Wat Saihj ar Wml Opinions of The Dafly Tar Heel are expresseu on its editorial page. All unsigned editorials are the opinions of the editor. Letters and columns represent only the opinions of the individual contributors. Harry Bryan, Editor Tuesday, September 14, 1971 Our dream girl: another nightmare Mi 1. ..ri - L-.-j Schader of B-ol' . Ohio v.:is crowned Miss ri. : o! !'2 S:jturdav niizht. Y 1 s i . Ar::.-n..i The eirl of ccr p. (J-hloodvd American male's drjiiin v I ho yirl admired by every l0- ear-old sjirl in the country. The girl -every mother would want her son to mair. or her daughter to be. Ah, yi'v Miv-, America. Well. Mi- - America (the same as the one ju-t ik-venb-ed) held her first pre-, conference Sunday and outlined a fevv of her beliefs concerning politics, morals and fa shion. Accortlini? to 'I he Associated l'res. a feu of the quotes that came out ol the interview were as follows: About v. ,:r: "It would be good to end the war but I believe we have a right to be in Victual!" About President Nixon and the "good job" he is doing getting the United States out of the war: "He should be allowed to follow his program because he knows a lot more about it than the majority of normal citizens." Voting requirements for students unfair frnn The Charlotte Observer North Carolina students are still barred from voting in towns where they go to college, and that puts their citizenship in a unique category which is increasingly questionable. The principal argument for restricting them has to do with "voter accountability." It goes something like this: Why should transient blocs of students be permitted to vote in a local referendum which could increase the bonded debt or tax levies for residents with more permanent roots? The question has special relevance in the hundreds of cities and towns across the nation where student enrollment out-numbers the non-student population. But the argument could be applied as easily to other sectors of the population. Students, after all, are not necessarily the most transient group in America. Certainly they are less transient than the serv iceman. Yet in North Carolina it is the ;My ularlirrl 7S Yejrs of Editorial Freedom Harry Bryan. Editor Mike Parneli Managing Ed. Glenn Prank News Editor Lou Bonds Associate Ed. Lana Stames .... Associate Ed. Mark Whicker Sports Ed. Ken Ripley .... Feature Editor Bob Chapman .. Natl. News Ed. Bob Wilson Business Mgr. Patti Hugiie Adv. Mgr. About premarital sex: "It's not for me." Concerning other issues she said women aren't discriminated against in the U.S. and that Miss America contests help the cause of the women's liberation movement since beauty pageants give women the opportunity to develop their own views and goals. She also said abortions should be illegal, that marijuana use leads to hard drugs and that she doesn't own a single pair of blue jeans. Then, according to The Associated Press, she had the nerve to say. "I think the majority of young people think the way I do on just about everything." Well, she is supposed to be one of the main spokesmen of the younger generation. (After all. she was picked by a group of judges that probably averaged about 50 in age.) But, Miss America of 1 972 speaking for the younger generation is about like Hitler becoming the international spokesman for B'nai B nth. student at Chapel Hill, not the GI at Ft. Bragg, whose right to vote is withheld until he swears that "it is my intent to remain in the county, as a resident thereof, upon my completion of my academic endeavors." That affidavit poses a legal binder on the student's franchise which is unknown to any other voter, and which has become all the more prominent with passage of the 26th Amendment, which gave 18-year-olds the right to vote. To apply the accountability argument fairly, the state elections board would have to draw clear definitions of "temporary" and "permanent" residency and apply them to all voters. That would be a very difficult thing to do. At just what point does someone become a permanent resident? When his mailing address changes, his employment place changes, his license tag changes? A better approach would be for the North Carolina Board of Elections simply to drop the present restrictions on students. The argument about accountability may eventually have to take a back seat to constitutionality, anyway, particularly if current lawsuits filed here and elsewhere reach the U.S. Supreme Court. Most fears of the student vote seem to be exaggerated both in theory and in law. As with other groups, students do not necessarily vote alike. They cannot be stereotyped as "radical liberals" any more than the elderly can be neatly packaged as "ultra-conservative." In recent months some 16 states have begun permitting students to vote in local elections. It is a trend that started after passage of the 26th Amendment and was hastened by a series of