TuexJa, September 14, 1971 r r- , One "percent's shopliftin v 1 trouble t indent Stores The Daily T&r Heel r- - I - r ' ,r t T - 1 t I r - i S ! ,' o . y II , Ml HI..I, I II I .HI Hi Ml' l imy"-. Y r, 5 " ' iJi,'B-"'''-lk"ll, "in m. . Ht.-- .sr.jVSWlWw' . !3&MM..- i J r - . s in K. "I I iesc campus policemen v.tre a f it pertutbvd it this automohi! p;ir'r ed on l)-; avcmcnt i.n front of Y Court Agreed with burning Monday. So. they gave it a ticket for being illegally parked and Lit. (Staff photo b Cliff Koloson J LU I Lentous 11 OM1S JL taf hy Charles JcJ fries Su:j Win- r V u!-j in, my hi i . ks burneJ their yearbooks in Thel,!t Ij 4 week due to their exelu-i'in tro:n its photo vssa section, one f Ink -tnJet;! Je i ' .1 to y v. the stut t . She is Annette Monati. ! a trevhinati Irorn Winston Salem. "I volunteered to join the YaA -.'at! because journ.ihni is part of me.. .at lca! y ea rbook-t yp- activities." said Miss Morgan, who worked a-, editor of -:r hi:'.h school yearbook. In respon .e to the burn mi: las' we-k oj a p pi o : ;a a telv 55 earbo.,ks. Miss '.!,-:) 1. ""it I h..d had - ne. I would !...., ! ed mine too." Miss Morgan noted that she o!untee:ed for the Ya.k stall before the controvv r- over t h'e exclusion of blacks t '.'v ame an is-.ue. "I hope to talk with other black sttid.rJs a!.d convince lliem to try to help me in preventing the same thing from happenmg again next year. I would also like to talk with those bkuk leaders of organization-, and h ive them express their opinion oi what the yearbook should ret lev. t ..bout hkiA people on campus." -he .id lev!. Dave Collins, this year's Yack editor, said he welcomed Miss Morgan's interest in the yearbook. He hoped other blacks would also volunteer. Miss Morgan was quick to point out that she believed her possible selection to the staff would be a token effort on the part of the editor, but "I will at least have the satisfaction of trying," she said. Collins said if anyone else was interested in helping to publish this year's Yack, they should attend a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in room 202 of the Student Union. , J .ainBiis activities calendar The Student Aid Office is distributing National Merit, Home Sjvincj', and Loan and College foundation criecio, at ano Vance H.iii daily, 8 a.m. 'j p.m. (closed Saturday) National Dofense and UNC Loan checks which were awarded and accepted before Aug 1, will also be available through September lb National Defense and UNC Loan checks which were accepted after Au-.i. 1, in addition to Health Profession Loin checks will be available on 3rd floor of Pettiatew H.i I. c,eut. l-l arul lb, from 8 a.m. to 5 pan. All scholarships stipends h.ive been forwarded to the cashici's account of cacti scholarship recipient and are bomii posted to each student's account dailv. N.C. Prospective Teachers Scholarship Loan stipends have been forwarded to the Cashiei's OHice and should be posted m student's accounts within a few days. 1 Huvins:? Sclliti!:1 USE DTH CLASSIFIEDS Try-outs for Carolina Readers' production of Jules Feiffer's "Boy, Gill, Boy, Gnl" will be held in 103 Bmaham en Wednesday and Thocday from 7-10 p.m. Alpha Phi Omeaa service fraternity will again hold formal rush tonight in the South Lounge of the Student Union. All undergraduates, i n eluding freshmen and serial fraternity mombrrs, are cordially invited. The Placement Setvtce win noid its annual Career Orientation meeting for all seniors and graduate students at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Mem or i.a Hail. Applications from faculty members for grants under the Water Resource Research Institute's Fiscal Year 1972-73 Matching Grants Program will be accepted through Sept. 15. No exceptions will be made to this cutoff date. Instructions to applicants and additional information can be obtained from the Office of the Director. 