the School of Public Health. Robert Wilson, chairman of the Human Sexuality Committee, said the course has received no official funding from the University since it was formed. The committee is investigating several possible sources of revenue. Wilson said, but it has not received favorable responses from the University administration. Dr. Takey Crist has taught the course without pay, Wilson said. Crist is an assistant professor in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and assistant professor of health education. 4 money, funded provide the opportunity for graduate departments to get their money through GPSF," he said. The GPSF- Fxecutive Board said Sept. (), "We are going to make a formal request that SL release the funds to the graduate departments." "That's what we're already doing," said Grady. "The process of disbursal is already set up. "They never made that formal request after the Sept. l) meeting," he added. Walter Baggett, GPSF president, said Monday, "This system was obviously devised to undermine our strength. The departments will no longer have to come to us for the money but go to the Student Legislature. "I also object to having to go through this every year," he continued. "Every year we will have to fight to get GPSF allocated in the Student Government budget." Baggett and GPSF would rather submit one budget for all graduate departments. "I'd like to see an easier procedure, a more efficient procedure, but I won't oppose this system now," he said. "But anything above this would be an improvement." I o Crist submitted a budget of S4.S00 per semester for the course last spring. Wilson said, which included his salary. Wilson said after the budget was rejected. Crist taught the course free and other expenses of the course were met through about $700 in contributions from individuals and schools of the University. "By the middle of the summer, we found that there would be no funds to continue the course this fall." Wilson said. "An ad hoc committee of students, faculty and administrators met and gave 100 percent approval of the course but there were still no funds." He said the health education department decided the only way to continue the course was through the Human Sexuality Committee, formed Aug. 3. The committee, composed of Wilson and students Lana Stames and Bill Griffin, handles administrative duties of the course and will provide information 1 : Vjr5 of EJi'orul freedom: Tuesday, September 14. 1971 imMiiimcedi lb SI by Doug Hall Staff Writer Student Body President Joe Stallings announced Monday the formation of a presidential commission to evaluate the structure and goals of Student Government and make recommendations for changes. The Presidential Commission on the Goals and Organization of Student Government will hopefully make recommendations before the end of the semester, Stallings said, and he will ask for a referendum to amend the Student Constitution. Stallings said he considers the work of the commission "to be the most As unrepresentative GPSF by Norman Black Staff Writer The Executive Board of the Graduate and Professional Student Federation (GPSF) has denounced Student Body President Joe Stallings' Commission on Goals and Organizations of Student Government. "The Stallings commission proposal does contain certain constructive aspects, but I am against committing any less than 30 percent of its composition to graduate and professional students," GPSF President Walter Baggett said Monday. 'Three out of 20 is one of the poorest forms of tokenism yet provided by constituancy.' Stallings had announced in a letter to the GPSF the composition of the commission was "of utmost importance." "I would like the GPSF to nominate three graduate and professional students who accurately reflect the composition of the graduate and professional student body," continued Stallings' letter. "It is unfortunately typical of the attitudes and actions which have precipitated the exodus of graduate and professional students from Student Government," said Baggett in attacking the committee composition. "I strongly suggest Stallings should reconsider his proposal and amend it appropriately," he added. Stallings attributed this criticism to a misunderstanding on the part of Baggett. N.Y. universities described at hearing Unite J Press International RALEIGH - An official of the State University of New York told N.C. legislators Monday the size of the mammoth New York system is both its strength andweakness. Dr. Harold Delaney, vice chancellor of the system, told a higher education hearing 70 campuses, including 37 community colleges are included in the State University of New York. "That size with its administrative problems is difficult," he said. "It's a question of whether you'd rather have that set of problems or have individual campuses dealing with the legislature." course on various aspects of sexuality to students on campus. Wilson said the committee stripped Crist's budget from S4.S00 to SS00 and began attempts to locate funds, but so far has received only S250 from the School of Nursing. Wilson said none of the professors are being paid for the course but expenses incurred include class materials and visiting speakers. Attempts to contact officials at the Department of Health Education and the School of Public Health were