court decisions and opinions from attorneys general. We think the Board of Elections should follow the national initiative by removing its restrictions on the student vote. Soon this may be the only alternative to applying a "permanent residency" test to every citizen of North Carolina - a choice that may hold more pitfalls than the current system. Keith W'eatherly Most Student Legislature meetings are about as exciting as a lukewarm bowl of oatmeal. Take last Thursday's meeting as a glowing example. The legislators (and a few of us masochists in the gallery ) sat in the stifling heat of the Di Phi chamber for an hour and a half and listened to a few serr.j-ser.siKe comments and a lot of parliamentary nonsense. The meeting commenced with a lively roll call, after which the tempo rapidly declined. The only part of the agenda that received any real attention from the legislators was a resolution in support of the lawsuit contesting the North Carolina Primary Law. There were few spirited exchanges and all in all the debate lacked enthusiasm. It was a typical Student Legislature meeting. On the surface, to many outsiders, this is all there is to Student Government -one big bore, involving only those who directly participate. This is grossly untrue! Those students who are apathetic about Student Government obviously do not know anything about it. Although Legislature meetings are an important part of Student Government, Ihey are by no means the whole picture, but sadly the only one that many students see. The student body is blessed with a group of truly capable officers. President Joe Stallings and Vice President Chris Daggett were elected last spring by a large Letter Police aid serenade to the editor: On September 7, Phi Delta Chi Fraternity held their first meeting of the year and elected Miss Judy Morgan, fifth year student in the school of pharmacy, as Sweetheart. Following the century old tradition of Carolina fraternities, Miss Morgan was serenaded at her residence in Granville South. While waiting for Miss Morgan to come down from her room, many of the brothers gathered in the Granville parking lot. There were a few shouts and cheers, but it was obvious from the onset that a riot was not in the making. An employee of Granville Towers immediately came out and instructed us that we must leave at once, and that if this was not done, the police would be called. The employee was not harassed in any way; however, the situation was explained to him and he was informed that we would hold down the noise, but that we did not intend to leave. He had no comment. Now, there was only normal conversation among the fraternity members. There were no shouts or cheers after this point. About five minutes later, a second employee told us that he had been instructed to determine how long we would be there. He was told that we would be leaving in about ten minutes. This employee told us to stay as long as necessary, and he also said that he had heard no noise. Shortly thereafter, Miss Morgan came to the Granville door at the same time that two Chapel Hill police cars arrived. The police waited while the fraternity serenaded our Sweetheart. The police then congratulated Miss Morgan as the fraternity left the parking lot, and the whole "Catastrophe" was ended. We thank the Chapel Hill Police Department for the manner in which they handled the situation. We only regret that the attitudes of some have so changed that any group in Chapel Hill can not be allowed to show unity and spirit. Chris Morrison President of Phi Delta Chi Norman Black Many Carolina students returned to Chapel Hill this fall only to find the cost of living off-campus had risen during the summer. One principle reason for this was the increase in the rates of deposits required for utility service. The blow was softened somewhat when the University Service Plant announced they are required to pay six per cent interest on all deposits held for more than 90 days. There is another area, however, even more vital to the student living off-campus, in which the small amount of relief provided by an interest rate is non-existent. In a recent Associated Press story, it was reported that the landlords of North Carolina are holding or reinvesting millions of dollars paid by their tenants for security deposits. But when the deposits are returned to the tenants, they receive no interest on what they paid. Thus, the landlords sometimes have use of the money for years, without having to pay for it. According to the North Carolina Board of Realtors, the average deposit for an apartment in one of the state's major cities is at least $ 1 00, and sometimes runs as high as S200 or a month's rent. Tenants pay the deposit when they La t serves students interests ma.