124 Riddick Bldg., North Carolina State University, Raleigh 27607, phone 7b5-eSlcj. Llise Miller, a devotee of Swami Satchidananda, will teach a Hatha voga class. Starting September 2 1, classes will be held from 10-11:45 a.m. and 8:30 - 9:45 p.m. on Tuesdays, and from 7:30 - 8:45 p.m. on Thursdays. Sign up with the Chapel Hill Recreational Department in the basement of the Municipal Building, 306 N. Columbia, or call 9G7-22c-3. For more information about the class or yoaa in aeneral, can Ehse Miller, 929-Gb3u. Auditions for the UNC Opera Theatre's forth comma prcdaction of "Fiddler on the Roof" will be held on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. All students and townspeople are invited to toy oct. 1 he auditions will be held at 7 p.m. on e.K h mailt, with a recall session on Friday at .e same time. Applicants should ha.e one show-tune prepared, and will be expected to sing at sight. Scripts will be available ail this week m Room A, Hill Hall. Interviews are now being held for the jobs of investigators and defenders on the Attorney General's s'.a'f, and will be held through September 22. Applications and information sheets aie available m the Attorney General's office m 5-u'te B of the Student union, and may be picked up at any time. A second pledge tea will be held today for guls interested m joining Angel Fight, a ali non-iii il i ta' y social organisation associated with rie UNC An Fetce KOTC. "The tea win be held m the cadet lounge in Lenoir Hah fro:'" 7 to :30 p.m. Hiliel invites all interested students to attend the Social activities Planning meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Hiliel House. 210 W. Cameron Ave. Events for the fall semester will be discussed and planned. Applications for Toronto Exchange are available at the Student Union desk Sept. 10 thru Sept. 24. An interview schedule will be posted. Please sign and keep your appointment. Underclassmen and graduate students are encouraged to apply. The Christian Science Organization will meet tonight in the Wesley Foundation Chapel at 6:30. All are welcome. Tutor Orientation meeting, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in 08 Peabody Hall. Attendance is required for all participants in the YM-YWCA Tutorial Project. Call the Y office today, 933-2333. if you must miss the meeting. There will be a meeting of the Special Projects Committee of the Carolina Union tonight in Room 206 of the Union at 7 p.m. All members are asked to attend, as well as any students who have ideas for Student Union special projects. For more information call Pam Campbell, 933-1157, between 3 and 5 p.m. (Monday and Wednesday) or inquire at Suite A, Carolina Union. The Orange County Association for Retarded Children will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Wesley Foundation. LOST: A pair of clear contact lenses with cylinder case in leather pouch, if found, leave a message for Diane in the News Bureau, Bynum Hall. LOST: A yellow cat. part Persian, with yellow flea collar and bell. In the Tmkerbeli-Ephesus Church Road area. Call 933-8197. LOST: A set of four keys on a long rawhide sash. Call Tony Wheeler at 968-9077. LOST: A keycham with a carved wooden animal, containing some valuable keys. If found, please call Alice at 933-6201. LOST: One Drown fake alligator wallet. Contains vital credentials. Please return to Theodore P. Mayberry at 548 James, or call 933-4696. $5 reward. LOST: Wire-rimmed, prescription glasses in a leopard-fur case. Thursday, SeptemDer 2. S15 lPwr.1 i . 