!RalpI ader o speans. gjh.1 Consumer advocate Ralph Nader, who has drawn the ire of automobile manufacturers and other industrial groups for his work, will speak tonight in Carmichael Auditorium. Tickets for the Nader speech, which begins at h p.m.. will he on sale for S 1 until 7 p.m. at the Student Union Information Desk and at the door of Carmichael tonight. Chris Sawyer, chairman of the Carolina Forum, said more than 2.500 tickets have already been sold for the speech. Nader. a graduate of Princeton U niversit first gained national prominence in Po5 with the publication of his hook. "I'r; jfe at Any Speed. The book detailed in vivid language the inherent dangers of American automobiles due to design problems. Nader has been engaged in a running battle concerning safety with the makers of the nation's cars since the appearance of the book, which has now been translated into seven foreign languages. In 1969. he organized the Center for Auto Safety to continue his studies into the nation's largest industry. '"What to Do With Your Bad Car: An Action Manual for Lemon Owners" is one of the results of the .enter's work. Nader's establishment of the Center for Study of Responsive Law in 1967 brought into being Raiders. " These - -.2 Inzer, s ci !- i ' , . f ' . .- t ' -s f s 4 1 1 c c . . t . , it. W .. C C C O V I c . . . . i . - . . . . c i c a . . - c . . v ii.-ki rs s ; t An :r.'.es!;2tion of the problems of old ..re. "Gi -ge- The La-: Segregation. hs l-s . . - , V. ' . - 1 4 J. X - . I . - . u u e ; s " t - - nany p.M:. i.-.:.r.-t Under the d:r:air. c: Na of Harvard Lv- Jic::. the Raider h-ive A c::;..er interest goup s in the crgr.:zatiorul tazes in the Tr:u"dc area -V -tud'ed and r and ad'.ar.tjze- A 1 1 n i s t r a t : Ih.d the h-:uo-:- :A the F.--.-J ur.J Dr:.z t!.e Interstate C o rr. rr. eroe C c . i n -' n . -'ar.ish:rg Mr." a : problems o: oor.trchn.- r America, v. as r..Hisr-d :r. :!.:::-:. ir. Nader revearw! Arciher Nader ".e direction ot a Nader aociate. Brer.! Students at N.C. State. Duke and Chapel Hill have been aked to jom the regional e::ort to improve the lot of the consumer. Nader's appearance on the Chapel Hill Carrpi.s sponsored by the Carolina i; , ? ju , c , p. Kl, - ti ,1.5, ...... J I , . c i ! I C I 1 ..I ..v iK.illl. K.ilph N.ulor flic Mm mm Vol. 80, No. 32 Thursday. October 7, 1971 Founded February 23, 1893 )tade:Bi1t it Tl 1 hi a iii camiDi l) Jessica Hanch.ir Staff' Writer Students criticized the quality of employees and the nutrition of foods used by the campus food service during an open forum Wednesday afternoon. Managers of Servomation-Mathias food service fielded questions and comments as part of the Student Food Service Commission. The Commission will analyze the cornpljints and suggestions in an effort to improve the campus food service, the managers said. Students wrote questions and complaints on cards provided by Sheila Wall, Commission Chairman, at the beginning of the forum. Managers answered questions from the cards pertaining to their field of supervision. Those answering questions were Robert Greer, Servomation director on campus; Art Nilson, Servomation assistant director and manager of Chase Cafeteria; Tom Hoover, manager of the Pine Room Cafeteria; and Walt Sherlin, manager of the Student Union Snack Bar. 'The quality of employees at Chase needs to be improved," said one student during the forum." "Granted, we do have some personnel problems," Nilson said. "We have tried to hire the best and most experienced people, but it's a job of training and retraining them to work m ore efficiently," he said. Another student attacked the nutrition level of foods prepared by Servomation. "Servomation as a company does strive for nutritious meals," said Nilson. One student asked why frozen meats instead of freshly butchered meats were used by Servomation. Nilson said Servomation purchases their meats from one national corporation. This method of purchasing "gives us control on the quality," he said. Discussion of the meal plan centered on the two-meal plan. Under this plan, a student receives breakfast and dinner. Some students preferred a two-meal plan serving lunch and dinner. Managers said the present two-meal plan provided a greater saving to students than a lunch and dinner plan. Greer also said the management thought most students preferred snacks to a full lunch. He said, however, a lunch and dinner plan "is a possibility for next semester or next year." A request for small drinks in the Snack Bar was raised at the forum. After asking how many students at the forum would prefer small drinks, Greer said, "We will come up with this recommendation since there seems to be a sizable demand for it." Greer said he expected the commission to take "constructive criticism" and follow them with action. "We're going to make it a good food service," he said. xam schedule The time of an examination may not be changed after it has been fixed in the schedule. Quizzes are not to be given in this semester on or after Friday, December 3. 