-onty; so far their enthusiasm has remained high. Vice President Daggett serves as the extremely person able speaker cf the Legislature. Mr. Daggett has carefully avoided partiality to any faction in the Legislature and this is a very' valuable quality in a weaker. President S tailings has been working quietly, but efficiently this year. Unlike his predecessor. Mr. Stalling is not a publicity hog. At this point Mr. Stallir.gs seems more interested in the students than his future political career. Mar. student body presidents of recent ears have been more interested in themselves than the students. I commend both the president and vice president for the jobs they are doing. The Student Government has an annual budget m excess of S250.000. This money comes from student fees and is dispersed among various campus organizations by the Legislature. The responsibility over this money is by far the most important duty of our government and one which draws by far the most criticism. For all of the students who annually complain that this money is wasted, or that they never benefit from its use - I I0 IE Soc, Daisy Junge 1 M ... can-Li v.e I. .I4rirtnni V w - t Consumers need protection Not all Freudian slips are provoked by sex. As the current "New Yorker" shows, with its usual sharp eye for the grotesque, money too can trap the unwary into wry self-revelation: "Gustave L. Levy of Goldman, Sachs, and Co., an ardent Nixon supporter, said, 'we approve of everything he did. It's good for the market, but it's also good for the country, which I think is also important.' - "Newark Star-Ledger" "Still, comments the "New Yorker", it's best to put first things first." Mirrors, mirrors everywhere. One often suspects that the Chapel Hill merchants, landlords, and realtors, with similar unabashed innocence, assume that students exist in order to let loose a flow of cash into local tills. Blue and white signs throughout town "welcome UNC students" as paying customers. (Meanwhile, an alderman publicly criticizes Mayor Lee for welcoming student voter registration.) We are captive buyers in a seller's market, and we feel it at every turn. Examples abound, some petty until they accumulate. A friend tells of receiving his latest credit card bill. The billing date marked was Sept. 3; it was ndlords profit from sign a lease, and depending on the wording of the contract, get it back when moving out, minus damages in excess of normal wear and any penalty imposed if the lease is broken. Preliminary 1970 census figures indicate there are 192,881 apartment or duplex buildings in North Carolina. In other words, the amount of money being held or reinvested by landlords is quite a large sum. The figure is estimated to be in the millions. A bill was Introduced Ln the N.C. General Assembly this year which would have required the landlord to pay a six per cent interest rate on all deposits. The proposal, written by Rep. Jim Long (D-Alamance), was killed in committee. The interest paid on a utility deposit is a precedent. The North Carolina Utilities Commission requires companies under its jurisdiction, as Chapel Hill now is, to pay six per cent on all security deposits. The commission regulation has been in effect for little more than a year now. It further requires a full accounting to the customer and the return of his deposit when service ends. Also, it makes the utilities return the deposit after the first year if the customer has paid his bills promptly. A total the Student L'r.ior. Daily Tar Heel received S-3.0X) and the Yack received SI 0.000; both publications are available to the student body. Student Government provides services to the students such as refrigerators. No or.e can honestly claim that Student Government offers them nothing. Students should take more than a casual interest m their government Legislators should be contacted about needed programs or to grip about existing ones. The only means an individual has to exert change is through an influential organization because, as we all know, the administration is not going to move an inch without being shoved. Student Government is one of the few avenues open to the student to provide a loud voice against South Building. I believe that Student Government will gam respect in years to come as it. organization which seeks to serve the students interests. Student Government is not the small circle of politicos that it was a couple of years ago. Gone are the political parties and with them the party I . . A Aeox w : postmarked the 10th. It was also the first billing received for many June, July and August purchases. The total was impressive. Is someone out to get him. willy-nilly, to pay their interest rates0 Ten days ago, I bought a frozen, pre-basted turkey at fifty-four cents a pound. One week later, in the same local grocery, I went to buy another and found it raised to fifty-nine cents a pound (same size, same brand). Rents, of course, like processed groceries, are frozen, but we hear that some renters are surprised by new