3 L M4 NOU) THAT H'OV AND I ARE mCl'6H, SCKIfcEPEf?, IcW CENT YCUfTCP HAN5SM6 ARGUN P AW MOL't ? THIS ISN'T H'Ot'R HCl'f? THIS 15 AW HOUSE J T-1 ...H IT'5 AMAZN6 HOLJ fU'PlP UOl' CAS BE WHEN HOU RS IM LOVE S.r.iXv-: by HirTy Smith 5: j 7 U n.vr honest, hut or.e p?jer.t . expensive."" Student Stores nicer Tom Shetley says of the hcri::'ting proNem Sr.et:e vi.J ill cohere stores hae shpl::t;r.. but "I rhir.k e have !$ of a prMen than most. Carolina sJuier.ts em to be more honest than those at some of the northern and ' extern colleges. Last sear's T:r-efiV from the Student Stores -mounted to Smith concerns about tuition d hike by Gem Cohen Spa-til to the DTH Charel state representative Car! Smith's main concern about the out-of-state tuition hike was that it "came so suddenly for the students. In 3n interview Sunday. Smith said he voted for the House version of the bill, which would have raised tuition to $1,800 immediately. The bill was amended in the Senate to postpone half of the rise for one year. The Orange County Democrat said he would neither introduce nor support any measure to repeal or delay the out-of-state hike during the Oct. 28 special session of the General Assembly. "Most of the people in this state are tired of subsidizing out-of-state students," Smith added. '"People can't understand why they should pay a New Yorker to come to UNC." Smith said the legislature could have avoided the sudden hike by beginning the increases earlier, perhaps two years ago. "It was unfair," he noted. "No one in the General Assembly was DTH Interviews The Daily Tar Heel will interview Wednesday for prospective staff members. Positions are open for staff writers and photographers. The interviews will be held from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. in The Daily Tar Heel office in the Student Union. o Prescriptions Accurately Filled Lenses Duplicated Headquarters For Quality Sunglasses Contact Lenses Fitted Contact Lens Accessories (Opticians 942-3254 john and Lib Southern 121 E. Franklin St Between Varsity Theatre and Intimate 1 I 11 fpfi Z fV rj l The Daily Tar Heel 1$ published by the University of North Carolina Student Publications Board, daily except Sunday,, examination periods, vacations and summer periods. Offices are at the Student Union building. Univ. of North Carolina. CnDCI Mill. nl . t. HM. I iwrjngn Newt Sports 933-1911 ; C irculation. numbers: 9 3 3 1 0 1 2 : Business. Advertising 933-1 163. Subscription rates: S 10.00 per year; $ 5 .00 per semester. Second class postage paid at U. S. Office in Chapel Mill. N. C. Post DOONESBURY YOU K0 ,V.CriA5L BVB AFTER. A MHCL-d YEAR Of COLUZbc, - - L-vr-i ' - -- A$ fl? AS T S.A V SEE YCJ S7.U- nAE.'T 3EE ABLE TO AMY S:L. T-ATJS ZEAy AMAZ.'0 rQU STOP' TO iriXX ASOT JT. jk wEll III. 36 SEeAG you '! If cRuea-r comes aV au- shape, and s12.es. by Garry Trudeau The Student Legislature shall have powers to determine the StuOent Activities tee and to appropriate afi revenue derived from the Student Activities fee ( of the Student Constitution). The budgetary appropriation for the 19 70-71 academc year Is $28,292.50 for undergraduates and S4 .647.S0 for graduates as the subscription rate for the student body fj 1 .84 per student based on fail semester enrollment figures). The Daily Tar Meet reserves the right to regulate the typographical tone of ail advertisements and to revise or turn away copy it consider objectionable. The Daily Tar Heel will not consider adjustments or payments for any advertisement involving major typographical errors or erroneous insertion unless notice is given to the Business Manager within (1) one flay after the advertisement appears, or within one cay of the receiving of tear sheets, of subscription of the paper. The Daily Tar Heel will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisement scheduled to run several times. Notices for such correction ,,7te: given. be.fQre. tne "et insertion ' 7" at. a a a a a aaaaaaa 1 willing to vote