.Resttractariini from t to .Bob leg SCO (Editor's note: Thi i the third artu !: in a " on restructuring higher education in X'-rth Carolina ) by Mike Parnell Mjnji'inz Editor Next week's special session of the N.C. ienenl Assembly will bring an end to almost a year of political infighting concerning the issue of restructuring higher education in this s'atc. That infighting, and its p'-liti.al .or cquorKc-s. have been in the news from the start, as a solution to the overwhelming problems of N.C. higher education h' "n sought. did U.a: When and where Restructuring 19 begin ' The new attempts to re!: education began last fall and the Kz... Gov. Bob Scott. Scott, after a series of lenzth Ji.ci : educational leaders such us Cor.sokdjted Lr.;v. President William C. Friday, formed a . to study the higher education problem This commission, chaired by Stule Sen. L;: Warren of Goldsboro. talked to university :; around the state and educational experts, throughout the U.S. to determine whaT might be best for North Carolina. The Warren Commission deliberated ml before issuing recommendations, -.ever civ era:: pnl tne jnvrr.: intent; m to isvc tr.e report to tne !eg-s!aiure earh m ;t s.--?r.. When the rep-: w 2 iucd. u ma-rnty of the . V. . - rs - .a s . .s t V . I ,n; i: l',f.i,i ... ", t ' e f s ii0..i...viiui.u iu v "viiuuu s. . .i . er.i re i-.k. 'iiu.i.j .'... . . s t u.l f- . . - . . , T ! A mr.orin report of the Warren Commission, s.icccst.d the Consolidated l'nisers:t be retained and the N C. Board of Higher bd.-v-tom be - - . . t . . 1 o . ? - r - s f- j J V - 1 -s t v t i e . . I . . C . . v U V O c . . v ' - - t f O.-.w... -..w i. I p!-nn:ne for u!l the stte-supported ho-oK S.:;:t sironeh supported the rrulonn report. Immediate re.:. t ion to the majority report wj u-rthvv.mir;g from University oftlculv The I'NC u- :rd of Irust.es 'goro..s oppoM the pLn and rallied lec:shtre support to tight it The battle raged Throughout the spring and early summer, often erupting into personal attacks on both the governor and unr erit officials su.h as Friday. The various university officials w ere acting "like kids" to protect their domains. sj;d Scott. Friday remained mute, choosmg to allow the Board of Trustees to puhhch fight the deconsolidation battle while pna!el defending the Consolidated University The controversy continued on the floor of the General Assembly. It seemed a stalemate uas developing as both sides appeared too w eak to u m but strong enough to tie. Fmalh . m late June, the compromise everyone expected came. See Restructuring, p. 2 Mm Vol. 80, No. 43 7 Years of Editorial Ert cdom Wednesday, October 20, 1971 Founded February 23, 1893 Staffing o o M1TJ rt mlto iroottiiDa TVO TKTTVO0 TTf e- by Hill Loviu Staff Writer Student Body Prcsid.-nt Joe Stallings called Tuesday for a committee to investigate questions about the UNC football program which have been raised by the Faculty Council's Committee on Athletics. The committee raised a number of questions about grant-in-aids, recruiting methods, the practice of "red-shirting" and the kind and amount of medical aid available during athletic practices in its report on the death of UNC football player Bill Arnold. S tailings, a member of the subcommittee formed to investigate the incident, said in a statement, "For several days I have talked with the chancellor and have requested that an immediate investigation be made of the questions raised by the Faculty Athletic Committee at the end of their report." However, no plans have been made for further study of the football program, Stallings said, "nor is it clear as to when these plans will be made for such a study." "There is no question that further study is called for, first of all because the Faculty Athletic Committee, during the course of its investigation, heard testimony which they felt warranted further study," Stallings added. He said another reason for further study is the report of the Committee of Concerned Athletes, a group of former UNC football players, who also raised questions about the football program. "It is important to point out." Stallings said, "that there is no great difference, in my opinion, between the questions raised in the Faculty Athletic Committee report and the questions raised by the allegations made by Bill Richardson's committee." Stallings said he thinks nothing would be gained by further investigation of the specific facts concerning Bill Arnold's death. Arnold, a junior from Staten Island, N.Y., suffered a heat