unsuccessful. Dr. Guy W. Steuart, chairman of the health education department. Dr. W. Fred Mayes, dean of the School of Public Health, and Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences Dr. Cecil G. Sheps were all unavailable for comment Monday. The committee wrote letters Thursday asking for funds. They were sent to Consolidated University President William C. Friday. Chancellor J. Carlyle Sitterson and various college deans and department ttiray commigsion important of my administration and perhaps the most important of any student administration at Carolina. "When I ran for student body president last spring. I pledged to make Student Government more responsive to student needs." Stallings said in a statement. "In many areas. Student Government has stood up for students since last March," he said. "But Student Government over the years has also failed miserably in many areas. "Student Government is going to be in trouble if it doesn't bend. So many people a,-e more concerned about the organization than what it should do." The commission will be composed ot 15 to 17 persons, according to Stallings. attacks committee "The important point is that my letter to Walter was not the first time I had talked to him about this." Stallings said. "As far as the number of grads in relation to the total number of students on the commission, I fully expect to have a representative number of grads in relation to the percentage of grads on campus. "There probably won't be 20 people on the committee. A more likely number would be 12 to 15 people. If it does exceed 15, we would add grad students to reflect their composition on this campus," Stallings added. "I asked for three nominations because several graduate and professional students had come to me in try capacity as student body president and asked to serve on the commission rather than go through the GPSF." At this point, Baggett believed the issue had essentially been solved. "How was I to know that other graduate students had come to him requesting a seat on the commission?" Baggett asked. "When Joe and I talked, he was very vague about the whole thing." he said. "When he put his proposal in writing I made Firm objections, and evidently he has now made firm changes. After hearing his comments, Fm pleased he has accepted my criticism and will change the composition of the commission. The GPSF President then went on to question the effectiveness of graduate students appointed by Stallings. Delaney, who taught at North Carolina A & T University and later at North Carolina Central before going to New York, was a witness at a joint hearing of the House and Senate Higher Education Committees. The committees are meeting in the first preliminary to October's special legislative session on higher education reorganization. At issue is a proposed board of regents that would have control over all the public universities in North Carolina. A regency system would eliminate the state Board of Higher Education and the present six-campus Consolidated University of North Carolina with its may close; no chairmen, Wilson said. He said no replies have been received yet. but administrators have said in the past there were no funds available for the course. The committee has also contacted pharmaceutical companies asking for funds. Wilson said, "but it is sort of hard to explain to them why the University won't fund the course." The committee has also formed a board of directors consisting of 10 professional persons to assist m locating funds. Wilson said. The directors meet tonight. Wilson said. "The only wav to get ex away from the jokes and whispers is to bring it out in the open and realize the problems and not be afraid to speak out." The "Topics in Human Sexuality Course." Health Education 33. has had waiting lists both semesters ot trom 400 to 500 students. Wilson said if funds are located, "we hope to expand and obtain more sections." "We want the University to pick up its y He said he attempted to get pt of various groups on campus to mjke the commission representative of the student body. Mo! of the commission appointments holdup now is getting the nominations from the Graduate and Professor..;! Student Federation." he added. Sellings said at least four b'.ucks. three graduate students and representatives from off-campus students, women and other minorities w u be on the commission. "Regardless of the percentages, we hope to make changes that will reflect evervbody in the student bodv." he said. Stallmes said he formulated the idea of 'The GPSF is a very apolitical organization. There are some graduate students who are much more interested in politics and would gravitate to a Suite C atmosphere. As likely as not. these people aren't too very representative of graduate students." The Fxecutive Board then went on to consider a request from Stallings for nominations to the Student Union and Publications Boards. "Asking me to make these recommendations was a nice move on Joe's part," Baggett said. "But we have no guarantee that all undergraduate governments will do this in the future. In order to insure this, we would have to play their political games and we don't want to do this." However, Baggett did recommend William Perreault for the Union Board, and Jerry Harder was nominated to fill the Publications Board seat. The Fxecutive Board formally announced election of new officers would take place Thursday. Sept. 16, at the first regular GPSF Senate meeting. All departments were urged to send representatives. Graduate departments must draw up an itemized budget and give it to Donnie Dale, student body treasurer, in order to receive a departmental allocation. "The budget should be based on S3. 