tor a tax increase this session, Smith said, "and when the tuition hike was proposed, legislators literally leaped for a chance to al'ocate the S26 million (later S15 million) in revenues. "We were able to keep the money for the L'mversitv . though. Smith said he did not consider the tuition hike a tax raise. The freshman legislator discounted reports he would run for the state senate in the May 2 primary. Smith said it was important to have someone with seniont in the House. He said he would make a final decision on a senate bid after consulting with county party leaders in his senate district. Smith said registration of students in Orange County would probably not have much of an effect on his legislative race. "Republicans seem to think students will register Republican, while the Democrats have an opposite view." he said. Smith said student political involvement is a healthy trend. Smith was chairman of the Orange County Commissioners before winning election to the General Assembly in 1970. arrro:-u:? S10.CCO. or "e-.ouih : provide schrsh:r tor to students." shetiey said. "Some of the college stores in rea'.'.;. taking a clobbering. Last year Stanford was nprd off SS-i.OOO." h? -j-.d. She :'.? said one or tw o shopLfte rs a:; caught each week He si;d students a:? turned oer to the student judiciary Nor. students are turned over to the rv'.ue and a warrant is sr.ed for th;-.: arret. according to Shetley . In explaining cvur.t precaution taken at the Student Stores. Shet'.ev said. "There is a peculiar situation m eer college store: The more obvious the security . the w orse the problem. " Elaborate security precautions seem to be a type of challenge to some people Our cameras, which are monitored, r.r. be a deterrant. But I don't think o..r problem warrants more elahora:-; equipment." Shetley said the store's employees are asked to be observant and watch i'o: shoplifters. He said shoulder bags pre.c--a particular problem to the store, but h: wouldn't want to ban them. "That wo..'.: be a last resort." He said the Student Stores employs r special security personnel, although; during rush periods some of the store's regular employes waUh from th--stairw ay . Shetley termed the bad check situation "much better" this year. He said after a bank returns a check for the second time, a notice is sent to the offending student by regular mail. If the student fails to contact the store, a second notice is sent by registered mail. If the student fails to contact the store within 24 hours after receiving the second notice, a warrant is issued for his anest. Shetley said profits from the store last year provided S4 5.(KH) in athletic grants-in-aid and SlrvyOiM) to financially distressed students In addition. $20,000 w as aw arded for t'eilow ships. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS I Ctitcfreat 4 S:f: 9 Place 12 Atrlrcial language 13 Semi precious stcne 14 In favor cf 15 Vegetab e 17 Concern 19 Hasten 20 Change 21 V tner vehie'e 23 Atterr.pt 24 Lease 27 Pronoun 23 Obese 29 Warning device Pa cf "to be 30 31 32 33 Wire 8 9 10 11 16 18 20 21 22 23 25 26 23 29 31 nei f-crn Pa-e-t Ea'uate Time goie by Pa'e't (:ci!oq ) Count -y cf Europe Clever Pefrai using Succcr Savage Skill T.rt Cit'us f-u t Youngs'e' Tit'es Foot loc'P' Ar.-nai's coct Kirg Atk.r's lance Paern Eli 5 C L : A A L ' ta rj cm ri p A F Ct liA T il E A T T f l F A DLjr H.tLlH t L'T a!lilH, e a tTIa k-pp c i 2? C 42 f i 7 i- r-'j rn of 5! C- The sun Greek letter 34 Giver of gift 35 Fish limb 37 Number 33 Wife cf Geraint 39 Vehic!e 40 Moderate! dark 41 Eve'green tree 43 Vigor 44 Pa't cf leg (P ) 45 Wager 49 Cravat 50 hchnes 52 Deposit 53 Cloth neasure 54 Send forth 55 Fcna'e sheep DO A N Pa cf body Fuss i 2 13 P F 17 is lyA? o 1 1 ' 0 m I r m m a I T7 1T3 W.a i , i . ij i ' J - T T T T 777? 