1971. All S:00 A.M. classes on 11 H, Phil 21 Mon. All 1 2:00 noon classes on MWF. Poli 41 Mon. All 10:00 A.M. classes on MWF Tues. All Fren, Germ. Span S. Rnss 1 . 2. 3. Si 4 Tues. All 9:00 A.M. classes on MWF Wed. All 3 .00 P.M. classes on MWF. Fcon 61 , Wed. Busi 71. 73 All 2:00 P.M. classes on TTH All I 1:00 A.M. classes on TFH All 9:30 A.M. classes on TTH All S:00 A.M. classes on MWF All 5:00 P.M. classes on TTH. Plivs 24. Mr31 All ! 1 :00 A.M. classes on MWF Sat. All 2:00 P.M. classes on MWF Mon. All 1 :00 P.M. classes on MW F Mon. All 1 2:30 P.M. classes on TTH Tues. All 4:00 P.M. classes on MWF. BUsi 150 Tues. Dec. 13 8:30 A.M. Dec. 13 2:00 PA1. Dec. 14 8:30 A.M. Dec. 14 2:00 P.M. Dec. 15 8:30 A -M. Dec. 15 2.00 P.M. Thurs. Dec. 16 8:30 A.M. Thurs. Dec. 16 2:00 P.M. Fri. Dec. 17 8:30 A.M. Fri. Dec. 17 2:00 P.M. Sat. Dec. IS 8:30 A.M. Dec. IS 2:00 P.M. :: Dec. 20S:30 A.M. x Dec. 20 2:OOP.M. S Dec. 21 S:30 A.M. g Dec. 21 2 :00 P.M. S Dec. 22 8:30 A. M. Dec. 22 2:00 P. M j:i All 3:30 P.M. classes on TTH Wed. All 5:00 P.M. classes on MW F and all others Wed. not otherwise provided for in this schedule ': Instructors teaching classes scheduled for common examinations shall request the students in these classes to report to them any conflict with any other scheduled examination not later than November 12. In case of a conflict, the i-': regularly scheduled exam will take precedence over the common exam, i? (Common exams are indicated b an asterisk.) :::: Raymond E. Strong. Director Office of Records and Registration vj - Carolina to fete .birthday l r. s v c r s , i "ir-.emor.if; i,.s D .i u r. 1 l k e ... t ft f J ' f 1 .i b.. J.c ;:r.u!. a car.'.pas, vj::;pjif:i and a "'cr.i-ui birthdav Robert Greer, director of the UNC food service for Servomation-Mathias, Inc., answers questions during Wednesday's open forum. The forum was held to allow .Draft con toiDie of L students to ask questions and offer criticisms of the UNC food service. (Staff photo by Cliff Kolovson) 'Hindis 1 meetin by Woody Doster Staff Writer Student Legislature (SL) will consider a S225 appropriation for the UNC Draft Counseling Service at today's 7 p.m. meeting. Rules Committee Chairman Gerry Cohen is sponsoring the bill. He said the money would fund the organization, which advises UNC students on the options available to them under the Selective Service laws, until June 1. ll72. The bill originally requested !ol5 for the draft counseling organization. SL"s F inance Committee trimmed the tigure down to its present level. ''Student Government is over-appropriated by about S2.000," said Finance Committee chairman Robert Grady. "Our projected income this year is about $270,000. Despite that fact, we GPSF to ask SL for fina ncia ciid by Sue English Staff Writer The Graduate and Professional Student Federation (GPSF) will introduce two bills tonight to the Student Legislature in hopes of being funded !rom the general surplus budget. Presiding officer of the GPSF Senate Jim Becker said the Senate and the Educational Planning and Curriculum Convention of the GPSF will submit separate budgets asking for essentially the same items. Items included in the money bills are secretarial help, office supplies, printing expenses, telephones and tvpewriters. In its budget last spring Student Government allocated S3. 000 lor GPSF. The federation has not yet received anv of the funds. Becker said the new budget requests "will probably amount to more than the 53.000 assigned in last year's budget." According to Becker, bills tor other GPSF committees will be '.ubmitted at a later date. GPST President I)ai Jiire sj:,j Wednesday the appointment of Ken Chanel of the education department to the Chancellor's Consultative Forum has been approved bv the GPSF' Executive Board. Miss J urge also announced GPSI is considering the extabhs.hmenl s a committee on mir.oritv relations, dealing with the status of w or: campus. have already appropriated about S272.000." Grady said Student Government's income is expected to increase this year because of overenrollment, absorbing the overappropriation. Grady said he hopes to know exactly how much extra monev Student Government can expect "by the end of the month." He said counseling service officials had told him their organization "can survive" with the proposed $225 appropriation. Cohen said an attempt to increase the appropriation will be made from the fl'. -r tonight. A bill calling for a referendum on the question of establishing a student-financed bus system was withdrawn by its sponsor. Representative Clayton Woodard. "I'm afraid there hasn't been enough preparation on the bill to ask for a referendum." Woodard said. "I would like to take a couple of months to examine university bus sytems around the country." In aother action. SL will consider a bill by Grady to prohibit Student Government organizations from loaning or giving supplies or equipment to persons for other than organizational use. The bill would also prohibit the use of Student Government facilities in support of a political candidate. "There have been a lot of problems with people using student government supplies for their own purposes." Grady Jear.