stroke during football practice Sept. 6 and died 15 days later. Stallings said he believes the facts surrounding Arnold's death "were as RCF asks neiv dorm policy Do it -yourself paintiii g? by Jessica Hanchar Staff Writer A policy to allow students to paint dorm rooms is being drafted by the Residence College Federation (RCF) and the UNC Office of Residence Life, according to RCF Chairman Steve Saunders. The Committee on University Residence Life (CURL) should consider the policy in "about two weeks," Saunders said, and the policy should be finalized before the end of the semester. "I'm not sure what kind of policy will come out," he said, "but I'm working for one with as few restrictions as possible." The new policy will have provisions for alteration and redecoration in the rooms and common areas of dorms, Saunders said. He said there are some "primary concerns" slowing down implementation of the painting policy. Paint build-up and peeling on the walls over the years could become a problem, Saunders said. One proposal is to charge for the painting privilege to cover the costs of sanding walls and removing old paint. The question of whether to have a damage deposit and how much to charge is another problem. "Would a damage deposit insure the painting is done properly?" Saunders asked. "How should we insure the students would do a quality painting job?" he continued. "Should we include instructions?" How much freedom students should have in painting their rooms is another concern of those drafting the policy, Saunders said. "Should any designs and any colors be allowed, even if it requires three coats to cover the wall later?" He said another problem is determining who would judge the proposals made by students and the quality of the work after it is done. "My primary concern is getting the policy to allow individuals to paint their rooms," he said. "This has been one of my highest priorities since spring-one of my pet projects. objectively gathered and as fairly presented as possible." "Although I do not object to further investigation of the death," he said, "I do not feel that anything can be gained by it. The thrust of the facts would be the same in any other study." Stallings said it is important that the University administration make the actual appointment of a committee to conduct the study. "Student government could appoint a committee but the administration has ultimate control of the athletic program and only they can implement chances," he said. Stallings said he talked with Chancellor J. Carlyle Sitterson on three occasions requesting the study. "I wanted to give the chancellor every opportunity to get an investigation underway," he said. "But he has not and I felt that I should say something." Stallings said the study committee should have equal student and faculty representation. None of the groups closely involved with the emotion-charged issue should be over-represented on the proposed comittee, he said. "To argue that this matter is closed in view of the continual controversy is contrary to the spirit of inquiry in this university," he said. "If Sitterson doesn't appoint another committee I believe the whole University will be hurt." -- - -- - TODAY: variable cloudiness and cool: highs in high 60s, lows in mid 50s: 40 percent chance of precipitation: gale warnings in effect alonn coast. v. .o -a V-;"p t C' ' V 'x ; J? ... - ' r4 - ;.0 04 t r T Ji w f f i" Inside today The reports of the Faculty Athletic Committee and the Committee of Concerned Athletes are printed in this issue of The Daily Tar Heel. The faculty report begins on Page 6, the athletes' report on Page 8. UNC to host blacks The sunlight streams through the beams of the rapidly-rising NCNB building on Rosemary Street. The worker on the right seems to have noticed the light, too. (Staff photo by Leslie Todd) SMAC provides free health care by Sarah Cross Staff Writer The Student Health Action Committee (SMAC) has been providing free medical and dental care for Durham and Chapel Hill residents for the past four years. At the same time, the student volunteers who run SHAC's two free clinics have been gaining valuable experience by working and learning in a non-academic atmosphere. Charles Margolis, one of SHAC's two directors, admitted patients get poorer service at the clinics than in a hospital, but the patients are satisfied with the service because of its convenience. There is usually little or no wait for a doctor and the clinics are located near the people they