50 per full-time student in the department." said Grady. Board of Trustees. I hat . proposal has drawn stiff opposition from the trustees. The presidents of Fayetteville State University and Western Carolina University are scheduled to appear before the committees. William Friday, president of the Consolidated University, has been invited. Delaney told the lawmakers New York has a Board of Regents, appointed by the legislature, charged with overseeing all education in New York, both public and private from kindergarten to college. He said the regents have nothing to do with the fiscal policies for the state university, which is the responsibility of a responsibility m this area." Wilson continued. "The University has a secondary responsibility to provide instruction for a three-hour credit course such as Health Ed. 33." The course meets on Monday n.ghts from 7-1 0. Wilson said in addition to its responsibilities with the sexuality course, the Human Sexuality Committee will a!v attempt this fall to provide students with information about contraceptives, abortions and venereal diseases and other sex-re!ated problems. The committee hopes to start a referral and counseling service O.t. 1 in Suite C ot the Student Union. Wi'-aon said. "We will soon bfgin training about 20 undergraduates and graduates to work as counselors." Wilson said. The service would provide personal counseling and phone counseling trom 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m. every weekday, he added. The service will make abortion and contraceptive referrals. ilvjn sjid. The Founded February 23, 1893 the re. r.:n..u::on vears student election .ampaicn am! developed the idea over the summer He ta!sed with student leaders from across the state and with lr. Cu;.:borre Jones. pcv re tore tma.i.'ir.c I n h " S t u d e n pr. marilv stat erne Gov err se rv ; I th undergraduate const: : e n cv tie va.d tew women are involve Student Government bevor.d the secretarial level and "almost none oj our black students are involved m anv level of St Government but BSM iBla.i Student Move: :t "One of the most serious shortcomings of Student Government has been the traditional exclusion, ot graduate and professional students from pohev making Nsiies."' Stalimgs said. 'These exclusions have frustrated some graduate students enoueh that thev have asked tor a separate government, and while I ppose this request, I understand their frustration and want to do something to alleviate their u n d e r -r e p re so n f a 1 1 o n . " ' Stallings s.iul .mother failure of Student Government is the contlut between the executive office and Student legislature. 1 he student bodv president lias "little to sav" about the budget he operates under, he noted. "These are just a lew ot the problems with our present Student Government structure. There are manv others, and frankly sometimes I completely sympathize with the disgust manv students hold tor their Student Government . "I have concluded that radical action is needed t erase the poor performance records of past Carolina Student Governments." "If Student Government at Chapel Hill continues on its present course of limited responsiveness, it is doomed ultimately to a loss of all student support." he said. TODAY: sunny and mild: temperatures in the mid to upper 70s: near zero chance of precipitation today and toniyht. Board of trustees appointed b th-.-governor. 'I he trustees, said D'Jan.v. cjrrv the system's budget requests to the General Assemble after conferring with the chancellor, chief administrative officer '-t the umversilv . Delanev said the chancellor and trustees oversee a ur.r.ersitv system that is the "most complex in the nation." He said the complexity lies in the grouping ot two-year community colleges with four-year institution m a single university system. "The advantage is a maximum potential to coordinate two-year institutions and make transfers among campuses easier." he said. money committee w ill also coordinate programs on sexuality at campus dormitories, fraternities and sororities. Wilson 'said the committee hopes to rewrite "Elephants and Butterflies and Contraceptives." a campus sex information booklet, within the next two months and reprint it in a cheaper form "Since we don't have any funds, we can't reprint "Elephants and Butterflies' m its original form." he said. The committee alo plans to produce a 30-minute color film with sound this fall on services concerning sexuality ottered by the University community. Wi!v,n said the committee is also working with the Carolina Jorum to bring nationally-known speakers on sexuality to the LAC campus. The forum has tentatively Scheduled Dr. Martin Weinberg, senior sociologist al Indunj University , for Nov. 2'. Weinberg specializes in deviants in sexual behavior. Wilson said. "We want to try to reach the students through as many outlets as poss.ble."

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