-u party ." Classes . i II be suspended from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. October 12 so that students can participate m the activities. No tests or exams may be given and no papers are due on University Da . The bicvele parade, following formal ceremonies at Hill Hall, will be led b the UNC Marching Band and will terminate at I he Pit. during the ITSth anniversary celebration. The campus dean-up campaign. "Spontaneous Beauty Day." will be an individual effort by students to improve the campus environment. Plastic bags will be available for trash collection and trash cans will be painted. Activities for the birthday party include the signing of a giant birthday card, which Chancellor J. Carl vie Sitterson will officially accept for the University. King Nvle and the UNC Pep Band will lead the singing of "Happy Birthday." followed by the serving of free cake and Coke, provided by Servomation and Coca-Cola of Durham. An address by former Governor 1 uther H. llodecs and the presentation of the faculty Distinguished Alumnus awards will highlight the formal University Day activities. The award- are a new feature of University Day and will be presented to live alumnae who hive "distinguished themselves in a manner that has brought credit to the University ." All students interested in participating m the parade must register their bicycles October I I in front of the Scuttk-but. Y Court or Undergraduate Library. Decorations ! r the bicycles will be distributed at Hill Ha!l prior t the parade. Free Y Yos. balloons, bubbles, water guns and "ITi-backs" will be provides.! by the Carolina Union Special Project , Committee at I lie Pit following the parade. Other feature-, of University Day indude bowling and billiards at the Carolina Union at halt-price and the rates at I ir.Iey Golf Coarse will be reduced. I he clean-up ca.mpjign is heme sponsored by the Coalition for Grass, a group supported by fraternities, sororities and the Residence College Federation ( RCF n and Hac .s n said. "Thi monev ." is depleting evervo: TODAY: Sunny and mild with clear, cool nights; high in the mid 70s: probability of precipitation near ero through tonight. Leei try for Congress 6 Tl TUT1 ) by Reggie Lester Staff Writer Mayor Howard Lee said Wednesday he will "most probably" run for Congress m ll72 if he runs for any office. Lee said he is "not as warm" to the idea of running for Commissioner o? Labor, a post he lias mentioned pre iously as con.si cU 1 1 . g. "A delinite decision cannot be made at this time." Lee suid. "until the status of the redisricting suit is determined." The suit contests the removing o! Orange County Jrom the 4th Congressional District and placing it in the 2nd District. United Press Internationa! I UP!) reported Lee Wednesday Lee sa-J he would run tor Congress. Lee made his lemurks at Milwaukee. W i-Tin. where he was speaking betore the Midwest School ot Social Work Con'erence. Lee said he would run m either Concressi.-ial Disirut he decides ! He said he was "m..ch m rc encouraged by public opinion" to run ' r Congress, instead ot ( Yium-ss:-m. r Labor. "Mv n-j.l ha been runmne !"-! 5 2. in iavor of rur tor ('".re- DJ7 2." Lee said. "After investigating the Commissioner o! Labor's rok. I have decided that I can accomplish more by running for Congress." Lee said he is still analyzing the composition o! the electorate in the 2r.J District. "There is still a lot o! v.'er registration to be done." he said. "I think my chances o election are tair nov." Lee sjid. "but things can be changed by election day." Lee saij m his Milwaukee speech it was time nirvritv groups such as women and bljks unite to "seek a change in leadership m this country." according to the I PI report. The UP! st ry reported Lee said the nation was L-sing s. me great minds because it still discriminates by sex and color. Lee also said it was unlikely J black could b- nominated and elected Vice President m l'2. but held u h-pes for four years later. Lee criticized a recent story that Mack children hive i )w er 10- than whites. "H ere Jurnb K!acks and there are dumb whites." Lee said, "and there are smart Hacks and there are smart whites. You and I kn v. cm ugh research hasn't been c'r-.dii-ctcd to prove it intelligence is inherent. i