serve. One of the clinics is located at the Chapel H ill -Carrboro Multi-Purpose Center and the Ldgemont community of Durham. Medical and dental students, student nurses, dental hygienists. pharmacy students and students from the School of Social Work deal directly with patients. The clinics provide a unique opportunity for these students to work together, Margolis said. The clinics have facilities to treat sick children and for physical examinations, Margolis said, but the health education facilities are not as extensive as SHAC would like. Margolis said the clinics also provide a valuable service by allowing medical students to observe common diea-es, such as measles, which they would never see in a hospital. Student operators of the clinics emphasize preventive dentistry in the dental section of the ilinic and jre reluctant to treat a pjtient, unless he suffers pain, until he can show he wt!l take proper care of his k-eth, Marjiolis said. Visiting doctors, dentists and nurses supervise the student volunteers at the clinics. Also, patients are often referred to hospitals if they require treatment not available at the clinics. Carl Baum, chairman of SHAC. said the group's dorm counseling program is the main service the group provides on campus. I-.xpansion of this program is included in the health group's plans for this year. The counseling program was initiated last year in Morrison dormitory by four SHAC? volunteers and later expanded to include Project liinton. SHAC volunteers are available to talk to students about their problems. Baum said the success of the program is indicated by a decrease in the number of James and Morrison students using the student infirmary's mental health facilities. Baum said volunteers from the professional schools are needed to provide SHAC with new ideas. Students interested in working with the group should contact Richard Davis, secretary of SHAC. 4 A i 1 9 - r-m L- V'-- l l hi: f id. . ,-' V,1 ," ! Undents to visit Mack school The records gained a lot of attention from students Tuesday as the "Outvide Student Stores" sale continued. The vile will run through Friday and features records, stereo tapes and other assorted items. (Staff photo In Leslie Todd) by Connie Hayworth Staff Wnttr An exchange of 40 students between the University of North Carolina and Johnson C. Smith L'niversit. a small private black university. . will be sponsored in November and December b the Carolina I'nion and the Smith Memorial I'nion. Interviews lor the program will begin Uxlav . and applications are available at the Student I'nion inform as i-d-sk :v. undergraduate ma app! lor the program the purpose ot the exshargc m 'l s e c Mi il v e a r is ! o p r r:i o t e .vrnm ur.ication between a predominatelv white and a small black university, said Pam Ca-ipbell. chairman u the Carolina Cnion Special Projects Committee. !lss Campbell hopes the exchange w!! generate understar.Jir.g ! the bla.k a"J white roles in a large university jnd '1 the black in a small university . Twenty students from cav h wampus w i'l be whosen by applications and interviews to travel to H e otfur campus. On eaJi campus. 10 oi the 20 exch.mge -tudents will have Nov 1 while If) fc '.iiainini to be hosts to the 10 vo nme roiu tK. other school. The wh- rcnuined as hosts will tr.:v J ! 'he , . n ' intere :t the I. Participants will plan activities for the exchange after their selection. She said the exchange is seeking students who are willing to be open and to exchange ideas and thoughts. This is the type of opportunity that is "truly an experience in human relations and living." Miss Campbell said. She suid the resp)nS(- to last year's pp'er.im was very enthusiastic, and all purtic'pmts expressed a desire to return. The mam difference between the tudents ot the two universities, .!Ti!u!'j fo ex. h.m.v participants, was II: emphasis .n slt.s.il jreas at the smaller '"V ! v 'fil fo !:iore diversifict! and individual university. The students from Johnson C. Smith University were amaed h the size ' UNC. Miss Campbell said, but cni-.ed their visit here. She said UNC students thought Smith University tended to tie more centralized than UNC. Both groups agreed the black students at UNC had different objectives and ideas than I nose at Smith, she said. The black students in Chapel Hill had more fields of interest and participated m many different activities, but at Smith they had more narrowed fields of interest. "It is really an experience of discovery." Miss Campbell said.