19 20 ;.v v.; 21 22 23 ,yt 24 25 26 . . i 27 23 29 . . T , "l . - S 'Z. 'Zu. Z 38 3? o 'TZTZ'Tx 42 a-m ::.: 1 m w 0 0 S 100 0 w 0 r m kJLX. LJLA. 44 45 Y.Ai 47 48 kj 1 rrf-TT I r.'.'aT ! ! ' ' ' . ' DTH Diatr. by L'nitj Femt-jr 5ynciict. Inc. . assiiieds CI Great Decorating PossiDHties Large stea-rer trunk S25; black vinyl loung cnair $60; gold-fcrown tweed rug (12 x 15) S30; GE portable vacuum cleaner S20; Cmin-Corc.ra portable typewriter S30; Tennis racket $7; wood play pen $5; Baby's changn taDie S20; 6x6 off-white drapes; wianut formica en3 tab'e S10;Cail 967-5467 after 5 p.m. WANTED: a reader for B. A. 74. FuSt be deoendabie and have a pleasant personalty with a good knowledge of accounting. Contact Byron Sykes. Phone 966-2513. Lost piantinum Gruen watch with pi-je 'ace. Lost in vicinity of StuOent Stores Tuesday nite. Contact Mrs. Meyer at the Y. Reward of'ered. 5 1971 Singers Never been used" These macn,ns are Singer's latest models ancj co"e eauiped to ziq-zaq. button hole. etc. These machines will be seta on a "first come, first served" basis. S49.95 while they last, un.tea Freight Sales, 1005 E. v'hitaer Vhi P3 . Raieigh. N.C. 6 stereo component sets to be soid for $135.00. These four piece sets include AV, AM ana f stereo radios, a Garrard full sie changer, ana a four soeawer audio system, united Friecnt Saes. 1005 E. V.hitaver Mill Ra. Raieigh North Caroima. 9-6 Mond Fn, 9-5 Sat. inexpensive local transportation aaiiaDie at TRAVEL C N at Eastgate. Mcrai. Tnumpn. faico. Jodaka. 929-2364. For sate: Sony stereo system induces dua t-rntab(e, pickenng cartridge, ana A'.'-fm stereo radio. S200. Room 21 Old East cr can 933-6045. Part time positions available. Servomaton-f.athias Foodservice. Apply Chase Cafeteria 9 a m. -12 noon. For Sale: 1970 Fiat sports coupe. Less than 6.000 miles. Under warranty. Perfect. Asking S2350. Can 929--47S. For Saie' 1969 vw. Excenent conaition. 28.000 miles New tires, recent tune-up $1300 negotiabie. Can 967-1614 after 5:00. For Sale: Giri's 3-soed bie. basket, lock 2 mcs oid. $45. Can Carol 933-1380 cx 567-7906. For Sale: 196 7 Yamaha 305. Call 942-7512. For Gcd and Country, Fgnt Communrsm, BjM"i, Fascism. John The John Birch Socie'f, Beimont. fasvachu vetts 021 73. Send this c3 today. College sudnt locking to mae good money for working 1 hour per da. Call (215) 3 77-7 700. Cci-jmti.a Bie 10-Speed Racer 8 ; 013 $55 Can John McC an. i at A TO Houie or 942 5317 Need ride t rorfoik or rewPort fews Virg.r a this weeer.a. Sept. 17-19. Viii snare eper- Can Andrea 966-5028. Ahoy there' Feita Betta Thi chapier of ed Dog Fraternity invites a'l Bro'r e'S rz Sweethearts of Sea GuH6Seaf arer to post-g" reunion. Ralegh, Oct. 2. Can Cast .a ter o details, 933 1501. LOST: Set cf 4 keys on braided rawhKJe Need keys. Please contact tony wneeier, S5"a Nj Fraternity. 968-9077. Honda 305. excellent condition, n-ist see ro appreciate, must sell for tui'ion n;ny Ca 967-6972. Great Pets - 5 female Siamese, 3 s 0 3. $ :5 . free pussies (snort-haired terriers). 6 ws o d 2 femates, 3 ma'es. Can 942-1327 ater 5 THE CAROLINA KEG (above Fat C if 1 . L v BAN OS VtEd. - Thurs - Fn - "Patriots" -Happy Hour 3-5 Mon.-Fn. 68 Volvo 1225. Best offer. Must s'i immediately. Can 489-5367. Durham. For Sate: wonensak Model 3500 Si'd STate Tape recorder; miwe aede; ijntwe-gnt. stu.-dy case; $65.00. Can Dr. Cr.st Hosctai 966-2136;Home 929 5556. A K A I - Stereophonic sound tape recorder; X track and 4 speed; mike and speakers included, cross field headi; sound on sound; Model M-3 Excellent condition. Quick sale 5185 00 Cas Dr. Cnst - Hospital 966-2 1 36; Home 929 5 5 56. Male roommate needed to share luxurious house n Cary - fumisned. AC. stereo, utilities. C'eanmg service. A more $20wk. 25 mm. Drive 266-3569. 467-1047. if 5 i