charges for accustomed services (not to be included with the rental check). A local "deep discount" price features three pounds of pre-wrapped hamburger at SI. 99, which comes to S.66 a pound - a price significantly higher than that charged from day to day at certain stores here with personalized butcher service. Shall I go on? How can I protect myself? There are some half measures to t3ke. Comparison shopping can be fun (and is often a surprise or a shock) but it takes time and constant alertness. Many situations are too slippery for legal redress, and invoking the law also costs in time and money. Full measures, if there are to be This was actually the main thrust of Long's bill. The Alamance County representative introduced the legislation in an effort to make sure a tenant got his deposit back, or at least received a written statement as to why he did not. The interest provision w as secondary to this. That is obvious upon viewing the history of the bill. After the first hearing in the House Judiciary Committee, the six per cent interest provision was changed to two per cent, and later was dropped altogether. And yet the bill was still killed in committee. Opposition to the Long bill was spearheaded by the North Carolina Board of Realtors. Long said objections to the interest payment provision centered on the bookkeeping that would be required and on bank regulations which prohibit payment of interest held in trust accounts. Many states in the country require landlords to keep a tenant's security deposits in escrow, but that is not required in N.C. Once the deposit is in escrow, interest is not paid, and there is a federal reserve ruling that prohibits profit-making corporations from receiving interest on savings accounts. suv machines that allowed or.lv a select portion ot the student body to hold x political position. Legislative candidates, no, have no strong party organizations to back them up. They must run on the.: own. merits, no! on partv propaganda I believe that the collapse of the Cnivers::. Partv and the Student Partv has added creat.v to tne cua;itv ot Studen: ( - - A V "? Jn 1 - to participate m campus po.:t:c hav.r.g to climb an mter-partv Student Government does not deserv arces tr.at it is a "do-nothmg" organization. The rei! achievements of our government may no: receive front page coverage, but the. nonetheless, are achievements. The services that the Student Government provide cannot be denied. Without our own governmental structure the 1'mversity administration would take over student fees and student service tthich would ou prefer - Suite C South Budding Take an interest m Studer: Government. There is nothing to lose ar.i everything to gain. 73 any. will require cooperative action. At the moment, the Consumer Attairs Committee of the GPSF is beginning to get organized, with Mike Desjardins, a graduate student in Russian history, as its chairman. The first need of the Consumer Affairs Committee is for accurate, detailed knowledge of inequitable situations or incidents. As you shop, as you pay for services, we ask you to watch what you pjy and what you get. If you have a complaint or criticism, please make it known to Mike (at 211 McCauley Street) or to Don Abruzzo (in 30' Greenlaw -u-e campus mail or come in person). Mike and Don are opening a file of complaints, each of which should include the following: date of the incident, all pertinent details (if possible chp on price tags, ads, etc.), your name, address, jnd phone. When we have enough data wc will be able to judge better what action may be effective and which targets invite it most. On a different note: a final reminder that the GPSF Senate holds its first meeting of the fall this Thursday, and each department should have a representative present. deposits So the landlord's money would be tied up, and would not be available for his use. The Board of Realtors' opposition makes good sense. If you were a landlord and had the free use of millions of dollars, you wouldn't want that money tied up in an account where you couldn't use it, and not even collect interest. And besides, it cuts into the profit margin if landlords have to pay interest. They would have to pass the cost along to the tenants. And as for bookkeeping - well, it takes some money to pay a staff to account for a tenant's deposit. It's not done now and realtors want to ktep things the way they are. In short, the tenants of North Carolina are getting a raw deal, and our elected representatives in the N.C. General Assembly are still more concerned with company interests than with consumer protection. Rep. Long has said a measure on the same topic could be offered again in the 1973 Assembly. One can only hope a similar bill will be introduced. In the mean time, the situation will remain as it is. So tenants, you better check your lease, because you might not get all of that deposit back.